France Ramps up Security Measures for May Day Protests

French authorities announced tight security measures for May Day demonstrations, with the interior minister saying there was a risk that “radical activists” could join anti-government yellow vest protesters and union workers Wednesday in the streets of Paris and across the country.

More than 7,400 police will be deployed, aided by drones to give them an overview of the protests and a quicker way to head off potential violence.

“Tomorrow, there is a risk,” said Interior Minister Christophe Castaner, adding that the goal is to protect demonstrators with “legitimate aspirations” and defend Paris from calls on social media to make it “the capital of rioting.”

Authorities fear that 1,000 to 2,000 “radical activists” could descend on the May Day marches, bolstered by people from outside France, he told a news conference. He said other cities around France were also on alert.

French police have banned demonstrations on the Champs-Elysees Avenue, around the presidential palace in Paris and near Notre Dame Cathedral, which was gutted by devastating fire on April 15.

Among a raft of other security measures, French police ordered over 580 shops, restaurants and cafes on the Paris protest route to close and plan to search demonstrators’ bags and carry out identity checks at departure points into Paris, including train and bus stations.

The main union protest on Wednesday runs from Montparnasse train station in Paris to the Place d’Italie station in southern Paris.

Castaner also told reporters that he had banned the arrival of several “foreigners identified as susceptible of coming to destroy.”

Paris has been scarred by looting, arson and violence during the past few months of yellow vest protests over economic grievances, and French authorities are haunted by the serious violence that has broken out at May Day demonstrations in the past two years.

Authorities are particularly wary of the black-clad, masked and hooded extremists who have joined recent protests with the express goal of attacking police and damaging property. They often target symbols of capitalism or globalization, and turned out in the hundreds at last year’s May Day protest.

French President Emmanuel Macron last week tried to address the complaints of the yellow vest movement by announcing tax cuts for middle-class workers and an increase in pensions.

But many yellow vests consider the government’s plans insufficient, and want to keep alive the movement that started in November to oppose a fuel tax and quickly expanded into broad public rejections of Macron’s economic policies.

The movement was named after the fluorescent jackets that French motorists are required to keep in their cars.

Enigmatic Beluga Whale Off Norway Lets People Pet It

A beluga whale found in Arctic Norway wearing a harness that suggests links to a military facility in Russia is so tame that residents can pet the mammal on its nose.

The white whale found frolicking in the frigid harbor of Tufjord, a hamlet near Norway’s northernmost point, has become “a huge attraction” for locals, one resident said Tuesday. The whale is so comfortable with people that it swims to the dock and retrieves plastic rings thrown into the sea.

“The whale is so tame that when you call it, it comes to you,” said Linn Saether, adding the whale also reacts to yells and when humans splash their hands in the water.

She said when she throws out a plastic ring, the beluga whale brings it back to her as she sits on the dock.

“It is a fantastic experience, but we also see it as a tragedy. We can see that it has been trained to bring back stuff that is thrown at sea,” Saether, 37, told The Associated Press. 


The whale was found with a tight harness reading “Equipment St. Petersburg” in English. The hamlet has a dozen permanent residents and less than 100 people in the warmer season.

“The talk in this hamlet is that it could have escaped from a Russian military facility or even have swam from St. Petersburg, Florida, because of the English-language text,” Saether said.

It was not immediately known whether any of the dolphin and whale facilities in St. Petersburg, Florida, were missing a beluga whale. 


On Friday, a fisherman jumped into the frigid Arctic water to remove the harness, which has a mount for a camera, from the whale. It wasn’t clear why the strap was attached to the mammal.

Russian navy

Audun Rikardsen, a professor at the Department of Arctic and Marine Biology at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsoe, northern Norway, said he believes “it is most likely that Russian Navy in Murmansk” was involved.

Murmansk is the headquarters for Russia’s Northern Fleet, the single most powerful fleet in the Russian navy. The city is located on the Kola Peninsula, in far northwestern Russia close to the Norwegian border.

Russian authorities did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the whale.

But Mikhail Barabanov, a Russian naval analyst at the Moscow-based Center for the Analysis of Strategies and Technologies think tank, downplayed any links to the Russian military.

“Even if there are military programs for using marine animals for navy purposes, they are unlikely to belugas, and such animals are unlikely to be released into the open ocean,” he told AP in an email. 


“I think that these Norwegian idiots simply robbed certain Petersburg zoologists” who were trying to track whales, Barabanov said. 

Якщо Зеленський не зупинить захоплення Приватбанку рейдером Коломойським – це підтвердить, що він є його рабом, а 13 млн. українців – раби раба

Якщо Зеленський не зупинить захоплення Приватбанку рейдером Коломойським – це підтвердить, що він є його рабом, а 13 млн. українців – раби раба.

Колишня очільниця Національного банку України Валерія Гонтарева порадила новообраному президентові Володимиру Зеленському звернути увагу на потребу реформування судової системи і правоохоронних органів, щоби зберегти досягнення в очищенні й стабілізації українських фінансів та банківського сектору.

Валерія Гонтарева, яка зараз працює в Інституті глобальних справ у Лондонській школі економіки, каже, що вибрала саме британську столицю, щоб працювати порівняно близько до України і застосовувати свій досвід в авторитетній міжнародній академічній установі.

В інтерв’ю вона наголосила, що одне з її найважливіших рішень на посаді – націоналізація Приватбанку 2016 року – була необхідним кроком, який вважають правильним і підтримали провідні міжнародні фінансові установи.

Намагання одного з колишніх власників, Ігоря Коломойського, оскаржити націоналізацію в судах Валерія Гонтарева назвала «свавіллям» і «неподобством».

Вона вказала, що один з теперішніх радників новообраного президента Зеленського, колишній міністр фінансів Олександр Данилюк, знає, чому «Приватбанк» був під загрозою банкрутства і, що він також підтримав націоналізацію, щоб врятувати гроші українських вкладників.

«Приватбанк був одним з найважчих завдань, бо він був найбільшим банком України: 33% всіх депозитів населення, 20 мільйонів клієнтів, включаючи пенсіонерів студентів – це незахищене населення. Можна собі лише уявити, що могло б бути. Це був би економічний і фінансовий колапс в Україні», – наголосила Гонтарева.

За її словами проблему з націоналізацією має насамперед олігарх Ігор Коломойський, від якого український уряд домагається відшкодування близько 5 мільярдів доларів.

Коломойський оскаржує в українських судах, а також у суді в Лондоні, обвинувачення, що з банку були незаконно виведені багатомільярдні суми.

«Зараз, коли я подивлюся на те, що зі мною роблять наші правоохоронні органи, то можна сказати, що персонально я навіть шкодую, але професійно – ніколи», – розповідає Валерія Гонтарева про свою роботу головою Національного банку України.

Стан української фінансової системи на початку її праці 2014 року Гонтарева описує як «жах, колапс і перфектний шторм».

«А після того почалася ще й реальна війна, коли 15% нашого ВВП ми втратили і ще й 10% нашої території, – розповідає Гонтарева. – Один рік я не мала жодного вікенду і спала не більше п’яти годин на добу. То був жахливий час. Але у професійному відношенні для мене особисто це був великий прорив».

«Я вам можу сказати, що усі реформи за той час були здійснені. Ми перейшли на гнучкий валютний курс. Ми запровадили нову фінансову політику щодо інфляції. Ми розчистили банківський сектор. Ми реформували центральний банк у потужну інституцію», – сказала Валерія Гонтарева.

Тепер на її думку «на макроекономічному рівні усе гаразд», але Гонтарева вважає, що проблема у тому, що «в Україні немає верховенства закону, немає законів, ніхто їх не виконує».

Вона висловила застереження, хоч і не висловлювала конкретних порад новообраному президентові: «Це все (реформи) можна розвернути назад і це – найбільший виклик в Україні. Як це зробити, які пропозиції надати пану Зеленському, я не знаю, бо якщо цього не було зроблено досі, то мені важко сказати, що він може зробити на сьогодні».

Пане Зеленський і команда, Ви починаєте не з того боку! Не законом про мови потрібно зараз займатися, а не дати шахраю Коломойському пограбувати українців через корупційне захоплення Приватбанку!

Правда України

Стійкі до ліків хвороби можуть вбивати 10 мільйонів людей щорічно у 2050 році – ООН

Щорічна смертність від хвороб, стійких до протимікробних речовин, може сягнути 10 мільйонів людей у 2050 році – такі дані містить доповідь Міжвідомчої координаційної групи з антимікробної резистентності, оприлюднена Всесвітньою організацією охорони здоров’я (входить до структури Організації об’єднаних націй).

Доповідь поширив також генеральний секретар ООН Антоніу Ґутерріш.

Згідно з документом, стійкість хвороб до антимікробних агентів стала «глобальною кризою, яка загрожує добі прогресу в охороні здоров’я та досягненню Цілей сталого розвитку».

Автори доповіді відзначили «тривожний рівень» стійкості інфекцій до антибіотиків, противірусних, протигрибкових та антипротозойних препаратів у країнах всіх рівнів достатку: поширені хвороби стають такими, що не піддаються лікуванню.

За даними ВООЗ, зростанню стійкості хвороб сприяє неправильне або надмірне використання антибіотиків для лікування людей, тварин та рослин.

Крім того, серед факторів ризику експерти ООН називають непропорційний доступ до чистої води, засобів санітарії і гігієни, брак доступних антимікробних засобів та вакцин із доведеною ефективністю.

Читайте також: Всесвітня організація охорони здоров’я похвалила програму «Доступні ліки» в Україні

«Немає часу чекати. Якщо світ не діятиме терміново, стійкість до антимікробних речовин матиме катастрофічний вплив вже протягом життя одного покоління. Стійкі до лікування хвороби вже спричиняють як мінімум 700 тисяч смертей по всьому світу, в тому числі 230 тисяч – від мультирезистентного туберкульозу. Ця цифра може зрости до 10 мільйонів смертей по всьому світу на рік до 2050 року в разі найбільш тривожного сценарію – якщо нічого не вдіяти. Близько 2,4 мільйона людей у заможних країнах можуть померти між 2015 та 2050 роками, якщо не докласти тривалих зусиль, аби стримати резистентність до антимікробних речовин», – йдеться в доповіді.

Серед рекомендацій Міжвідомчої координаційної групи з антимікробної резистентності: скорочення використання антибіотиків для стимуляції росту худоби й домашньої птиці, інвестиції та інновації в розвитку нових антимікробних речовин, пошук безпечних альтернатив антибіотикам для людей, тварин і рослин, а також співпраця країн-членів ООН в рамках концепції «Одне здоров’я», розробленої ВООЗ.

Obamas Unveil Slate of Series, Documentaries for Netflix

Barack and Michelle Obama on Tuesday unveiled a slate of projects they are preparing for Netflix, a year after the former president and first lady signed a deal with the streaming platform.

The Obamas’ production company, Higher Ground Productions, on Tuesday announced a total of seven films and series that Barack Obama said will entertain but also “educate, connect and inspire us all.”

Higher Ground is producing a feature film on Frederick Douglass, adapted from David W. Blight’s Pulitzer Prize-winning biography. Also in the works is a documentary series that adapts Michael Lewis’ “Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy,” the “Moneyball” author’s 2018 best-seller about government servants working under the political appointees of Donald Trump’s administration.

The production company’s first release will be Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert’s Sundance Film Festival documentary “American Factory,” about a Chinese-owned factory in post-industrial Ohio. Netflix and Higher Ground also acquired Jim LeBrecht and Nicole Newnham’s “Crip Camp,” a documentary about a summer camp for disabled teenager founded in upstate New York in the early 1970s.

The Obamas are also developing an upstairs-downstairs drama set in post-WWII New York titled “Bloom,” and an adaptation of The New York Times “Overlooked” obituary column, about deaths unreported by the paper. A half-hour show for preschoolers titled “Listen to Your Vegetables & Eat Your Parents” will instruct kids about food.

“We love this slate because it spans so many different interests and experiences, yet it’s all woven together with stories that are relevant to our daily lives,” Michelle Obama said. “We think there’s something here for everyone — moms and dads, curious kids, and anyone simply looking for an engaging, uplifting watch at the end of a busy day.”

The projects are to be released over the next several years.

‘Hadestown’ Leads Tony Award Nominations With 14 Nods

“Hadestown,” singer-songwriter Anais Mitchell’s Broadway debut, earned a leading 14 Tony Award nominations Tuesday, followed by the jukebox musical “Ain’t Too Proud,” built around songs by the Temptations, which received a dozen nominations.

The musical “Hadestown,” which intertwines the myths of Orpheus and Eurydice and Hades and Persephone, bested more familiar names, including stage adaptations of the hit movies “Tootsie” and “Beetlejuice,” which both also got best musical nods. The giddy, heartwarming “The Prom” rounds out the best new musical category.

“Hadestown” also was the only new musical on Broadway directed by a woman, Tony Award nominee Rachel Chavkin, who earned another one Tuesday.

“I’m trying not to swear, but I am so proud of the 14 nominations. There is just not a weak spot on the team. There is no place where we haven’t all been working our asses off to make this show feel as ancient and as `now’ as possible, simultaneously,” she said by phone.


The best-play nominees are the Northern Irish drama “The Ferryman,” from Jez Butterworth; James Graham’s “Ink,” about Rupert Murdoch; Taylor Mac’s Broadway debut, “Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus”; Tarell Alvin McCraney’s “Choir Boy”; and Heidi Schreck’s “What the Constitution Means to Me,” a personal tour of the landmark document at the heart of so many American divisions.

Des McAnuff, who directed “Ain’t Too Proud,” pointed to the timeliness of his musical, which charts the rise, sacrifices and challenges facing the 1950s group that sang “Baby Love” and “My Girl.”

“I think when people come to the Imperial Theatre, they’ll find that the story is as pertinent now as it was when they lived it,” he said. “It applies to Black Lives Matter and what’s going on in this country in terms of the tensions today.”

Theater veterans were surprised to see Aaron Sorkin’s adaptation of “To Kill a Mockingbird”; “Hillary and Clinton,” about Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign; and the stage adaptation of the media satire film “Network” not getting best play nods, though they did earn recognition in other categories.

McAnuff said it has been a strong season for plays and wildly eclectic. “To me, that’s what the American theater’s about,” he said, adding he was surprised that Sorkin wasn’t recognized for his “brilliant” adaptation but “that speaks to the fact that there’s so many worthy works out there.”

The nomination for “Tootsie” means composer and lyricist David Yazbek could be one step closer to getting back-to-back wins. His show “The Band’s Visit” won best new musical last year.

Laurie Metcalf got an acting nod for “Hillary and Clinton” and if she wins the Tony this year, she will be the first person to win acting Tonys three years consecutively. (She won in 2018’s “Three Tall Women” and “A Doll’s House, Part 2” in 2017).

A sweet “Kiss Me, Kate” and a dark “Oklahoma!” make up the best musical revival category; they were the only eligible nominees. The best play revival nominees are “Arthur Miller’s All My Sons,” “The Boys in the Band,” “Burn This,” “Torch Song” and “The Waverly Gallery.”

Ali Stroker, the first actress who needs a wheelchair for mobility known to have appeared on a Broadway stage, earned a Tony nomination for “Oklahoma!”

Nominees for best actor in a play include Paddy Considine from “The Ferryman,” Bryan Cranston in “Network,” Jeff Daniels in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Adam Driver from “Burn This” and Jeremy Pope in “Choir Boy.” Pope is also up for a featured role in “Ain’t Too Proud — The Life and Times of the Temptations.”

The category of best actress in a play includes Annette Bening in “Arthur Miller’s All My Sons,” Laura Donnelly in “The Ferryman,” Elaine May in “The Waverly Gallery,” Janet McTeer in “Bernhardt/Hamlet,” Metcalf in “Hillary and Clinton” and Schreck from “What the Constitution Means to Me.”

Those nominated for best actor in a musical are Brooks Ashmanskas from “The Prom,” Derrick Baskin in “Ain’t Too Proud — The Life and Times of the Temptations,” Alex Brightman from “Beetlejuice,” Damon Daunno in “Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Oklahoma!” and Santino Fontana in “Tootsie.”

Patrick Page, who has appeared in over a dozen Broadway shows including “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas!,” “The Lion King” and “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark,” earned his first Tony nomination for playing Hades in “Hadestown.”

“I think I just appreciate it more than I can say really. It’s something I wanted. It’s hard to want something,” he said. “There have been a lot of times where I have been in the mix and haven’t been nominated. So it’s just a wonderful feeling and frankly a bit of a relief. And especially for such a wonderful show.”

Nominees for best leading actress in a musical are Stephanie J. Block in “The Cher Show,” Caitlin Kinnunen and Beth Leavel both in “The Prom,” Eva Noblezada in “Hadestown” and Kelli O’Hara in “Kiss Me, Kate.”

Leavel, who earned a Tony in 2006 for “The Drowsy Chaperone,” joked by phone that she paced “about 4 miles” waiting for the live announcement: “I got my steps in!” Her musical, about four fading stars whose desperate need for a new stage leads them to protest a small-town prom, earned seven nods. She expects an especially fun performance Tuesday night following the nominations: “It’s just a special evening,” she said. “We get to share this moment. It’s really cool.”

Block, a veteran of Broadway shows such as “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” and “Falsettos,” got her third nomination for playing one of three actresses who portray the title character in “The Cher Show.”

“Stepping into the life of Cher each night and getting to tell her story eight times a week is a one-of-a-kind experience I will always cherish. This show has truly changed me,” she said in a statement.

Hollywood A-listers Cranston, Driver, May and Daniels made the cut but some of their starry colleagues did not, including Kerry Washington, Armie Hammer, Ethan Hawke, Joan Allen, Michael Cera, Lucas Hedges and Keri Russell.

For a few theater veterans behind the scenes, the nominations were doubly good: Ann Roth was nominated for creating the costumes for both “Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus” and “To Kill a Mockingbird,” while William Ivey Long earned nods for both “Beetlejuice” and “Tootsie.”

The awards will be presented June 9 at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, airing on CBS. James Corden, the host of CBS’ “The Late Late Show” and a Tony winner himself, will host.

В Україні вшанували загиблих вояків УПА в найбільшому бою з військами НКВС

30 квітня на місці найбільшого в історії УПА бою з військами НКВС відбулася літургія і панахида за Героями Гурб на Рівненщині. Як передає кореспондент Радіо Свобода, до меморіалу на повстанських могилах та Свято-Воскресенського чоловічого монастиря зійшлися жителі Рівненщини,  Тернопільщини і Хмельниччини.

Саме на межі цих областей у квітні 1944-го радянська влада провела широкомасштабну каральну операцію з метою знищення УПА.  Тоді, 21-25 квітня, близько п’яти тисяч щойно мобілізованих в УПА юнаків і дівчат  опинилися під прицілами танків, літаків і кулеметів 15-тисячного війська. 

Окрім панахиди, в Гурбах відбувся фестиваль патріотичної пісні «Гурбифест» та розпочалася традиційна молодіжна військово-патріотична теренова гра «Гурби – Антонівці». 

Дорогу до меморіалу між селами перекрили кілька десятків селян, незадоволених станом доріг. Це викликало обурення паломників, які зрештою безперешкодно дісталися до Гурб.

Про Гурбинський бій відкрито заговорили лише в часи Незалежності. Однією з основних причин проведення операції дослідники називають знищення вояками УПА командувача 1-м Українським фронтом Миколи Ватутіна, а також намагання повстанців зірвати призов до Червоної армії.

Повстанцями командували відділ південної групи УПА-Північ (Військова округа «Богун» під командою Петра Олійника – «Енея») та з’єднання УПА-Південь (під командуванням Василя Кука – «Леміша»). Цифри втрат з обох сторін різняться, однак відомо, що усі повстанські підрозділи вийшли з оточення, а число їхніх жертв було вдесятеро меншим, ніж у внутрішніх військах НКВС (близько сотні проти тисячі). 

Пам’ять загиблих Героїв Гурб традиційно вшановують на третій день після Великодня.

За тиждень на кір захворіли 2 175 людей, одна дитина померла – МОЗ

Протягом 17 тижня 2019 року кір в Україні діагностували 2 175 людям, повідомляють у Міністерстві охорони здоров’я. З них 1 108 дорослі і 1 067 – діти.

«Із 18 до 25 квітня найбільше нових випадків кору зареєстровано у Харківській області (311 хворих: 227 дорослих і 84 дитини), місті Київ (229 хворих: 111 дорослих і 118 дітей), Тернопільській (206: 73 дорослих і 133 дитини), Хмельницькій (191: 96 дорослих і 95 дітей), Київській (165: 84 дорослих і 81 дитина) областях», – йдеться в заяві міністерства.

Як додають у МОЗ, протягом звітного тижня померла 12-річна дитина, яка мала протипоказання до щеплень, відтак не була вакцинована.

Читайте також: Кір наступає. Через небезпечний вірус у Донецькій області закрили пологовий будинок (рос.)

«Захистити таких людей можливо лише колективним імунітетом. Загалом з початку спалаху на кір захворіло більше 100 тисяч людей, 37 з яких померло», – йдеться в заяві.

У міністерстві закликають українців робити щеплення. За даними уряду, всі регіони забезпечені вакцинами від кору.

Кір – заразне інфекційне захворювання, що передається від хворої людини до здорової повітряно-крапельним шляхом, тобто під час чхання, кашлю або розмови хворого. Вірус кору може жити в повітрі й на поверхнях до двох годин після того, як хвора людина залишила приміщення.

Специфічного лікування від кору немає. Єдиний спосіб запобігти ускладненням і смерті від кору – вакцинація.

Netflix Announces Deal for Film About Thailand’s Cave Boys

Netflix announced Tuesday it is joining with the production company for the movie “Crazy Rich Asians” to make a film about last July’s dramatic rescue of 12 village boys in northern Thailand who were trapped with their soccer coach in a flooded cave for more than two weeks.

Netflix and SK Global Entertainment said in Bangkok they have acquired the rights to the story from 13 Thumluang Co. Ltd,, a company that Thailand’s government helped establish to represent the interests of the boys and their coach, who attended the news conference for the announcement.

Thailand’s Culture Ministry in March first unveiled the deal, announced as a miniseries. Deputy government spokesman Weerachon Sukoondhapatipakat was quoted then as saying that the families of the cave survivors would each be paid 3 million baht ($94,000).

The boys of the Wild Boars soccer team and their coach became a center of world attention after they became trapped in the cave on June 23 last year, with doubts they were able to find shelter from rising flood waters that poured in after unexpected rain. They were found by two British divers and brought out by an international crew of experienced cave divers who teamed up with Thai navy SEALs in a dangerously complicated mission that was successfully concluded on July 10.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to thank the people and organizations from Thailand and around the world who came together to perform a true miracle, by retelling our story,” said Ekapol “Ake” Chanthawong, the boy’s assistant coach who shared the ordeal with them. “We look forward to working with all involved parties to ensure our story is told accurately, so that the world can recognize, once again, the heroes that made the rescue operation a success.”

Tuesday’s announcement said 13 Thumluang “has committed to donating 15% of the revenues derived from bringing this story to global audiences to charity organizations that focus on disaster relief.”

Jon M. Chu, who helmed “Crazy Rich Asians,” and Nattawut “Baz” Poonpiriya, a Thai filmmaker, will be directors on the cave project.

“We are immensely proud to be able to support the retelling of the incredible story of the Tham Luang cave rescue,” Erika North, director of International Originals at Netflix, said in a statement. “The story combines so many unique local and universal themes which connected people from all walks of life, from all around the world. Thailand is a very important country for Netflix and we are looking forward to bringing this inspiring local but globally resonant story of overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds to life, once again, for global audiences.”

The rescue was a rare bit of feel-good news from Thailand, which has been mired in political conflict and heavy-handed military rule for more than a decade. The cave rescue also allowed the government of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who had seized power in a 2014 military coup, to share in some glory.

An independent film about the adventure, “The Cave,” was shot soon after the rescue and is supposed to be released later this year.

Survey: French Want Notre-Dame Rebuilt as it Was

A narrow majority of French people want the fire-ravaged Notre-Dame cathedral to be rebuilt exactly as it was, a survey said Tuesday.

As the French government prepares to push through legislation that aims to reconstruct the famous Paris landmark within five years, the poll showed that 54 percent of French people want it restored to just as it was before the devastating fire on April 15.

Only a quarter support the idea that the rebuilding should include a modern “architectural gesture” championed by French President Emmanuel Macron, while a further 21 percent of those surveyed by YouGov for two French media outlets had no opinion.

France has launched an international architectural competition for the reconstruction of the cathedral’s 19th-century spire, which collapsed into the nave during the inferno.

But Macron’s insistence on a speedy restoration of the Gothic masterpiece has raised the hackles of conservationists.

More than 1,100 French architects and heritage experts signed a open letter earlier this week warning the president of the dangers of taking hasty and “precipitous” decisions.

“Let’s take our time to find the right path and then set an ambitious deadline for an exemplary restoration,” they urged.

Donations to help rebuild the cathedral have poured in from around the globe, with the total now topping 850 million euros ($954,000).

The debate has now shifted as to how the Gothic cathedral should rise from the ashes.

Some argue for an exact historical restoration while others claim modern methods and techniques should be used on a building which has evolved over the centuries. Construction of the Paris landmark began in the mid-12th century

French MPs are poring over the new law which would relax tender and some heritage rules to help speed the restoration, and are likely to start debating it on May 10, a source told AFP.

The law would also give tax advantages to donors and set up a public body to oversee and carry out the work.

The YouGov online poll was done between April 26 and 29 on a sample of 1,010 French adults.

Українці, не дамо злодію Коломойському знову вкрасти у нас гроші через повернення йому Приватбанку. Бєню в тюрму!

Міжнародний шахрай Коломойський, за яким полює ФБР, знову намагається обікрасти українців. Але ми, патріоти України, не дамо йому цього зробити. Зараз він сховав свій товстий і смердючий зад в Ізраїлі і шляхом підкупу маніпулює корумпованими українськими суддями. Пропонуємо надати йому можливість прилетіти в Україну, а тут закрити його в тюрмі назавжди і позбавити усього вкраденого! А акції Приватбанку розподілити між усіма громадянами України порівну, адже цей банк є державним, хай він стане дійсно НАРОДНИМ!

Екс-міністр економічного розвитку України в уряді Арсенія Яценюка, а нині член команди Володимира Зеленського Айварас Абромавичус каже, що західні партнери України «вкрай негативно» оцінюють ризик повернення націоналізованого «Приватбанку» колишнім власникам – Ігорю Коломойському й Геннадію Боголюбову – і якщо таке рішення буде ухвалене, воно може призвести до припинення фінансової допомоги України.

Айварас Абромавичус у штабі Зеленського розповів про загрози, пов’язані із «Приватбанком». Напередодні Окружний адмінсуд Києва ухвалив кілька рішень на користь Ігоря Коломойського, і одне з ключових – це визнання незаконною націоналізації «Приватбанку»:

«Коли є ризик повернення «Приватбанку»​ – і після цього, можливо, якихось інших банків – колишнім власникам, це означає, що президентство почнеться з доволі складної ситуації. Адже ні МВФ, ні Європейський союз, ні інші інститути й держави, які нам пропонують протягом останніх років фінансову допомогу, – ми на неї розраховуємо і в майбутньому, – вони, звісно, не будуть на це дивитися, склавши руки. Вони на це дивляться вкрай негативно».

Крім того, він застеріг, що рішення про повернення «Приватбанку» колишнім власникам – у разі, якщо воно буде ухвалене – може спричинити припинення фінансової допомоги України.

– Які можуть бути негативні наслідки?

– Наслідки – такі, що, через дії шахрая Коломойського, припиниться фінансова підтримка України.

У грудні 2016 року уряд України за пропозицією Нацбанку й акціонерів «Приватбанку», найбільшими з яких на той час були Ігор Коломойський і Геннадій Боголюбов, ухвалив рішення про націоналізацію цієї найбільшої на українському ринку фінустанови.

Банк перейшов у державну власність, на його докапіталізацію загалом держава витратила понад 155 мільярдів гривень. Як заявили в НБУ, до націоналізації «Приватбанку» завдали збитків щонайменше на 5,5 мільярдів доларів.

18 квітня цього року Окружний адміністративний суд Києва визнав незаконною націоналізацію «Приватбанку». Наступного дня цей суд скасував рішення НБУ від 13 грудня 2016 року, який визначив перелік пов’язаних з банком фізичних і юридичних осіб. 20 квітня Печерський суд Києва ухвалив рішення про розірвання договору особистої поруки бізнесмена Ігоря Коломойського по кредитах рефінансування «Приватбанку» на суму в 9,2 мільярда гривень, отриманих до його націоналізації. Згодом стало відомо, що Ігор Коломойський 19 квітня подав п’ять нових позовів до НБУ та «Приватбанку».

Правда України

At Amboise, Leonardo’s Last Years Paint a Picture of Franco-Italian Harmony

Commemorations for Leonardo da Vinci’s 500th anniversary begin this week in Amboise, in the Loire Valley, with France and Italy setting aside recent tensions to honor the memory of the Renaissance genius in the town where he spent his final years.

In 1516, aged 64, Leonardo da Vinci left Italy to enter the service of King Francis I of France. Many of his masterpieces — St. John the Baptist, the Mona Lisa — followed him and were sold to the French monarch, forming a legacy now exhibited at the Louvre museum in Paris.

Amid diplomatic tensions between Rome and Paris, his legacy has become contentious, with Italy’s Culture undersecretary Lucia Borgonzoni in November telling Italian media she wanted to renegotiate the planned lending of his works to the Louvre for an anniversary exhibition, because “the French cannot have it all.”

It is unclear, for example, whether the iconic drawing of the “Vitruvian Man” will eventually leave Venice to join the Louvre for the display.

But on Thursday, in Amboise, French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella will seek to ease strains between the two normally close allies that have grown more acute since mid-2018, mostly over migration policy.

They will gather at Leonardo’s tomb, a modest grave in a chapel of Amboise castle containing his presumed remains, and will pay a visit to his house nearby, the Clos Luce, where he died on May 2nd, 1519.

“It’s an extremely solemn gesture, showing that the two countries have this shared memory, this figure, a culture that binds our two countries,” the director of Amboise castle Jean-Louis Sureau told Reuters in an interview.

Da Vinci ‘s arrival in France was no accident, because King Francis I wanted him to join the Court to participate in its international influence and refinement, Sureau said.

“Leonardo da Vinci was unquestionably born in Italy, he’s Florentine, but beyond that, he led a career at the service of several powerful men. This career, and his life, end here, in France,” Sureau added.

During his three years in France, da Vinci focused on perfecting unfinished masterpieces, drawing and scientific writing, but also took part in organizing lavish parties for the King of France.

“This universal man, who, to be clear, was first and foremost Italian, can also be seen as the symbol of a European culture, built beyond traditional divisions,” Catherine Simon Marion, delegate general of the Clos Luce, said.

Somali American Becomes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit’s 1st Hijab-Clad Model

Halima Aden is featured in the magazine’s 2019 swimsuit issue wearing swimwear that covers the entire body except the face, hands and feet.

“Young girls who wear a hijab should have women they look up to in any and every industry. We are now seeing politicians, business women, television reporters, and other successful hijabi women in visible roles and that is the message we need to be sending,” Aden told the BBC. “The response has been incredible and I’m so honored that Sports Illustrated has taken the step to showcase the beauty that modestly dressed women possess.”

Aden, who was born in Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp, moved to the U.S. when she was 7. She said the photoshoot, which took place in Kenya, was an extremely emotional experience for her. 

“I keep thinking (back) to 6-year-old me who, in this same country, was in a refugee camp,” Aden told the Sports Illustrated. “So to grow up to live the American dream [and] to come back to Kenya and shoot for SI in the most beautiful parts of Kenya — I don’t think that’s a story that anybody could make up.”

Aden also made history last year, becoming the first hijab-clad woman featured on the cover of British Vogue. Last month she and two other Muslim models were first black hijab-wearing models to appear on the cover of Vogue Arabia. 

“Growing up in the states, I never really felt represented because I never could flip through a magazine and see a girl who was wearing a hijab,” Aden says in the video shared by the magazine on Twitter.

The Burkini was created by Australian designer Aheda Zanetti, who said it was made to provide Muslim women an ability to participate in the Australia’s beach lifestyle. 

Zanetti says burkinis have also found fans among non-Muslims, including “Jews, Hindus, Christians, Mormons, women with various body issues.”

But it has also garnered controversy. Several towns in France have banned the wearing of burkinis, especially in community pools. The officials justified the ban by pointing to laws that forbids swimming in street clothes. Bans have also been imposed in a town in Germany and resorts in Morocco. 

Elle Fanning, ‘The Favourite’ Director Lanthimos Picked for Cannes Jury

U.S. actress Elle Fanning, French graphic novelist Enki Bilal and the Oscar-nominated director of “The Favourite,” Yorgos Lanthimos, will be among jury members at the Cannes Film Festival next month, organizers said on Monday.

The world’s biggest cinema showcase kicks off on the French Riviera on May 14th, with Mexican director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu presiding over the panel that decides on prizes, including the top Palme D’Or award.

Split between four men and four women, the jury for the festival’s 72nd edition will also include Pawel Pawlikowski, the Polish filmmaker and screenwriter named best director at Cannes last year for the impossible love story “Cold War.”

Maimouna N’Diaye, who has directed documentaries and acted in films such as Otar Iosseliani’s “Chasing Butterflies” will also sit on the panel, alongside two other female directors.

Kelly Reichardt of the United States, whose “Wendy and Lucy” starring Michelle Williams was a contender for Cannes’ Un Certain Regard award in 2008, directed 2016’s “Certain Women.”

Italy’s Alicia Rohrwacher won best screenplay at Cannes last year for her film “Happy as Lazzaro,” a satirical fable about a peasant family.

French filmmaker Robin Campillo, who took Cannes by storm in 2017 with “120 BPM – Beats Per Minute,” winning the Grand Prix for his movie about an AIDS activist, will complete the line-up.

Comic book creator Bilal, best known for his Nikopol trilogy of science fiction novels, has also directed feature films, including 2004’s “Immortal,” organizers said.

Fanning, who started working in movies as a child, has starred in several films in competition at Cannes in recent years, including “The Beguiled” by Sofia Coppola in 2017.

The May 14-25 festival will kick off with U.S. director Jim Jarmusch’s latest film, “The Dead Don’t Die.”

Kosovo President Sees Washington As Key to Solve Conflict with Serbia

The United States is key to settling the ongoing conflict between Kosovo and Serbia, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci said on Monday, pointing to the inability of major European countries to reach a unified position on the issue.

The former Serb and predominantly ethnic Albanian republic of Kosovo declared its independence in 2008, almost a decade after a bloody war there.

It won recognition from the United States and most EU countries, but not from Serbia or its big power patron Russia, and relations between Belgrade and Kosovo remain tense.

“Without the U.S. we can never have any dialogue, negotiations or any agreement,” Thaci told Reuters TV in Berlin, adding: “The EU is not united in this process.”

Thaci was in Berlin to join a summit later on Monday on the Western Balkans, called by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron.

Thaci played down the expectations for the Berlin meeting saying: “I will not expect any miracle.”

It is crucial for Serbia to recognize Kosovo as an independent state, Thaci said.

“We will ask today Chancellor Merkel and President Macron to convince (Serb) President (Aleksandar) Vucic to recognize Kosovo”, Thaci said, adding that if that does not happen, “I think the meeting in Berlin will not be useful.”

Thaci stressed that Serbia tended to orient itself towards Russia but Kosovo wanted to be part of NATO and the European Union as soon as possible.

Czechs Protest Justice Appointee, Fear Meddling in PM’s Case

Thousands protested around the Czech Republic on Monday against a justice minister nominee they fear might meddle with a criminal case involving the prime minister.

President Milos Zeman will appoint Marie Benesova on Tuesday after the resignation of her predecessor, bringing opposition accusations of pressure on courts as Andrej Babis faces a potential fraud trial over European Union subsidies more than a decade ago.

Babis, a billionaire media and chemicals businessman before entering politics, has repeatedly denied wrongdoing and has called the investigation a plot to force him out of politics.

Czech police said on April 17 that Babis and others should stand trial for the alleged fraud involving the handling of a 2 million euro EU subsidy — charges that could see the prime minister jailed for up to 10 years.

Justice Minister Jan Knezinek resigned the day after the police wrapped up their investigation. Babis said Knezinek’s position had only been intended to be temporary. His departure came amid a wider cabinet shuffle.

On Monday, protesters marched from the Prague Castle, the seat of the Czech president, through the capital’s medieval centre to the Old Town Square. Marchers chanted “We have had enough” and organizers carried banners saying “Justice.” The website of daily Mlada Fronta Dnes reported 10,000 demonstrated in the capital.

In the country’s second largest city, Brno, around 3,000 marched, according to estimates of news website Czech Television reported protesters turned out in 105 spots in the country of 10.6 million.

Benesova had previously served in a caretaker cabinet in 2013, appointed by President Zeman – who has backed Babis. She was the top state attorney, appointed by a Zeman-led government in 1999.

She supported Babis in 2017 when she abstained in a lower house vote on lifting his parliamentary immunity.

Despite the investigation, Babis’s ANO party maintains a firm poll lead after sweeping to power in a 2017 election when it won three times the votes of its nearest competitor with pledges to end politics as usual and bring a businessman’s touch to governance.

Babis, the country’s second richest person, has long fought accusations of conflicts of interest because of his vast business interests. He put his Agrofert business empire into trusts in 2017 to meet new Czech legislation.

Spain’s Fractures Laid Bare as Socialists Win, Far Right Gain First Seats

Spain’s ruling Socialist party has won Sunday’s general election with around 29% of the vote – and Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is set to begin coalition talks to try to form a government. Meanwhile, for the first time since the regime of fascist dictator Francisco Franco ended in the mid-1970s, a far-right party will hold seats in the Spanish parliament. Henry Ridgwell reports.

Metropolitan Opera Fetes Placido Domingo Golden Anniversary

Placido Domingo has starred on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera for a whopping 50 years – and is still singing, amazingly, at age 78.

On Sunday, the Met literally turned the tables and threw a dinner on the same stage for the Spaniard’s golden anniversary. Guests included soprano Renee Fleming and the company’s new music director, Yannick Nezet-Seguin.

“I have been lucky with a healthy throat and the passion for what I do,” Domingo said, standing by his table in the middle of the stage before the empty 4,000-seat house, surrounded by dinner guests and joking, “for once, I’m here and I don’t have to sing!”

He noted that the international competition he started, Operalia, means that in just about every opera house in the world, he encounters its winners who have become stars he still mentors.

Nezet-Seguin, a French-Canadian about half Domingo’s age, remembers conducting the tenor some years ago “and every day he was the first arriving to work, he was coaching younger artists, coming to rehearsals, wanting to learn; he was always the most respectful, the most loving and passionate person in the room.”

In terms of vocal longevity, he added, “he’s a miracle.”

Domingo is currently appearing in his 52nd main role at the Met – as Germont in Verdi’s “La Traviata” – among 151 global career roles, and counting.

The lifelong tenor now sings as a baritone, appearing in top theaters.

On Sunday, he remembered his Met debut a half century ago, when he was suddenly called to replace an ailing singer.

He was speeding in from his home in Teaneck, New Jersey, vocalising behind the wheel when the driver in the next car started laughing at him. Domingo rolled down his window and yelled out, “Why are you laughing?”

The man said,“because I’m going to the Met and I’m already hearing the opera.”

Domingo shouted back, “Well, you’ll be hearing me tonight!”

‘Avengers: Endgame’ Obliterates Records With $1.2B Opening

The universe belongs to Marvel. “Avengers: Endgame” shattered the record for biggest opening weekend with an estimated $350 million in ticket sales domestically and $1.2 billion globally, reaching a new pinnacle in the blockbuster era that the comic-book studio has come to dominate.

The “Avengers” finale far exceeded even its own gargantuan expectations, according to studio estimates Sunday. The movie had been forecast to open between $260 million and $300 million in U.S. and Canadian theaters, but moviegoers turned out in such droves that “Endgame” blew past the previous record of $257.7 million, set last year by “Avengers: Infinity War” when it narrowly surpassed “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” ($248 million or about $266 million in inflation adjusted dollars.)

“Endgame” was just as enormous overseas. Worldwide, it obliterated the previous record of $640.5 million, also set by “Infinity War.” (“Infinity War” didn’t open in China, the world’s second largest movie market, until two weeks after its debut.) “Endgame” set a new weekend record in China, too, where it made $330.5 million.

In one fell swoop, “Endgame” has already made more than movies like “Skyfall,” ″Aquaman” and “The Dark Knight Rises” grossed in their entire runs, not accounting for inflation.

Alan Horn, Disney chairman, credited Marvel Studios and its president, Kevin Feige, for challenging “notions of what is possible at the movie theater.”

“This weekend’s monumental success is a testament to the world they’ve envisioned, the talent involved, and their collective passion, matched by the irrepressible enthusiasm of fans around the world,” Horn said in a statement.

To accommodate demand, the Walt Disney Co. released “Endgame” in more theaters — 4,662 in the U.S. and Canada — than any opening before. Advance ticketing services set new records. Early ticket buyers crashed AMC’s website. And starting Thursday, some theaters even stayed open 72 hours straight.

“We’ve got some really tired staff,” said John Fithian, president and chief executive of the National Association of Theater Owners. “I talked to an exhibitor in Kansas who said, ‘I’ve never sold out a 7 a.m. show on Saturday morning before,’ and they were doing it all across their circuit.”

Not working in the film’s favor was its lengthy running time: 181 minutes. But theaters kept added thousands of showings for “Endgame” to get it on more screens than any movie before to satiate the frenzy around “Endgame.” Joe and Anthony Russo’s film ties together the “Avengers” storyline as well as the previous 21 releases of the Marvel “cinematic universe,” begun with 2008′s “Iron Man.”

For an industry dogged by uncertainty over the growing role of streaming, the weekend was a mammoth display of the movie theater’s lucrative potency. Fithian called it possibly “the most significant moment in the modern history of the movie business.”

“We’re looking at more than 30 million American and more than 100 million global guests that experienced ‘Endgame’ on the big screen in one weekend,” Fithian said. “The numbers are just staggering.”

Further boosting the results for “Endgame” were good reviews; it currently ranks as 96% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, the best rating for any Marvel movie aside from “Black Panther.” Audiences gave the film an A-plus CinemaScore.

Single-handedly, “Endgame” led the overall weekend at the domestic box office to a record $400 million in ticket sales, according to Comscore. “Endgame” accounted for a staggering 88% of those tickets. The film’s grosses were aided by 3-D screenings (a record $540 million in global ticket sales) and IMAX screenings (a company record $91.5 million).

“Our partners in exhibition have done a great job with us on this film. As they saw the need, they opened up screens,” said Cathleen Taft, distribution chief for Disney. “While there may have been a concern — Is there going to be enough seats available? — I think that exhibition met that demand and rose to the occasion.”

But if there was any shadow to the weekend for the theatrical business, it was in just how reliant theaters have grown on one studio: Disney.

Disney now holds all but one of the top 12 box-office openings of all time. (Universal’s “Jurassic World” is the lone exception.) The studio is poised for a record-breaking year, with releases including “Aladdin,” ″Toy Story 4,” ″The Lion King,” ″Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” and “Frozen 2” on the horizon.

Following its acquisition of 20th Century Fox, Disney is expected to account for at least 40% of domestic box-office revenue in 2019, a new record of market share. The company’s “Captain Marvel” — positioned as a kind of Marvel lead-in to “Endgame” — also rose to No. 2 on the weekend, eight weeks after it opened. (The 22 films of Marvel’s “cinematic universe” have collectively earned $19.9 billion at the box office.)

Yet theater owners regularly speak of a “halo effect” around a movie like “Endgame.” Such sensations draw in new moviegoers and expose millions to a barrage of movie trailers.

“This has got to be the biggest weekend in popcorn history,” said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst for Comscore. “Think of the gallons of soda and the hot dogs sold. This is going to continue all week and beyond. This is going to have long-term playability for sure.”

An enormous hit was much needed for a box office that, coming into the weekend, was lagging 16% of the pace of last year’s ticket sales, according to Comscore. “Endgame” moved the needle to negative 13.3% but the boost was less significant since “Infinity War” opened on the same weekend in 2018.

No other new wide release dared to open against “Endgame.” Warner Bros.′ “The Curse of La Llorona,” last week’s top movie, slid to third with $7.5 million.

The guessing game will now shift to just how much higher “Endgame” can go. Given its start, it’s likely to rival the top three worldwide grossers: “The Force Awakens” ($2.068 billion in 2015), “Titanic ($2.187 billion in 1997) and “Avatar” ($2.788 in 2009).


Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included.

1. “Avengers: Endgame,” $350 million ($859 million international).

2. “Captain Marvel,” $8.1 million.

3. “The Curse of La Llorona,” $7.5 million.

4. “Breakthrough,” $6.3 million.

5. “Shazam!” $5.5 million.

6. “Little,” $3.4 million.

7. “Dumbo,” $3.2 million.

8. “Pet Sematary,” $1.3 million.

9. “Us,” $1.1 million.

10. “Penguins,” $1.1 million.

China Showcases Ecological Achievements at 2019 Horticulture Expo

Chinese President Xi Jinping says people in China want bluer skies, greener mountains and clearer water. In his address Sunday at the opening ceremony for the 2019 Beijing International Horticultural Expo, Xi said the country has embarked on the construction of “ecological civilization.” China is the world’s worst polluter but has made efforts to cut down on carbon emissions in the past decade. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports.

Critics Say Russia’s Adoption Law Punishes Orphans

It has been more than six years since the Russian government passed the Dima Yakovlev Law, banning U.S. citizens from adopting Russian children. The controversial measure was informally named after a Russian orphan who died of heat stroke after being left in a parked car by his American adoptive father. Critics say the law was a mere political response to U.S. sanctions on Russia. Adoptive parents and experts talked to VOA’s Igor Tsikhanenka in Moscow about how the law has changed their lives.

Socialists Score Spanish Election Victory

Spain’s governing Socialist party won the most votes in elections held Sunday but fell short of an overall majority in a highly fragmented outcome in which the conservative vote split three ways. Surging far right and centrist groups seriously undercut what was until now the main opposition, the Popular Party.

“The Socialist party has won the elections. The future has won and the past has lost,” Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez told supporters outside his party headquarters in Madrid. He hinted at a possible governing arrangement with center-right parties, which have been bitter rivals leading up to the election.

With 99% of votes counted, the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) is headed to a victory with an estimated 28% of the popular vote, giving it an estimated 123 seats in the 350-seat parliament, which is 40 more than it had. But the Popular Party (PP), which received less than 17% of votes, is losing almost half its seats, dropping from 137 to 65.

The centrist Ciudadanos party, which is barely 1 percentage point behind the Popular Party, has increased its representation to 57 seats. The far right Vox Party, however, fared worse than expected, receiving about 10% of the votes, giving it about 25 seats — its first in parliament.​

The far left Unidos Podemos also did poorly, with its projected parliamentary representation dropping, from 70 to 42.

“The mood of the country indicates a swing towards the center” political analyst Ramon Peralta, a law professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. “The three-way division of the right clearly hurt PP, with many of its votes going to Vox.”

Peralta projects a possible coalition between PSOE and Ciudadanos, despite bitter rhetoric exchanged between their leaders during the campaign, in which Ciudadanos candidate Albert Rivera called the prime minister a traitor for negotiating with Catalan separatists and vowed not to support a new mandate for the socialists.

The results, however, give no hope for a conservative dream coalition between PP, Ciudadanos and Vox, which had been openly discussed by the leaders of the three parties.

The numbers also show that Prime Minister Sanchez could continue with his current governing arrangement, counting on the parliamentary support of Podemos, Catalan secessionists and Basque nationalists, which also have increased their representation in the national parliament.

VOX leader Santiago Abascal defiantly told supporters outside his party headquarters in Madrid, “Spain may be worse off after the elections, but Vox will be in the parliament for the first time, and there will be 24 deputies that fight to defend Spain’s unity and basic values.”

PP had little to celebrate. “Things have gone very badly,” PP spokesman and congressional candidate Javier Fernandez Lasquetty told VOA.

“We are paying a very high price for a fragmented right,” he said.

Ciudadanos leader Rivera, whose party almost overtook PP, told supporters his centrist option “keeps growing.” However, he discounted any possible deal with Sanchez.

Analysts say Sanchez is more likely to look to his right for parliamentary support, as the far left Podemos party no longer seems a viable partner after losing half its seats.

The Catalan leftist separatist party ERC, led by secessionist President Quim Torra, gained support over more-moderate parties in Catalonia, making any parliamentary coalition with Spain’s central government difficult to sustain.

The Basque Nationalist Party and the radical separatist Bildu, composed of some former supporters of the terror group ETA, also increased their representation in parliament, each gaining a seat.

Twitter Terror: Arrests Prompt Concern Over Online Extremism

A few months after he turned 17 — and more than two years before he was arrested — Vincent Vetromile recast himself as an online revolutionary.

Offline, in this suburb of Rochester, New York, Vetromile was finishing requirements for promotion to Eagle Scout in a troop that met at a local church. He enrolled at Monroe Community College, taking classes to become a heating and air conditioning technician. On weekends, he spent hours in the driveway with his father, a Navy veteran, working on cars.

On social media, though, the teenager spoke in world-worn tones about the need to “reclaim our nation at any cost.” Eventually he subbed out the grinning selfie in his Twitter profile, replacing it with the image of a colonial militiaman shouldering an AR-15 rifle. And he traded his name for a handle: “Standing on the Edge.”

That edge became apparent in Vetromile’s posts, including many interactions over the last two years with accounts that praised the Confederacy, warned of looming gun confiscation and declared Muslims to be a threat.

In 2016, he sent the first of more than 70 replies to tweets from a fiery account with 140,000 followers, run by a man billing himself as Donald Trump’s biggest Canadian supporter. The final exchange came late last year.

“Islamic Take Over Has Begun: Muslim No-Go Zones Are Springing Up Across America. Lock and load America!” the Canadian tweeted on December 12, with a video and a map highlighting nine states with Muslim enclaves.

“The places listed are too vague,” Vetromile replied. “If there were specific locations like ‘north of X street in the town of Y, in the state of Z’ we could go there and do something about it.”

Weeks later, police arrested Vetromile and three friends, charging them with plotting to attack a Muslim settlement in rural New York. And with extremism on the rise across the U.S., this town of neatly kept Cape Cods confronted difficult questions about ideology and young people — and technology’s role in bringing them together.

The reality of the plot Vetromile and his friends are charged with hatching is, in some ways, both less and more than what was feared when they were arrested in January.

Prosecutors say there is no indication that the four — Vetromile, 19; Brian Colaneri, 20; Andrew Crysel, 18; and a 16-year-old The Associated Press isn’t naming because of his age — had set an imminent or specific date for an attack. Reports they had an arsenal of 23 guns are misleading; the weapons belonged to parents or other relatives.

Prosecutors allege the four discussed using those guns, along with explosive devices investigators say were made by the 16-year-old, in an attack on the community of Islamberg.

Residents of the settlement in Delaware County, New York — mostly African-American Muslims who relocated from Brooklyn in the 1980s — have been harassed for years by right-wing activists who have called it a terrorist training camp. A Tennessee man, Robert Doggart , was convicted in 2017 of plotting to burn down Islamberg’s mosque and other buildings.

But there are few clues so far to explain how four with little experience beyond their high school years might have come up with the idea to attack the community. All have pleaded not guilty, and several defense attorneys, back in court Friday, are arguing there was no plan to actually carry out any attack, chalking it up to talk among buddies. Lawyers for the four did not return calls, and parents or other relatives declined interviews.

“I don’t know where the exposure came from, if they were exposed to it from other kids at school, through social media,” said Matthew Schwartz, the Monroe County assistant district attorney prosecuting the case. “I have no idea if their parents subscribe to any of these ideologies.”

Well beyond upstate New York, the spread of extremist ideology online has sparked growing concern. Google and Facebook executives went before the House Judiciary Committee this month to answer questions about their platforms’ role in feeding hate crime and white nationalism. Twitter announced new rules last fall prohibiting the use of “dehumanizing language” that risks “normalizing serious violence.”

But experts said the problem goes beyond language, pointing to algorithms used by search engines and social media platforms to prioritize content and spotlight likeminded accounts.

“Once you indicate an inclination, the machine learns,” said Jessie Daniels, a professor of sociology at New York’s Hunter College who studies the online contagion of alt-right ideology. “That’s exactly what’s happening on all these platforms … and it just sends some people down a terrible rabbit hole.”

She and others point to Dylann Roof, who in 2015 murdered nine worshippers at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina. In writings found afterward, Roof recalled how his interest in the shooting of black teenager Trayvon Martin had prompted a Google search for the term “black on white crime.” The first site the search engine pointed him to was run by a racist group promoting the idea that such crime is common, and as he learned more, Roof wrote, that eventually drove his decision to attack the congregation.

In the Rochester-area case, electronic messages between two of those arrested, seen by the AP, along with papers filed in the case suggest doubts divided the group.

“I honestly see him being a terrorist,” one of those arrested, Crysel, told his friend Colaneri in an exchange last December on Discord, a messaging platform popular with gamers that has also gained notoriety for its embrace by some followers of the alt-right.

“He also has a very odd obsession with pipe bombs,” Colaneri replied. “Like it’s borderline creepy.”

It is not clear from the message fragment seen which of the others they were referencing. What is clear, though, is the long thread of frustration in Vetromile’s online posts — and the way those posts link him to an enduring conspiracy theory.

A few years ago, Vetromile’s posts on Twitter and Instagram touched on subjects like video games and English class.

He made the honor roll as an 11th-grader but sometime thereafter was suspended and never returned, according to former classmates and others. The school district, citing federal law on student records, declined to provide details.

Ron Gerth, who lives across the street from the family, recalled Vetromile as a boy roaming the neighborhood with a friend, pitching residents on a leaf-raking service: “Just a normal, everyday kid wanting to make some money, and he figured a way to do it.” More recently, Gerth said, Vetromile seemed shy and withdrawn, never uttering more than a word or two if greeted on the street.

Vetromile and suspect Andrew Crysel earned the rank of Eagle in Boy Scout Troop 240, where the 16-year-old was also a member. None ever warranted concern, said Steve Tyler, an adult leader.

“Every kid’s going to have their own sort of geekiness,” Tyler said, “but nothing that would ever be considered a trigger or a warning sign that would make us feel unsafe.”

Crysel and the fourth suspect, Colaneri, have been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, a milder form of autism, their families have said. Friends described Colaneri as socially awkward and largely disinterested in politics. “He asked, if we’re going to build a wall around the Gulf of Mexico, how are people going to go to the beach?” said Rachael Lee, the aunt of Colaneri’s girlfriend.

Vetromile attended community college with Colaneri before dropping out in 2017. By then, he was fully engaged in online conversations about immigrants living in the U.S. illegally, gun rights and Trump. Over time, his statements became increasingly militant.

“We need a revolution now!” he tweeted in January, replying to a thread warning of a coming “war” over gun ownership.

Vetromile directed some of his strongest statements at Muslims. Tweets from the Canadian account, belonging to one Mike Allen, seemed to push that button.

In July 2017, Allen tweeted “Somali Muslims take over Tennessee town and force absolute HELL on terrified Christians.” Vetromile replied: ”@realDonaldTrump please do something about this!”

A few months later, Allen tweeted: “Czech politicians vote to let citizens carry guns, shoot Muslim terrorists on sight.” Vetromile’s response: “We need this here!”

Allen’s posts netted hundreds of replies a day, and there’s no sign he read Vetromile’s responses. But others did, including the young man’s reply to the December post about Muslim “no-go zones.”

That tweet included a video interview with Martin Mawyer, whose Christian Action Network made a 2009 documentary alleging that Islamberg and other settlements were terrorist training camps. Mawyer linked the settlements, which follow the teachings of a controversial Pakistani cleric, to a group called Jamaat al-Fuqra that drew scrutiny from law enforcement in the 1980s and 1990s. In 1993, Colorado prosecutors won convictions of four al-Fuqra members in a racketeering case that included charges of fraud, arson and murder.

Police and analysts have repeatedly said Islamberg does not threaten violence. Nevertheless, the allegations of Mawyer’s group continue to circulate widely online and in conservative media.

Replying to questions by email, Mawyer said his organization has used only legal means to try to shut down the operator of the settlements.

“Vigilante violence is always the wrong way to solve social or personal problems,” he said. “Christian Action Network had no role, whatsoever, in inciting any plots.”

Online, though, Vetromile reacted with consternation to the video of Mawyer: “But this video just says ‘upstate NY and California’ and that’s too big of an area to search for terrorists,” he wrote.

Other followers replied with suggestions. “Doesn’t the video state Red House, Virginia as the place?” one asked. Virginia was too far, Vetromile replied, particularly since the map with the tweet showed an enclave in his own state.

When another follower offered a suggestion, Vetromile signed off: “Eh worth a look. Thanks.”

The exchange ended without a word from the Canadian account, whose tweet started it.

Three months before the December exchange on Twitter, the four suspects started using a Discord channel dubbed ”#leaders-only” to discuss weapons and how they would use them in an attack, prosecutors allege. Vetromile set up the channel, one of the defense attorneys contends, but prosecutors say they don’t consider any one of the four a leader.

In November, the conversation expanded to a second channel: ”#militia-soldiers-wanted.”

At some point last fall the 16-year-old made a grenade — “on a whim to satisfy his own curiosity,” his lawyer said in a court filing that claims the teen never told the other suspects. That filing also contends the boy told Vetromile that forming a militia was “stupid.”

But other court records contradict those assertions. Another teen, who is not among the accused, told prosecutors that the 16-year-old showed him what looked like a pipe bomb last fall and then said that Vetromile had asked for prototypes. “Let me show you what Vinnie gave me,” the young suspect allegedly said during another conversation, before leaving the room and returning with black explosive powder.

In January, the 16-year-old was in the school cafeteria when he showed a photo to a classmate of one of his fellow suspects, wearing some kind of tactical vest. He made a comment like, “He looks like the next school shooter, doesn’t he?” according to Greece Police Chief Patrick Phelan. The other student reported the incident, and questioning by police led to the arrests and charges of conspiracy to commit terrorism.

The allegations have jarred a region where political differences are the norm. Rochester, roughly half white and half black and other minorities, votes heavily Democratic. Neighboring Greece, which is 87 percent white, leans conservative. Town officials went to the Supreme Court to win a 2014 ruling allowing them to start public meetings with a chaplain’s prayer.

The arrests dismayed Bob Lonsberry, a conservative talk radio host in Rochester, who said he checked Twitter to confirm Vetromile didn’t follow his feed. But looking at the accounts Vetromile did follow convinced him that politics on social media had crossed a dangerous line.

“The people up here, even the hillbillies like me, we would go down with our guns and stand outside the front gate of Islamberg to protect them,” Lonsberry said. “It’s an aberration. But … aberrations, like a cancer, pop up for a reason.”


Online, it can be hard to know what is true and who is real. Mike Allen, though, is no bot.

“He seems addicted to getting followers,” said Allen’s adult son, Chris, when told about the arrest of one of the thousands attuned to his father’s Twitter feed. Allen himself called back a few days later, leaving a brief message with no return number.

But a few weeks ago, Allen welcomed in a reporter who knocked on the door of his home, located less than an hour from the Peace Bridge linking upstate New York to Ontario, Canada.

“I really don’t believe in regulation of the free marketplace of ideas,” said Allen, a retired real estate executive, explaining his approach to social media. “If somebody wants to put bulls— on Facebook or Twitter, it’s no worse than me selling a bad hamburger, you know what I mean? Buyer beware.”

Sinking back in a white leather armchair, Allen, 69, talked about his longtime passion for politics. After a liver transplant stole much of his stamina a few years ago, he filled downtime by tweeting about subjects like interest rates.

When Trump announced his candidacy for president in 2015, in a speech memorable for labeling many Mexican immigrants as criminals, Allen said he was determined to help get the billionaire elected. He began posting voraciously, usually finding material on conservative blogs and Facebook feeds and crafting posts to stir reaction.

Soon his account was gaining up to 4,000 followers a week.

Allen said he had hoped to monetize his feed somehow. But suspicions that Twitter “shadow-banning” was capping gains in followers made him consider closing the account. That was before he was shown some of his tweets and the replies they drew from Vetromile — and told the 19-year-old was among the suspects charged with plotting to attack Islamberg.

“And they got caught? Good,” Allen said. “We’re not supposed to go around shooting people we don’t like. That’s why we have video games.”

Allen’s own likes and dislikes are complicated. He said he strongly opposes taking in refugees for humanitarian reasons, arguing only immigrants with needed skills be admitted. He also recounted befriending a Muslim engineer in Pakistan through a physics blog and urging him to move to Canada.

Shown one of his tweets from last year — claiming Czech officials had urged people to shoot Muslims — Allen shook his head.

“That’s not a good tweet,” he said quietly. “It’s inciting.”

Allen said he rarely read replies to his posts — and never noticed Vetromile’s.

“If I’d have seen anybody talking violence, I would have banned them,” he said.

He turned to his wife, Kim, preparing dinner across the kitchen counter. Maybe he should stop tweeting, he told her. But couldn’t he continue until Trump was reelected?

“We have a saying, ‘Oh, it must be true, I read it on the internet,’” Allen said, before showing his visitor out. “The internet is phony. It’s not there. Only kids live in it and old guys, you know what I mean? People with time on their hands.”

The next day, Allen shut down his account, and the long narrative he spun all but vanished.


На Харківщині підліток впав з мосту при спробі зробити ефектне фото

У селищі Селекційне Харківської області 13-річний хлопець зірвався з залізничного мосту. Підлітка госпіталізували, медики оцінюють його стан як середньої тяжкості.

Як повідомляється на сайті Головного управління Національної поліції в Харківській області, інцидент стався близько 19:50 27 квітня. «За попередніми даними, підліток разом із друзями фотографувався на залізничному мосту. Раптом хлопець зірвався та впав на землю», – йдеться в повідомленні.

Потерпілий із травмами різного ступеня тяжкості був доставлений до лікарні у Харкові.

Інформація зареєстрована у Журналі єдиного обліку заяв і повідомлень Харківського відділу поліції. Наразі поліцейські з’ясовують усі обставини події.

Раніше поліція повідомляла, що на Харківщині внаслідок ураження струмом на даху товарного вагону один 17-річний юнак загинув, а його товариш був госпіталізований.

72-річний француз переплив Атлантичний океан у бочці – фото

Бочка зроблена з фанери, її довжина – три метри, діаметр – два метри

Прикордонники за минулу добу не пропустили в Україну 225 осіб, зокрема 32 громадян Росії

Прикордонники констатують збільшення пасажиропотоку за минулу добу, й повідомили, що відмовлено в пропуску до України 225 особам, зокрема 32 громадянам Росії.

«Упродовж минулої ночі в рамках виконання своїх завдань Держприкордонслужба забезпечила ритмічний пропуск громадян та транспортних засобів за встановленим порядком», – інформує прес-служба Держприкордонслужби України.

У повідомленні наголошено, що під час святкових днів прикордонники несуть службу в посиленому режимі.