‘Hillary’s America,’ ‘Batman v Superman’ Top Razzies

Neither Batman nor Dinesh D’Souza could finagle their way out of a Razzie. 


The annual Golden Raspberry Awards bestowed a tying four “honors” to both D’Souza’s documentary Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party and the superhero blockbuster Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.


D’Souza’s film was named the worst picture of the year on Saturday, and the conservative author got both worst director (with co-director Bruce Schooley) and worst actor for playing himself. Worst actress went to Rebekah Turner who played Hillary Clinton. 


“This is absolutely fantastic,” said D’Souza in a video statement. “My audience loves the fact that you hate me. Thank you.” 


Not to be outdone, Zack Snyder’s $250 million Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice also picked up four “wins” including worst remake, worst screenplay and worst screen combo for its dueling stars Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill. Jesse Eisenberg was also singled out as the worst supporting actor for his over-the-top portrayal of Superman baddie Lex Luthor. 


Both films were widely panned by critics upon their release — D’Souza’s film for being biased and sensationalist and Snyder’s for its messiness. While D’Souza’s outing is likely a one-time deal, there is more to come in the DC Comic Book Universe from Snyder whose “Justice League” hits theaters in Nov. 


Another poorly received film, Zoolander 2, got away with only one award, which went to Kristen Wiig for worst supporting actress. 


The organization also bestowed the “redeemer” award to Mel Gibson, who was previously nominated for The Expendables 3 and this year has climbed back up to the ranks to more prestigious awards. Gibson is nominated for a best director Oscar for his World War II film Hacksaw Ridge.


The Razzie Awards are determined by around 1,000 voting Razzie members from 25 countries, while Worst Screen Combo was voted on by “thousands” through a Rotten Tomatoes partnership.

Sculptures Connect People Through Love and Suffering Stories

Each year, the European Union names two cities as European Capitals of Culture, and they sponsor a year-long series of cultural events. Aarhus, Denmark is one of those cities, where a sculpture exhibition portrays real-life women from different cultures.

French President Asks Trump for Support, not Criticism

French President Francois Hollande fired back at Donald Trump on Saturday after the U.S. president remarked in a speech that a friend thought “Paris is no longer Paris” after attacks by Islamist militants.

Hollande said Trump should show support for U.S. allies.

“There is terrorism and we must fight it together. I think that it is never good to show the smallest defiance toward an allied country. I wouldn’t do it with the United States and I’m urging the U.S. president not to do it with France,” Hollande said.

“I won’t make comparisons but here, people don’t have access to guns. Here, you don’t have people with guns opening fire on the crowd simply for the satisfaction of causing drama and tragedy,” Hollande said, responding to questions during a visit at the Paris Agric fair.

During a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, Trump repeated his criticism of Europe’s handling of attacks by Islamist militants saying a friend “Jim” no longer wanted to take his family to Paris.

More than 230 people have died in a series of assaults in France since the beginning of 2015, and the country has been under a state of emergency rules since November the same year.

Trump’s comments also drew a rebuke from the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo.


Pope Trims Sanctions for Some Pedophile Priests Seeking Mercy

Pope Francis has quietly reduced sanctions against a handful of pedophile priests, applying his vision of a merciful church even to its worst offenders in ways that survivors of abuse and the pope’s own advisers question.

One case has come back to haunt him: An Italian priest who received the pope’s clemency was later convicted by an Italian criminal court for his sex crimes against children as young as 12. The Rev. Mauro Inzoli is now facing a second church trial after new evidence emerged against him, The Associated Press has learned.

The Inzoli case is one of several in which Francis overruled the advice of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and reduced a sentence that called for the priest to be defrocked, two canon lawyers and a church official told AP. Instead, the priests were sentenced to penalties including a lifetime of penance and prayer and removal from public ministry.

In some cases, the priests or their high-ranking friends appealed to Francis for clemency by citing the pope’s own words about mercy in their petitions, the church official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the proceedings are confidential.

“With all this emphasis on mercy … he is creating the environment for such initiatives,” the church official said, adding that clemency petitions were rarely granted by Pope Benedict XVI, who launched a tough crackdown during his 2005-2013 papacy and defrocked some 800 priests who raped and molested children.

Harsher penalty

At the same time, Francis also ordered three longtime staffers at the congregation dismissed, two of whom worked for the discipline section that handles sex abuse cases, the lawyers and church official said.

One is the head of the section and will be replaced before leaving March 31. Vatican spokesman Greg Burke said the others too will be replaced and that staffing in the office, which has a yearslong backlog of cases, would be strengthened after Francis recently approved hiring more officials.

“The speed with which cases are handled is a serious matter and the Holy Father continues to encourage improvements in this area,” Burke told AP.

He also dispelled rumors that sex-abuse cases would no longer be handled by the congregation, saying the strengthened office would handle all cases submitted.

Burke said Francis’ emphasis on mercy applied to “even those who are guilty of heinous crimes.” He said priests who abuse are permanently removed from ministry, but are not necessarily dismissed from the clerical state, the church term for laicization or defrocking.

“The Holy Father understands that many victims and survivors can find any sign of mercy in this area difficult,” Burke said. “But he knows that the Gospel message of mercy is ultimately a source of powerful healing and of grace.”

John Paul II criticized

St. John Paul II was long criticized for failing to respond to the abuse crisis, but ultimately he said in 2002 that “there is no place in the priesthood or religious life” for anyone who would harm the young. Francis has repeatedly proclaimed “zero tolerance” for abusive priests and in December wrote to the world’s bishops committing to take “all necessary measures” to protect them.

But he also recently said he believed sex abusers suffer from a “disease,” a medical term used by defense lawyers to seek mitigating factors in canonical sentences.

Marie Collins, an Irish abuse survivor and founding member of Francis’ sex-abuse advisory commission, expressed dismay that the congregation’s recommended penalties were being weakened and said abusers are never so sick that they don’t know what they’re doing.

“All who abuse have made a conscious decision to do so,” Collins told AP. “Even those who are pedophiles, experts will tell you, are still responsible for their actions. They can resist their inclinations.”

Is zero tolerance zero?

Victim advocates have long questioned Francis’ commitment to continuing Benedict’s tough line, given he had no experience dealing with abusive priests or their victims in his native Argentina. While Francis counts Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley as his top adviser on abuse, he has also surrounded himself with cardinal advisers who botched handling abuse cases in their archdioceses.

“They are not having zero tolerance,” said Rocio Figueroa, a former Vatican official and ex-member of the Peru-based Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, a conservative Catholic lay society rocked by sex scandals. The Vatican recently handed down sanctions against the group’s founder after determining that he sexually, psychologically and physically abused his recruits. His victims, however, are enraged that it took the Vatican six years to decide that the founder should be isolated, but not expelled, from the community.

The church official stressed that to his knowledge, none of Francis’ reduced sentences had put children at risk.

Many canon lawyers and church authorities argue that defrocking pedophiles can put society at greater risk because the church no longer exerts any control over them. They argue that keeping the men in restricted ministry, away from children, at least enables superiors to exert some degree of supervision.

But Collins said the church must also take into account the message that reduced canonical sentences sends to both survivors and abusers.

“While mercy is important, justice for all parties is equally important,” Collins said in an email. “If there is seen to be any weakness about proper penalties, then it might well send the wrong message to those who would abuse.”

Україну на «Євробаченні-2017» представлятиме O.Torvald

На конкурсі у травні гурт представлятиме Україну піснею, яка називається Time

Світоліна перемогою на турнірі в Дубаї входить у топ-10 світового рейтингу Жіночої тенісної асоціації

Перша ракетка України Еліна Світоліна перемогла у суботу на тенісному турнірі в Дубаї (Dubai Duty Free Championships), що дозволило їй вперше в кар’єрі увійти в топ-10 світового рейтингу Жіночої тенісної асоціації (WTA).

У фінальному матчі турніру в ОАЕ українка Світоліна обіграла Каролін Возняцкі з Данії із рахунком 6:4, 6:2.

На початку лютого Світоліна виграла турнір International Taiwan Open у китайському Тайбеї.

Президент України Петро Порошенко 25 лютого у своєму Twitter привітав спортсменку з перемогою словами: «Щиро пишаємось та бажаємо нових успіхів!».




German Police Shoot, Injure Man After Apparent Car Attack

Police in Heidelberg, Germany, shot and seriously injured a man Saturday after the man hit three people with a car.

The man drove his car into the people in a central square while they were standing in a pedestrian area. A brief stand-off ensued before police shot the man, who was believed to have been armed with a knife.

Police said that at the moment they are unclear about the man’s motives but added they don’t suspect the attack to be terrorism-related.

The man appears to have acted alone, police said, refusing to confirm local media reports he is mentally disturbed.

The incident renewed fears in Germany of an attempted repeat of a terrorist truck attack last December at a crowded Berlin Christmas market that killed 12 people and injuring 50 more.

Жебрівський: гарантій про «тишу» для ремонту ЛЕП в Авдіївці від російської сторони в СЦКК немає

Російська сторона в Спільному центрі з контролю і координації (СЦКК) не надала письмових гарантій припинення вогню в районі Авдіївки для ремонту електромережі. Про це повідомив голова Донецької обласної військово-цивільної адміністрації Павло Жебрівський на своїй сторінці у Facebook.

«Російська сторона в СЦКК так і не надала письмових гарантій припинення вогню в районі поривів ЛЕП біля Авдіївки. Сподіваємось отримати гарантії на завтра і зранку електромонтажники готові вийти на відновлення ЛЕП», – повідомив Жебрівський.

За його словами, наразі виявлено два місця пошкоджень лінії електропередач. На електрогенераторах у місті працюють лікарня та інші служби для життєзабезпечення міста.

«Завтра зранку плануємо від потужного генератора запустити насосну станцію і подати людям у помешкання воду. Авдіївський коксохім від своїх батарей підтримує належне тепло в тепломережах міста», – додав Жебрівський.

У ніч на 24 лютого внаслідок обстрілів зупинила роботу Донецька фільтрувальна станція. Українська сторона і бойовики звинуватили у цьому одна одну. В результаті пошкоджень на станції Авдіївка залишилася без централізованого водопостачання. Пізно ввечері 24 лютого через обстріли сталося також пошкодження високовольтної лінії поблизу Авдіївки. Це призвело до припинення електропостачання міста та Авдіївського коксохімічного заводу. Були також повідомлення від рятувальників про чотири пожежі у приватному секторі передмістя Авдіївки за попередню добу через обстріли.

У Бабиному Яру в Києві відкрили пам’ятник Олені Телізі

Освятив пам’ятник визначній діячці національно-визвольного руху, члену ОУН та поетесі патріарх Київський і всієї Руси-України Філарет.

Угруповання «ДНР» наполягає на видачі їм 475 полонених для обміну – ЗМІ

В угрупованні «ДНР» назвали неприйнятними умови обміну полоненими, які будь-коли озвучувала український депутат Надія Савченко, повідомляють РИА Новости із посиланням на «уповноваженого з прав людини» угруповання Дар’ю Морозову.

За словами Морозової, угруповання «ДНР» наполягає на обміні «всіх на всіх», але Україна готова передати сепаратистам 250 полонених, хоча за списками їх – 475.

Окрім того, представниця угруповання запросила представників української сторони приїхати на непідконтрольну Києву територію і перевірити, в яких умовах там утримуються полонені.

24 лютого сайти угруповання «ДНР» повідомили про приїзд на контрольовані ними території українського політика Надії Савченко. Як інформують їхні ресурси, Савченко прибула туди разом із керівником українського Центру звільнення полонених «Офіцерський корпус» Володимиром Рубаном. Повідомлялося, що начебто Савченко і Рубан прибули, щоб відвідати українських військовополонених.

Пізніше Савченко підтвердила інформацію про свій візит на непідконтрольні Україні території, назвавши це «свідомим ризиком» задля визволення українських полонених. Також вона попросила міжнародної підтримки своїх дій.

25 лютого депутат оприлюднила список із 34 імен полонених, яких, за її словами, їй вдалося відвідати у підконтрольному угрупованню «ДНР» Донецьку.

Звільнення заручників є однією з вимог мінських домовленостей про врегулювання на окупованій частині Донбасу.

Як раніше повідомляв в ефірі Радіо Свобода радник голови Служби безпеки України Юрій Тандіт, що Україна ще до нового року виходила із пропозицією на обмін 228 людей зі списків сепаратистів.

За останніми даними СБУ, в полоні бойовиків перебувають 111 громадян України.

Turkish PM Launches ‘Yes’ Campaign to Boost Erdogan Powers

Turkey’s prime minister has officially launched his ruling party’s campaign for a “yes” vote in a referendum on ushering a presidential system, which critics fear will concentrate too many powers in the hands of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


Binali Yildirim formally got campaigning going on Saturday telling supporters in a sports arena that the proposed new system would build a strong Turkey capable of surmounting terror threats and make its economy more robust.


Yildirim said: “We are taking the first steps on the path of a future strong Turkey.”

The proposed reforms – to be voted on April 16 – will give the largely ceremonial presidency executive powers and abolish the office of the prime minister.


Opponents say the proposed system foresees too few checks and balances on Erdogan’s rule.

French Startups Venture Abroad for Chance at Global Recognition, Investment

Launching a startup is no easy feat. Launching one outside your native country is even harder. But for certain French startups, the French government is there to help. A government-sponsored competition that began last year offers startups marketing and promotional assistance.


The Creative Next Challenge is a series of competitions sponsored by Business France, the nation’s international business development agency. Each competition offers French entrepreneurs working abroad the chance at official endorsement and international exposure.


French startup founders who have set up shop outside of France (prior winners include entrepreneurs in India, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates) become global ambassadors for the “Creative France” marketing campaign. Winners are profiled on the Creative France website and their startups are featured in exclusive advertising campaigns. The free marketing and promotion also extends to public relations events, press reports and press releases.


Raising profiles and cash

The competition aims to raise the profile of French-founded startups and encourage outside investment. In France, the startup scene represents a cultural shift, according to Henri Baissas, executive director of Business France in North America.


“Twenty years ago, for the young generation, the ultimate goal was to be a civil servant and now it’s to be an entrepreneur,” Baissas said.   


At a recent event in New York City, a mix of French startup founders, venture capitalists and media gathered to honor the first U.S. winner of the Creative Next Challenge. Among the contenders were augmented reality advertising startup Augment, personal robot manufacturer Blue Frog Robotics and sports-centric crowdfunding platform, Sponsorise.Me.


To qualify, startups had to have registered their company in the U.S. and have at least one founder of French nationality. The competition also included a social media component, with entrants taking to Twitter and Facebook to make a case for their startup’s inventiveness and ingenuity.


In the end, biotech startup Hemarina claimed the prize. The company, which started in France in 2007, develops hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier products that aid in medical efforts such as organ transplants and wound treatments. Hemarina CEO and president Dr. Franck Zal told VOA a combination of government initiatives had helped his company through the years.


“We have a very good thing we call crédit d’impôt recherche,” noted Zal, referring to the tax credit French businesses receive for research and development initiatives. “We invented it in France and [President] Obama brought this idea [to] America.” The Creative Next victory was significant for the startup’s efforts to build global brand awareness, “Hemarina is well known in Europe, and we want to be more known in U.S.,” Zal added.


Investment booster

Overall, French startups have experienced a significant increase in investments that have allowed them to expand. French tech companies captured $2.88 billion in investments in 2016, up 80 percent from $1.6 billion the prior year, according to a report by Tech.eu, an online publication covering the European tech industry. Among the top five countries, France ranked third in investment volume, trailing only Britain and Israel.


“What you have experienced in Silicon Valley with the third or fourth generation of entrepreneurs, we are at the stage of experiencing in France with the second generation of entrepreneurs, and so the ecosystem is going to grow,” Baissas said.


Station F will add to that growth. Billed as the world’s largest startup campus, the 34,000-square meter tech incubator will soon open in Paris. When it does, it will house over 1,000 startups. Additionally, apartments for 600 entrepreneurs are planned for 2018.


Still, global ambitions mean startup founders will venture beyond their borders. A study commissioned by online payments processor Stripe and market intelligence platform VB Profiles found that 98 percent of the 329 French startups in operation since 2014 have customers outside of France.


The “Creative France” global ad campaign gives entrepreneurs and their businesses a presence outside of France. Baissas stressed the importance of effective marketing, especially for French companies entering the U.S. market, “It’s a big challenge. The U.S. companies are very good at that. It’s really inspirational for us.”

Scientists Teach Bees to Play Soccer, Watch Them Up Their Game

Using sweet treats and months of patient coaching, scientists in England have taught a group of bumblebees how to play soccer.

The 18-month study at Queen Mary University of London saw scientists train 50 bees to move a small yellow ball to a circled location in order to score a goal and receive a sugary food reward.

The first group of bees then showed others in the colony how to play, with the second group impressing scientists by expanding the game.

“The bees solved the task in a different way than what was demonstrated, suggesting that observer bees did not simply copy what they saw, but improved on it,” said Olli J. Loukola, who co-led the study.

“This shows an impressive amount of cognitive flexibility, especially for an insect.”

Their sporting prowess follows a study last year where the scientists taught bees to pull strings to get food and then relay what they learned to others.

Co-author professor Lars Chittka said it had taken months to teach the first bees how to play football, but that the second group picked up the game from their colony peers within 30 minutes.

Chittka said further studies would follow to better understand how an insect with a brain the size of the head of a pin could learn so much.

“Our study puts the final nail in the coffin of the idea that small brains constrain insects to have limited behavioral flexibility,” he said.

Historical Dance School for Black Students Thrives

This is Black History Month in the U.S. A dance school in the nation’s capital has been making history for more than 75 years with its commitment to high-quality dance training. The school, which started at a time when African-American dancers had few opportunities to study classical ballet, is thriving. VOA’s June Soh introduces us to Jones-Haywood Dance School in Washington. Carol Pearson narrates.

Past, Present Collide on Set of ‘Bitter Harvest’

“I wanted something that looked like a fairy tale,” says German-born Canadian filmmaker George Mendeluk, describing what compelled him to tackle one of the darkest chapters in Ukrainian-Russian relations.

Opening with a picturesque scene of a Ukrainian village in the 1930s, the historical juxtaposition is stark: Bitter Harvest, a historical drama that weaves a love story around cataclysmic events surrounding the Holodomor — the devastating state-sponsored famine in Ukraine that killed millions — can’t help but draw comparisons with today’s news coverage of nearby regions.

Released worldwide Friday, Mendeluk’s first full-length film sheds light on a tragedy that, concealed by Soviet authorities for decades, remains little-known outside of Ukraine today.

Watch: Past, Present Collide on Set of ‘Bitter Harvest’

Anchored by the fairy-tale romance of rural teens Yuriy and Natalka, played by Britain’s Max Irons and Samantha Barks, the script rapidly interweaves cruelties of a Soviet regime steamrolling the Ukrainian peasantry, leaving millions dead in its wake.

Striving for historical accuracy

Toronto-based producer and financier Ian Ihnatowycz says the film, shot on location in parts of Kyiv and in London on a budget of $20 million, aims for unflinching attention to historical detail.

“When [Canadian actor] Richard Bachynsky brought this script in 2011, I immediately was interested because of my background and knowledge of the Holodomor,” Ihnatowycz told VOA’s Ukraine Service. “I felt it was important to present a film with international stars in a style that would appeal to Western audiences.

“We focused a lot of effort on making sure that the film was historically accurate,” he added. “It was verified by many historians.”

The weight of coming to terms with finer details of the Holodomor wasn’t lost on the cast.

“We were quite embarrassed that we didn’t really know too much about it,” said British actor Tamer Hassan, who plays Sergei, a Soviet commissar who terrorizes Ukrainian peasants. “You know, people say ‘Stalin, Stalin! Horrible!’ We all know something was there, that there was some kind of a tragedy, but to the extent of how bad it was, we really didn’t know.”

Current events echo the past

“When you read the script, you understand that there is a reason you don’t know about it,” Barks said. “There is a reason that so many people don’t know about it.”

In a seemingly ominous turn of events, anti-government protests broke out as filmmakers were finishing portions of the film shot on location in Kyiv.

“When we were filming in Ukraine, we were obviously going through this really sad part of history, and then a couple of weeks later revolution started,” Barks said.

Historical events that gave rise to the film, its creators say, seemed to collide with current affairs, in a way that they hope can help Western audiences better understand the deeper context of tensions left in the wake of a Russian invasion.

Although the film’s first reviews are not all positive, director Mendeluk says such an epic undertaking would challenge even the most seasoned cinematographers.

“There is such a huge, huge canvas,” he told VOA. “We had a love story. We had Holodomor. We began with Bolshevik Revolution. We had so many things that we needed to explain, and we had to edit it down.”

This report was produced in collaboration with VOA’s Ukrainian Service.

Little Big Town’s Momentum Grows With Ryman Residency

Please excuse singer Phillip Sweet if he gets a little emotional when Little Big Town performs Friday night during the first-ever residency in the 125-year history of the Ryman Auditorium, a venue that helped popularize Country music.


“I know I am going to get so choked up that it’s going to be hard to sing,” Sweet said in an interview this week. “It’s a really emotional time for the band. It’s a lot to celebrate.”


Little Big Town marks a return to their roots with the album “The Breaker,” out Friday, with the No. 1 single “Better Man,” written by Taylor Swift. It’s the first single off their new record.


The four-piece Grammy-winning country group is also celebrating an addition to the family – singer Kimberly Schlapman recently announced that she has adopted a daughter, Dolly Grace.


Sweet said the timing of these milestone events has given him pause.

“It’s almost like this moment is marked by this beautiful little life that has come into our world,” he said. “And it’s so precious and special and I think it makes us truly stop and enjoy that moment in our real lives.”


Sweet and Schlapman, along with husband-and-wife Jimi Westbrook and Karen Fairchild, make up the vocal band that hit a career high in 2015 with the multiplatinum hit “Girl Crush,” which earned accolades at the 2016 Grammys. They also experimented outside the genre with a pop record “Wanderlust” produced by Pharrell Williams in 2016.


And the band didn’t let that momentum fade.


‘We didn’t want people to know who wrote it for a little while because we wanted everyone to hear the song with no subtext,” Sweet said of “Better Man.” “I feel like people listened with different ears because of that.”


In a departure from previous records, the band members only had a hand in writing three songs on the album. “Don’t Die Young, Don’t Grow Old,” co-written by Fairchild and Schlapman with “Girl Crush” writers Hillary Lindsey, Lori McKenna and Liz Rose after Westbrook’s sister Joyce died in 2015 due to cancer, has a poignant message for the band.


“It was kind of therapeutic for them obviously to write it,” Sweet said. “This is what you would say to someone you loved. Just a reminder to always live in the moment every chance you get.”


The group has a tradition on release week to play their entire album beginning to end. Friday’s show will be the first of at least nine dates they have booked at the Ryman throughout the year, with more dates likely to be added.

Built in 1892 as the Union Gospel Tabernacle, the building has become synonymous with country and bluegrass and served as the home of the Grand Ole Opry from 1943 to 1974. Musical icons from Elvis Presley, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, The Carter Family, Patsy Cline, Earl Scruggs and Bill Monroe have all graced its stage over the past 125 years.


Sally Williams, general manager of the Ryman Auditorium and vice president of concerts and entertainment at Opry Entertainment Group, said the Ryman wanted the first residency to reflect the diversity of the musicians who have performed there.


“We wanted to be working with someone who was genre bending, who was very firmly rooted in Country music, which is Nashville, but also very open and creative and inclusive of other genres,” Williams said. “And Little Big Town is so much that.”


Swift, who has said she’s not touring in 2017, performed “Better Man” during a special performance in Houston as part of the pre-Superbowl festivities, but Sweet said the band is ready if the pop star ever wants to perform the song with them.


“I mean, come on, Taylor,” Sweet said. “We would love to do it. If she’s up for it, we’re up for it.”

Library of Congress Head Focuses on Making Vast Collections More Accessible

The Librarian of Congress wants to upgrade its technology to make the eclectic mix of materials from books and photos to sheet music and baseball cards – available to people around the world. Carla Hayden became the new director of the world’s largest library five months ago, becoming the first woman and the first African-American to hold the job. VOA’s Deborah Block tells us more about the professional librarian and her plans to improve the prestigious national library in Washington, D.C.

Hollywood Overlooks Latino Talent, Some Complain

When the Academy Awards are handed out Sunday evening at Hollywood’s Dolby Theater, there’s a good chance that at least one of the honored films will have a protagonist of color. Four of the nine Best Picture contenders fall in that camp: “Fences,” “Hidden Figures,” “Lion” and “Moonlight.”

That’s different from just two years ago, when the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite began scolding the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for overlooking minorities in its nominations.

But Hollywood still falls short in terms of recognizing Latino talent, some observers say.  

“The Hispanic market in the United States is very important to the success or failure of a movie, but Hollywood does not pay attention to Hispanic people – either in front of or behind the scenes,” said Santiago Pozo, CEO of Arenas Entertainment, a Los Angeles-based firm that markets entertainment programing to U.S. Hispanics.

Only two Latinos are among this year’s Oscar nominees: Mexican cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto, for the film “Silencio,” and American Lin-Manuel Miranda, of “Hamilton” fame, for a song (“How Far I’ll Go”) in the Disney animated movie “Moana.”

New diversity report

In their newly issued “2017 Hollywood Diversity Report,” researchers at the University of California Los Angeles found that Latinos – along with other minority groups – remained strongly underrepresented.

The researchers studied 168 theatrical films released in 2015 – the most recent year for which data could be analyzed. They also examined 1,206 television shows released during the 2014-15 season.   

The report found that though Latinos represented nearly one out of five Americans that year – almost 19 percent – they weren’t reflected proportionately in these films. It did not give a specific percentage for their representation.

Since the first annual report in 2014, “what we’ve found … is that there hasn’t been a lot of progress at all in film in terms of diversity,” said Darnell Hunt, who directs UCLA’s Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies.

He noted television has done better.  

Reflecting power structure

Hunt attributed the limited film diversity to Hollywood’s power structure, in which white men run most studios and determine whether to approve a project.

“When they do decide to pursue diversity, the first thing that comes to mind as a white man is, well, African-American,” said Hunt, who is black. “They’re not thinking about Latinos in the same way. They’re not thinking about Asian-Americans in the same way. Maybe they don’t understand those communities or cultures as well as they think they understand African-Americans.”

He added that, too often, the resulting black-focused film is “stereotypical. … African-American often becomes the stand-in for diversity.”

“How many Latino names do you see in the movie credits?” echoed businessman Pozo of Arenas. “How many Latino names do you see as movie studio executives?”

One of those names in movie credits belongs to Gustavo Borner, founder and chief engineer at Igloo Music Studios, which worked on sound for “La La Land.” The musical has been nominated for Oscars in 14 categories. Borner himself has won multiple Grammys and Latin Grammys.

He downplayed discrimination in the Hollywood he knows.  

“In ‘La La Land’ alone, we already have three or four people who are Spanish speakers – Latinos,” said Gustavo Borner, a native of Argentina. “I haven’t seen any door closed to anybody because of a passport or [skin] color or whatever.”

Borner also worked on the dark comedy “Birdman,” which won several Academy Awards in 2015. The academy presented Mexican filmmaker Alejandro González Iñárritu with gold statues for best picture, best director and best original screenplay.

Demographics may affect films

The bottom line may push movie studios toward more diversity, Hunt said.

Films with more diverse casts do better at the box office, his study found. Minorities bought 45 percent of all movie tickets sold in the United States in 2015.

“Latinos were particularly well represented among minority ticket buyers, accounting for 23 percent of ticket purchases alone,” the study said. They “also accounted for 23 percent of all frequent moviegoers.”

“The American population is about 40 percent minority right now” and growing, Hunt pointed out. “People want to see their stories, they want to see characters that look like them, characters they can identify with.”

Group Urges Obama to Run for President – of France

Former president Barack Obama can not run again for president in the U.S., but that isn’t stopping a group of French fans who are trying to get him to run in their upcoming election.

Paris has been canvassed with “Obama17” signs, which urge people to visit a website to sign a petition for the former U.S. president to run.

According to the website, Obama is their choice “because he has the best resume in the world for the job.”

The site also alludes to the rising popularity of right-wing parties in France.

“At a time when France is about to vote massively for the extreme right, we can still give a lesson of democracy to the planet by electing a French president, a foreigner,” according to the website, which is in French.

According to ABC News, a spokesman for the group behind the website said, “We started dreaming about this idea two months before the end of Obama’s presidency. We dreamed about this possibility to vote for someone we really admire, someone who could lead us to project ourselves in a bright future.”

There’s just one catch to their plan: To be president of France, you have to be French.

The latest French polls show Marine Le Pen of the right-wing National Front party in the lead. The election will be held in April.

Migrant Fatalities Surge on Libya-Italy Mediterranean Route

The International Organization for Migration reports a surge in the number of migrant deaths on the Mediterranean Sea’s central route linking Libya to Italy in the first two months of the year.

The IOM estimates 326 migrants and refugees have died this year while transiting by sea from Libya to Italy, compared to just 97 fatalities during the same period last year.

While the numbers are alarming, IOM spokesman Joel Millman said they do not reflect the full scope of the sea tragedies as many bodies are never recovered and an unknown number of victims remain missing.

He said most of the victims are migrants from sub-Saharan Africa. However, he told VOA not everyone making the perilous sea journey in smugglers’ boats is a migrant who intended to go to Europe.

“There is a thriving business in kidnapping right now in Libya,” said Millman, “where people are being taken off the street, held to paid ransom and forced into these boats just because the ransom takers are done with them and they do not want to try to pick them up again and go through the long process of trying to ring a few hundred euros out of a family somewhere thousands of miles to the south.”

Millman said that is not the only horrendous crime being perpetrated against the defenseless people. He said human smugglers have been employing another, potentially lethal tactic — stealing engines from the boats and leaving the vessels drifting in the water with people aboard.

“They do not know whether this is the Mafia that is cracking down on competition, that is not paying and punishing them by taking the engine, or weather — and it could be a mixture of both,” he said. “Parts and vessels are so hard to come by now, with the amount of migrants that are coming through, that the smugglers just feel that they need to recover the expensive parts of their operation, the components as quickly as they can.”

Millman said passengers are promised that a rescue ship is on its way. He said in many cases that has happened, but there have been other instances where the migrants have been left adrift without any help on the horizon.

Turkey Ramps Up Pressure on Washington to Abandon Syrian Kurds

Top Turkish officials are increasing pressure on the United States to dissolve the American military partnership with Syrian Kurds in the battle against Islamic State.

With just days to go before the Pentagon is expected to deliver to U.S. President Donald Trump a new war plan to defeat Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, Turkey, a NATO ally, is urging Washington to earmark Syrian opposition groups aligned with Ankara for the push to drive Islamic State militants from their de facto capital of Raqqa in Syria.

This week, there has been a parade of senior Turkish officials making the point publicly time and again, urging the U.S. to drop its support of the Kurds and exclude the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, or YPG, from the assault to capture Raqqa.

Instead, they want the U.S. to train and arm Syrian militias who have been fighting alongside the Turks in northern Syria in Operation Euphrates Shield, a months-long Turkish intervention in northern Syria west of Raqqa aimed at clearing both IS and the YPG from territory close to the Turkish border.

“If heavy weapons and armored vehicles that have been delivered to the YPG would be given to the opposition groups, there would be no more Daesh problem,” Turkey’s European Union minister, Omer Celik, told a group of journalists this week while in Poland, using an acronym for IS.

Turkey sees the YPG as a terror group and an offshoot of its own outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, which has been waging an insurgency in Turkey for more than three decades.

It remains unclear whether the Trump administration is going to be any more successful than Barack Obama’s in juggling the competing demands of Ankara and Syria’s Kurds. There is deep skepticism in Washington that Ankara can assemble even a force large enough, drawn from Syria’s rebel militias to attack Raqqa. In the past the militias, whose main enemy is Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, have dismissed efforts by Washington to persuade them to see IS as a priority.

Turkish officials have voiced confidence in recent days that their argument will prevail in Washington, if not with the Pentagon, at least with the White House, which has wanted to improve U.S.-Turkish relations more broadly.

Turkish Defense Minister Fikri Isık, who announced on Thursday that the Syrian town of al-Bab had been largely captured from IS by Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces during the Euphrates Shield operation, told reporters in the Turkish capital that the Trump administration is evaluating whether to abandon the YPG as a partner.

Turkish hopes appear to be misplaced, say analysts, who point out heavy armor was supplied to the YPG-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces on January 31, 11 days into the Trump presidency.

Syrian Kurds also are convinced the Pentagon will maintain its alliance with the YPG and their Arab SDF allies. Their confidence was boosted this week by a visit to the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani by U.S. Sen. John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The Turkish effort to persuade the new U.S. administration to abandon the Kurds began on February 8 when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a phone call with President Trump, emphasized that the PKK is considered a designated terrorist organization by the U.S.

According to Turkish officials, Erdogan stressed it was not a good idea to side with one terrorist organization against another and warned of bitter consequences if the U.S. persists in its alliance with the Syrian Kurds.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım conveyed a similar message to U.S. Vice President Mike Pence last week at a security conference in Munich.

During the last few weeks, U.S. and Turkish defense and intelligence chiefs thrashed out plans for an assault on Raqqa. But according to U.S. officials, a Turkish delegation of diplomats as well as defense and intelligence officials visiting Washington on February 13 and 14 was rebuffed when it argued for the Kurds to be excluded from the assault on Raqqa.

U.S. defense chiefs were the most vocal in pushing back on the Turks, a Pentagon official told VOA on condition of anonymity.

“The Turks had no clear battle plan to offer and we are under pressure from the White House to come up with a plan to take Raqqa quickly,” he said. “If we switch now and drop the SDF, it would delay an attack on the city by several months, possibly even a year.”

Analysts argue the Trump administration has little appetite for delaying an assault on Raqqa. They say there’s deep Pentagon skepticism even of Ankara’s seriousness about an offensive on the IS stronghold.

“Recapturing Raqqa is not Turkey’s main and immediate goal,” argued Ferhat Gurini, Middle East editor of RÆSON, a Danish political quarterly.

The Turks have publicly indicated their next target is the Kurdish-controlled town of Manbij — part of their bid to ensure Syrian Kurds are blocked from linking Kurdish cantons along the border with Turkey.

Securing some agreement from the Turks may well be essential for a Kurdish-dominated SDF assault on Raqqa to take place, though. Ankara could disrupt an offensive on Raqqa by escalating attacks on the YPG in northern Syria — and by mounting a full-scale assault on Manbij.

Анна Музичук вийшла у фінал жіночого чемпіонату світу з шахів

У другій партії півфіналу українка перемогла росіянку Олександру Костенюк з рахунком 2:0.

China Steams Past US, France to Be Germany’s Biggest Trading Partner

China for the first time became Germany’s most important trading partner in 2016, overtaking the United States, which fell back to third place behind France, data showed on Friday.

German imports from and exports to China rose to 170 billion euros ($180 billion) last year, Federal Statistics Office figures reviewed by Reuters showed.

The development is good news for the German government, which has made it a goal to safeguard global free trade after U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to impose tariffs on imports and his top adviser on trade accused Germany of exploiting a weak euro to boost exports.

German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has suggested that the European Union should refocus its economic policy toward Asia, should the Trump administration pursue protectionism.

“Given the protectionist plans of the new U.S. president one would expect that the trade ties between Germany and China will be further strengthened,” said Anton Boerner, head of the BGA trade association.

The main reason for the reduced trade volume with the U.S. was a drop in American exports to Germany, Boerner added. Neighboring France remained the second-most important business partner with a combined trade volume of 167 billion euros. The United States came in third with 165 billion euros.

In 2015, the United States had climbed to the top of the list of Germany’s most important trading partners, overtaking France for the first time since 1961.

Separately, Germany’s Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations said on Friday it expected exports to Russia will probably rise at least 5 percent this year, their first increase in years given Western sanctions.

“Optimism among German exporters is rising further,” said Clemens Fuest, head of the Ifo economic institute. He said export expectations increased in February, pointing to overall strong trade figures in the first quarter of 2017.

“Made in Germany”

Looking at exports alone, the United States remained the biggest client for products “Made in Germany” in 2016, importing goods from Europe’s biggest economy worth some 107 billion euros.

France remained the second-most important single export destination for German goods with a sum of 101 billion euros, the data showed. Britain came in third, importing German goods worth 86 billion euros.

Britain accounted also for the biggest bi-lateral trade surplus: Exports surpassed imports from Britain by more than 50 billion euros, the figures showed.

The United States came in second with a bi-lateral trade deficit: German exports to the U.S. surpassed imports from there by 49 billion euros.

This means that Britain and the U.S. together accounted for roughly 40 percent of Germany’s record trade surplus of 252.9 billion euros in 2016.

The figures are likely to fuel the debate about Germany’s export performance, its trade surplus and global economic imbalances ahead of a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Baden-Baden mid-March.

($1 = 0.9483 euros)

За 10 днів продано майже 15 тисяч квитків на «Євробачення-2017» – Кириленко

Майже 15 тисяч квитків на конкурс «Євробачення-2017» продано станом на першу половину дня 24 лютого, повідомив віце-прем’єр-міністр України В’ячеслав Кириленко.

«Продано 14951 квиток до 52 країн світу, не лише Європи», – сказав Кириленко.

52% квитків придбали з України, 48% – жителі інших країн, додав він.

Як нагадав Кириленко, офіційний старт продажу квитків розпочався 14 лютого, перший квиток купила переможниця «Євробачення-2004» співачка Руслана.

Очікується, що всього буде продано близько 70 тисяч квитків вартістю від 8 до 500 євро. 

62-й міжнародний пісенний конкурс «Євробачення-2017» відбудеться в Києві. У конкурсі візьмуть участь 43 країни. Головною ареною буде Міжнародний виставковий центр. Півфінали «Євробачення-2017» в Києві відбудуться 9 та 11 травня, фінал – 13 травня.


«Шахтар» вилетів із Ліги Європи

Донецький футбольний клуб «Шахтар» не зміг вийти до 1/8 фіналу Ліги Європи. Після виїзної перемоги 1:0 гірники в Харкові програли іспанській «Сельті» – 0:2.

Вже в компенсований час гри гості з пенальті відновили рівновагу у протистоянні, а в овертаймі після подачі кутового забили переможний м’яч.

Гірники були останніми представниками України в нинішньому єврокубковому сезоні.

NY Times to Air TV Ad During Oscars for New ‘Truth’ Campaign

The New York Times will air its first TV ad in seven years on Sunday’s broadcast of the Academy Awards on ABC, as the 166-year old newspaper looks to highlight independent journalism amid U.S. President Donald Trump’s attacks on the media as “fake news.”

The Oscars are among the pricier ad buys on television, with 30-second commercials going for between $1.9 and $2 million, according to ad-tracking firm Kantar Media. While ABC, owned by Walt Disney, does not comment on how much it receives from advertisers, a source with knowledge of negotiations said the Times’ ad buy was in that range.

The Oscars is traditionally the most-watched non-sports event broadcast in the United States.

Since Trump’s November 8 election victory, the Times has seen an uptick in digital subscribers and revenue even as its business on the print side declines. During the Times’ most recent quarter, the paper added 276,000 digital subscribers and grew digital ad revenue by nearly 11 percent, accounting for more than 40 percent of its overall ad revenues.

Building online readership

The New York Times, the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal and Gannett are building on the online readership they gained during the 2016 presidential election by marketing unbiased reporting as a sales strategy.

Trump has repeatedly bashed the press. In a tweet last week citing The New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN, he said the media was “the enemy of the American People!”

Last year’s Oscars broadcast attracted 34.4 million viewers, making it the third-lowest-rated Oscars since 1974. Still, only National Football League games and Fox’s airing of the final game of last fall’s World Series drew more viewers in 2016.

Ad a response to ‘fake news’

The New York Times commercial is part of a broader brand campaign, the paper’s first in a decade, that aims to position the newspaper as a reliable outlet in the face of the rise of the “fake news” epidemic.

The company’s 30-second commercial repeats the words “The Truth Is” on screen, with voices in background getting increasingly louder, with different endings including “our nation is more divided than ever” and “alternative facts are lies.”

The ad ends with: “The Truth is more important now than ever.”