Australian Bank to Compensate Cambodian Farmers for Lost Land

In a landmark decision for the rights of smallholders, a leading Australian bank has agreed to pay more than 1,000 Cambodian families displaced by a sugar company it granted a loan to in 2011, even though the loan violated the bank’s stated human rights standards. 

ANZ Australia will pay the families with interest earned by the $40 million loan to Phnom Penh Sugar (PPS), a company owned by a conglomerate headed by Cambodian lawmaker and tycoon Ly Yong Phat, who is affiliated with the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). 

At the time ANZ granted the loan through its Cambodian joint venture, ANZ Royal Bank, PPS had attracted international media attention following widespread allegations of its use of child labor and clashes with local human rights groups.

PPS did not respond to VOA Khmer’s requests for comment. 

At the heart of the dispute was the 2011 eviction of farm families, who allegedly received no compensation when PPS purportedly seized their holdings and homes in collusion with local authorities and Cambodia’s armed forces. At the time, plantations owned by Ly Yong Phat were spread across the Tbpong and Oral districts. They eventually occupied 23,000 hectares. 

Critics said his operations produced “blood sugar,” because of the violent forced evictions and other human rights abuses inflicted on the families. 

‘Huge difficulties’

Soeung Sokhom, a representative of the affected families in Cambodia’s Kompong Speu province, said he supported the outcome in a statement issued as part of the payment announcement.  

“We have experienced huge difficulties with our livelihoods since the sugar company took our land almost 10 years ago, and this contribution will greatly help our situation,” he said. “The whole affected community, including me, are deeply grateful that ANZ has resolved our complaint.” 

The bank did not disclose the exact amount it would pay the farmers, whose holdings varied in size. 

The agreement came five years after two nonprofits filed a complaint against the bank with a little-known entity within Australia’s treasury department, the nonjudicial Australian National Contact Point (ANCP). It oversees complaints about the behavior of Australian companies overseas based on guidelines for responsible corporate behavior set forth by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 

FILE – A land eviction protester shouts during a rally near the prime minister’s residence in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, July 22, 2019.

Equitable Cambodia (EC), a nonprofit that since 2012 has worked to protect “all Cambodians from a protracted land-grabbing crisis,” filed the complaint.    

Inclusive Development International (IDI), a U.S. nonprofit based in Asheville, North Carolina, joined EC in filing the complaint. 

After filing the complaint, the two nonprofits had consistently called on ANZ to divest the profit from the loan and provide it to the families as reparations for their due diligence failings. 

‘Difficult to reconcile’

In a 2018 report, the ANCP found “there is some doubt in this case around the extent to which ANZ’s actual business practices aligned with its stated approach to human rights. … It is difficult to reconcile ANZ’s decision to take on PPS as a client with its own internal [human rights] policies.” 

In October 2018, the bank’s CEO, Shayne Elliott, told an Australian parliamentary committee this was “a dreadful situation” and that the bank would consider compensating the families.

ANCP negotiated the agreement, with talks continuing until earlier this month. 

In a joint statement issued Thursday with EC, Natalie Bugalski, IDI’s legal director, said, “This agreement sets an important precedent for the banking industry, and we welcome ANZ’s leadership in this regard. Going forward, all banks should recognize that they can’t look the other way when they loan money to corporations that abuse people’s rights and cause harm. If a bank contributes to adverse human rights impacts through its lending activities, it has a responsibility to contribute to a remedy.” 

David Pred, IDI’s executive director, told VOA Khmer by phone that the nonprofits and ANZ would continue to work “with the affected communities to identify the beneficiaries of this payment, the people who are affected by the Phnom Penh Sugar project, and ensure that all of these families receive the benefit of this agreement.” 

He described the amount the bank will pay as “significant.” 

FILE – Workers collect chopped sugar cane on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, June 3, 2016.

In a statement by the three parties that was attached to the ANCP resolution, ANZ “acknowledges that its due diligence on the project funded by its loan was inadequate and recognizes the hardships faced by the affected communities.” 

“We congratulate Shayne Elliott and ANZ for doing the right thing by returning the revenue earned from the loan to affected families in Kampong Speu,” said Eang Vuthy, EC’s executive director. “This is an important recognition of the ongoing hardships that the communities have suffered all these years, and it will make a big difference for them. But this does not in any way replace Phnom Penh Sugar’s responsibility to fully compensate the communities for their damages.” 

ANCP praised the agreement in an accompanying statement: 

“Where a company has gained revenue in a manner inconsistent with the OECD guidelines, and that has resulted in parties being impacted, the payment of the revenues to those parties may be one way a company can comply with the requirements of the OECD guidelines.” 

‘Appalling record’

Pred pointed out, “This is only the second time out of more than 300 cases concluded in the 20-year history of the National Contact Point system when a complaint process has resulted in a concrete financial remedy for complainants. That’s an appalling record.” 

He continued, “We hope this outcome will help inspire a brighter future for corporate accountability, where the victims of corporate misconduct can expect legitimate complaints to result in effective remedies.” 

As part of the resolution, ANZ also agreed to review and strengthen its human rights policies, including its customer social and environmental screening processes and grievance mechanism.  

“We look forward to working with ANZ to establish an accessible and effective grievance mechanism for affected communities, and we urge other banks to follow suit,” Pred said. 

Last year, Friends of the Earth Australia issued a report finding Australia’s largest banks, including ANZ, the Commonwealth Bank, NAB and Westpac, had funded directly or indirectly companies accused of improperly acquiring land from local people, child labor violations and land clearing, according to The Sydney Morning Herald.

Phong Sokit of Kampong Speu province told VOA Khmer that the sugar company had seized about 25 hectares of land he had owned since 1996 in the Oral district. He said he had not heard about the compensation plan. 

Today, each hectare is worth about $10,000, he said. 

“I don’t know how they will solve how much to pay people,” Phong Sokit said. “Some have five hectares, some have 10 hectares that were bulldozed and grabbed. Some people have two or three hectares. … If the plan is to pay each an equal amount, I cannot accept it. Those who have more hectares of land can’t accept it.” 

Phong Sokit added, “It’s not clear yet what’s going to happen because the representatives who went to the meetings have not come back to tell the communities.” 

Ексдепутат Гаврилюк про те, що став таксистом: «жодної роботи не цураюсь»

Колишній депутат Верховної Ради від «Народного фронту» Михайло Гаврилюк підтвердив повідомлення в ЗМІ, що зараз працює таксистом у Києві.

«Вирішив деякий час потаксувати. Справжній таксист має вміти три речі: добре орієнтуватися на місцевості, акуратно водити авто і розумітися в політиці, тому я ідеально підходжу на цей пост. Це, звісно, не робота моєї мрії, але сидіти без діла я не люблю, і жодної роботи не цураюсь. Тому поки так», – написав Гаврилюк у фейсбуці.

Михайло Гаврилюк не пройшов до парламенту на виборах, що відбулися влітку 2019 року.


У січні 2014 року засоби масової інформації оприлюднили відео про знущання силовиків над активістом Майдану Гаврилюком на вулиці Грушевського в Києві. На відео силовики змушували фотографуватися на морозі голого побитого чоловіка. Наприкінці відео він сідає в автозак, а хтось з правоохоронців дає йому стусана.


Гаврилюк погоджувався, що навряд опинився б під куполом Верховної Ради, якби не те скандальне відео, на якому представники спецпідрозділу «Ягуар» у центрі Києва змусили його повністю оголеним пересуватися на морозі, коли на вулиці було –10°C. 


Зеленський затвердив назву телеканалу для непідконтрольних Україні територій – ЗМІ

Президент України Володимир Зеленський затвердив назву телеканалу для непідконтрольних Україні територій, повідомив «Детектор медіа» з посиланням на три різні джерела, наближені до Міністерства культури, молоді та спорту і команди, яка займається створенням каналу.

Новостворений телеканал під назвою «Дім» розпочне мовлення 1 або 2 березня 2020 року.

Презентація каналу запланована на 2 березня.

Влітку 2019 року Офіс президента України озвучував ідею створення світового російськомовного каналу для боротьби і «за уми» українців на окупованих територіях Донбасу та Криму, і «за уми» росіян на території Росії.

Міністерство культури, молоді та спорту України обіцяло запустити новий телеканал в лютому на базі UA|TV, який був українським телеканалом іномовлення.

Фільм українською мовою вперше вийшов у прокат в кінотеатрах столиці Білорусі

Із 27 лютого в кількох мінських кінотеатрах стартував показ стрічки Антоніо Лукіча «Мої думки тихі»

Янина вместо Комаровского / россия за идеи Гитлера / Кто тупее соловьев или ковтун

Янина вместо Комаровского / россия за идеи Гитлера / Кто тупее соловьев или ковтун.

Ватные ж… должны гореть ярко! Борьба с российской пропагандой – это наше с вами общее дело❤

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У дегенерата пукина прогрессирующая форма шизофрении и это заразно.

В последнем выпуске многосерийного интервью, подготовленного российским информационным агентством тасс, пукин выступает в роли не просто умудренного опытом государственного деятеля, а настоящего специалиста по мировой истории

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В США возненавидели Авакова: “Это коррупционер №1 в Украине!”

В США возненавидели Авакова: “Это коррупционер №1 в Украине!”

В США наконец догадались, что Аваков это самый главный бандит в Украине. Продолжаем информировать США об Авакове, Зеленском и Коломойском

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Чем громче фанфары, тем больше дыра в кармане

Чем громче фанфары, тем больше дыра в кармане!

Сваты, экстрасенсы, поля чудес. Российскими шоу, или их клонами забиты все эфиры. Наша Раша и Файна Украйна, и все в этом духе. Камеди Клаб. Лига Смеха. Вообще-любой-сериал. Продолжать, полагаю, не надо. Мы живем в гравитационной воронке так называемого российского культурного поля

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РНБО: найбільший ризик від коронавірусу – у вікової групи за 80, найменший – 10-39 років

Найменші ризики в разі захворювання коронавірусом Covid-2019 – у вікової групи від 10 до 39 років, найбільші в тих, кому за 80, повідомляє Рада національної безпеки й оборони України за результатами аналізу й моделювання можливого варіанту поширення коронавірусу.

«За результатами моделювання у зоні найменшого ризику перебувають особи у віці від 10 до 39 років, для яких показник ймовірності захворювання становить 0,2%. Для 40-49-річних – відповідно 0,3%; для 50-59-річних – 1,3%; для 60-69-річних – 3,4%, для 70-79-річних – 7,8%. У зоні найбільшого ризику перебувають літні люди у віці 80+, для них цей показник становить 13,5%», – йдеться в повідомленні.


Крім того, у зоні ризику перебувають люди, які страждають на захворювання дихальної системи і діабет.

За даними Центру системних досліджень при Університеті Джона Гопкінса, станом на 26 лютого кількість випадків зараження новим коронавірусом сягнула 81 002, 2762 людини померли. При цьому понад 30 тисяч одужали. В Україні жодного випадку коронавірусу не зафіксували.


2019-nCov (COVID-19) належить до великої групи коронавірусів. У деяких випадках перебіг хвороби – легкий, в деяких – із симптомами застуди і грипу, зокрема з високою температурою і кашлем, у більш складних випадках спостерігається задишка. Це може перерости в пневмонію, яка може бути смертельною. Більшість хворих, однак, видужують.


Дегенерат бужанський хоче щоб Рада стала госдумою рф і подає провокаційний законопроект

Дегенерат бужанський хоче щоб Рада стала госдумою рф і подає провокаційний законопроект.

Він знову захищає російські цінності. Цього разу він вніс до ВР законопроект, яким хоче дозволити депутатам виступати в Раді мовою агресора.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Malaysia’s Mahathir, Anwar in New Showdown Amid Turmoil

Malaysia’s decades-old political rivals Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim set out claims to lead the Southeast Asian country on Wednesday after Mahathir’s shock resignation as prime minister sparked turmoil.

The struggle between Mahathir, 94, and Anwar, 72, who formed a surprise pact to win a 2018 election, has shaped Malaysian politics for more than two decades and is at the root of the latest crisis.

Mahathir, the world’s oldest head of government in his role as interim prime minister, proposed a unified administration without political party allegiances at a time Malaysia faces a flagging economy and the impact of the new coronavirus.

“Politics and political parties need to be put aside for now,” Mahathir said in a televised message. “I propose a government that is not aligned with any party, but only prioritizes the interests of the country.”

Anwar later said he opposed forming a “backdoor government” and that three parties from the former Pakatan ruling coalition had proposed his name to the king as candidate for prime minister. “We wait for the decision of the king,” he told a news conference.

To try to end the crisis, Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah has been meeting all 222 elected members of parliament over two days.

Those in the meetings said they were asked to name their favored prime minister or whether they wanted fresh elections. Anwar’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), or the People’s Justice Party, has 39 seats and alliance partners could potentially give it another 62.

While some politicians have openly voiced support for Mahathir to stay in office, it was not clear whether enough of them would give him their backing.

Political Tangle

The volatile relationship between Anwar and Mahathir helped prompt the latest crisis after Mahathir resisted pressure to set a date for a promised transfer of power to Anwar made ahead of the 2018 election.

As well as personal relationships, politics in Malaysia is shaped by a tangle of ethnic and religious interests. The largely Muslim country of 32 million is more than half ethnic Malay, but has large ethnic Chinese, Indian and other minorities.

A unity government cutting across party lines could give Mahathir greater authority than during a spell as prime minister from 1981 until his retirement in 2003.

But the idea was rejected on Tuesday by an alliance of four parties including the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), which ruled Malaysia for six decades until being defeated by Mahathir’s coalition in 2018.

The four parties said they had told the king they wanted a new election instead. After their election defeat under former prime minister Najib Razak, those parties’ fortunes have been on the rise while the Pakatan coalition of Mahathir and Anwar has lost five by-elections

Anwar was Mahathir’s deputy and a rising political star when Mahathir was prime minister the first time but they fell out. Anwar was arrested and jailed in the late 1990s for sodomy and corruption, charges that he and his supporters maintain were aimed at ending his political career.

India’s Modi Appeals for Calm as Riot Toll Rises to 20

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed for calm on Wednesday after days of clashes between Hindus and minority Muslims over a controversial citizenship law in some of the worst sectarian violence in the capital in decades.

Twenty people were killed and nearly 200 wounded in the violence, a doctor said, with many suffering gunshot wounds amid looting and arson attacks that coincided with a visit to India by U.S. President Donald Trump.

Police and paramilitary forces patrolled the streets in far greater numbers on Wednesday. Parts of the riot-hit areas were deserted.

“Peace and harmony are central to our ethos. I appeal to my sisters and brothers of Delhi to maintain peace and brotherhood at all times,” Modi said in a tweet.
Modi’s appeal came after a storm of criticism from opposition parties of the government’s failure to control the violence, despite the use of tear gas, pellets and smoke grenades.

Sonia Gandhi, president of the opposition Congress party, called for the resignation of Home Minister Amit Shah, who is directly responsible for law and order in the capital.

The violence erupted between thousands demonstrating for and against the new citizenship law introduced by Modi’s Hindu nationalist government.

The Citizenship Amendment Act makes it easier for non-Muslims from some neighbouring Muslim-dominated countries to gain Indian citizenship.

Critics say the law is biased against Muslims and undermines India’s secular constitution. Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party has denied it has any bias against India’s more than 180 million Muslims.

Reuters witnesses saw mobs wielding sticks and pipes walking down streets in parts of northeast Delhi on Tuesday, amid arson attacks and looting. Thick clouds of black smoke billowed from a tyre market that was set ablaze.

Many of the wounded had suffered gunshot injuries, hospital officials said. At least two mosques in northeast Delhi were set on fire.

On Wednesday, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) said in a tweet that it was alarmed by the violence and it urged the Indian government “to rein in mobs and protect religious minorities and others who have been targeted.”


Iran Coronavirus Outbreak Strands Pakistani Visitors, Fuels Fear of Prison Contagions

Iran’s growing coronavirus outbreak has triggered more angst in the country, preventing thousands of visiting Pakistanis from returning home and fueling fears of contagion in prisons.

At least 5,000 Pakistanis have been stuck in Iran since authorities in the Pakistani province of Baluchistan closed the border with their western neighbor Sunday, according to a provincial government spokesman who spoke to VOA Deewa. In a Monday phone interview, Liaquat Shahwani said the stranded Pakistanis include Shiite pilgrims, traders and other visitors.

A group of stranded Pakistani traders expressed concern about their plight in several videos that they apparently filmed Monday and sent to VOA Deewa as they were taking a bus toward the Iran-Pakistan border. VOA could not independently verify the authenticity of the clips.


In one video, a Pakistani man who identified himself as Haji Taj Mohammad Malakhel from the city of Quetta said he was among 17 businessmen on the bus ride from Isfahan in central Iran to Zahedan in the southwest. He said they decided to try to go home due to concerns about the coronavirus spreading in Isfahan, where Iranian authorities have confirmed two cases.


Another video of the bus ride showed a view of the road outside. It appeared to have been filmed on an eastbound road in Isfahan province, probably near the town of Toodeshk.

“We appeal to Pakistan’s prime minister and Baluchistan’s chief minister to accommodate us at the border with Iran,” Malakhel said. “Iranian authorities say we can leave [Iran] when Pakistan gives them permission [to let us cross the border], so kindly let us go back to our homes because our children, brothers and sisters are waiting for us in Quetta.”

Tent camp set up by Pakistani authorities in the town of Taftan, bordering Iran, to quarantine returning Pakistanis, Feb. 24, 2020. (Provincial Disaster Management Authority)

Baluchistan’s provincial disaster management authority (PDMA) has set up a tent camp in the Pakistani border town of Taftan to accommodate and quarantine more than 200 Pakistanis who crossed the border from Iran before it was closed.

Provincial government spokesman Shahwani said Pakistani officials have asked Iran to not to let any more Pakistanis cross into Taftan unless Iranian authorities issue them a document certifying that those people are free of the virus. Document holders would be allowed through the border crossing and quarantined at the same Taftan tent camp for 14 days, he said.

Visited Taftan today, Area Bordering Iran to review pre-cautionary arrangements made by PDMA,Health depand Distt: Administration against #CoronaVirus. Situation is satisfactory. Pray Almighty to keep our beloved Pakistan ?? safe from every kind of Disaster.

— Meer Zia ullah Langau (@MeerLangau) February 25, 2020

In a Tuesday visit to Taftan, Baluchistan province’s home affairs minister Meer Zia Ullah Langau said he was satisfied with the safety precautions taken in the area.

One of the Pakistani traders who was on the bus journey from Isfahan later told VOA Deewa that the group had arrived in Zahedan on Tuesday and was staying at a local hotel. “No one tells us what is going on. We are very worried and don’t know how long we will be here,” he said.

There was no word on whether or when Iranian authorities would provide documents to the stranded Pakistanis to certify that they were healthy enough for Pakistan to let them back in.

In another development, Iran’s judiciary faced growing calls to grant prison furloughs to political dissidents due to public fears about the virus spreading quickly inside prisons.

A Tuesday report by the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) said relatives of prisoners of conscience wrote an open letter to Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raisi appealing for the furloughs to be granted “as soon as possible to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.”

تست کرونای من مثبت شد. این پیام را در شرایطی می‌دهم که چندان امیدی به ادامه‌ی حیات در این دنیا را ندارم:
آقای رییسی
خانواده‌های زندانیان امنیتی و سیاسی تقاضا دارند برای جلوگیری از شیوع بیماری به زندانیان امنیتی و سیاسی مرخصی بدهید تا کنار خانواده‌ها این اپیدمی را پشت سر بگذارند.

— محمود صادقی (@mah_sadeghi) February 25, 2020

Outgoing Iranian lawmaker and government critic Mahmoud Sadeghi, who used Twitter on Tuesday to announce that he had contracted the coronavirus, also used his tweet to echo the pleas of political dissidents’ relatives to let the detainees return to their families to avoid potential exposure to the virus in prison.

In Tuesday’s edition of VOA Persian’s Straight Talk call-in show, Iranian global health scholar Kamiar Alaei said there is a high risk of virus contagion in Iranian prisons due to people being kept in closed environments 24 hours a day.

“I would advise eliminating all visitations [to prisons] for two weeks, and if there is a need for someone to make a prison visit, do it from behind glass windows,” said Alaei, co-president of the Institute for International Health and Education in Albany, New York.

He also said it would make sense for Iranian authorities to grant prison furloughs now, because next month’s Persian New Year is approaching and prisoners usually get some time off for the holiday.

“What is important is to reduce the concentrations of people,” Alaei said. “Whenever lower numbers of people are gathered in any environment, the contagion risk is reduced.”

This article originated in VOA’s Persian Service, in collaboration with the VOA News Center and Extremism Watch Desk. Arshad Ali of VOA Deewa and Arash Sigarchi of VOA Persian contributed to the report.


Замість «Вітчизни» – «Захист України»: МОН вирішило змінити назву одного з предметів у школі

Відтепер учні українських шкіл вивчатимуть оновлений предмет «Захист України» замість «Захисту Вітчизни». Як передає Міносвіти, відповідну постанову уряд ухвалив 26 лютого.

«Наша освіта довго наслідувала радянську парадигму, і предмет «Захист Вітчизни» – один із проявів цього. Це неправильно, що на п’ятому, практично шостому році війни ми досі не спромоглися замінити абсолютно радянську назву предмета «Захист Вітчизни» на «Захист України». Це важливий акцент, і я рада, що ми нарешті його поставили. Тепер не менш важливе завдання – покращувати зміст цього предмета і матеріально-технічне забезпечення шкіл», – заявила міністр освіти і науки Ганна Новосад. 

«Захист України» – обов’язковий для вивчення у 10-11 класах. За даними Міносвіти, його мета – надати учням знання та уміння для оборони країни, навчити їх діяти в надзвичайних ситуаціях. Учні вивчають предмет на уроках та під час навчально-польових і навчально-тренувальних занять.

МОЗ показало мультики про коронавірус

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України 25 лютого оприлюднило два мультики з рекомендаціями про коронавірус.

«Якщо ви відчуваєте, що захворіли, дотримуйтеся таких рекомендацій. При чханні та кашлі прикривайте рот і ніс серветкою, медичною маскою чи рукою в ліктевому згині. Одноразову серветку важливо одразу викинути та помити руки з милом або обробити спиртовмісним антисептиком. Якщо ви погано почуваєтеся, важливо залишатися вдома. Повідомте свого сімейного лікаря та дотримуйтеся його рекомендацій», – йдеться в першому мультику.

У другому мультику Міністерство охорони здоров’я розповідає, як знизити ризик інфікування новим типом коронавірусу.

«Уникайте контакту з людьми, у яких є ознаки температури та кашель. Правильно використовуйте медичні маски та засоби індивідуального захисту, особливо у медичних закладах. Мийте руки з водою і милом або дизенфікуйте засобом на основі спирту. Уникайте контакту з продуктами тваринництва, свійськими чи дикими тваринами, щоб запобігти передачі вірусу від них. Після контакту ретельно мийте руки, а під час приготування ретельно обробляйте м’ясні продукти», – повідомляють у другому мультику.

За даними Центру системних досліджень при Університеті Джона Гопкінса, станом на 26 лютого кількість випадків зараження новим коронавірусом сягнула 81 002, 2762 людини померли. При цьому понад 30 тисяч одужали. В Україні жодного випадку коронавірусу не зафіксували.

2019-nCov (COVID-19) належить до великої групи коронавірусів. У деяких випадках перебіг хвороби – легкий, в деяких – із симптомами застуди і грипу, зокрема з високою температурою і кашлем, у більш складних випадках спостерігається задишка. Це може перерости в пневмонію, яка може бути смертельною. Більшість хворих, однак, видужують.

Growing Calls for US Intelligence to Clear Up Russian Meddling Allegations

Pressure appears to be building on the White House and U.S. intelligence agencies to declassify some information and brief the public on possible Russian attempts to meddle in the upcoming presidential election.

Much of the push is coming from former U.S. intelligence and security officials upset at a series of leaks that led to reports Russia was trying to bolster the campaigns of both President Donald Trump and one of his Democratic challengers, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.  

But some of the pressure is also coming from lawmakers who want see the American public get what they describe as an untainted assessment of what Russia is and is not doing, rather than see the allegations used for domestic political gain.

Congressional officials say, so far, lawmakers have not made any official requests to the intelligence agencies for any sort of public briefing or official statement on possible Russian meddling, due to concerns about protecting intelligence sources and methods.

Still, the officials note some sort of public disclosure is in line with the recommendations of a bipartisan report issued earlier this month by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which warned against keeping voters in the dark. 

“The public should be informed as soon as possible, with a clear and succinct statement of the threat, even if the information is incomplete,” the report stated. “Delaying the release of information allows inaccurate narratives to spread, which makes the task of informing the public significantly harder.”

Both the White House and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment when asked by VOA if a plan to share some of the latest intelligence with the public was under consideration.

In India Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump expressed anger over the intelligence leaks, calling the reports of Russia meddling to boost his reelection campaign or the campaign of Democratic front-runner Bernie Sanders “highly exaggerated.” 

“Intelligence never told me,” he told reporters. “And we have a couple of people here that would know very well.”

Other Trump administration officials have also forcefully denied the reports of Russian meddling to boost the president.

But on Friday, Sanders confirmed U.S. intelligence had, in fact, warned him about the Russian meddling. He later warned Moscow to stay out of U.S. politics.

It is those contradicting narratives that have former intelligence and security officials calling for some sort of public disclosure. 

“I would certainly encourage it…no matter what it says,” former acting CIA Director John McLaughlin told VOA. “We don’t know the whole story yet.”

Other longtime intelligence officials agree. 

“Indications and warnings of threats to our democratic process are not like fine wine, getting better with age,” Daniel Hoffman, a former CIA chief of station, said. “We learned from 2016, we need a coordinated assessment based on the facts rather than innuendo and poor analysis tinged with confirmation bias.”

At least one White House official has indicated an openness to sharing some of the existing intelligence with the public. 

“I’d have no problem with that,” U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien told CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday. “If there’s intelligence that we can declassify, that we can get out there — all the better — because, again, we weren’t in office in 2016 when the last election meddling took place and the administration did very little about it.”

However, some of those who were in office in 2016 accuse the Trump administration of doing even less. 

“It is vital that the Trump administration declassify what we know so it can be described by our intelligence community publicly, so the voters are armed with this information,” Jeh Johnson, who served as Homeland Security secretary under former President Barack Obama, said during a forum in Detroit Monday.  

“That’s what we did in the prior administration,” he added, referring to a statement he and other top officials issued in October 2016 blaming Russia for hacking and then leaking emails from the Democratic National Committee.

Some Democratic lawmakers have also seized upon the president’s handling of the latest allegations of Russian meddling. 

“What does the president do in response to that information? He fires the head of the intelligence community,” Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen said on the floor of the Senate late Tuesday, arguing for the passage of election security legislation.  

“He fires them because he doesn’t want them to tell Congress what the Russians are doing,” he said.

Trump administration officials have consistently pushed back, arguing the president has made it clear that interference by Russia or anyone else will not be tolerated.  

“Meddling in our elections is unacceptable,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters Tuesday. “Should Russia or any foreign actor take steps to undermine our democratic processes, we will take action in response.”

Some former intelligence officials caution that President Trump’s long-contentious relationship with U.S. intelligence agencies, dating back to their 2017 assessment that Russia did seek to help Trump win the election, is hurting the administration’s credibility. 

“One doesn’t get a warm and fuzzy feeling,” said Larry Pfeiffer, a former CIA chief of staff and former senior director of the White House Situation Room, who has been critical of Trump in the past. “The congressional intelligence committees should demand open hearings in order to assure the American people, and closed hearings in order to conduct appropriate oversight of the activities to assess that threat.”

Katherine Gypson contributed to this report.

US Military Reports First Coronavirus Infection in S. Korea

A U.S. soldier has tested positive for the coronavirus, U.S. military officials in South Korea said Wednesday – the first confirmed infection of a U.S. service member.

The patient, a 23-year-old male, has been placed in self-quarantine at his off-base residence, U.S. Forces Korea said in a statement.

The soldier was stationed at Camp Carroll, a U.S. Army base in the southeastern part of the country, but also visited Camp Walker.

“Health professionals are actively conducting contact tracing to determine whether any others may have been exposed,” the USFK statement said.

Both military bases are near the epicenter of the South Korea coronavirus outbreak, which has put the country on edge over the past week.

South Korean officials reported 169 new virus cases Wednesday, bringing the total number of confirmed infections to 1,146. Just last week, that number was only 30.

Twelve coronavirus patients in South Korea have died.

Most of the South Korean infections are in and around Daegu, the country’s fourth-largest city. The U.S. military has thousands of service members in the region.

On Tuesday, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said upcoming annual joint military exercises with South Korea could be scaled back because of virus concerns.

Dangerous new component

The spread of the virus within military ranks would represent a dangerous new component of the outbreak, since many service members live within close quarters and share common meals.

At some bases nearest the outbreak, U.S. soldiers have been prevented from non-essential off-base travel. Many visitors are also prevented from visiting some bases. Some on-base restaurants and entertainment venues have been closed. Department of Defense schools in Korea have also been shuttered.

Earlier this week, the U.S. military in South Korea raised its risk level to “high” after reporting that a 61-year-old woman with the coronavirus visited a store at Camp Walker. The woman was the widow of a retired soldier.

At least 18 members of the South Korean military have also been infected the virus. Over 9,000 South Korean service members have been quarantined at their bases, the Yonhap news agency reported.

Highly contagious

The coronavirus causes a respiratory illness known as Covid-19. The disease currently has a mortality rate of around 2 percent. But it is highly contagious, in part because those with Covid-19 can spread the disease before showing symptoms.

Over 80,000 people worldwide have contracted the virus. Almost 2,800 people have died. Most the cases have been in China, where the virus originated.

But over the past week, countries including Iran, Italy, and South Korea have reported a surge in confirmed cases. World health officials are now worried the outbreak could turn into a global pandemic.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Say Front-Runner Sanders Can’t Beat Trump

U.S. Democratic presidential contenders targeted front-runner Bernie Sanders in a raucous debate late Tuesday, contending that the self-declared democratic socialist would lose to Republican President Donald Trump in November’s national election if he is the party’s nominee.

“Bernie will lose to Donald Trump, and the House and Senate will turn [Republican],” former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at the 10th Democratic presidential debate on a stage in Charleston, South Carolina, four days ahead of Saturday’s key presidential primary in the mid-Atlantic state.

Sanders retorted that national surveys show that in the last 50 hypothetical matches against Trump, he had beaten him 47 times.

But Bloomberg responded, looking directly at Sanders, “Can you imagine a moderate Republican voting for him?”

Another candidate, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a longtime ally of Sanders, contended that, “I would make a better president than Bernie,” saying that she could advance the progressive policy goals they share and that he would not be able to.

Sanders’ opponents lobbed one attack after another at the 78-year-old lawmaker, chiding him for favoring a government-run health insurance program that could cost $60 trillion over a decade and end private insurance plans that 160 million Americans use to help pay their health care bills. They also assailed Sanders for opposing bills in Congress that would have held gun manufacturers liable for gun violence in the U.S.

Sanders defended his signature “Medicare for All” health plan, saying it would cut health care costs for millions of Americans. He conceded his vote on the gun legislation “was a bad vote.”

From left, former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on stage as they participate in a Democratic presidential primary debate at the Gaillard Center, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020, in Charleston, S.C.

Sanders, a longtime senator from Vermont in the northeastern U.S., has surged to the top of national polls of Democratic voters, but his opponents for the Democratic nomination said he is out of step with many American voters.

They claimed that Sanders’ plans to sharply increase social welfare spending for health and education would be too costly. In interviews this week, Sanders’ opponents have also attacked his decades-old favorable assessments of leftist strongmen — the late Fidel Castro in Cuba and Nicaragua’s revolutionary president, Daniel Ortega — saying it would prove to be indefensible and a political disaster for U.S. Democrats in 2020.

In an interview last weekend, Sanders praised Castro’s literacy program in Cuba, despite long-standing U.S. condemnation of Castro’s years of human rights abuses. Old videos of Sanders, when he was mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and visiting Cuba and Nicaragua, are resurfacing, showing him praising advances in socialist countries, haunting his second bid for the U.S. presidency.

Late in the debate, Sanders said he has “opposed authoritarians all over the world,” but contended that “when dictatorships do something good, you acknowledge, but you don’t exchange love letters.”

Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg said such a Sanders sentiment would not help him run against Trump.

“I am not looking forward to a scenario where it comes down to Donald Trump, with his nostalgia for the social order of the 1950s, and Bernie Sanders, with nostalgia for the revolutionary politics of the 1960s,” Buttigieg said. “This is not about what was happening in the 1970s or ’80s, this is about the future. This is about 2020.”

Moreover, on the eve of the Nevada caucuses last week, The Washington Post revealed that U.S. intelligence officials had informed Sanders that Russian President Vladimir Putin is attempting to help Sanders win the nomination, in hopes that he would be an easier opponent for President Trump.

At the top of the debate, Bloomberg took a pot shot at Sanders, saying, “Vladimir Putin thinks that Donald Trump is, should be president of the United States, and that’s why Russia is helping you get [nominated] so you’ll lose to him.”

An agitated Sanders responded: “Hey, Mr. Putin, trust me, if I’m president, you’re not going to interfere in any more American elections.”

The face-to-face confrontation among seven candidates also came just a week before voters head to the polls in 14 states next Tuesday, when more than a third of the delegates to the Democrats’ national nominating convention in July will be picked in a one-day marathon of voting from coast to coast.

Sanders won the popular vote in the first three nominating contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, making it imperative for at least one of Sanders’ opponents to mount a serious challenge in the next week of voting or face the prospect that Sanders could soon amass an insurmountable lead in pledged delegates to the national convention.

Democratic presidential candidates, former Vice President Joe Biden, left, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., participate in a Democratic presidential primary debate at the Gaillard Center, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020, in Charleston, S.C.

Democrats apportion their pledged delegates to the national conclave based on the proportional outcome of the candidates’ vote totals throughout the 50 states and U.S. territories, not on a winner-take-all basis as is the case within the Republican Party. That gives Sanders a chance to add to his first-place standing in the count of pledged delegates as each state votes, even if he loses an individual state.

Former Vice President Joe Biden is narrowly ahead of Sanders in recent polling in South Carolina, with its 54 national delegates in play. But analysts have not discounted the possibility that Sanders could also win the state three days ahead of the March 3 voting, a day dubbed as Super Tuesday. when a massive haul of 1,357 delegates is at stake.

Biden, who once led national polls in the race to take on Trump, finished a distant second in last Saturday’s Nevada voting, and even further back in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The South Carolina polling shows wealthy environmentalist Tom Steyer, who has spent large sums on an advertising campaign in the state, could finish third in the balloting, which could lend modest momentum to his long shot candidacy. The surveys in the state show him ahead of former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Warren and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar.

For the second debate in a row, Warren attacked Bloomberg’s sexist and misogynistic comments toward female workers at his eponymous business information company that he founded, an enterprise that made him the 12th-richest person in the world.

In a heated exchange, Warren accused Bloomberg of suggesting to a woman who worked for him and had just announced her pregnancy to “kill it,” and have an abortion.

“I never said that,” he heatedly answered, later adding emphatically, “I categorically never said it.”

Bloomberg, by his choice, is not on the South Carolina ballot, and instead has focused on next Tuesday’s voting, when he is on all 14 of the Super Tuesday ballots.

He appeared on the debate stage with his opponents for the first time last week, but the billionaire came under withering attack, with his challengers accusing him of trying to buy the election with his vast wealth.

Bloomberg’s opponents also assailed the stop-and-frisk, anti-crime policing effort he employed as New York mayor from 2002 to 2013, a program he now says he is embarrassed by because of the effect it had in targeting young black and Latino men.

After Warren assailed his refusal at last week’s debate to release women from secrecy agreements about the financial settlements they reached with Bloomberg’s company, he agreed that three women who had specifically accused him of demeaning remarks could speak publicly if they wanted to, but no one has as yet. It is not clear how many financial settlements Bloomberg reached with women who worked for his company.

Warren said Tuesday Bloomberg should release women from all the settlements, not just the three he has agreed to do.

“The trouble with this senator, enough is never enough,” Bloomberg said.

From left, Democratic presidential candidates, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, and former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, shake hands on stage at the end of the Democratic presidential primary debate Feb. 25, 2020, in Charleston, S.C.

Bloomberg has made no apologies for his fortune, saying he has donated vast sums to charitable ventures, as well as arts, environmental, public health, anti-smoking and gun control organizations.

Now, he said, he is spending hundreds of millions of his own money trying to unseat fellow New Yorker Trump, a man he has occasionally praised over the years as a prominent real estate mogul but now assails as an unfit president.

As the debate neared the end, the seven candidates were asked what they thought the public’s biggest misconception was about them.

Steyer, a multibillionaire investor and philanthropist, said “I am defined” by my business success. Klobuchar, the Minnesota senator, said, “The biggest misconception is that I’m boring, because I’m not.” Sanders said the biggest misconception was that “the ideas I’m talking about are radical, because they’re not [and] in one form or another they exist in countries around the world.” Warren’s response was “that I don’t eat very much. I eat all the time.”

Biden drew laughter when he said the biggest misconception is “I have more hair than I think I do.” Buttigieg lamented that “I think the biggest misconception is that I’m not passionate. … Some say I’m unflappable. I don’t think you would want a flappable president.”

Finally, the 5-foot-8-inch Bloomberg joked, “The biggest misconception is that I’m 6 feet tall.”

“I have been training for this job for a long time, and when I get it, I will do something, and not just talk about it,” Bloomberg added.

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Мультфильмы пукина: хроника “прорывов” российской “оборонки”…

Карликовый президент рф снова ударился в свои розовые мечты…

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У Києві відбулась прем’єра фільму «Черкаси» – фото

У столичному кінотеатрі «Київська Русь» відбулася прем’єра фільму «Черкаси» про спротив тральщика ВМС України «Черкаси» під час анексії Криму, повідомляє кореспондент проєкту Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії. У широкий прокат фільм вийде 27 лютого.

Як розповів режисер фільму Тимур Ященко, його картина є «збірним образом» ВМС України. На створення фільму «надихнули реальні події», йдеться в титрах.

На прем’єру картини приїхав командир тральщика «Черкаси» Юрій Федаш, який назвав себе «головним критиком цього фільму».

Члени знімальної групи разом із хором ВМС України заспівали пісню «Чорна гора».

Нещодавно в київському метро запустили потяг, присвячений військовій екшен-драмі «Черкаси».

Фільм про те, як під навесні 2014 року моряки українського корабля протимінної оборони «Черкаси» (U 311) чинили опір росіянам, почали знімати у квітні 2017 року.


Протягом трьох тижнів у березні 2014 року оборону на озері Донузлав тримали 48 моряків «Черкас» із екіпажу загальною чисельністю 65 осіб.

Навіть після захоплення корабля команда відмовилася спустити український прапор. Це зробили самі росіяни – уже після того, як із борту зійшов останній український моряк.

Росія корабель не повернула. У лютому 2020 року журналісти Крим.Реалії (проєкту Радіо Свобода) виявили військовий корабель «Черкаси» у Севастополі.



Russia Accuses UN Human Rights Council of Pro-Western Bias

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov decried what he terms the “double standards” employed at the U.N. Human Rights Council in favor of Western democratic values, at the expense of what he calls the legitimate sovereign rights of nations that do not fall within the Western orbit.

Lavrov did not hide his disdain Tuesday at the so-called country-specific resolutions adopted by the Council, saying the resolutions had become an increasingly popular pretext to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states.   

The Russian foreign minister criticized the imposition of unilateral sanctions often used by Western countries to topple governments.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov attends the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, Feb. 25, 2020.

“This harmful practice leads to exacerbating confrontation and ultimately restricts the ability of ordinary citizens to exercise their legitimate rights,” he told the Council. “The reliable securing of rights and freedoms is incompatible with double standards. And in this context, one can wonder at the sight that some Western partners, who declare themselves champions of democracy, deliberately turn a blind eye to the outrageous oppression of human rights in the Ukraine.”    

Lavrov didn’t offer names, though the European Union, the United States and other countries have imposed sanctions on Russia and the Crimea following Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine in February 2014.  

The U.N. Human Rights Office reports the war has resulted in the deaths of some 13,000 people, a quarter of them civilians. Another 30,000 people have been injured, and 1.5 million people have been internally displaced in Ukraine since the start of the conflict and Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Lavrov also lashed out at Western powers for their support and justification of military actions committed by what he called “radical” and “terrorist” groups in Idlib in northwestern Syria.

“It is difficult to find any other explanation for calls for peace agreements to be concluded with bandits as we see regarding the situation in Idlib,” he said. “That is not caring for human rights. That is capitulating before terrorists or even encouraging their activities in violation of international treaties and numerous U.N. Security Council resolutions.”  

Lavrov’s observations come just as the United Nations has warned of a potential bloodbath of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Idlib if Russian-backed Syrian government forces do not stop their indiscriminate carpet-bombing of the region.

Lavrov urged the Human Rights Council to resolutely renounce what he called double standards. He said that’s why his government has decided to run for a seat on the 47-member Council for its 2021-2023 term.   

Russia lost its bid to become a member in 2016 after a campaign by rights groups over its bombing of Syria.

Poll: Most Americans Plan to Participate in Census

Most Americans say they are likely to participate in the 2020 census, but some doubt that the U.S. Census Bureau will keep their personal information confidential, a new poll shows.
The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds 7 in 10 Americans say it’s extremely or very likely they will participate in the census this year by filling out a questionnaire. Another 2 in 10 say it’s somewhat likely.
That’s higher than what the Census Bureau predicts _ a self-response rate of 6 in 10 people. But the bureau’s past research shows that people say they are going to participate in the census at a higher rate than they actually do.
“People respond to a survey question as they think they are expected to behave,” Kenneth Prewitt, a former Census Bureau director in the Clinton administration, said in an email.
The poll shows that older, white and highly educated adults express greater certainty that they will participate than younger adults, black and Hispanic Americans and those without college degrees.
It also shows that the more partisan people are, the more likely they are to participate. At least 7 in 10 Democrats and Republicans are very likely to answer, compared with about half of Americans who don’t identify with or lean toward either party.
“It might be that they understand the importance of the census in distributing political representation and want to make sure they get their fair share,” John Thompson, a former director of the U.S. Census Bureau in the Obama administration, said in an email.
The 2020 census will help determine how $1.5 trillion in federal spending is distributed. It will also determine how many congressional seats each state gets, as well as the makeup of legislative districts in a process known as redistricting.
People can start answering the questions in mid-March, either online, by telephone or by mailing in a paper form.
“I think it’s important. It’s a civic duty,” said Quintin Sharpe, a 21-year-old college student, who’s studying business at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
Compared with the share saying they’ll participate, 57%, say it’s highly important to them to be counted in the census. About a quarter say it’s moderately important.
The poll shows about a third of Americans are very or extremely confident that the U.S. Census Bureau will keep their personal information confidential, while roughly the same share say they are moderately confident. About another third have little to no confidence in the agency to keep private information private, even though the bureau is legally required to do so.
About a quarter of Americans report a great deal of confidence in the people running the U.S. Census Bureau, and roughly two-thirds say they have some confidence.
Joe Domas, a 57-year-old carpenter in Paris, Tennessee, said he plans to fill out the census form but won’t answer every question. The questionnaire asks how many people live in a household; whether their home is owned or rented; the age, race and sex of every person living in the home; and how they are related.
“I don’t divulge a lot of personal information. I just give them a head count, pretty much,“ Domas said. “I’m not into government intrusion, and the way the internet is, people leak information.”
 A majority say they have heard or read about the count of every person living in the U.S., the largest peacetime operation the federal government undertakes, but just 2 in 10 say they know “a lot.” About a third say they have heard or read little or nothing at all.
That will likely change after the Census Bureau expanded its advertising campaign last week. The goal of the $500 million education and outreach effort is to reach 99% of the 140 million U.S. households with messages about the importance of participating in the 2020 census.
Many of those who say they will take the survey this year think they will complete it online. Close to half say that’s their likely format, with another 2 in 10 saying they expect to fill out and mail in a paper questionnaire. Just 4% say they prefer phone, but 30% say they don’t know yet how they will respond. This is the first decennial census in which most participants are being encouraged to fill out the form online.
Gil Parks, a 60-year-old retired financial planner from Stephenville, Texas, said he still hasn’t decided if he will answer questions online or use the paper form. Parks and his wife often drive to a ranch they own an hour south of where they live to keep tabs on building projects and baby calves.
“If we have a paper form, my wife could fill it out while we are driving down there and driving back,” Parks said.
Majorities across racial and ethnic groups say they are highly likely to participate, but about half of white Americans are “extremely” likely, compared with about 3 in 10 black and Hispanic Americans.
About 8 in 10 college-educated Americans, but just about two-thirds of those without a degree, say they are highly likely to participate.
Similarly, roughly 8 in 10 adults older than 45 say they are very likely to complete a census questionnaire, compared with just over half of younger adults.
There’s also a significant age gap in the preferred form of answering the questions. Just about a quarter of adults ages 60 and older who will participate say they will take the survey online, compared with more than half of those who are younger. Older adults are also somewhat more likely than younger adults to express high confidence in the Census Bureau to keep their information private, 37% among those 45 and older and 25% among younger adults.
“Getting accurate data is important,” said Parks, who also is chair of the local Republican Party. “We need to know who is here, and what not.”

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