У Празі відкрили фотовиставку про оборону промзони Авдіївки

У столиці Чехії відкрилася виставка «PROMKA» – фотопроект про події на промзоні містечка Авдіївки на Донеччині та його захисників. Це підбірка плівкових чорно-білих світлин, що передають атмосферу життєвих умов, в яких українським військовим щодня доводиться протистояти російській агресії. Автор – військовий фотограф і журналіст Олесь Кромпляс, який неодноразово був присутній у найгарячіших точках бойових дій на сході України.

«Головний месседж цієї виставки в тому, щоб показати в яких обставинах люди захищають не тільки Україну – але цілий східний кордон Європи. Тобто це люди, які відстоюють Європу, європейські цінності, всю нашу систему правової держави перед навалом беззаконня, тероризму, «совєтского союзу» та антидемократичних цінностей. Чехи мають про це знати, оскільки живуть під загрозою досить сильного впливу російської пропаганди», – прокоментував виставку автор робіт.

Як повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода, фото-вернісаж пройшов у знаковому місці – на Вантажному залізничному вокзалі Жижков, що є відомою пам’яткою промислової зони Праги. Антураж локації мав нагадати відвідувачам атмосферу та настрій промислової зони Авдіївки. 

Організаторами виставки виступили українське посольство і Національний кіноархів Чехії.

«Автор є безпосереднім свідком того, що відбувається сьогодні в Україні. Він є унікальним джерелом інформації про цю війну. Ми дуже вдячні, що він приїхав до Чехії, щоб розказати та поширити правду», – сказав під час вітального відкриття посол України в Чехії Євген Перебийніс.

Фотопроект «PROMKA», що вже презентувався у багатьох європейських містах, зокрема у Женеві, Цюриху, Мюнхені й Варшаві, найближчим часом планує виставлятися у Португалії, Великій Британії і США.

IOM Head: People Smugglers Make $35 Billion a Year on Migrant Crisis

People smugglers make about $35 billion a year worldwide and they are driving the tragedy of migrants who die trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe, the head of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) told Reuters on Wednesday.

Increasing numbers of desperate migrants fleeing from Africa and elsewhere due to conflicts and humanitarian crises are dying as they attempt to reach Europe via Libya, coaxed to do so by smugglers as they wait in detention centers.

The death toll of people crossing the Mediterranean has reached 1,700 so far this year before the summer when many more often make the journey, compared to 3,700 for all of 2015 and 5,000 last year, said IOM head William Lacy Swing.

“Now, let’s be careful because those are the people we know who died, how many other bodies are submerged in the Mediterranean or buried in the sands of the Sahara?” he said in an interview on the sidelines of a conference on migration.

“That’s the tragedy and this is why we are so concerned to try to caution migrants about smugglers. The smugglers are really the big problem. It’s about $35 billion a year [that people smugglers make] and we know they’re making lots of money across the Mediterranean.”

People smuggling now represents the third-largest business for international criminals, after gun and drug trafficking, he said.

Libya has become a major point of departure for migrants from Africa, where lawlessness is spreading six years after the fall of strongman Muammar Gaddafi and migrants say conditions at government-run migrant centers are terrible.

After visiting Libya in March, Lacy Swing said his organization is “all ready to go” and return international staff to Libya to work at migrant centers but has so far not been allowed to do so by the United Nations.

On Tuesday, the IOM and U.N. refugee agency UNCHR presented plans in Geneva on boosting operations in Libya. Lacy Swing said the IOM was ready to help the government with Libya’s own internally displaced people and work in migration centers.

He said Europe’s migrant crisis has been aggravated by what he called “unprecedented anti-migrant sentiment, fueled now by suspicions that some of those fleeing terrorism might be terrorists themselves.”

But he urged governments to try to address the root causes of migration — conflicts, water shortages and big disparities between rich and poor countries.

“In my lifetime I have never known a situation quite like today, because you have nine armed conflicts and humanitarian emergencies from West Africa to the Himalayas,” he said.

He said Europe needs to come up with a comprehensive plan on migration “but I don’t see it happening any time in the near future, but we’ll do everything we can to support them on it.”

Lacy Swing stressed that “migration is not an issue to be solved, it’s a human reality that has to be managed or governed.”

“We know that historically, migration has always been overwhelmingly positive.”

Court Rules Against Kremlin Critic, Orders Graft Allegation Video Deleted

A Russian court ruled on Wednesday against Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny in a defamation lawsuit brought by one of Russia’s richest businessmen, ordering

the removal of a popular video from the internet which details the offending allegations.

Navalny, who says he plans to run in next year’s presidential election, has emerged as a major irritant for the Kremlin after thousands of people across Russia attended anti-graft protests he organized in March.

A former lawyer, he has revived some Russians’ interest in politics by publicizing what he says are outrageous cases of top government officials and Kremlin-connected businessmen abusing the system to amass huge wealth.

Most of his targets merely deny such allegations, but businessman Alisher Usmanov, part-owner of British soccer club Arsenal, filed a lawsuit against Navalny alleging he had been defamed in a video about Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Medvedev and Usmanov said corruption and other allegations leveled against them in the video were utterly false.

On Wednesday, a Moscow court agreed with Usmanov, saying the allegations had wrongly impugned his “honor and dignity.” The presiding judge ordered Navalny to delete all references to the allegations within 10 days and to publish a retraction within

three months.

Usmanov’s lawyer, Genrikh Padva, was cited by the TASS news agency as saying his client’s good name had been upheld.

“Our position – which is that there was no basis for the publication of these slanderous statements – was confirmed in court,” Padva said.

Navalny, who plans to appeal the ruling, said he would not delete the video and stood by the allegations. “The reality that we see around us somewhat contradicts the court’s decision,” said Navalny. “The investigation was based on facts.”

Opinion polls show Navalny would lose next year’s presidential election to the Kremlin candidate – widely expected to be incumbent Vladimir Putin – by a large margin.

The offending video has helped boost his campaign, garnering over 21 million online views, and Navalny successfully used it to get people to take to the streets in March to protest against official corruption.

On Wednesday, after his supporters began recirculating the contested video online, he said his court defeat underlined the need to step up the fight against corruption. He also predicted it would boost turnout at the next anti-government protest.

Czech Republic Enforces Smoking Ban After Years of Debate

The Czech Republic on Wednesday enforced a smoking ban in bars, restaurants and cafes, putting to an end to the country’s status as one of the last havens for tobacco smokers in Europe.

The ban, which applies to inside areas of bars and restaurants as well as public places like cinemas, theaters and sports venues, was approved by Parliament following years of heated debate and signed by President Milos Zeman, a chain smoker.

Unlike most of Europe, Czechs had remained tolerant of smoking up until now — and it was up to restaurant owners to decide whether to allow it in their establishments.

According to data from the European Union, 17 member states have comprehensive smoke-free laws in place. But some, including Austria, Portugal, Romania and Serbia, only have partial bans on indoor smoking in restaurants and bars.

Others, like Greece, have official bans but the rules are flouted — even by government ministers.

After the Czech ban, Slovakia appeared to be the only EU country left with no official ban in place inside bars.

The Czech Health Ministry said it estimated 18,000 Czechs die of smoking every year and another two thousand non-smokers die due to exposure to second-hand smoke.

From Wednesday, which is World No Tobacco Day, violating the ban would incur a fine of up to 5,000 koruna ($190).

Most Czechs approve the ban, but a group of lawmakers have challenged it at the Constitutional Court.

Jakub Storek, owner of the Cafe Liberal in Prague — a popular hangout among local smokers — said he opposed the ban.

“It’s hard to predict the impact at the moment,” he said. “But I guess it would be different clients coming here in the future.”

Stepan Ourecky said he would still come, but may have a smoke outside the cafe.

“Or perhaps, I will smoke less,” the 18-year-old student said.

Trump Admonishes Comedian Kathy Griffin for Posting Gruesome Mock Image of Him

U.S. President Donald Trump admonished comedian Kathy Griffin Wednesday for appearing in a brief video holding a reproduction of a severed, bloody head that resembled the president.

In an early morning tweet, Trump said the image is disturbing – particularly to his children.

After seeing negative online reaction, Griffin apologized Tuesday night — saying she “moved the line” and then “crossed it.”

Griffin had shared the image in a tweet that has since been deleted at Griffin’s request.

The photo was taken by Tyler Shields, whose own biography notes he has evolved from Hollywood’s “bad boy of photography.”

The criticism came from liberals and conservatives alike, including the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and daughter of 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton Chelsea Clinton, who called the image “vile and wrong.”

The CNN news channel, which has featured Griffin as a co-host on its New Year’s Eve coverage, said the picture was “disgusting and offensive.”

The cable news network said in a statement it is “evaluating our New Year’s coverage.”

Українців, за попередніми даними, немає серед жертв вибуху в Кабулі – МЗС

У Міністерстві закордонних справ України перевіряють інформацію щодо можливої наявності українців серед жертв вибуху в Кабулі.

«За попередньою інформацією, українців немає серед жертв. Проте ця інформація потребує уточнення і зараз перевіряється», – заявив представник департаменту консульської служби МЗС України Василь Кирилич.

Крім того, у Twitter консульської служби вказано, що поки взагалі немає інформації про наявність іноземців серед жертв і потерпілих від вибуху.

За останніми даними, щонайменше 80 людей загинули і понад 350 були поранені в результаті потужного вибуху в центрі Кабула 31 травня. Серед жертв є багато жінок і дітей. Вибух біля президентського палацу та іноземних прогримів у годину-пік. Силовики повідомили, що вибухнула бомба, закладена в автомобілі.

Атака сталася у час так званого щорічного «весняного наступу» талібів.

«Терористи, навіть в священний місяць Рамадан, місяць добра, благословення і молитви, не припиняють вбивств наших невинних людей», – заявив президент Афганістану Ашраф Гані.

Відповідальності за атаку ніхто на себе не взяв.

How ‘Wonder Woman’ Built a World of Women, Onscreen and Off

In a world of only women, there are no phallic structures.

At least that’s how Patty Jenkins imagined the island home of the Amazons and their heroic princess Diana, who grows up to become Wonder Woman.

“Like columns? They didn’t make that much sense to me,” Jenkins said in a recent interview. “They felt like an imposition on landscape, which didn’t feel like something that women are jonesing to do.”

As the director of “Wonder Woman,” Jenkins is creating new worlds for women both onscreen and off. Not only did she help dream up the look of the Amazon island and hire scores of actresses to serve as its resident warriors, she’s the first woman to direct a major superhero movie, and her success could pave the way for others.


As a child, she was inspired by Wonder Woman, describing Lynda Carter’s portrayal on TV as “the embodiment of everything that I wanted to be as a woman.”

“When I was playing Wonder Woman, I was able to do incredible things and save the world,” the 45-year-old filmmaker said.


That’s the feeling she hopes to evoke with viewers of “Wonder Woman,” in theaters Friday. Gal Gadot plays the title character, who discovers her superpowers and fights for justice alongside humans after following a charming spy (Chris Pine) to London during World War I.

‘An important movie’

The Israeli-born Gadot didn’t grow up with Wonder Woman, but she was always on the lookout for powerful characters to play.

“Usually the women are the damsel in distress or the heartbroken woman or the sidekick, but in real life it’s not the case. In real life, we bring life. We have babies. We have careers. We are so many other things,” said Gadot, a 32-year-old married mother of two.

“Wonder Woman symbolizes the magnificence of a woman and how amazing women are. And I think that it’s an important movie not only for women and girls, but it’s also great for boys and men, Gadot said. “You can’t empower women if you don’t educate the men and you don’t teach the boys, so as much as it’s important for girls to be exposed and see this movie, it’s important for boys to have a strong female figure that they can look up to.”

A first for Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman was created in 1941, yet this is her first solo feature film. Jenkins wanted to bring her to the big screen for more than a decade, but studios doubted the appeal of the lasso-wielding super heroine.

“I don’t understand why somebody who has had zero big blockbuster representation for 75 years still has 15 little girls a minute coming to my door dressed as her every Halloween, like how does that not equal dollar signs?” Jenkins said.


Connie Nielsen, who plays Diana’s mother, Amazon queen Hippolyta, also didn’t grow up with Wonder Woman, but had myriad other models of powerful women as a child in Denmark.

“The Denmark I grew up in was a Denmark in which women were, in fact, fully liberated and the whole world had been opened up to us,” she said. “In the magazines in the early ‘80s, it was men who were photographed doing the vacuum cleaning in the ads for vacuum cleaners and women were no longer posing on the Ford Mustang.”

So Nielsen felt entitled to question why, on an island populated by only women, her character would wear high heels. She and Gadot, both statuesque, wear wedges in the film.

“I actually had that conversation several times, and Patty was adamant,” Nielsen said. “She really felt like you stand a different way (in heels), and you do.”

Amazons were best part

The costumes, including the wedges, had to be considered during the physical training, which included horseback riding, archery and swords(wo)manship. For Robin Wright, who was raised on the “Wonder Woman” TV show, training and shooting with the Amazons was the best part.

“I think it was a little daunting for the men because it was very unusual. I think there were like 120 Amazons,” said Wright, who plays the warrior Antiope, Diana’s aunt and teacher. “That’s a different energy on the set, and great for us. We just felt like a team of women that had each other’s backs.”

She called Jenkins “the biggest cheerleader of them all.”

With the film’s arrival this week, Jenkins is thinking about what “Wonder Woman” might mean for a new generation of aspiring superheroes — and filmmakers.

“I am a filmmaker who wants to make successful films, of course. I want my film to be celebrated,” she said. “But there’s a whole other person in me who’s sitting and watching what’s happening right now who so hopes, not for me, that this movie defies expectation. Because I want to see the signal that that will send to the world.”


Defeat Was a Motivator for Past Spelling Bee Champs

Three past winners of the Scripps National Spelling Bee say losing was the secret to their success.

Early defeats spurred an inner competitive streak that they used to eventually seize the title, said champions from 1985, 1999 and 2010. The 2017 national spelling bee winner will be crowned on Thursday.

“Those were tough losses but they also made me dig deeper and work harder,” said Balu Natarajan, 45, who flamed out on the national stage in 1983 and 1984. He won the next year at age 13 and is now a sports medicine doctor in Chicago.

Nupur Lala, 32, still remembers the word that tripped her up in 1998: commination, which ironically means the act of threatening divine vengeance. She took the title in 1999 at 14.

“It was one of the really healthy moments in my life. Any hubris that I had was eliminated at that point,” said Lala, headed for a 2018 medical school degree with a focus in neurology after conducting research at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

Lesson about challenges

For 2010 winner Anamika Veeramani, losing in front of a worldwide audience on live television in 2009 was a seminal lesson in handling life’s challenges.

“In the spelling bee, you really learn how to deal with failure. And dealing with those things gracefully is really important to living a good life,” said Veeramani, 21.

She graduated last week with a biology degree after just three years at Yale University and is applying to medical school. She envisions treating patients as well as launching a broadcast career covering medical stories.

Defeat has fanned the competitive fires within, all three past winners said in separate interviews.

“The competition is not with other spellers but with yourself,” Lala told Reuters. “I don’t think that besting other people is quite as motivating for me.”

Natarajan, who is chief medical officer at Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care, the nation’s largest privately owned hospice provider, agreed he has been his own fiercest rival.

“Some people love to win. Some people want to keep pushing to be their best. I am the latter,” he said.

Natarajan won the title for correctly spelling milieu, Lala for logorrhea and Veeramani for stromuhr, after their opponents had stumbled.

Others’ errors

And how do the world’s best spellers handle errors in emails, classroom lessons or even romantic love letters? Do they point out corrections or suffer in silence?

“I don’t hesitate,” Natarajan said. “It drives me crazy.”

But Lala and Veeramani hold their tongues.

“I don’t want to be obnoxious. Nobody wants to be that kid,” Veeramani said.

This week, 291 whizzes ages 6 to 15 will descend on a resort in the Washington area to compete in the 90th Scripps National Spelling Bee.

They have made the cut from more than 11 million contenders who faced off in spelling bees in all 50 U.S. states, U.S. territories from Puerto Rico to Guam, and several nations from Jamaica to Japan.

The victor on Thursday takes home a $40,000 cash prize. But second place also has its rewards: a $30,000 prize.

Natarajan, a married father of boys 8 and 11, said his elder child just missed competing in the national bee this year, coming in second in a countywide spelling competition. If losing really is the key to winning, that may be great news.

US Starts Providing Weapons to Syrian Kurds

The United States said Tuesday that it had begun distributing arms to Syrian Kurdish militia members battling to help retake Raqqa from Islamic State, moving ahead with a war plan that has angered NATO ally Turkey.

Pentagon spokesman Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway said the Kurdish fighters received small arms and vehicles from the U.S. military. He said he thought the arms were distributed earlier Tuesday.

Another U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the distribution of the arms had started in the past 24 hours, based on authority given by President Donald Trump earlier this month.

There was no immediate reaction from Turkey, which has warned the United States that its decision to arm Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State in Syria could end up hurting Washington.

Turkey views the YPG as the Syrian extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, which has fought an insurgency in southeast Turkey since 1984 and is considered a terrorist group by the United States, Turkey and Europe.

U.S. partner

The United States regards the YPG as a valuable partner in the fight against Islamic State militants in northern Syria.

Washington says that arming the Kurdish forces is necessary to recapturing Raqqa, Islamic State’s de facto capital in Syria and a hub for planning attacks against the West.

U.S. officials have told Reuters that the United States was also looking to boost intelligence cooperation with Turkey to support its fight against the PKK.

It was unclear whether the effort would be enough to soothe Turkey, however.

Ankara worries that advances by the YPG in northern Syria could inflame the PKK insurgency on Turkish soil. It has also voiced concern that weapons given to the YPG would end up in the hands of the PKK.

Poland Extradites Austrian Accused of Killing Civilians in Ukraine

Poland has extradited an Austrian accused of killing unarmed civilians and captured troops in Ukraine.

Austrian authorities will identify the suspect only as Benjamin F.

He was arrested last month on a European warrant while trying to cross into Ukraine from eastern Poland.

He is suspected of committing the killings last year while fighting against pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine has been struggling to put down a three-year-old uprising that has killed more than 10,000 people.

Efforts to secure a lasting cease-fire have failed.

Hungary Seeks Talks with New York State on Soros School

The Hungarian government said Tuesday it was seeking to engage with New York state about the status of Budapest-based Central European University, founded by billionaire George Soros.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sent letters to Prime Minister Viktor Orban and President Janos Ader advocating for CEU, saying recent changes to Hungary’s higher education law “attempts to close the university for no legitimate reason.”

“CEU is an important collaboration between New York and Hungary,” Cuomo said in the letters obtained by The Associated Press. “I hope that this important partnership will be allowed to continue with the guarantee of CEU’s independence.”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Tamas Menczer said the ministry was working with Cuomo’s office to schedule a meeting about the university.

CEU, founded in 1991, is accredited in New York state, but doesn’t have a campus there, one of the new rules in the amended law. CEU issues diplomas accepted in Hungary and the U.S.

The legal amendments adopted in April also call for bilateral agreements between Hungary and the home countries of foreign universities operating in the country. In the case of the United States, Hungary is also seeking agreements with the schools’ home states.

The changes could force CEU to move, although Rector Michael Ignatieff reiterated Tuesday that the school is determined to stay in Budapest.

“We hope that in the course of the next few months, this absurd effort by the government to shut us down will be taken away,” Ignatieff told reporters. “Budapest is our home, we’re staying here and it’s business as usual.”

The U.S State Department, however, has said the U.S. “has no authority or intention” to negotiate about CEU or other American universities with a presence in Hungary.

A Foreign Ministry official is expected to travel in about two weeks to Maryland to speak with officials there about McDaniel College, Menczer said. Established in 1867 as Western Maryland College, the college also has operated a campus in Hungary since 1993.

Cuomo’s office said a meeting with Hungarian officials also was tentatively scheduled for June.

The conflict over CEU is part of a wider dispute between Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Soros, whose idea of an “open society” is at odds with Orban’s desire to turn Hungary into an “illiberal state.”

Woods Was Asleep at Wheel Prior to Arrest, Florida Police Say

Tiger Woods, once the world’s top golfer, was asleep at the wheel of his car and didn’t know where he was before he was charged with driving under the influence earlier this week, according to a police report released Tuesday.

Police in Jupiter, the oceanside Florida city where Woods lives, said he exhibited “extremely slow and slurred speech” after they awakened him when they found him sitting in his stopped car in the right lane of a roadway with the motor running. Police said he struggled with several roadside tasks they asked him to do.

The police report listed four prescription medications Woods said he was taking as he recovers from his latest back surgery, his fourth since 2014.

Two tests showed Woods’ blood-alcohol content to be zero, supporting his claim that the incident occurred because of an “unexpected reaction to prescription medications,” and not alcohol.

In a statement hours after he was released by police, Woods said he understood the severity of his actions and took full responsibility.

“I didn’t realize the mix of medications had affected me so strongly,” he said.

Woods added that he fully cooperated with police and thanked them for their professionalism.

The greatest player of his generation and one of the best of all time, Woods, 41, has not won a major tournament since 2008. He was the world’s top-ranked golfer for nearly 700 weeks but is now ranked at number 876.

Woods has been plagued in recent years by multiple back surgeries that have forced him to withdraw from recent tournaments. He has won 14 major golf championships and had been pursuing the record of 18 held by retired U.S. golfer Jack Nicklaus.

Ariana Grande to Perform at Benefit for Manchester Bombing Victims

U.S. pop star Ariana Grande will perform at a benefit concert in Manchester for victims of last week’s deadly bomb attack in the city, her publicist announced Tuesday.

The “One Love Manchester” show, to be held Sunday at the city’s Old Trafford cricket ground, will also feature artists such as Justin Bieber and Katy Perry.

A May 22 suicide bombing in the lobby of Manchester Arena just after a concert by Grande killed 22 people and injured more than 100 others. Many of the victims were young girls, a large part of Grande’s fan base. Others were parents who had gone to meet their children after the concert.

Police have identified the attacker as 22-year-old Salman Abedi, a Manchester native, and are working to piece together his movements in the final weeks before the bombing as well as who else may have been involved.

More than a dozen people have been arrested in connection with the attack.

Abedi’s brother and father also were arrested in Libya last week where they are being held. A spokesman said that the brother, Hashim, was aware of Abedi’s plans to attack.


ВООЗ: понад 7 мільйонів людей щороку помирають від хвороб, викликаних курінням тютюну

У Всесвітній організації охорони здоров’я (ВООЗ) заявляють, що сім мільйонів людей вмирають щорічно в світі від хвороб, викликаних курінням тютюну. Про це йдеться у першій доповіді ВООЗ про шкоду тютюнової галузі під час виробництва тютюнових виробів і їхньої реалізації.

У доповіді також зауважують, що вирощування тютюну завдає «величезної шкоди» навколишньому середовищу, оскільки потребує застосування хімічних добрив, енергії і води. 

Екологічний слід тютюну – це не лише вплив сигаретного диму, зазначають у ВООЗ. 

«Вирощування тютюну, виробництво тютюнових виробів і їх доставка роздрібним торговцям – все це має серйозні наслідки для навколишнього середовища, в тому числі й скидання відходів виробництва в навколишнє середовище», – сказав помічник Генерального директора ВООЗ Олег Честнов у зв’язку з Всесвітнім днем боротьби з курінням 31 травня.

Тютюнові плантації вимагають застосування інсектицидів, гербіцидів та інших хімічних засобів для вирощування тютюну і запобігання його від шкідників, а у процесі сушіння спалюються великі обсяги деревини, що сприяє зникненню лісів.

За оцінками організації, понад 11 мільйонів тонн деревини спалюється щорічно для просушки тютюнового листя – це еквівалентно одному дереву на 300 сигарет. 

У Китаї, найбільшому світовому виробнику тютюну, зникнення лісів на 18 відсотків є наслідком розвитку тютюнової промисловості.

За даними ВООЗ, щорічно в світі скурюють понад 6 трильйонів сигарет, при їх курінні випускається від 3 до 5 мільйонів тонн парникового газу, а також тисячі тонн канцерогенних речовин.

У Львові сьогодні день жалоби за загиблими на Грибовицькому сміттєзвалищі

Днем жалоби оголошено 30-те травня у Львові в річницю загибелі чотирьох людей під шаром сміття на Грибовицькому сміттєзвалищі.

Як передає кореспондент Радіо Свобода, у вівторок у Львові, Жовкві та Рава-Руській (містах, де поховані рятувальники) приспущені прапори із жалобними стрічками. Заплановані поминальні служби, відвідини могил загиблих, а також вечір пам’яті.

28 травня 2016 року сталась пожежа на звалищі побутових відходів у селі Грибовичі на Львівщині. Рятувальники кілька днів гасили вогонь, але 30 травня стався зсув ґрунту і четверо людей – МНСівці Андрій Вненкевич, Юрій Рудий, Богдан Юнка і комунальник Олександр Бутін (його тіло не знайшли) – опинились під завалами сміття.

За фактом події було відкрито кримінальне провадження, матеріали якого налічують понад 300 томів. Втім винні у трагедії досі не названі. Згідно з висновками експертів, причиною пожежі на Грибовицькому сміттєзвалищі стало самозаймання неущільнених твердих побутових відходів. Водночас міський голова Львова Андрій Садовий заявляв, що це зумисний підпал.

French President Holds ‘Extremely Frank’ Talks With Russia’s Putin

France’s new president, Emmanuel Macron, hosted his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, at the Palace of Versailles near Paris Monday. In what he called “extremely frank, direct” talks, Macron criticized Russian media outlets for efforts to influence the French presidential election. He also questioned brutal treatment of the gay and lesbian community in Chechnya and Russia’s role in eastern Ukraine and Syria. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports.

Moreno: Assange is a ‘Hacker’ But Will Continue to Receive Haven

Ecuador’s new President Lenin Moreno described WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as a “hacker” but said he would continue to receive asylum in the South American country’s embassy in London.

“Mr. Assange is a hacker. That’s something we reject, and I personally reject,” Moreno told journalists on Monday. “But I respect the situation he is in, which calls for respect of his human rights, but we also ask that he respects the situation he is in.”

Moreno’s tone is a sharp break from that of his predecessor Rafael Correa, who had said Assange was a “journalist and granted him asylum in London in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over rape allegations. And Moreno’s right-wing opponent in the election had promised to kick Assange out of the embassy if he won.

Since taking power, Moreno has also warned Assange “not to intervene in the politics” of Ecuador or its allies.

Assange, who denies the allegations, feared Sweden would hand him over to the United States to face prosecution over WikiLeaks’ publication of thousands of classified military and diplomatic documents in one of the largest information leaks in U.S. history.

Even though Sweden dropped the charges earlier this month, authorities in London have warned Assange that he would be arrested if he left the embassy that his been his home for five years.


Paris Mayor Says ‘Solution’ Found for Black Feminist Event

The mayor of Paris said Monday that a “clear solution” has been found with organizers of a festival for black feminists, an event that had aroused her ire because four-fifths of the festival space was to be open exclusively to black women.

Mayor Anne Hidalgo had strongly criticized and threatened to cancel the upcoming Nyansapo Festival a day earlier because it was “forbidden to white people.”


In a new series of tweets on the topic, Hidalgo said her “firm” discussion with organizers had yielded a satisfactory clarification: the parts of the festival held on property would be open to everyone and “non-mixed workshops will be held elsewhere, in a strictly private setting.”

Three-day event


MWASI, the Afro-feminist collective sponsoring the three-day event, responded to the mayor’s latest comments by saying it hadn’t changed the festival program “an inch.”


“That’s what was planned from the beginning,” the collective said of how the public and private spaces would be assigned.

Anti-racism associations and far-right politicians in France both had criticized the event over the weekend for scheduling workshops limited to a single gender and race.


France defines itself as a country united under one common national identity, with laws against racial discrimination and to promote secularism to safeguard an ideal that began with the French Revolution.

Paris mayor steps in

On Sunday, Hidalgo had said she would call on authorities to prohibit the cultural festival and might call for the prosecution of its organizers on grounds of discrimination.

“I firmly condemn the organization of this event in Paris (that’s) ’forbidden to white people,’” Hidalgo had written.  


Telephone calls to MWASI were not immediately returned Monday.


The group describes itself on its website as “an Afro-feminist collective that is part of the revolutionary liberation struggles” and is open to black and mixed-race women.

The program for the first annual Nyansapo Festival, which is set to run July 28-30 partly at a Paris cultural center, stated that 80 percent of the event space only would be accessible to black women.

Rights group condemns festival

Other sessions were designed to be open to black men and women from minority groups that experience racial discrimination, and one space was scheduled to be open to everyone regardless of race or gender.


Organizers said on the event’s website that “for this first edition we have chosen to put the accent on how our resistance as an Afro-feminist movement is organized.”

Prominent French rights organization SOS Racism was among civil rights groups condemning the festival, calling it “a mistake, even an abomination, because it wallows in ethnic separation, whereas anti-racism is a movement which seeks to go beyond race.”


The International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA), meanwhile, called the festival a “regression” and said American civil rights icon “Rosa Parks must be turning in her grave.”



‘Burkini party’


Identity politics remain a recurrent hot potato in a nation where collecting data based on religious and ethnic backgrounds is banned and the wearing of religious symbols — such as face-covering veils — in public is prohibited.

This approach, known to the French as “anti-communitarianism,” aims to celebrate all French citizens regardless of their community affiliations.

Last week, several women attempting to stage a “burkini party” were detained in Cannes after a ban against the full-body beachwear favored by some Muslim women was upheld in a fresh decree.

Tiger Woods Arrested on Drunk Driving Charge

Tiger Woods, once the top golfer in the world, has been arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in Florida.

Police say Woods was arrested early Monday morning in the city of Jupiter and was released on his own recognizance several hours later.

The greatest player of his generation and one of the best of all time, Woods, 41, has not won a major tournament since 2008. He was the world’s number-one ranked golfer for nearly 700 weeks but is now ranked at number 876.

Woods had been plagued in recent years by multiple back surgeries which have forced him to withdraw from recent tournaments.

Woods has won 14 major golf championships and had been pursuing the record of 18 held by retired U.S. golfer Jack Nicklaus.

Tiger Woods: Alcohol Not Involved in DUI Arrest

U.S. golfer Tiger Woods said Monday that an “unexpected reaction to prescription medications,” and not alcohol, was what led to his arrest on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Police arrested Woods early Monday morning in the city of Jupiter and released him on his own recognizance several hours later.

In a statement, Woods said he understands the severity of his actions and takes full responsibility.

“I didn’t realize the mix of medications had affected me so strongly,” he said.

Woods added that he fully cooperated with police and thanked them for their professionalism.

The greatest player of his generation and one of the best of all time, Woods, 41, has not won a major tournament since 2008. He was the world’s number-one ranked golfer for nearly 700 weeks but is now ranked at number 876.

Woods had been plagued in recent years by multiple back surgeries which have forced him to withdraw from recent tournaments.

Woods has won 14 major golf championships and had been pursuing the record of 18 held by retired U.S. golfer Jack Nicklaus.

Мінагрополітики скоротило прогноз урожаю ягід і фруктів на 29%

Міністерство аграрної політики і продовольства скоротило прогноз урожаю ягід і фруктів на 29% – до 1,76 мільйона тонн з 2,47 мільйона тонн. 

Як повідомляє прес-служба відомства, травневі заморозки, які були практично на всій території України, завдали значної шкоди плодово-ягідним культурам й винограду. 

У міністерстві зазначають, що найбільшої шкоди зазнали кісточкові культури – їхній прогнозний урожай зменшено з 476 до 292 тисяч тонн (на 39%), найбільший втрати урожаю очікується у абрикоса, персика і нектарина. 

Мінагрополітики сподівається зібрати 33300 тонн абрикос, 9700 тонн персика та нектарина (проти раніше очікуваних 71 й 18 тисяч тонн відповідно).

Найменшої шкоди завдано врожаю винограду – в межах 13% (очікується 333 тисяч тонн проти попереднього прогнозу у 380 тисяч тонн), додають у відомстві.

На початку травня в Україні були заморозки, 10 травня часом навіть пролітав сніг, але за температури 5-7 градусів тепла одразу танув. 

British Airways, Iberia Travelers Face 3rd Day of Delays, Cancellations

Travelers on British Airways (BA) and its sister airlines in Spain faced a third day of delays and cancellations Monday, mainly on short-haul flights in Europe, after the company suffered a colossal IT failure over the weekend.


BA chief executive Alex Cruz said late Sunday that the airline was running a “near-full operation” at London’s Gatwick Airport and planned to operate all scheduled long-haul services from Heathrow. But he said there would still be delays, as well as some canceled short-haul flights.


Data from flight tracker FlightAware.com showed BA’s sister airlines in Spain, Iberia and Air Nostrum, cancelled over 320 flights on Monday, a bank holiday in the U.K. that sees a high level of air travel.


BA itself canceled another 27 flights and had 58 more delayed Monday.


The airline, which is part of the broader International Airlines Group, canceled all flights from Heathrow and Gatwick on Saturday after the IT outage, which it blamed on a power-supply problem. The glitch threw the plans of tens of thousands of travelers into disarray.


BA operates hundreds of flights from Heathrow and Gatwick on a typical day – and both are major hubs for worldwide travel.


Passengers, some of whom had spent the night at London’s Heathrow Airport, faced frustrating waits to learn if and when they could fly out.


Some endured hours-long lines to check in, reclaim lost luggage or rebook flights at Terminal 5, BA’s hub at Heathrow. Many complained about a lack of information from the airline.


Cruz apologized in a video statement, saying: “I know this has been a horrible time for customers.”


The British union GMB linked the IT problems directly to the company’s decision to cut IT staff last year.


“This could have all been avoided. In 2016, BA made hundreds of dedicated and loyal IT staff redundant and outsourced the work to India,” said Mick Rix, national officer for aviation at the union.

В Івано-Франківську вшанували пам’ять загиблих на горі Карачун у 2014 році

У меморіальному сквері Івано-Франківська, де поховані загиблі у травні 2014 року біля гори Карачун представники спецпідрозділу прикарпатської міліції, сьогодні провели поминальну панахиду.

З 12 військових, які були у збитому бойовиками українському гелікоптері Мі-8, шестеро з Івано-Франківщини – Петро Безпалько, Василь Семанюк, Володимир Лисенчук, Петро Остап’юк, Віктор Яков’як і Володимир Шарабуряк. Ще через кілька днів на блокпості біля Слов’янська загинув Михайло Шемегінський.

Вшанувати їхню пам’ять прийшли рідні, колеги, ветерани АТО, представники влади. Панахиду відслужили священики різних конфесій.

За словами т.в.о. начальника головного управління національної поліції в Івано-Франківській області Ігоря Баб’юка, він знав усіх хлопців по службі, і «та хвилина, коли дізналися про їхню загибель, до цього часу стоїть чорною хмарою перед очима, у серці і душі кожного з нас». Того дня вони доставляли продовольство і обладнання на бойові позиції, при поверненні гелікоптер було збито.

На панахиду прийшли і правоохоронці, які сьогодні відправляються на чергову ротацію у зону АТО, у Маріуполь. Їх поблагословили священики.

Як повідомив представник державної служби у справах ветеранів війни та учасників АТО в області Володимир Веркалець, за час бойових дій на сході України загинули 125 прикарпатців.

29 травня 2014 року біля гори Карачун в Донецькій області бойовики збили український гелікоптер Мі-8, загинули всі військові.

Paris Black Feminist Festival Draws Threats of Ban, Call for Apology

An Afro-feminist group in France says it expects a public apology from the mayor of Paris, after she condemned the group’s plan to hold a festival in late July.

Mayor Anne Hidalgo characterized the event as “forbidden to whites” in a series of comments on Twitter, adding that she reserved the right to “prosecute the organizers for discrimination.”

The Mwasi Collective says the festival is aimed at “organizing and building black feminist strategies to end racial, patriarchal, colonial and capitalist violence.” It plans workshops, presentations and performances with certain areas reserved for black women, another area for black people of any gender, and another space that is open to everyone.

The group said in Twitter comments Monday that it both expects the apology from Hidalgo, and that the festival can neither be forbidden or canceled.

La Generale, another group working with Mwasi, says their efforts are the target of a “misinformation campaign,” pointing to a record of more than a decade of defending constructive debate as well as against exclusion.

It added that feminist discussion groups set aside just for women without the mention of race have not been a problem, and that defining certain forums has been a demonstrated method for encouraging free speech and reflection.

Several rights and anti-Semitic groups have joined the Hidalgo in criticizing the event as divisive, while supporters of Mwasi used social media to speak in support of the festival as an important space for people of color to organize and address inequality in France.


Germany to Host Ukraine Talks in Berlin

Germany’s Foreign Ministry says envoys from Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France will meet this week in Berlin to try and push forward the implementation of a peace deal for eastern Ukraine.


Ministry spokesman Martin Schaefer told reporters Monday that, due to the “difficult and deteriorating”‘ situation in eastern Ukraine, Germany has scheduled a meeting Tuesday with those countries and a representative from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.


The Ukrainian government has been fighting Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine since 2014, after Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. The fighting has cost some 10,000 lives.


The diplomats are trying to bridge differences between Russia and Ukraine over implementing the 2015 Minsk deal for eastern Ukraine, which was brokered by Germany and France.



Takuma Sato First Japanese Driver to Win Indianapolis 500

Takuma Sato on Sunday became the first Japanese driver to win the Indianapolis 500, in a race that featured a horrific crash involving the driver who started from the pole position.

In the 101st running of the iconic U.S. auto race in the midwestern state of Indiana, Sato passed three-time winner Helio Castroneves of Brazil in the closing laps of the 200-lap drive around the oval track, and held on to win by the slim margin of two-tenths of a second.

“Unbelievable feeling!” a jubilant Sato, 40, declared. Five years ago, the Japanese driver had a great chance to win the prestigious event, but on the final lap collided with eventual champion Dario Franchitti of Scotland.

“He drove unbelievable,” said Michael Andretti, head of the team Sato drives for, Andretti Autosport.

“I couldn’t do what he was doing (on the closing laps),” said Castroneves, who barely avoided two crashes.

The most horrific crash involved pole sitter Scott Dixon of New Zealand, the 2008 Indy 500 winner. With just over a quarter of the 500-mile (805 km) race completed, Briton Jay Howard’s car made contact with the outside wall after turn one and slid down into Dixon’s.

Dixon’s car was sent flying and sliding sideways on the inside safety barrier, flames shooting out as the back end of the car was ripped away. Miraculously, Dixon climbed out of the race car and walked away, as did Howard.

“I’m a little beaten up there. It was a bit of a rough ride,” said Dixon.

Sunday’s race featured 35 lead changes among a race record 15 drivers.

Twenty-two-year-old rookie Ed Jones of Britain placed third, and last year’s winner, Alexander Rossi of the United States, ended up seventh.  The only female driver in the annual event, Pippa Mann of Britain, climbed from 28th at the start and overcame a pit stop penalty to finish 17th in the 33-car field.