«Допоки Карфаген не буде зруйнований»: Коломойський вітає рішення Баришівського суду щодо відсторонення Рожкової

Ігор Коломойський заявив, що вітає рішення Баришівського суду щодо заборони першій заступниці голови Національного банку Катерині Рожковій брати участь у засіданнях правління і виконувати свої обов’язки. Олігарх додав, що вітав би таке рішення будь-якого суду – «допоки Карфаген не буде зруйнований». Про це йдеться у розслідуванні програми «Схеми: корупція в деталях» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та телеканалу «UA:Перший») – «Таємниця Баришівського суду».

У відповідь на питання журналіста «Схем» щодо можливої його вигоди від цього рішення, адже Коломойський публічно виступав за звільнення Рожкової, олігарх заявив: «Я і зараз виступаю за її відсторонення. Я прямо подаю свої позовні вимоги і прямо про них кажу, а оце: якісь люди подають до Баришівського суду… Я не знаю, хто це. Якщо відсторонили, значить, я це вітаю».

І додав: «Таке рішення, який би суд не виніс, я буду вітати, якщо це стосується Рожкової… Допоки Карфаген не буде зруйнований».

У розслідуванні «Таємниця Баришівського суду» йдеться про неординарність рішень провінційного суду, коли в одному випадку він посягає на непритаманну йому юрисдикцію, а в іншому – вимагає того, що виконати неможливо. 

Одне з таких рішень – заборона одній із керівниць Нацбанку Катерині Рожковій брати участь у засіданнях правління регулятора і виконувати свої обов’язки. 

Таке рішення Баришівський суд ухвалив на підставі позовної заяви, у якій йшлося, що Рожкова начебто наносить «непоправну шкоду благу України та українського народу».

«Ми знаємо, що між першим та другим туром виборів була серія рішень Апеляційного суду, Господарського суду Києва, Окружного, які були на користь минулих власників «Приватбанку», – нагадав головний редактор видання «Ліга.нет» Борис Давиденко. – Це не секрет, що Катерина Рожкова і Валерія Гонтарева – це були основні драйвери націоналізації «Приватбанку», якщо казати про Національний банк України. Можна припустити, що якщо Рожкої не буде в Нацбанку, то Коломойському буде простіше «прогнути» свою лінію щодо компенсації, чи взаємного володіння «Приватом».

У свою чергу в НБУ заявили: оскаржуватимуть рішення Баришівського суду.

«Національний банк України 14 червня подав до Баришівського районного суду Київської області клопотання про скасування вжитих ухвалою суду від 11 червня заходів забезпечення позову через всановленнтя заборони Катерині Рожковій брати участь у засіданнях правління НБУ та виконувати покладені на неї посадові обов’язки першого заступника голови НБУ», – йшлося у повідомленні.

​Перша заступниця голови НБУ Катерина Рожкова неодноразово публічно виступала на захист позиції щодо необхідності націоналізації «Приватбанку», зокрема, заявляла, що колишні власники вивели з цієї фінансової установи понад 5 мільярдів доларів. Після цього в НБУ ініціювали розслідування міжнародної аудиторської компанії, яку довело цей факт.

У Національному банку Рожкова опікується питаннями банківського нагляду. Багато власників збанкрутілих банків звинувачують її у так званому «банкопаді» 2014-2016 років. У НБУ наполягають, що очистили ринок від банків, потенційно небезпечних для стабільності фінансової системи.

У грудні 2016 року уряд України за пропозицією Нацбанку й акціонерів «Приватбанку», найбільшими з яких на той час були Ігор Коломойський і Геннадій Боголюбов, ухвалив рішення про націоналізацію цієї найбільшої на українському ринку фінустанови.

Банк перейшов у державну власність, на його докапіталізацію загалом держава витратила понад 155 мільярдів гривень. Як заявили в НБУ, до націоналізації «Приватбанку» завдали збитків щонайменше на 5,5 мільярдів доларів.

Колишній акціонер «Приватбанку» Ігор Коломойський назвав «маячнею» опубліковані Національним банком України дані.


Трьом водолазам-ліквідаторам аварії на ЧАЕС присвоїли звання Героїв України

Президент України Володимир Зеленський підписав присвоїв звання Героя України трьом водолазам-ліквідаторам аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС у 1986 році Олексію Ананенку, Валерію Беспалову та посмертно Борису Баранову.

«Згідно з документом № 468/2019, старший інженер-механік реакторного цеху ДП «Чорнобильська АЕС» у 1983-1989 роках Олексій Ананенко, старший інженер турбінного цеху атомної електростанції у 1986 році Валерій Беспалов та начальник зміни цього ж підприємства у 1976-2005 роках Борис Баранов (посмертно) удостоєні найвищої державної нагороди за героїзм і самовіддані дії, виявлені під час ліквідації аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС, що сталася 26 квітня 1986 року», – мовиться в указі, опублікованому офісом президента.

Ананенко, Беспалов та Баранов спускалися в басейн-барботер під зруйнованим реактором ЧАЕС, щоб відкрити запірні клапани і спустити з нього воду. Так вдалося уникнути контакту розплавленого ядерного матеріалу з водою, внаслідок якого міг статися повторний вибух.

У Донецьку та Луганську розклеїли привітання з Днем Конституції України

На адмінбудівлях, поблизу місцевих ринків та зупинок громадського транспорту з’явились постери із написами: «з Днем Конституції України»

Renewable Energy Powers Up Costa Rica

According to the Energy Information Administration, the United States gets about 11 percent of its electric energy from renewable sources.  On the other hand, since 2015 Costa Rica has gotten about 98 percent of its energy from renewables. How they do it has lessons for every country.  VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports.

Biden Faces Tough Sledding in His First Democratic Debate

In a sea of more than 20 candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, former vice president Joe Biden entered the second of two nights of early Democratic primary debates Thursday with a big bulls-eye on his back.

The front-runner before he even announced his candidacy, Biden was expected to ignore attacks from fellow Democrats as much as possible and to focus instead on challenging U.S. President Trump, trying to create the impression that the real race isn’t the primary at all, but an eventual Biden v. Trump showdown.

And from the get-go, that really did seem like Biden’s strategy. But as the former world heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson once observed, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Biden was repeatedly challenged on his record by his opponents and by moderators from television networks NBC, MSNBC and Telemundo, which jointly hosted the event. His answers were often angry and defensive, even to attacks that he must certainly have known were coming.

Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Representative from California Eric Swalwell speaks during the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 27, 2019.

Passing the torch

During the two-hour debate in Miami, which shoehorned 10 candidates onto a single stage for the second night in a row, the first person to take a swing at Biden was California Rep. Eric Swalwell. The 38-year-old four-term congressman went after the 76-year-old former vice president over his age, pointing out that when Swalwell was 6 years old, in 1982, Biden had come to the California Democratic Convention as a presidential candidate and declared that it was time for America to pass the torch to a new generation.

Biden dodged the first attack deftly, parrying with comments about improving educational outcomes and cutting student debt.

However, it didn’t take long for the next blow to land.

Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Senator for California Kamala Harris speaks to the press after the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign in Miami, June 27, 2019.

Busing opposition

California Sen. Kamala Harris, who is African American, challenged Biden over his past opposition to integrating public schools through busing, as well as recent comments he made about his ability to strike deals with openly racist members of the U.S. Senate during his early days in Congress. (Biden had mentioned his ability to work with Georgia Sen. Herman Talmadge and Mississippi Sen. James Eastland, both staunch segregationists from the distant past, as evidence that the Senate used to be a more “civil” place.)

“It was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country,” Harris said. “And, you know, there was a little girl in California, who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools. And she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.”

Defensive, angry

If, coming into the debate, Biden had planned to rise above attacks on him, he abandoned that plan when Harris confronted him. He responded angrily, denying that he had praised Talmadge and Eastland — something Harris never claimed — and launching into a defense of his opposition to busing.

Only a few minutes later, Biden was challenged again, when moderator Chuck Todd asked about his recent assertion that, if he were elected, Republicans in Congress would drop their resistance to Democratic ideas and negotiate. Pointing out that President Barack Obama had made similar comments near the end of his first term, only to be proved wrong, Todd said, “It does sound as if you haven’t seen what’s been happening in the United States over the past 12 years.”

Again, Biden responded angrily, reciting a list of accomplishments during his vice presidency that involved cooperation with Republicans in Congress, including a deal that avoided a federal government default.

Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Senator for Colorado Michael Bennet speaks in the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 27, 2019.

He was immediately blasted by Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, who pointed out that the deal he mentioned involved extending controversial Republican tax cuts indefinitely.

Later, Biden was challenged by moderator Rachel Maddow on his vote in favor of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Rather than defending his vote, he instead focused on his efforts, as vice president, to finally bring U.S. combat troops home, again sounding angry and defensive.

Campaign test

Thursday night was a major test for Biden, who has not campaigned for any office since 2012. He won re-election as a senator in 2008, at the same time that he was elected vice president. Biden has not run by himself on any ticket since 2002, 18 years before the election he is hoping to win next year.

Biden only announced his candidacy in late April, but for long before that he was the clear front-runner in the Democratic primary nomination. On May 4, one week after he officially announced his campaign, Biden held a dominant lead over the rest of the field, with 36.8% of the vote, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average. His closest rival at the time, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, had less than half that support, at 16.4%.

Democratic presidential hopeful Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren participates in the first Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 26, 2019.

In the intervening months, much has changed. As of June 26, Biden’s support in the RCP average had dropped to 32%. Sanders had gained only a little, at 16.9%. But the big story was Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. At 8 percent a week after Biden announced, she had surged to 12.8% in the week before the first debates. Warren was the only one of the five highest-polling candidates to appear in the first debate.

In the final moments of Thursday’s debate, Biden did his best to move his focus back to President Trump, declaring that he wanted to “restore the soul” of the nation, which he said has been “ripped” out by the incumbent. 

If Thursday night demonstrated anything, though, it was that the former vice president’s opponents have no intention of allowing him to keep his focus on the current president. Or to remain comfortable at the top of the polls.

Former US VP Joe Biden, Sen. Kamala Harris Clash Over Racial Issues

Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was at center stage Thursday on the second night of Democratic presidential debates, but one of his main challengers, Sen. Kamala Harris, sharply questioned his relations with segregationist lawmakers four decades ago and his opposition to forced school busing to integrate schools.

Harris, a California lawmaker and former prosecutor, turned to Biden, saying, “I do not believe you are a racist.” But the African American senator drew cheers from the crowd in an auditorium in Miami, Florida, when she said it was “hurtful to hear” Biden recently as he described how as a young senator he worked with segregationist Southern senators to pass legislation.

“That’s a mischaracterization of my position across the board,” a stern-faced Biden responded. “I did not praise racists.”

Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Senator for California Kamala Harris speaks during the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 27, 2019.

But Harris persisted in a sharp exchange, demanding of Biden, “Do you acknowledge it was wrong to oppose busing?” Harris said she had benefited from busing to attend desegregated schools.

Biden defended his longtime support for civil rights legislation, but he did not explain his opposition to school busing in the state of Delaware, which he represented in the U.S. Senate.

Democratic presidential hopeful former U.S. Vice President Joseph R. Biden speaks during the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 27, 2019.

Divisive issue

Court-ordered school busing was a divisive issue in numerous American cities in the 1970s, especially opposed by white parents whose children were sent to black-majority schools elsewhere in their communities to desegregate them.

The Harris-Biden exchange was one of the most pointed of the debate, perhaps catching Biden off guard. The issue of race was triggered midway through the debate when Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, was questioned about his handling of the recent fatal shooting of a black man by a white police officer.

Democratic presidential hopeful Mayor of South Bend, Indiana Pete Buttigieg speaks during the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 27, 2019.

Buttigieg, who temporarily suspended his campaign to return to his city, said the shooting is under investigation, but added, “It’s a mess and we’re hurting.”

Many in the black community have protested Buttigieg’s handling of the police incident and the relatively small number of black police officers on the South Bend force.

Biden leading early survey

Biden currently leads Democratic voter preference surveys for the party’s presidential nomination, but he was facing some of his biggest rivals, with millions watching on national television. He often defended his long role in the U.S. government, most recently as former President Barack Obama’s two-term vice president.

He was joined in the debate by nine other presidential candidates, including Senators Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist from Vermont, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Michael Bennet of Colorado.

In the early moments of the debate, Biden, Sanders and Harris all attacked President Donald Trump for his staunch support for a $1.5 trillion tax cut Congress enacted that chiefly benefited corporations and the wealthy.

“Donald Trump has put us in a horrible situation,” Biden said. “I would be going about eliminating Donald Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy.” Sanders called for the elimination of $1.6 trillion of student debt across the country, while Harris said she would change the tax code to benefit the American middle class, not the wealthy.

Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Senator for Vermont Bernie Sanders arrives for the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 27, 2019.

‘The fraud he is’

Sanders attacked Trump in the most direct way of any of the Democratic contenders, declaring, “Trump is a phony, pathological liar and a racist.” He said Democrats need to “expose him as the fraud he is.”

In a wide-ranging debate, some of the contenders voiced disagreements on how to change U.S. health care policies. Sanders, Harris and Gillibrand all, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren the night before, called for the controversial adoption of a government-run health care program to replace the current U.S. system, which is based on workers buying private insurance policies to pay most of their health care bills.

But the other candidates disagreed. Biden, a staunch supporter of the Obamacare plan adopted while he was vice president that helped millions of Americans gain health insurance coverage, said that the existing plan should be improved, not abandoned.

“I’m against any Democrat who takes down Obamacare,” Biden said.

Candidates taking part in Thursday’s Democratic debate in Miami, June 27, 2019.

All 10 contenders said they supported providing health care coverage for undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. Biden, reflecting other candidates’ comments, said, “You cannot let people be sick no matter where they came from.”

Trump, who was following the debate from the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, blasted the democratic candidates’ position.

All Democrats just raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens unlimited healthcare. How about taking care of American Citizens first!? That’s the end of that race!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2019

Biden twice has failed to win the party’s presidential nomination, in 1988 and 2008. But he has consistently led national polling this year, both over his Democratic rivals for the party nomination and over Trump in a hypothetical 2020 general election matchup.

Democratic presidential hopeful Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren participates in the first Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 26, 2019.

Biden’s closest Democratic challengers are Sanders and Warren of Massachusetts, the key contender among 10 on the debate stage Wednesday, when more than 15 million people tuned in to see the first major political event of the 2020 campaign.

Biden has attempted to portray himself as a steady alternative to the unpredictable Trump, one who would restore frayed U.S. relations with foreign allies and undo conservative domestic policies Trump has adopted.

But more progressive Democrats have questioned Biden’s bona fides and political history over four decades in Washington as the party’s key current figures have aggressively moved toward more liberal stances on a host of key policy issues, including health care and abortion, taxes and immigration.

Some critics also have suggested that Biden might be too old to become the U.S. leader. Now 76, Biden would be 78 and the oldest first-term president if he were to defeat the 73-year-old Trump and take office in January 2021. Trump often mocks him as “Sleepy Joe.”

Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Representative from California Eric Swalwell speaks during the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 27, 2019.

‘Pass the torch’

Congressman Eric Swalwell of California jabbed at Biden, recalling that 32 years ago, when Biden first ran for president, Biden contended the U.S. needed to “pass the torch” to a new generation of leaders. Swalwell said Biden was right when he said that then and joked that “he’s right today.”

Biden laughed at the reference, responding, “I’m still holding on to that torch.”

In the Midwestern farm state of Iowa recently, Trump assessed his possible Democratic opponents, saying of Biden, “I think he’s the weakest mentally, and I think Joe is weak mentally. The others have much more energy.”

Biden, for his part, labeled Trump “an existential threat” to the U.S.

Archbishop Describes Kidnapping by Separatist Fighters in Cameroon

Separatists in Cameroon’s restive English-speaking regions have freed a prominent Catholic archbishop they kidnapped Tuesday. 

Archbishop Cornelius Fontem Esua says he was abducted by separatist fighters in a locality called Njinikejem while on a trip to preach peace in regions where a separatist war has raged for the past two years.

“The road was blocked,” he said. “I stood there for sometime, some boys came in and said, ‘No, you cannot go, you should go back.’ They gave me the number of a certain general [commander of separatist fighters]. They called and said, ‘Let me talk to him.’ He said, ‘No, you cannot pass, it has been blocked.’ I came down, I removed the barrier and I passed. The boys came, about 5 or 6 of them very aggressively shouting, ‘Who do you think you are,’ mishandled my driver. ‘No, we are taking you to our camp.'”

Esua says he was taken to the bush with four of his companions. He says they were not physically assaulted while in captivity.

The archbishop says he told the hundreds of youths and the man who called himself the general commanding separatist forces in the area that they should stop killing, maiming and abducting people whom they say they are trying to liberate.

“I told them, ‘You are making people to suffer.’ I said we cannot achieve anything good with evil. Thou shall not kill, thou shall not make other people to suffer. People whom you pretend to be fighting for are suffering. I told them a lot about education. Get the schools open,” he said.

Esua says they listened to him, and replied that they were fighting to save their land and people. He says he was asked to leave after more than 13 hours in captivity; he did not say if a ransom was paid for his release.

Previous abductions

It was not the first time clergy have been abducted by the English-speaking separatists, who want to break away from Cameroon’s French-speaking majority. 

The Catholic Church says dozens of its nuns and priests have been kidnapped and released.  Many believe the church paid to secure their release, an allegation the church denies. 

Security analyst Eugene Ongbwa, a consultant with Cameroon’s NGO Ecumenical Service For Peace, says the separatists have not been killing priests because the Catholic Church has preached against abuses by the government, and has called on the central government to listen to the fighters.

When the crisis began, separatist fighters kidnapped and killed missionaries and foreign workers to put pressure on the international community to force the government of Cameroon to grant their requests, Ongbwa said, adding that separatists seem to have dropped that option. The archbishop’s life may have been spared because he has been neutral, though vocal, about the need for the government to listen to the separatists, Ongbwa said.

The Catholic Church says at least nine clergy members have been killed, including American-born Charles Wesco, who died in Bamenda in crossfire with separatist fighters, and Kenyan-born Cosmas Omboto Ondari, who was shot in the southwestern town of Mamfe in a crossfire incident last November.

Kenyan Activists Celebrate Halt to Coal Plant in World Heritage Town

Kenyan activists are celebrating after a Chinese-backed plan to build East Africa’s first coal-fired power plant near the World Heritage site island town of Lamu has again been halted.  Ruud Elmendorp reports from Lamu on the continuing controversy. 

Biden, Sanders, Harris Among 2nd Group of Democratic Hopefuls Set for Miami Debate

Another 10 Democratic U.S. presidential contenders will debate Thursday night, including a larger number of leading candidates, following a spirited Wednesday night debate in the first major event of the 2020 election campaign.

Thursday’s participants include former Vice President Joe Biden and other top-tier possible choices, including Senators Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Kamala Harris of California; Mayor Pete Buttigieg of the Midwestern city of South Bend, Indiana; along with six others.

All twenty Democratic presidential hopefuls hope to oust Republican President Donald Trump after a single term in the White House.

The immediate focus Wednesday was on Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a progressive lawmaker from the northeastern state of Massachusetts who national surveys show has edged closer to Biden as a Democratic favorite to oppose Trump in the election set for Nov. 3, 2020.

Democratic presidential hopeful Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren participates in the first Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 26, 2019.

She told a live audience in Miami, Florida, and millions more watching on national television, “I want to return government to the people.” She added, referring to major corporations, “What’s been missing is courage, courage in Washington to take on the giants. I have the courage to go after them.”

Later, Warren said she supports a government-run health care system that could end the private insurance-based health care now used in the U.S. Some Democratic candidates and most Republicans, including Trump, oppose such a change as costly and a mistake for the country.

But Warren, a former Harvard law professor, said, “Health care is a basic human right and I will fight for basic human rights.”

Even with Warren’s strong performance in the two-hour debate, the other candidates had their moments to control it in their attempt to gain a foothold in the unprecedentedly large field of 25 Democratic candidates.

Democratic presidential hopeful former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro participates in the first Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign.


Former U.S. housing chief Julian Castro, Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey and other contenders called for major changes in U.S. immigration policies, voicing numerous objections to the way Trump has tried to block Central American migrants from entering the U.S. to seek asylum.

“We must not criminalize desperation” of migrants to reach the U.S., said Castro, who frequently began his answers in Spanish before repeating them in English. He said this week’s photo of an El Salvadoran father and his 23-month-old daughter drowning in the Rio Grande River on the southern U.S. border with Mexico “is heart-breaking…and should piss us all off.”

Warren was also joined on the debate stage by Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, former Congressman Beto O’Rourke of Texas and five others as they parried each other’s policy planks and aimed verbal shots at Trump and his 29-month White House tenure. “Immigrants do not diminish America,” Klobuchar said at one point in a rejoinder to Trump, even as she added that some border restrictions must be kept to stop human traffickers.

Democratic presidential hopefuls, from left, Bill de Blasio, Tim Ryan, Julian Castro, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Beto O’Rourke, Amy Klobuchar and Tulsi Gabbard arrive to the first Democratic primary debate in Miami, June 26, 2019.

For many Americans, it was the first chance to size up many of the Democratic presidential candidates, to see whether they might like any of them as an alternative to Trump, the country’s surprise winner in the 2016 election.

The crowd in Miami, a Democratic stronghold in a state Trump won in the 2016 election, cheered raucously at verbal swipes at Trump, with Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee perhaps drawing the biggest response when he contended that Trump was the world’s biggest security threat to the U.S., while the other candidates gave more traditional answers to the same question, naming Russia, China, and global warming.

Democratic presidential hopeful Governor of Washington Jay Inslee speaks during the first Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, June 26, 2019.

The Democrats are staging a dozen debates over the coming months, well ahead of the first Democratic election contest to eventually pick the party’s presidential nominee: caucus voting in the Midwest farm state of Iowa in the dead of winter next February.

The unwieldy field of candidates, in addition to another five that did not meet the Democratic National Committee’s minimal political standards to merit a spot in the debates, all sense they might have a chance to unseat Trump.

Democratic voters, however, so far seem uncertain of what they are looking for in their party standard-bearer — someone who best represents their political views on such contentious issues as health care, abortion, foreign policy, immigration, taxes and more, or possibly a candidate who has one overriding quality: the best chance of defeating Trump.


Журналістка Седлецька продовжує вигравати суди у справі про доступ слідчих до її телефону

Шостий апеляційний адміністративний суд Києва повністю задовольнив позов журналістки Радіо Свобода Наталії Седлецької та визнав неправомірною відмову Печерського районного суду надати їй ухвалу про доступ до даних з її мобільного телефону. Це рішення – важливий прецедент для формування у судах практики, за якою не можна відмовляти громадянину в отриманні тексту судового рішення, якщо воно стосується його прав, зазначає захист журналістки. 

«Це рішення є вкрай важливим для захисту прав і свобод громадян у майбутньому при вирішенні аналогічних питань щодо доступу до судових рішень слідчих суддів. Адже суд визнав протиправною відмову громадянину у доступі до судового рішення, якщо таке рішення по факту порушує його права, свободи або інтереси. Це рішення має стати практикою в українських судах і значно спростить громадянам в аналогічній ситуації процес захисту їхніх прав», – пояснив адвокат журналістки Анатолій Попов, який вів цю справу в судах. 

Журналістка, головний редактор програми розслідувань «Схеми» Наталка Седлецька наголосила на важливості доведення розпочатої справи до кінця.

«Для нас дуже важливо довести розпочату справу до кінця і успішно оскаржити кожен етап, на якому держава в особі судів або правоохоронців порушувала журналістські права, та протидіяла відновленню справедливості і спробам журналістів убезпечити свої джерела від загроз і ризиків, пов’язаних з їхнім розкриттям. Це ми й робимо крок за кроком, в українських та європейському судах», – розповіла Наталка Седлецька. 

«У редакції Радіо Свобода цю справу давно не розглядають як історію окремо взятого журналіста, для мовника це – важливий показовий публічний судовий процес, що сприяє захисту свободи слова в Україні і посилює спроможність журналістів відстоювати у законний спосіб свої права в перехідних демократіях», – наголосила Седлецька. 

6 вересня 2018 року журналістка Радіо Свобода та авторка програми розслідувань «Схеми» спробувала отримати в Печерському районному суді копію ухвали, якою Генпрокуратурі було надано доступ до великого масиву інформації з її мобільного телефону. Оскільки виконання такої ухвали могло призвести до розкриття джерел журналіста, Седлецька мала намір оскаржити її законність в апеляційному суді.

Але в апараті Печерського суду їй відмовили в цьому праві – на підставі надуманого, на думку адвоката журналістки, приводу. Захисник Анатолій Попов вважає, що в такий спосіб були створені незаконні перепони в доступі Седлецької до правосуддя, адже в таких випадках людина змушена подавати апеляцію навмання – без попереднього ознайомлення з повним текстом ухвали, яку вона оскаржувала.

Наприкінці серпня 2018 року Печерський районний суд Києва надав Генеральній прокуратурі доступ до даних з телефонів журналістки Радіо Свобода Наталки Седлецької та журналістки «Нового времени» Крістіни Бердинських у справі про можливе розголошення директором НАБУ Артемом Ситником даних досудового розслідування.

Генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко запевнив, що слідство не потребує від оператора мобільного зв’язку якихось даних журналісток Наталії Седлецької і Крістіни Бердинських, окрім дат їхнього перебування в зоні дії вежі мобільного оператора поблизу будівлі НАБУ.

Європейський суд з прав людини вказав уряду України, що він має забезпечити утримання органів влади від доступу до будь-яких даних із телефону Седлецької. А у жовтні 2018 року – безстроково заборонив слідчим отримувати дані з її мобільного. Рішення ЄСПЛ щодо Наталки Седлецької із застосуванням «Правила 39» щодо статті 10 Конвенції стало лише другим подібним випадком в історії суду.

Крім того, доступ до масиву даних з телефонів журналістів за період у 17 місяців викликав широку критику українських і міжнародних антикорупційних, правозахисних і журналістських спільнот, дипломатів і урядових організацій, які назвали обсяг цього масиву надмірним та засудили дії Генеральної прокуратури на чолі з Юрієм Луценком. 

Над справою доступу силовиків до мобільних телефонів журналістів працює група адвокатів у складі: Сергій Заєць, адвокат з ГО Регіональний центр прав людини, Анатолій Попов, адвокат Наталки Седлецької, Людмила Панкратова, адвокатка з Інституту розвитку регіональної преси, адвокатка Віра Крат, яка представляє інтереси журналістів програми «Схеми» в судах. 

Оскарження нової редакції правопису – суд відклав розгляд справи до 15 серпня

Новий правопис почав діяти 3 червня

Негода у Києві та області: є жертви, пошкодження на вулицях і затримки приміських поїздів

У Держслужбі з надзвичайних ситуацій України повідомили, що в результаті негоди 27 червня одна людина загинула у Київській області і двоє постраждали у столиці.

Згідно з повідомленням, лише у Києві рятувальники виїжджали понад 40 разів на виклики. Серед найбільш поширених проблем, викликаних негодою, – повалення дерев, конструкцій будівель, блокування проїжджої частини.

«Укрзалізниця» попередила про можливі затримки в курсування низки приміських поїздів через негоду.

Крім того, через негоду на Івано-Франківщині були повалені близько 160 дерев та пошкоджені покрівлі 11 будівель. Жертв та постраждалих в області немає.

Раніше і синоптики, і столична влада попереджали про негоду, особливо у Києві, 27 червня – грозу град і поривчастий вітер 25-28 м/с. У мерії зауважили, що поривчастий вітер буде і 28 червня – до 24 м/с.

Tunisia’s Aging President Hospitalized With Serious Illness

Tunisia’s 92-year-old president has been taken to a military hospital after falling seriously ill.
President Beji Caid Essebsi’s office announced the hospitalization on Thursday. Essebsi had been briefly hospitalized last week as well.
Tunisia’s first freely elected president, Essebsi won office in 2014. He recently announced he wouldn’t run again in elections this November, saying a younger person should lead the country.


Key Quotes From the First Democratic Presidential Debate

The first group of 10 Democratic candidates running for the party’s 2020 presidential nomination gathered on stage in Miami, Florida for a two hour debate Wednesday.  As is typical in many debates of this kind, each candidate hoped to break through the crowded filed with a memorable phrase or lengthy quote that would resonate with both voters and political commentators.  VOA’s Richard Green has some key quotes on a variety of issues from each of the candidates.


Twin Suicide Attacks Targeting Security Forces Strike Tunisia’s Capital

Twin suicide attacks targeting security forces struck Tunisia’s capital on Thursday, killing a patrol officer and injuring at least eight people.

One attacker detonated explosives in a busy commercial district near the French embassy shortly before 11 a.m., apparently targeting a police patrol. One of the officers died from his injuries, and another was injured along with three bystanders.

At nearly the same time, a second bomber struck at an entrance to the anti-terrorism brigade on the outskirts of the city. Four officers were hospitalized with injuries.

Tunisia has been struck repeatedly by terror attacks. In October a female suicide bomber struck the city center, killing only herself.

California Adopts New Racing Rules After Deaths of 30 Horses

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law Wednesday giving state officials authority to suspend or shut down horse races with little notice after 30 horses died this year at Santa Anita track.

“Business as usual has resulted in too many horse deaths,” Newsom said as he signed the bill that state lawmakers passed unanimously.

The new law expands the authority of the California Horse Racing Board, which can now act in emergency cases instead of being forced to give public notice first.

Newson had already created a state panel that would evaluate a horse’s medical, training, and racing history.

Santa Anita, which is set to resume its racing season in September, has adopted its own standards, including banning jockeys from using whips during a race.

Santa Anita last week banned famed trainer Jerry Hollenorfer after four of his horses died at the track.

“I call on race tracks around the state to hold themselves to the higher screening standards recently adopted at Santa Anita,” Newson said. “This model can save horses’ lives.”

Animal rights groups have long accused trainers and owners of using drugs and painkillers on horses and running them no matter what condition they may be in.

Activists have called on the racing industry to adopt a nationwide standard for deciding whether a horse is fit to run.

Libyan Forces Claim to Take Key Town From Rival Army 

Forces loyal to Libya’s internationally recognized government claim they have seized a key town south of Tripoli from forces from a rival eastern-based government.

Officials with Prime Minister’s Fayez al-Sarraj’s Government of National Accord said Wednesday that they took over Gharyan in a surprise attack from forces loyal to Gen. Khalifa Haftar.

Haftar’s army had set up offices in the town, which also is home to field hospitals and a helicopter base. 

Haftar’s forces said there was fighting in Gharyan but did not concede defeat.

Fighting between the two armies has been centered in the suburbs south of Tripoli for several months, with neither side making much progress. But the clashes have driven thousands of civilians from their homes or to government-run shelters.

Libya has been in constant chaos since longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi was toppled and killed in 2011. 

Al-Sarraj has been struggling to assert authority while Haftar looks to take power. The turmoil has given extremist groups, such as Islamic State, the opportunity to entrench themselves in Libya.

US Regulator Cites New Flaw on Grounded Boeing 737 Max

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has identified a new risk that Boeing Co must address on its 737 Max before the grounded jet can return to service, the agency said Wednesday.

The risk was discovered during a simulator test last week and it is not yet clear if the issue can be addressed with a software upgrade or will require a more complex hardware fix, sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

The FAA did not elaborate on the latest setback for Boeing, which has been working to get its best-selling airplane back in the air following a worldwide grounding in March in the wake of two deadly crashes within five months.

The new issue means Boeing will not conduct a certification test flight until July 8 in a best-case scenario, the sources said, but one source cautioned it could face further delays beyond that. The FAA will spend at least two weeks reviewing the results before deciding whether to return the plane to service, the people said.

Last month, FAA representatives told members of the aviation industry that approval of the 737 Max jets could happen as early as late June.

The world’s largest planemaker has been working on the upgrade for a stall-prevention system known as MCAS since a Lion Air crash in Indonesia in October, when pilots were believed to have lost a tug of war with software that repeatedly pushed the nose down.

A second deadly crash in March in Ethiopia also involved MCAS. The two accidents killed a total of 346 people.

“On the most recent issue, the FAA’s process is designed to discover and highlight potential risks. The FAA recently found a potential risk that Boeing must mitigate,” the FAA said in the statement emailed to Reuters. “The FAA will lift the aircraft’s prohibition order when we deem it is safe to do so.”

Intense scrutiny

Boeing said in a securities filing late Wednesday that the FAA has asked it to address through software changes a specific flight condition not covered in the company’s already-unveiled software changes.

The U.S. planemaker also said it agreed with the FAA’s decision and request, and was working on a fix to address the problem.

“Boeing will not offer the 737 MAX for certification by the FAA until we have satisfied all requirements for certification of the MAX and its safe return to service,” Boeing wrote in the filing.

Boeing’s aircraft are being subjected to intense scrutiny and testing designed to catch flaws even after a years-long certification process.

Two people briefed on the matter told Reuters that an FAA test pilot during a simulator test last week was running scenarios seeking to intentionally activate the MCAS stall-prevention system. During one activation it took an extended period to recover the stabilizer trim system that is used to control the aircraft, the people said.

It was not clear if the situation that resulted in an uncommanded dive can be addressed with a software update or if it is a microprocessor issue that will require a hardware replacement.

New delays

In a separate statement, Boeing said addressing the new problem would remove a potential source of uncommanded movement by the plane’s stabilizer.

A hardware fix could add new delays to the plane’s return to service.

The FAA also said on Wednesday that it continues “to evaluate Boeing’s software modification to the MCAS and we are still developing necessary training requirements. We also are responding to recommendations received from the Technical Advisory Board. The TAB is an independent review panel we have asked to review our work regarding 737 Max return to service.”

American Airlines Group Inc and Southwest Airlines Co earlier canceled flights through early September as a result of the grounding. On Wednesday, United Airlines said it also was removing Max flights from its schedule through Sept. 3.

Оскарження нової редакції правопису: у суді повідомили дату підготовчого засідання

Новий правопис почав діяти 3 червня

У центрі Запоріжжя підняли національний прапор кримських татар

У Запоріжжі на площі Фестивальній 26 червня відбулася акція до Дня кримськотатарського прапора. Про це повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода.

Учасники заходу роздавали перехожим кримськотатарські прапорці, аби нагадати про ситуацію в Криму та таким чином підтримати кримських татар.

Активісти також підняли кримськотатарський прапор на флагшток, встановлений на центральній площі міста. В центрі Запоріжжя стяг висітиме упродовж всього дня.

«Я сама кримчанка, і моє життя, починаючи з 1988 року, дуже тісно пов’язано з кримськими татарами відтоді, як вони отримали змогу повернутися на свою землю. І вже переїхавши сюди я завжди підтримую всі акції, які проводять кримські татари тому, що це власне моє відношення до цієї нації. Я вважаю, що останні п’ять років показали хто кому брат. Це дуже чітко видно. Сьогодні день кримськотатарського прапору і весь світ відзначає цей день. Мабуть всюди, де є кримські татари, а зараз всюди, де є навіть просто кримчани – не етнічні кримські татари, власне як я, ми підтримуємо цей день, проводимо акції. Ми нагадуємо, що Крим – це Україна, окупація рано чи пізно закінчиться і все буде добре», – розповіла співорганізаторка акції, кримчанка Наталя.

Акція з підняття кримськотатарського прапору на центральному флагшткові Запоріжжя відбувається втретє.

День кримськотатарського прапора почали відзначати кілька років тому в Криму. Датою святкування був обраний перший день другого Курултаю кримськотатарського народу, який пройшов 26-27 червня в Сімферополі в 1991 році.

Прапор кримських татар – полотно небесного кольору із зображеним на ньому знаком – тамгою – золотого кольору.

Верховна Рада України офіційно оголосила 20 лютого 2014 року початком тимчасової окупації Криму і Севастополя Росією. 7 жовтня 2015 року п’ятий президент України Петро Порошенко підписав відповідний закон. Міжнародні організації визнали окупацію і анексію Криму незаконними і засудили дії Росії. Країни Заходу запровадили низку економічних санкцій. Росія заперечує окупацію півострова і називає це «відновленням історичної справедливості».

Kenya’s Ice Hockey Team Determined to Qualify for 2022 Winter Olympics

Kenya’s only ice hockey team is still trying to earn a bid for the 2022 winter Olympics, being held in Beijing. In a two-day friendly event held in Nairobi last weekend, the team qualified for the finals but fell to team USA in a nail biter.

 In eastern Africa’s only ice rink – Kenya’s only ice hockey team, the Ice Lions, took on their first opponents in a home tournament. Team member Hassan Ali Shah says the Ice Lions got off to a great start even though the matches didn’t count.

“It’s a great feeling, especially for Team Kenya, since this is our first game we are hosting here in Kenya,” Shah said.

The team has come of age since the beginning of last year when it was created. Eric Landberg, who represented the European diplomats’ team has this assessment of its growth.

“It’s a young team but it’s already playing an excellent game and I must say that I have been very impressed by the development lately.  I had a chance to play them before and I think they are developing all the time and they are already now a very good team, I like their team spirit it’s really good,” Landberg said.

There is no ice hockey league in the country so Team Kenya plays challengers made up of Western diplomats. It is these friendly tournaments with foreign teams the Ice Lions use to prepare for the 2022 Winter Olympics, which they hope to qualify for. Kenya sees the game as a way to market itself as an ice hockey destination. 

South Africa is ranked number one on the continent among the six African countries that play hockey. On the last day of the tournament, Team Kenya fell 10 to nine to Team USA. 

Death of Father, Daughter at US Border Bring Attention to Migrant Frustration

A father and daughter from El Salvador were found dead Monday after they tried to cross the Rio Grande River from Mexico into the United States.

A photo of their bodies published first by the Mexican newspaper La Jornada, has become widely circulated by news organizations and on social media, boosting attention on the circumstances of migrants who face long wait times for adjudication of asylum cases at the border.

It also sparked debate about whether it is appropriate to share such sensitive images.

According to reports from La Jornada and the Associated Press, Oscar Alberto Martinez Ramirez was frustrated and tired of waiting for an opportunity to request U.S. asylum and made the decision Sunday night to try to cross the river with his wife and daughter.

Ramirez was able to get the 23-month-old girl to the other side of the river, but when he went back across to help his wife, the girl went into the water. He tried to save her but both were swept away by the river’s strong currents.

El Salvador’s Foreign Minister Alexandra Hill said the government was working to help the family, and she cautioned other migrants to not risk their lives as they travel.

U.S. authorities reported 283 migrant deaths last year.

U.S. Border Patrol said Tuesday its agents had rescued a father and small child from Honduras who were struggling in the same river farther to the west.

Guatemala’s government also confirmed Tuesday that a mother and three children found dead in southern Texas from dehydration and exposure to high temperatures after also crossing the Rio Grand are Guatemalan nationals.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is trying to reduce the number of migrants arriving at the U.S. southern border, many of them from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, including discussing with Guatemala an agreement that would require migrants to apply for asylum there instead of traveling on to the United States.

У Запоріжжі мітингували на підтримку Грузії

У центрі Запоріжжя на бульварі Шевченка 25 червня відбулася акція на підтримку Грузії. Її учасники принесли з собою національні прапори України і Грузії та плакати з написами «Підтримуємо братів грузинів», «Україна з Грузією». 

«Саме зараз грузини перебувають у дещо турбулентній ситуації, і ми вважаємо, що та ситуація, яка склалася, була спровокована Російської Федерацією, адже ми – ані грузини, ані українці – не можемо допустити, щоб член російської Державної думи, який голосував свого часу за анексію Абхазії, всівся у крісло спікера парламенту Грузії. Ми вважаємо, що це не припустимо, бачимо, до чого це призвело в Грузії. Вважаємо, що ми і грузини – це дійсно брати. Ми маємо спільну історію, маємо спільну дружбу і маємо спільного ворога, тому вважаємо, що нам необхідно підтримати Грузію так само, як Грузія підтримує нас всі ці п’ять років», – заявив організатор акції Прохор Казбеков.

Антиросійські протести тривають у Тбілісі від 20 червня. Демонстрації почалися після того, як депутат Державної думи Росії, комуніст Сергій Гаврилов вів засідання Міжпарламентської асамблеї православ’я, сидячи у кріслі спікера грузинського парламенту.

Це обурило багатьох громадян Грузії, бо перед приїздом до Тбілісі Гаврилов підтвердив, що вважає незворотнім визнання Росією як «незалежних держав» сепаратистських регіонів Грузії – Абхазії і Південної Осетії.

20 червня протести переросли в сутички протестувальників із поліцією, яка застосувала сльозогінний газ і гумові кулі проти демонстрантів (яких всього було близько 10 тисяч) перед будівлею парламенту. Після декількох годин сутичок, застосування сльозогінного газу, гумових куль і затримання кількох десятків демонстрантів поліція розігнала акцію. Міністерство охорони здоров’я Грузії повідомило про 240 потерпілих, із яких 80 поліцейські.

Понад 300 протестувальників затримали.


Brazil President Backtracks on Looser Gun Restrictions as Lawmakers Resist

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday reversed a move to loosen gun control laws by presidential decree, in a strategic retreat after lawmakers pushed back on one of the far-right leader’s key campaign promises.

In May, Bolsonaro signed decrees easing restrictions on importing and carrying guns and buying ammunition, which needed congressional approval to become permanent law. After the Senate rejected a decree last week, Bolsonaro decided on Tuesday to revoke it and reconsider his strategy.

The former army captain vowed last year to crack down on crime and ease access to guns, rolling back decades of arms control efforts as many Brazilians clamored for a dramatic response to rising violent crime.

Bolsonaro’s reversal on Tuesday, published in a late edition of the government’s official gazette, contradicted comments made just hours earlier by his spokesman Otávio Rêgo Barros that the
president would not revoke the guns decree.

Bolsonaro also sent a new bill to Congress on Tuesday that aims to loosen restrictions on the possession of arms in rural areas, Senate President Davi Alcolumbre wrote on his Twitter

Report: US Special Counsel Mueller to Testify Before House Panels July 17

U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who issued a report in April on Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election,  will testify in open session before the House of Representatives Judiciary and Intelligence Committees on July 17, the panels’ Democratic chairmen said on Tuesday.

Representative Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the judiciary panel, and Representative Adam Schiff, head of the intelligence panel, said in a joint statement that Mueller had agreed to testify after the two committees issued subpoenas on Tuesday.

This is a breaking story. Please check back for updates.

US Confirms 200 Unaccompanied Minors Removed From CBP Facility

VOA’s Victoria Macchi contributed to this report.

WASHINGTON — More than 200 children held in a border facility described as unsafe and unsanitary last week were transferred to the care of another U.S. agency by Tuesday, U.S. health authorities confirmed.

In a statement emailed to VOA, U.S. Health and Human Services acknowledged it worked with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to remove 249 unaccompanied children from the CBP Clint Station facility in Texas.

The statement came after the Associated Press reported unsanitary living conditions and inadequate food and medical treatment at the facility.

The children held at Clint Station were those who crossed the border without authorization and without a guardian, and are referred to as “unaccompanied alien children,” or UACs.

Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, joined at left by Rep. Katherine Clark, D-Mass., vice chair of the Democratic Caucus, speaks with reporters following a meeting of fellow Democrats focusing on a path to emergency humanitarian aid to help migrant detained on the southwestern border.

While CBP is the agency that detains unauthorized border crossers, HHS generally takes custody of detained, unaccompanied children within 72 hours, as is mandated by law except for rare occasions in which a child is held by CBP for longer.

“UAC are waiting too long in CBP facilities that are not designed to care for children,” an HHS official told VOA.

The agency said it was able to expedite how soon children in its care were released to sponsors  often an extended family member, like a grandparent. A process that was taking 90 days in November 2018 was down to an average of 44 days in May, according to HHS.

But like other agencies working with children and families detained at the border, HHS and CBP are struggling to meet the demands of the recent increase in arrivals.

Trump “personally concerned”

Meanwhile, despite the confirmation from HHS that 249 children were removed from the Clint facility, media outlets reported that an official from CBP, who briefed reporters on Tuesday, said the government moved more than 100 children back to the same facility .

CBP drew criticism from human rights groups and federal lawmakers  over the AP report last week.

After signing an affordable housing executive order in the Oval Office on Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump said he was “personally concerned about the conditions” at border facilities after AP’s report. 

Trump said “A lot of these young children come from places that you don’t even want to know about, the way they’ve lived, the way they’ve been.” 

He also said his administration is trying to get Democrats to give “some humanitarian aid humanitarian money.”

CBP chief resigning

It is also unclear whether that report played a role in the announcement on Tuesday that the head of CBP, Acting Commissioner John Sanders, is resigning.

He will leave his post on July 5, a CBP official confirmed in an email to VOA.

The agency declined to provide further comment on the resignation.