Журналісти показали маєток у Відні, де живе Фірташ

Український олігарх Дмитро Фірташ мешкає у Відні в розкішному маєтку неподалік від центру міста. Про це повідомляють журналісти програми «Схеми» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та каналу «UA:Перший»), які відвідали Австрію і зняли, хто з українських політиків прилетів вітати олігарха з днем народження.

Будинок олігарха охороняють понад десять бодігардів. 

Також журналістам вдалось знайти фото інтер’єру будинку на сайті дизайнерської агенції. 

Відповідно до виписки з австрійського реєстру нерухомості, маєток зареєстрований на компанію S-Quad Handels- und Beteiligungs GmbH. 

У США Дмитра Фірташа звинувачують у справі про хабарі на суму близько 18,5 мільйонів доларів при отриманні ліцензії на видобуток титанової руди в Індії. Таке звинувачення затвердив суд присяжних у Чикаго 2013 року. Фірташ заперечує це звинувачення як абсурдне і безпідставне і називає його політично мотивованим. У Федеральному бюро розслідувань США заявляють, що це «абсолютно не політична справа».

В Іспанії Фірташа, за даними австрійських та іспанських ЗМІ, підозрюють у причетності до злочинної групи, що відмила гроші на суму в 10 мільйонів євро і пов’язана зі Степаном Черновецьким, сином колишнього мера Києва Леоніда Черновецького, який живе з родиною в Барселоні і звинувачення заперечує. Фірташ заперечує й це звинувачення.

В Україні поліція розслідує два кримінальні провадження, пов’язані з Дмитром Фірташем: щодо групи компаній Ostchem і колишніх керівників компанії «Нафтогаз України». У цих провадженнях він не має статусу підозрюваного. 

Trump Rebukes NATO Leaders to Their Faces

On his first NATO summit as U.S. president, Donald Trump lectured NATO leaders for spending what he sees as insufficient money on defense, and said the group should be more focused on terrorism. The president’s remarks came Thursday at a meeting of European leaders in Brussels, as VOA’s Steve Herman reports.

Powdery White Dunes Attract Fun-loving Parks Traveler

National parks traveler Mikah Meyer had plenty of fun among giant powdery dunes recently, as he celebrated a milestone. He’s exactly one-third of the way through his 3-year journey to visit all 417 sites within the U.S. National Park Service. The young adventurer shared highlights of his 139th site visit with VOA’s Julie Taboh.

US-China Ties in Arts and Education Deepen

On the political and military front, U.S.-China relations have been an often-tense dance between governments. However, in arts and education, many say the relationship is deepening. There is debate among Americans as to whether the ties are positive or negative.

Some say this is progress that is reaping economic and cultural benefits for citizens in both countries.

“When people collaborate on making anything artistic, there’s an emotional pull inside of that and if it works well, you not only have a great business, you also have a great diplomatic cohesion between the two countries,” said Chris Fenton, U.S.-Asia Institute Trustee and the President of DMG Entertainment.

In August, Fenton will be taking a group of U.S. lawmakers to China to look at the country’s growing entertainment and media industry, with the hope of even more Chinese investment in Hollywood.

Chinese language and culture

China has also been investing in educating Americans in language and culture through its Confucius Institutes. Mandarin immersion kindergarten teacher Carol Chen says the University of California Los Angeles Confucius Institute has been a good resource for her and her students.

“For example, books and also resources of our Chinese cultures. One of the years, they actually brought Chinese folk culture tradition to the campus,” said Chen, who teaches at Broadway Elementary, a dual language immersion school.

Funded by the Chinese government, there are nearly 500 Confucius Institutes globally, most on university campuses. The UCLA Confucius Institute taps into the local Mandarin-speaking population to develop a pipeline of Mandarin teachers. It also provides cross-cultural programs in the arts.


“Bringing more artists together and exposing them to each other’s culture and to shared cultural experience with China, you’re sort of training, sort of a new generation of diplomats,” said Susan Pertel Jain, UCLA Confucius Institute Executive Director.

But long-time critic and academic Perry Link says Confucius Institutes are an example of China’s soft power.

“Soft power is cultural or educational things that cause people in other countries to view one’s own country in a more friendly way. To reach out into the world with soft power is a new thing from the Chinese government’s point of view, but an important thing because the rest of the successful world seems to be doing it,” said Link, who is the University of California Riverside’s Chancellorial Chair for Innovation in Teaching Across Disciplines.

But Link says the presence of the Confucius Institutes on university campuses is dangerous because it often limits academic freedom to discuss China’s human rights issues.

“It’s induced self-censorship. That is, ‘We are going to give you these funds and you can invite speakers about China and the fund comes from Beijing and you know that and we know that.’ Now, as the director of a Confucius Institute, do you think, ‘Oh, I’ll invite the Dalai Lama’ to speak? No.Of course you don’t do that,” Link said.

But Jain said the UCLA Confucius Institute does not back away from touchy topics.

“Whether it’s artists that we present there who were active in sort of [an] anti-government movement or whether it’s the screening of films that are maybe not officially approved by the government, we don’t shy away from that, but what we always tell our colleagues in China is that we promise to always present everything in a fair and balanced way,” said Jain.

Entertainment industry

In the past, Hollywood movies have been America’s example of soft power.

Last fall, 16 members of Congress wrote a letter to the Government Accountability Office to express national security concerns about the growing number of Chinese investments in the United States, including in the media and entertainment industry.

“There is definitely a self-censorship. There is no doubt. I think the most obvious version of that was when self-censorship was not used and it really backfired,” said Fenton.

China is close to becoming the top global market at the box office and one that is much desired by Hollywood executives. If China closes that door to certain production studios in Hollywood, it will hurt financially.

“It’s a very large piece of the pie because it’s roughly seven billion in dollars,” Fenton said. “If you’re thinking like a business person, there is a certain creative vision you should have for the content you’re making that if you want to call it self-censorship that’s fine, or you call it just good business.”

Greece: Ex-PM Injured in Car Blast

Former Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos was injured Thursday when a bomb exploded inside his vehicle in Athens, officials said.

Two Bank of Greece employees in the car were also injured. All three were conscious and hospitalized in stable condition, government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said, calling the blast an “attack.”

“With all out heart, we wish Mr. Papademos and his companions a speedy recovery. The prime minister has been updated about all the events by the minister of public order and he will continue to receive updates,” Tzanakopoulos said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

Papademos, 69,served as Greece’s prime minister for six months in 2011 and 2012 after socialist George Papandreou resigned during the debt crisis to make way for a national unity government.

A respected economist and former European Central Bank deputy governor, Papademos steered the country through tough austerity measures and was credited with preventing the collapse of the country’s international bailout at the time.

Створені Антоновичем нідерландські хори співали в Івано-Франківську

Івано-Франківськ став другим містом після Львова, де в обласній філармонії виступили два всесвітньовідомі хори з Нідерландів – Візантійський з Утрехту та імені Миколи Лисенка. Як повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода, гастрольне турне Західною Україною присвячене 100-річчю від дня народження диригента Мирослава Антоновича, який у Нідерландах створив ці колективи відповідно 65 і 20 років тому.

За словами керівника обласного управління культури, національностей та релігій Володимира Федорака, «хори виконують виключно українську музику, насамперед духовну і при цьому майже всі хористи – нідерландці, тож Візантійський хор ще називають «голландськими козаками».

40 років диригентом колективу був Мирослав Антонович, за цей час хор дав понад три тисячі концертів. Перший виступ Візантійського хору в Україні відбувся у 1990 році, коли Антоновичу було 73 роки.

Зараз диригентом Візантійського хору є уродженка Івано-Франківська Ірина Горванко, а хору імені Миколи Лисенка – Інна Огарок із Донецька.

27 травня хорові колективи з Нідерландів виступлять з концертом у Долині на Івано-Франківщині, де 1 березня 1917 року народився Мирослав Антонович. Співатимуть вони також 28 травня літургію в новозбудованому храмі Долини.

За словами міського голови Долини Володимира Гаразда, «це вперше два хори разом приїхали в Україну, і їх об’єднало 100-річчя Мирослава Антоновича».

Доктор Мирослав Антонович – український музикознавець, композитор, оперний співак, диригент, що понад 65 років жив у Нідерландах. Йому присвоєне звання почесного громадянина Долини та заслуженого діяча мистецтв України. Нагороджений орденом «За заслуги».

British Social Media Celebrity Among Dead from Concert Blast

It was not just family and friends mourning Martyn Hett this week. Even Mariah Carey was shocked by his death in the Ariana Grande concert bombing.

Carey posted a picture of Hett — one of 22 people killed in Monday night’s bombing at the Manchester Arena — on Instagram wearing a T-shirt bearing her image.


“Devastated to learn that one of the victims in Manchester was part of the (hash)Lambily,” Carey wrote in the post, using the name she has given to her legion of fans. “RIP Martyn Hett. We will cherish your memory forever. His family and all the families affected are in my thoughts and prayers.”


It was a tribute that surely would have touched the 29-year-old public relations worker who listed the singer’s name as his religious view on Facebook and said on Twitter that,”My life peaked when I met Mariah Carey.”


Hett’s irreverent sense of humor was made for social media and he embraced many different platforms, with more than 12,000 Twitter followers and a half million views on a YouTube film he posted four years ago in which he spliced together scenes featuring one of the stars of iconic Manchester-based soap opera “Coronation Street.”


The video showed fleeting scenes of Sue Nicholls, the actress who plays character Audrey Roberts, and a habit she has of saying “Hmm” at the end of sentences.


Britain’s ITV network, which airs the long-running soap affectionately known as “Corrie,” said on its website that it would dedicate a bench on the set to victims of the bombing.


“The dedication will be planned in the coming weeks following an outpouring of affection for 29-year-old `Corrie’ super-fan Martyn and all those who lost their lives and have been injured following the Manchester Arena bombing,” ITV said.


Calling Hett a super-fan was no overstatement. He had a tattoo of one of the show’s best-known characters, Deirdre Barlow, inked onto his left calf in the British television show “Tattoo Fixers.” He also appeared on another show, “Come Dine With Me.”


Hett’s family could not be reached for comment Thursday, but in a statement released by Manchester police, they called him “the icon of all our lives.”


“His infectious laugh and his niche sense of humor will stay with us forever,” the family said.


Hett’s sense of humor rang out from the final tweet on his Twitter feed, apparently made during Monday night’s concert.


“When you sneak out for a toilet break on the Macy Gray song and the entire arena had the same idea (hash)DangerousWomanTour,” he tweeted.


The managing director of Rumpus PR, where Hett worked, paid tribute to him in a statement.


“Martyn loved life and I hope his lasting legacy is that people — in these dreadful times — choose to live their lives with joy not hate, just like he did,” Paul Evans said.



Congress, Paul Ryan Condemn Turkish Embassy Clashes

The U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Thursday officially condemned the violent crackdown on protests outside the Turkish embassy in Washington last week.

“This timely resolution sends a clear signal to the Turkish government that we will not allow any foreign government to stifle the rights of our citizens,” the committee said in a statement following the passage of House Resolution 354, which condemned the violence against what it deemed peaceful protests.

U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan thanked the committee, echoing concerns over the incident that have been expressed by U.S. lawmakers and diplomats for days.

“The violent crackdown on peaceful protesters by Turkish security forces was completely indefensible, and the [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan government’s response was wholly inadequate,” he said in a statement. “I want to thank Chairman [Ed] Royce, Ranking Member [Eliot] Engel, and all members of the Foreign Affairs Committee for taking swift action on this issue.”

The committee was expected to hold a hearing discussing the right to peaceful protest later Thursday.

The clash broke out between Turkish security personnel and protesters outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence during Erdogan’s visit to Washington.

Protesters say they were attacked by Turkish security forces as they demonstrated peacefully. Turkey blamed the clash on the demonstrators, claiming they aggressively provoked people who had gathered to see Erdogan.


Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Plans Book for Young People

Khizr Khan, the Gold Star father who became a national celebrity after speaking at last year’s Democratic National Convention, has a book planned for young readers.

Khan’s “This Is Our Constitution” comes out Nov. 14, Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers told The Associated Press on Thursday. The book arrives the same day as his memoir “An American Family,” announced last fall.


Khan is an immigrant from Pakistan whose son Capt. Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq in 2004. At the convention, Khizr Khan taunted Donald Trump for his divisive comments about Muslims and held up a pocket-sized edition of the Constitution, wondering if the Republican candidate had read it. According to Knopf, “This is Our Constitution” will help educate readers ages 10 and up about American history.


Attempt to Rebrand Harlem as ‘SoHa’ Leaves Residents Fuming

Community activists in New York City say an attempt to rebrand a section of Harlem as “SoHa” – short for Harlem – is insulting and another sign of gentrification run amok.

NY1 reports that community board member Danni Tyson says no real estate company, coffee shop or business should be using the term SoHa to refer to Harlem.


His comments were in response to some business people rebranding the area from 110th Street to 125th Streets in Manhattan as SoHa.


Democrat Brian Benjamin, who won Tuesday’s special election for Harlem’s state senate seat, says the rebranding effort is akin to someone trying to rob Harlem residents of their culture.


Nicknames such as TriBeCa, Nolita and SoHo have been in vogue for those trendy Manhattan neighborhoods for years.


Рада визначила поняття національних видів спорту

Верховна Рада визначила поняття національних видів спорту і передбачила можливість створення федерацій таких видів спорту. За закон №5324 про внесення змін до закону про фізичну культуру і спорт щодо визнання національних видів спорту у другому читанні і в цілому підтримали 227 народних депутатів за мінімально необхідних 226. 

«Наші гопаківці… Сьогодні для них свято зробили народні депутати», – сказав після голосування голова парламенту Андрій Парубій.

У документі зазначається, що національний спорт – напрям спорту, пов’язаний з організацією та проведенням спортивних змагань з національних видів спорту та підготовкою спортсменів до цих змагань.

Відповідно до пояснювальної записки, метою розроблення законопроекту є необхідність визначення на законодавчому рівні поняття національних видів спорту та особливостей діяльності спортивних федерацій, що сприяють розвитку національних видів спорту, сприяння національному відродженню національно-культурних традицій. 

On Memorial Day, Military Monuments Have Special Meaning

Cities across the United States have erected memorials to the hometown heroes who fought and died in America’s wars, from the American Revolution of 1776 to the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and the Middle East. Washington, DC, is no exception. The capital city area is home to some of the best-known military monuments, as Faith Lapidus reports on this Memorial Day.

On Syrian Border, Haley Confronts Civil War’s Reality

President Donald Trump’s U.N. envoy set foot Wednesday in the no-man’s-land between Syria and Turkey, witnessing the precarious transfer of aid supplies into a seemingly interminable conflict. That reality is far removed from America’s years-old hope for President Bashar Assad to leave power and speedily end the civil war.

From the Syrian side of the border zone, Ambassador Nikki Haley gazed up at a Turkish flag plastered onto signs marking the entrance into that nation’s territory. Syrian refugees once flooded through the run-down Bab al-Hawa Border Crossing until officials cracked down. These days it’s only aid convoys that pass back and forth, trying to meet an unrelenting demand for food, health supplies and other basic needs in the Arab country.

Ferried to the border in an armored motorcade, Haley walked to within just a few feet of entering the Arab land, becoming the highest-ranking U.S. official to come so close to Syrian territory in years. Underscoring the danger, security officials spirited her away from the border after unmarked vehicles were spotted moving toward the area.

Beyond the frontier, she confronted a human reminder of the world’s failure to resolve the war: About 8,400 Syrian refugees in a Turkish refugee camp, some of them stuck there for more than five years.

Haley brings ‘new life’ to efforts to help refugees  

The dominant theme of Haley’s trip this week to Jordan and Turkey was the need to retool the global approach to meet the needs of Syrians stuck in a protracted conflict now in its seventh year. Haley said she wanted to “bring new life” to efforts to help the refugees, mentioning schooling and training in particular.

“The things they are learning here, you want them to be able to pick it up and do it there,” Haley said. “How do you strengthen them and don’t let them stand still?”

Though many more refugees have rebuilt their lives in cities, the camps stand as evidence of the failure to resolve a war that has killed hundreds of thousands, sparked worldwide terror and migration crises, and destabilized much of the Middle East. Once envisioned as a temporary solution, they seem increasingly permanent, filled with children who recall no life before the camps.

There have been growing concerns about a “lost generation” of Syrians growing up outside their home country, their worlds defined by the conflict. Many are receiving no education, health care or other basic necessities.

To that end, Haley and other U.S. officials have encouraged Syria’s neighbors, who’ve absorbed the majority of the millions of refugees, to treat them less like visitors and more like locals, living, working and studying among the regular population. But it is a request that increases demands on the host nations’ already-beleaguered infrastructures and limited resources. And it comes as the Trump administration is proposing severe cuts in U.S. assistance for overseas refugees and programs targeting children in need.

‘US is very much going to take charge’

Six years on since the United States first called on Assad to go, his hold on power serves as a bitter indictment of failed efforts to end the war.

Having blamed former President Barack Obama for letting the crisis fester, Trump says he is increasing engagement. The administration announced it will arm Syrian Kurds fighting the Islamic State group, a step the Kurds long implored Obama to take. And Trump ordered airstrikes on a military base belonging to Assad’s military after accusing it of using chemical weapons.

“You’ve seen that they’ve actually militarily continued to look at Syria and when and if there’s going to be a role there,” Haley said, referring to the Trump administration. “Just like with the chemical weapons … the U.S. is not going to sit back and let others deal with it. The U.S. is very much going to take charge if they need to, if they see something being done that’s wrong to the people of Syria.”

But on the peace front, the U.S. has spearheaded no new effort, and Trump’s overall approach has not deviated dramatically from his predecessor’s. Obama, too, relied on Kurdish forces to do the toughest fighting. And Obama, like Trump, tried repeatedly to engage with Russia — Assad’s strongest ally — to facilitate talks that could yield a political resolution.

US unsure on Russia-led safe zones plan

Trump’s young administration has struggled to determine whether to embrace or reject a deal struck by Russia, Turkey and Iran to create four safe zones in Syria where Assad’s forces and the Syrian opposition would stop fighting. Not only is the U.S. not a party to the deal, undermining America’s role as a key mediator in the conflict, but the involvement of Iran — another Assad backer — has fueled U.S. skepticism.

Haley said the U.S. would “look at the opportunities” in the Russia-led deal, but intended for the ultimate resolution to come through stalled U.N.-led talks.

At the Syrian border, Haley pitched in by helping pack boxes of lentils, bulgur wheat and sugar set to be trucked through Bab al-Hawa. Aid workers explained how goods are transferred in the no-man’s-land from Turkish trucks onto Syrian trucks before making the journey deep into Syria.

And at Altinozu Refugee Camp, Haley sought to showcase how refugees were trying their best to live full lives under the bleakest of conditions. She cooed over a refugee baby in the camp’s clinic awaiting a medical examination, and took to the soccer field with young Syrians to kick a few balls toward the goal.


Ariana Grande Suspends World Tour, Cancels Some Euro Stops

Ariana Grande suspended her Dangerous Woman world tour and canceled several European shows Wednesday due to the deadly bombing at her concert in Manchester, England.

Shows Thursday and Friday in London were canceled, along with concerts through June 5 in Belgium, Poland, Germany and Switzerland. Refunds will be granted, the pop star’s managers said in a statement. The tour was suspended to “further assess the situation and pay our proper respects” to the 22 dead and dozens injured in Monday’s suicide attack in the northern England town.

Grande’s tour is to pick up June 7 in Paris, followed by several more countries in Europe before moving on to Latin America, Asia and elsewhere.

“We ask at this time that we all continue to support the city of Manchester and all those families affected by this cowardice and senseless act of violence. Our way of life has once again been threatened but we will overcome this together,” the statement said.

Grande, who reportedly is in Boca Raton, Florida, with her family, has kept a low profile since the blast. An 8-year-old girl was among the dead. Grande took to Twitter afterward to say she was “broken” and “i don’t have words.”

The tour also features rapper BIA, whose real name is Bianca Landrau, and singer Victoria Monet.

Some bands — including Blondie and Take That — canceled shows after the blast, but representatives for several music acts — including Celine Dion, Shawn Mendes, Guns N’ Roses and Phil Collins — said they will honor their European dates this summer.

US, Russia Boost Communication to Head Off Syria Incidents

The commander in charge of U.S. air operations in the Middle East says the United States and Russia have communicated more via an established military hotline as the airspace around Islamic State territory in Syria has become more crowded.

“We have had to increase the amount of deconfliction work we are doing with the Russians, given the tighter airspace that we are now working ourselves through,” Air Force Lieutenant General Jeffrey Harrigian told reporters Wednesday.

Islamic State has been reduced from its peak of about 30,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria to current estimates of fewer than 15,000.

The communication hotline was created between Russia and the U.S. several months ago to avoid misunderstandings or unintended incidents in the sky over Syria.

Harrigian confirmed the U.S. has established deconfliction zones around U.S. military personnel inside Syria, adding that Russian movement within these areas is restricted to protect American and U.S.-backed forces.

“There have been times we’ve had to work through mitigation strategies to ensure we can continue our mission, and vice versa,” he said. “The Russians are understanding of what we’re trying to do.”

Harrigian added that communication on the hotline is not always easy, however, and sometimes it takes multiple calls to work through one deconfliction issue.

A recent example of this communication came last week when the U.S. conducted what Defense Secretary Jim Mattis called a “self-defense” strike against Iranian-directed, pro-Syrian government forces.

The forces violated a coalition deconfliction zone that had been established within a 55-kilometer radius of the al-Tanf army base, where U.S.-led coalition forces are training Syrian militias fighting IS.

U.S. officials said that, as the pro-Syrian government forces began creating fighting positions near the base, they used the deconfliction hotline to see whether the Russians could get the pro-Syrian forces to leave the area.

When that failed, the coalition launched airstrikes against the forces, destroying a tank, two front-end loaders, another piece of construction equipment and a tactical vehicle, according to a U.S. Central Command strike release.

У Запоріжжі презентували «Чужу молитву» Сеітаблаєва

У запорізькому кіно-концертному залі імені Довженка відбулася прем’єра фільму Ахтема Сеітаблаєва «Чужа молитва». Всі квітки на прем’єрний показ викупили благодійники та передали кримськотатарській та єврейській громаді міста.

«Нам допоміг викупити Союз вірмен Запоріжжя квітки для благодійного показу. Купив квітки єврейський фонд «Мазаль Тов». Ми долучились. І таким чином на сьогоднішню презентацію ми запросили цілий зріз міжнаціональної спільноти нашого міста. Хочеться, аби наше місто могло не лише подивитися цей фільм, а зробити висновки, зберегти пам’ять про ці події і нести далі, щоб ніколи не повторилися ті події, коли треба було насильно забувати свої імена, міняти їх», – розповіла керівниця центру татарської культури «Алтин Ай» Ряхима Ахмерова.

Учасники заходу вшанували хвилиною мовчання всіх загиблих внаслідок Голокосту та депортації кримських татар у роки Другої світової війни.

Представники кримськотатарської громади також говорили про намір повести окрему презентацію фільму за участі знімальної групи у Мелітополі, де мешкає одна з найбільш спільнот кримських татар на території материкової України.

Фільм українського режисера Ахтема Сеітаблаєва «Чужа молитва» розповідає реальну історію молодої кримської татарки, яка під час Другої світової війни врятувала життя 88 єврейських дітей. На великі екрани картина вийшла 18 травня – в День пам’яті жертв депортації кримськотатарського народу. 

Майже 4 мільйони гривень коштує дача депутата Кривенка в Київській області – #Точно

Народний депутат Віктор Кривенко набув у власність садовий (дачний) будинок вартістю 3 750 000 гривень. Така інформація міститься у Єдиному державному реєстрі декларацій осіб, що уповноважені на виконання функцій держави або місцевого самоврядування, повідомляє #Точно, проект Радіо Свобода.

Будинок площею 158 квадратних метрів розташований у Бориспільському районі Київської області.

Народний депутат Кривенко має у власності дві земельні ділянки в селі Головурів Бориспільського району площею майже 4 000 квадратних метрів. Дружина парламентаря володіє двома земельними ділянками в селі Лісники Києво-Святошинського району. Окрім цього, родина Кривенків безоплатно користується квартирою у столиці.

Згідно з вимогами чинного законодавства, декларант має повідомляти про об’єкти нерухомості, які він придбав (набув у власність), якщо вартість такого майна перевищує 50 прожиткових мінімумів, встановлених для працездатних осіб на 1 січня звітного року. Станом на 2017 рік ця сума становить 80 000 гривень.

Serena Williams Accepts a New Challenge – in Silicon Valley

Tennis star Serena Williams has 39 Grand Slam titles, four Olympic medals, major endorsement deals and her own line of clothing and accessories. Now she is embarking on a new mission: She says she wants to help tech companies diversify their workforces and solve one of the industry’s most vexing problems.

Williams, 35, will get her chance as she joins a Silicon Valley boardroom. Online poll-taking service SurveyMonkey announced Williams’ appointment to its board on Wednesday, along with Intuit CEO Brad Smith.

“I feel like diversity is something I speak to,” Williams said in an interview with The Associated Press. “Change is always happening; change is always building. What is important to me is to be at the forefront of the change and to make it easier for the next person that comes behind me.”

Williams didn’t offer specifics about her goals as a corporate director. She implied that her very presence can help push the company — and, by extension, the industry as a whole — in a more diverse direction.

Individual board members don’t usually exert great influence over the companies they oversee, although they are often compensated handsomely in cash and stock for their part-time work. SurveyMonkey, a private company, didn’t say how much Williams will be compensated.

Valley diversity

Silicon Valley’s lack of diversity has become a recurring source of embarrassment in a region that has long sought to position itself as an egalitarian place that doesn’t favor one gender, ethnicity or race over another. Yet that philosophy hasn’t been reflected in high-tech workforces , despite the efforts of companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook to fix the problem.

Williams has been hanging around Silicon Valley more frequently now that she is engaged to high-tech entrepreneur, Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of the online forum Reddit. Like many other African-Americans, she says she’s disappointed that the vast majority of high-paying technology jobs are filled by white and Asian men.

At SurveyMonkey, which employs about 650 workers, only 27 percent of technology jobs are filled by women. Just 14 percent of its total payroll consists of African-Americans, Latinos or people identifying themselves with at least two races, according to numbers the company provided to the AP.

What she can do

Williams’ appointment is part of the solution, according to SurveyMonkey CEO Zander Lurie. “My focus is to bring in change agents around the table who can open our eyes,” he said.

Diversity advocates say women and minorities add value to corporate boards — as well as companies’ executive ranks — by offering new perspectives and advocating for a broader range of a company’s stakeholders, whether that’s customers, shareholders or employees.

In a report on France’s quota requirements for corporate boards, the business research group Conference Board found that the real value of adding women came from the fact that they were more likely to be outsiders. They were more likely to be foreigners, have expertise in more diverse business issues than men and more likely to have risen through the ranks outside traditional networks, such as elite universities. This, in itself, can “substantively” improve the collective decision-making of a board, according to the report.

Stepping stone

Racism is something Williams confronted and overcame at an early age when she began playing a predominantly white sport. She grew up to become the top-ranked female tennis player in the world.

Diversifying Silicon Valley isn’t the only item on Williams’ agenda. Like a lot of rich athletes, she is interested in becoming more involved in the business opportunities amid the high-tech boom in Silicon Valley. She says she is already exploring other opportunities in the area, but isn’t ready to provide details yet.

Her connection to SurveyMonkey came through her friendship with Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer and another member of SurveyMonkey’s board. Sandberg’s husband, Dave Goldberg, was SurveyMonkey’s CEO before he died in 2015 while the couple was vacationing in Mexico.

“I have been really interested in getting involved in Silicon Valley for years, so I have been kind of in the wading waters,” Williams said. “Now, I am jumping into the deep end of the pool. When I do something, I go all out.”



Britain Raises Terror Alert Level as Investigation Makes ‘Progress’

British counterterror police say the investigation into Monday’s deadly bombing after a concert in Manchester is “making good progress,” but that authorities cannot say yet whether the man responsible for the attack was part of a wider group.

Mark Rowley, who heads the National Counter Terrorism Policing, said late Tuesday that searches were ongoing and officers were following “a number of investigative leads.”

His comments came after the government raised the country’s terrorism alert level to critical, or the highest step, signaling that another attack was highly likely and could be imminent.

The change is most visible in the deployment of soldiers to help guard certain areas, including major events such as concerts and football matches, in order to free up police officers.

The blast at the conclusion of a concert by American pop star Ariana Grande at Manchester Arena killed 22 people and wounded 59 others.  The attacker, identified as 22-year-old Salman Abedi, also died at the site.

Islamic State is claiming it was behind the attack, but neither British nor U.S. intelligence have confirmed that.

Police arrested a 23-year-old man in Manchester on Tuesday, but have not given any information about how he may be linked to the attack.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said in an address to the nation late Tuesday that authorities will do everything possible to protect the public and asked people to remain vigilant.

“I do not want the public to feel unduly alarmed. We have faced a serious terrorist threat in our country for many years,” May said.

Earlier in the day, she spoke more directly about the attack itself, saying the bomber chose the “time and place to cause maximum carnage and to kill and injure indiscriminately.”

Many of the victims were young girls, with the youngest identified so far being just 8-year-old. 

Grande wrote on Twitter that she is, “Broken. From the bottom of my heart, I am so, so sorry. I don’t have words.”

Video from the arena showed the joy in the audience at the end of the concert turning to confusion and then to panic and a scramble to get out of the building as the realization of what just happened spread.

Witness say they saw blood covered bodies on the floor while others, badly wounded, staggered toward the exits of the building.

The scene outside the concert hall was also chaotic, with traffic snarled and parents rushing to the scene.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth held a moment of silence at a garden party at Buckingham Palace. French President Emmanuel Macron signed a condolence book at the British embassy in Paris. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the attack only strengthens Germany’s resolve to work with the British.

The U.N. Security Council also condemned the bombing.

U.S. President Donald Trump, visiting Bethlehem in the West Bank, called those responsible for the blast “evil losers in life.”

“I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term; they would think that’s a great name,” Trump said. “I will call them from now on losers, because that’s what they are.”

He added, “We cannot stand a moment longer for the slaughter of innocent people.”

Europe’s Leaders Hope for Change in Direction at NATO Summit

NATO leaders are going to Brussels for a summit meeting on Thursday expecting to agree on key principles.  With Monday’s attack in Britain overshadowing the meeting, there will be quick consensus on the need to keep fighting terrorism both at home and abroad, in places like Afghanistan.

How to do it is a different question. 

The war in Afghanistan is one of the key topics European leaders hope to learn more about when they meet with U.S. President Donald Trump. 

The U.S. leader wants a boost in NATO contributions for the effort, but Germany’s Angela Merkel has indicated she is lukewarm about this and will wait for NATO discussions on the matter.  “We are also coordinating the cooperation of about 20 member countries which are active there,” she said earlier this month.

“I am going to wait for the decisions. I do not think we’re first in line to expand our capacities there,” Merkel said.​

Pressing again for NATO members’ payments

Aside from the Afghanistan war, Trump has made clear he wants alliance members to meet minimum contribution levels, and spend two percent of their gross national income on defense.  Only five of the alliance’s 28 members – the United States, Britain, Estonia, Greece and Poland – are doing so.

European leaders expect to hear a reaffirmation that NATO’s anti-terrorism work extends beyond Europe and the Atlantic.

Former British Foreign Minister David Owen said NATO “is a vehicle for the world” already. 

“Actually it is a global entity, and I think there is a case for expanding that now to dealing with ISIS,” Owen told VOA. “I know this is controversial, but I think if it’s approached carefully and steadily, we will see NATO accepting that it is right for there to be an extension of the remit [authority] from Iraq to go out and to deal with ISIS, and I think it’s a much better way of American power being globally used within the framework of NATO.”

There are disagreements going into the meeting, but there is also the prospect of progress in some key areas.

Manchester attack highlights global war on terror

The global fight on terror is on the NATO summit agenda. In the wake of the Manchester attack, Britain’s Theresa May was expected to present a strong case in support of more coordination among allies to tackle terrorism, something analysts said would further bolster the view that NATO remains relevant and necessary.

Russia also looms large for European leaders at both the NATO summit and the G-7 meeting that follows in Italy. 

Germany, Austria and others hope for a new direction in relations with Moscow following the Ukraine crisis, as continued sanctions against Moscow have created pressure on western European nations dependent on Russian energy exports. 

European leaders also hope to use the NATO summit to ease tensions with Turkey following the recent referendum that gave President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sweeping new powers, and raised new concerns about growing authoritarianism.

Waiting for Trump…

A dispute between Turkey and Austria emerged on Tuesday when reports said the Turkish government has suspended cooperation with NATO members following Austrian opposition to Turkey’s membership in the EU.  Austria is not a member of NATO but its troops sometimes partner with alliance forces.

The big hope among European leaders is that seeing Trump face to face and hearing him repeat assurances that he no longer believes NATO is obsolete will quell anxieties about the U.S. role as guarantor of Europe’s security.

Reports quote NATO sources as saying officials will hold off on issuing a formal declaration as is common after some summits.  It may depend on what is said at the meeting.  In this time of transition and surprises, that is something no one can predict.

Russia, Trump Team in Contact, Former CIA Director Tells Congress

President Trump’s reported demands to top leadership of U.S. intelligence agencies to deny there was any collusion between his campaign and Russia dominated an intense day of Congressional testimony. Congressional probes into Russian election interference showed no signs of letting up, even as Special Counsel Robert Mueller launches a wide-ranging Justice Department investigation. VOA’s Katherine Gypson has more from Capitol Hill.

So Many Wonders… So Little Time…

As he wrapped up his journey through southwestern Texas, national parks traveler Mikah Meyer admits he didn’t allocate enough days for his visit to the huge — and hugely popular — Big Bend National Park and Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River.

“Big Bend is so huge that to go from the western edge of the park to the eastern edge is about 50 miles (80 kilometers),” he said. “I planned three days for Big Bend and one day for the Rio Grande and I really should have had more days.”

But he still managed to squeeze in an impressive number of adventures in that relatively short amount of time.

Stark beauty

Driving through a mountainous region of the park, he was immediately struck by its beauty. “It was just stunning,” he recalled. “It looks like something out of a painting or a movie or a postcard.”

That rugged terrain was just one of the features of the park’s diverse landscape, which spreads across 324,000 hectares. The rest is made up of hot, dry desert, and part of the Rio Grande, which forms the natural 1600 kilometer long border between Texas and Mexico.

“It’s like something straight out of a wild, wild west movie,” Mikah remarked as he stood on a hill overlooking the river that separates the two countries. “It’s kind of dry and flat desert and then suddenly these gorgeous mountains just appear, scattered everywhere like little sprinkles on ice cream.”

A lick of ice cream would have been a refreshing welcome from the searing 37 degree Celsius heat as Mikah navigated his way along the Rio Grande Village Nature Trail on the banks of the river.  During his hike, he got to observe some of the park’s many plant and animal species. He marveled at the variety of cactuses, many blooming with colorful flowers, and peered into a shallow pool of water that was so clear, he could see the scales on the fish swimming around in it.

Nature’s hot tub

Hot and dusty after that, Mikah immersed himself in the park’s ancient hot springs – which are believed to have healing powers. He described it as “a hot tub basically made out of local rocks.”

“They used to be part of a Hot Springs resort, but now they are free and open to the public.” He relaxed in the calming waters as the river around him rushed by. He called it a “pretty cool experience,” to be able to enjoy the waters “out in the wild, out in the open, at a national park.”

Day 2 – Cool peaks

On day two of his trip, Mikah waded across the Rio Grande into Mexico, rode a kilometer or so into the border town of Boquillas for a tasty lunch, then headed back to the U.S. just in time to start a climb up to the Chisos Mountains. The entire range, including a large swath of the Chihuahuan Desert, is contained in Big Bend National Park.

The tough workout put Mikah’s fitness to the test. “I worked so hard to get to the top of this mountain,” he recounted. “It was dry and my glasses were fogging up and I had sunscreen in my eyes and I was sweating and my nose was running because it was cold up there… I felt so miserable but it was so gorgeous that I couldn’t help but keep a pep in my step and keep going.”

He made it all the way to Emory Peak, which – at 2385 meters – is the highest point in Big Bend National Park.

“The view at the top was just so gorgeous that it was worth it,” Mikah said. “The whole latter half of the hike, you’re high enough that you can look down at the Chisos Mountains Lodge,” a rustic refuge nestled in the basin of the mountain range where he had stayed the night before.

Day 3 – Ancient lands

By day three of his trip, Mikah was ready for some canoeing with the Far-flung Outdoor Center. He grabbed an oar and headed out onto the Rio Grande.

Starting at the mouth of the Santa Elena Canyon, a popular destination in and of itself, he had a spectacular view of the majestic canyon from the base of its 450 meter high cliffs while he enjoyed a guided, multi-hour float down the river… at least until the the water got too shallow to float the canoes.  

“One of the guides is pulling two canoes at the same time to help get people over these really shallow parts,” Mikah said. “So it was not like the wild rafting excursion you might imagine, it was more like a very shallow canoe float.”


“As I was looking up at these massive canyon walls, I realized that if you were a Native American or somebody from hundreds of years ago, this was probably the biggest, highest thing you’ve ever seen. And I understand now why people saw these massive rocks and mountains and thought they were gods,” he said.

Day 4 – Bumpy ride

On his fourth and final day in the park,  Big Bend Overland Tours took Mikah was taken on a long and bumpy tour through some of the park’s most remote areas – a day-long adventure most visitors don’t get to experience.

“What made this so special is that there’s a lot of roads in the park that you really can’t get to unless you have a four wheel drive or a high-clearance Jeep, and so this company, Big Bend Overland Tours, takes people on these back roads that you can’t access without a vehicle.”

Mikah said that despite being exhausted and “disgustingly dirty and dusty” by the end of the day, he also felt “fulfilled that I had really fully experienced this park and got to see portions of it that I never imagined I would get to see.”

In fact, after his time in Big Bend National Park, Mikah says it’s now one of his favorites.

Looking back… and ahead

Mikah wrapped up his adventures in Texas with a visit to Guadalupe Mountains National Park in West Texas, which stretches into the state of New Mexico.

Just as he did in the Chisos Mountains, Mikah hiked to Guadalupe Peak, at 2666 meters, the highest point in Texas .

“The coolest part was getting to the top and getting to look across Texas and seeing both the diversity of land in Texas, everywhere I’d just come from, then also look to the north to New Mexico,” Mikah said. “Everywhere I was about to go.”

Mikah, who plans to visit all 400 plus sites within the U.S. National Park Service, invites you to learn more about his ongoing journey across the American southwest by visiting him on his website, Facebook and Instagram.

Ariana Grande Returns to US Following Manchester Bombing

Ariana Grande returned to the United States on Tuesday, one day after a suicide bomber killed 22 people at the singer’s concert in Manchester, England, as questions lingered over whether she would continue her European tour.

Grande, 23, was seen in photographs posted by Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper walking down the steps of a private plane at an airport in her hometown of Boca Raton, Florida, and being met by family members.

The Daily Mail images showed the diminutive pop star dressed casually in sweats and appearing downcast as she greeted her boyfriend, the rapper Mac Miller, on the tarmac.

Grande had not been seen publicly since an explosion ripped through the packed Manchester Arena at the end of her performance there. Some of the 22 people who died in the attack were teens or young girls. Grande was apparently unharmed.

British police have identified the man suspected of carrying out the massacre as 22-year-old Salman Abedi, who was born in Manchester to parents of Libyan origin. Islamic State claimed responsibility for what it called revenge against “Crusaders,” but there appeared to be contradictions in its account of the operation.

In her only statement so far, Grande took to Twitter some five hours after the bombing to describe herself as “broken” in the aftermath of the attack.

“from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don’t have words,” she said in the tweet.

Grande was performing in Manchester during the European leg of a tour to promote her third album, “Dangerous Woman,” which also has her scheduled to visit London, Belgium, Poland, Germany and Switzerland in the coming weeks.

Despite speculation that she would cancel the rest of the tour, no formal announcement had been made as of Tuesday. Grande’s manager, Scooter Braun, did not respond to requests for comment by Reuters.

“We mourn the lives of children and loved ones taken by this cowardly act,” Braun said in a statement posted on Twitter on Monday evening. “We ask all of you to hold the victims, heir families and all those affected in your hearts and prayers.”

Grande, a native of Boca Raton, starred in the Broadway musical “13” and on the Nickelodeon TV series “Victorious” before releasing her solo debut album, “Yours Truly.”

Best known for her singles “Problem” and “Break Free,” Grande is credited with having an exceptionally broad vocal range for a pop star.

Singer Angaleena Presley Brings Her Truth to Nashville

Country singer Angaleena Presley takes on Nashville in her new CD Wrangled.

Actress-Philanthropist Dina Merrill Dies at 93

American actress and philanthropist Dina Merrill, best known for playing regal aristocratic blondes, has died at 93.

Merrill defied her wealthy family’s wishes to enter show business. Her father was E.F. Hutton, a founder of the American stock brokerage firm that bears his name, and her mother was Marjorie Merriwether Post, heiress to the Post Cereal fortune and a noted collector of pre-revolutionary Russian art.


Merrill and her family lived for a time at the Mar-a-Lago estate, the Florida resort now owned by President Donald Trump.

Merrill appeared on the stage, on television and in more than 100 films, including The Desk Set, Operation Petticoat, and Butterfield 8.

She used her family’s fortune for numerous charitable endeavors, including providing food and shelter for impoverished families and a foundation to help children suffering from diabetes.

Захист Януковича хоче розслідувати призначення суддів у його справі

Адвокат екс-президента України Віктора Януковича Віталій Сердюк звернувся до Верховної Ради з проханням призначити тимчасову слідчу комісію, яка б розслідувала призначення саме такого складу суддів у його справі.

На думку адвоката, йдеться про втручання Генеральної прокуратури у автоматизовану систему розподілу суддів.

«Мова йде про призначення складу суддів (В.Дев’ятко, Д.Камбулов, М.Тітов) у справі проти Віктора Януковича ще до того, як ця справа надійшла до Оболонського суду, про що заздалегідь стало відомо журналістам та громадськості», – йдеться у заяві юридичної компанії Aver Lex, яка представляє Януковича у суді.

Раніше захист екс-президента звертався до Вищого спеціалізованого суду з розгляду цивільних і кримінальних справ щодо зміни підсудності розгляду справи про державну зраду, фігурантом якої є колишній президент. Суд, однак, ухвалив рішення відхилити це клопотання.

28 листопада 2016 року генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко зачитав Януковичу повідомлення про підозру у вчиненні державної зради, пособництві представникам влади Росії, в умисних діях, вчинених з метою зміни меж території та державного кордону України, в порушення порядку, встановленого Конституцією, веденні агресивної війни.

У січні Печерський районний суд Києва надав дозвіл на заочне досудове розслідування щодо Януковича.

Підготовче засідання Оболонського райсуду Києва в цій справі має продовжитися 29 травня.

Віктор Янукович є фігурантом кількох кримінальних справ в Україні, зокрема щодо перевищення ним повноважень від листопада 2013-го до лютого 2014 року, щодо масових убивств активістів Майдану, а також за фактом захоплення ним державної влади 2010 року. Наразі жодне з цих проваджень не розглядається у судах по суті.