Fire in Georgia Luxury Hotel Leaves 11 Dead

A fire at a luxury hotel in the Georgian Black Sea resort city of Batumi left 11 people dead and 21 others hurt, officials said Saturday. 

The fire erupted late Friday evening at the Leogrand Hotel and Casino where participants in the Miss Georgia 2017 beauty pageant were having dinner, Russia’s TASS news agency quoted the Georgian Interior Ministry as saying.  

All 20 participants escaped unhurt using a fire escape ladder, it said. At least 100 other guests and employees also escaped.  

Eleven people died and 21 were injured, the ministry reported. Those hurt included one Israeli and 12 Turkish nationals.

The cause of the fire was not immediately clear. 

Bookmaker Taking No Bets on When Prince Harry Will Wed 

A major London bookmaker has suspended betting on whether Prince Harry will marry American actress Meghan Markle in 2018 amid rumors an engagement may be announced soon.

Jessica Bridge of Ladbrokes said Friday that it seems an engagement announcement “is to be confirmed imminently.”

The bookmaker has stopped taking bets on a 2018 royal wedding after Markle was seen shopping in London this week.

The British press has reported that Markle has met in private with Harry’s grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

The couple has been dating for more than a year, and Harry has asked the press to grant them a certain amount of privacy.

Markle is believed to be in the process of moving to London.

Palace officials say they will not comment on the rumors.

Pope’s Role as Champion of Refugees Faces Test in Myanmar

Pope Francis heads to Myanmar and Bangladesh with the international community excoriating Myanmar’s crackdown on Rohingya Muslims as “ethnic cleansing,” but his own church resisting the label and defending Myanmar’s civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi as the only hope for democracy.

Francis will thus be walking a fraught diplomatic tightrope during the Nov. 27-Dec. 2 visit, which will include separate meetings with Aung San Suu Kyi, the powerful head of Myanmar’s military as well as a small group of Rohingya once Francis arrives in neighboring Bangladesh.

Francis has defined his papacy by his frequent denunciations of injustices committed against refugees, and he would be expected to speak out strongly against the Rohingya plight. But he is also the guest of Myanmar’s government and must look out for the well-being of his own tiny flock, a minority of 659,000 Catholics in the majority Buddhist nation of 51 million.

‘Interesting diplomatically’

“Let’s just say it’s very interesting diplomatically,” Vatican spokesman Greg Burke responded when asked if Francis’ 21st foreign trip would be his most difficult.

The Rev. Thomas Reese, an American Jesuit commentator, was more direct: “I have great admiration for the pope and his abilities, but someone should have talked him out of making this trip,” Reese wrote recently on Religion News Service.

Reese argued that Francis’ legacy as an uncompromising champion of the oppressed will come up against the harsh reality of blowback for Myanmar’s minority Christians if he goes too far in defending the Rohingya against the military’s “clearance operations” in Rakhine state.

“If he is prophetic, he puts Christians at risk,” Reese said. “If he is silent about the persecution of the Rohingya, he loses moral credibility.”

WATCH: Pope Francis Faces Diplomatic Challenges with Visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh

Term ‘Rohingya’ may be avoided

Francis isn’t known for his deference to protocol and he tends to call a spade a spade. But he has already been urged by the Catholic Church in Myanmar and his hand-picked cardinal, Charles Bo, to refrain from even using the term “Rohingya,” which is rejected by most in Myanmar.

“The pope clearly takes this advice seriously,” Burke said. “But we’ll see together.”

Francis has used the term “Rohingya” in the past, when he condemned the “persecution of our Rohingya brothers,” denounced their suffering and called for them to receive “full rights.”

Myanmar’s government and most of the Buddhist majority don’t recognize the Rohingya as an ethnic group, insisting they are Bengali migrants from Bangladesh living illegally in the country. It has denied them citizenship, even though they have lived in Myanmar, also known as Burma, for generations.

The Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, said Francis would likely call for a lasting solution for the Rakhine Muslims that takes into account “the importance for the people of having a nationality.” He declined in a Vatican Radio interview to use the term “Rohingya.”

Francis had originally intended his 2017 itinerary to involve a visit to India and Bangladesh. But preparations fell apart in India, and Myanmar was added in late, after Myanmar and the Holy See established diplomatic relations during a visit by Aung San Suu Kyi to Rome in May.

Since then, the situation on the ground has deteriorated badly, after Rohingya militants attacked security positions in poverty-wracked Rakhine in August. Myanmar security forces responded with a scorched-earth campaign against Rohingya villages that the U.N., U.S. and human rights groups have labeled as textbook “ethnic cleansing.”

The Rev. Bernardo Cervellera, editor of the AsiaNews news agency that closely covers the Catholic Church in Asia, said he expected Francis would use the visit to help shore up Aung San Suu Kyi, whose international stature has suffered as a result of the crisis even though she is limited constitutionally in what she can say or do against the military.

“The question of the Rohingya is a ‘casus belli’ to eliminate the government of Aung Sang Suu Kyi,” Cervellera said. “If we take away Aung San Suu Kyi, the military dictatorship returns, which means setting all the minorities on fire.”

Francis will host an interfaith peace meeting in the garden of the Dhaka archbishops’ residence, at which a small group of Rohingya are expected.

Other highlights of the trip include Francis’ meeting with Myanmar’s Buddhist monks and encounters with Catholic youth capping the visit in each country.

The youth encounters “demonstrate that it’s a young church with hope,” Burke said.

Американський штат Мічиган визначив 25 листопада днем пам’яті жертв Голодомору – посольство

Американський штат Мічиган у резолюції Палати представників штату визначив 25 листопада днем пам’яті жертв Голодомору, повідомило на сторінці у Facebook Посольство України в США.

«Важливо, що в тексті резолюції Голодомор в Україні 1932-1933 років пояснюється через термін геноцид. Дякуємо владі штату Мічиган за увагу і пам’ять про жертв цієї страшної трагедії українського народу та допомогу у зусиллях щодо відновлення історичної справедливості», – йдеться в повідомленні посольства.

За даними дипломатів, напередодні штат Вісконсин приєднався до визнання Голодомору в Україні геноцидом українського народу. Раніше це зробили також у штатах Вашингтон, Орегон, Іллінойс, Пенсильванія, Нью-Джерсі та Нью-Йорк.

Минулого тижня у Державному департаменті США засудили спроби заперечення історичного факту Голодомору в Україні. У Вашингтоні заявили, що підтримують Україну як у вшануванні жертв минулого, так і залишаються на її боці в контексті нинішньої безпеки і свободи від «зовнішньої агресії і окупації».

У листопаді 2006 року Верховна Рада України визнала Голодомор 1932–1933 років геноцидом українського народу. Наразі Голодомор визнали геноцидом 24 країни світу, а ще в низці країн – органи влади їхніх окремих територіальних одиниць.

Україна з посиланням на дані науково-демографічної експертизи стверджує, що загальна кількість людських втрат від Голодомору 1932–33 років становить майже 4 мільйони осіб, а втрати українців у частині ненароджених становлять понад 6 мільйонів.

У четверту суботу листопада в Україні вшановують пам’ять жертв Голодомору.

У Дніпрі презентують маловідомі архівні документи про Голодомор 1932-1933 років

У п’ятницю в Дніпрі в приміщенні облдержадміністрації відкрили виставку архівних документів 1932-33 років про Голодомор в Україні.

Виставка, присвячена подіям 85-річної давнини, містить оригінали та фотокопії архівних документів, які розповідають про голод в регіоні, його передумови, спротив селянства та його наслідки. Є серед них маловідомі і рідкісні. В експозиції також газетні публікації, фотографії, плакати тих років, а також офіційні документи – директиви керівних органів ЦВК і РНК СРСР влади СРСР і УРСР, які стосуються Дніпропетровщини, вказівки про посилення репресій при виконанні намічених планів заготівлі продовольства.

За даними з матеріалів виставки, селяни Дніпропетровщини чинили опір хлібозаготівлям. Зокрема, у 1932 році відбулось Павлоградське антирадянське повстання – стихійний виступ селян проти грабіжницьких хлібозаготівель. Повстання було придушене силовими структурами, були заарештовані більш ніж сотня учасників.

На стендах також – «чорні дошки», оприлюднені в обласній газеті, інформаційні повідомлення партійних та радянських органів, де викладені факти голодування та голодної смерті серед населення.

«Надмірні хлібозаготівлі розпочались у 1931-му. Проте це було справжнє хлібозабирання, людям не лишалося нічого. Коли цей процес досяг апогею, з’явився закон «про п’ять колосків, – сказав голова обласного Товариства політв’язнів та репресованих Іван Дремлюга.

Виставку експонуватимуть до кінця листопада.

За даними істориків, Дніпропетровська область є однією з тих областей, які найбільше постраждали від Голодомору 1932-33 років. З усієї кількості зареєстрованих смертей в Україні на Дніпропетровщину припадає 70% випадків.

До Книги пам’яті жертв Голодомору на Дніпропетровщині зібрали імена понад 65 тисяч загиблих жителів, однак цей перелік далеко не повний, кажуть історики.

У четверту суботу листопада в Україні вшановують пам’ять жертв Голодомору.

На новорічні свята курсуватимуть 7 додаткових поїздів – «Укрзалізниця»

«Укрзалізниця» призначила сім додаткових поїздів на 47 рейсів на новорічні свята та Різдво, повідомили в прес-службі компанії.

Додаткові поїзди курсуватимуть у напрямках Київ –​ Львів, Київ – Ковель, Київ – Хмельницький, Київ – Одеса, Київ – Дніпро, Дніпро – Одеса та Одеса – Львів.

З 10 грудня «Укрзалізниця» запускає новий графік руху пасажирських поїздів на 2017-2018 роки. У зв’язку з цим, як повідомили в компанії,  почнуть курсувати нові поїзди Івано-Франківськ – Костянтинівка, Одеса – Харків, Одеса – Яремче, Одеса – Перемишль та Ужгород – Лисичанськ.

London Subway Incident

London police found no casualties Friday after investigating reports of shots fired at a busy subway station. Police initially responded as if the incident were terror-related, but later said they “have not located any trace of any suspects, evidence of shots fired or casualties.”

Прокуратура Криму при ГПУ віддала до суду справу про передачу 52 картин на окупований півострів

Прокуратура Криму при ГПУ передала до суду кримінальну справу щодо співробітників Маріупольського краєзнавчого музею, які в березні 2014 року незаконно передали в анексований Росією Крим 52 картини художників XVIII-XIX століть, повідомляє 24 листопада прес-служба відомства.

«У Жовтневий районний суд Маріуполя направлено для розгляду по суті обвинувальні акти стосовно колишнього директора КУ «Маріупольський краєзнавчий музей» і завідувача відділу фондів Художнього музею імені А.І. Куїнджі – філії КУ «Маріупольський краєзнавчий музей», – йдеться в повідомленні.

У відомстві уточнили, що кримінальне провадження проводять за статтею 367 Кримінального кодексу України (службова недбалість). Санкції статті передбачають від 2 до 5 років позбавлення волі.

Прокуратура Криму раніше повідомляла, що дії працівників Маріупольського музею заподіяли державі шкоду на понад мільйон доларів США.

Управління Національної поліції в Криму 17 серпня повідомило, що 52 картини з Музейного фонду України оголосили в державний та міждержавний розшук. Пізніше в Інтерполі запевнили, що полотна не перебувають у розшуку.

У Мінкульті Криму заявили, що картини, оголошені в розшук управлінням Нацполіції в Криму, належать Сімферопольському художньому музею, де і перебувають зараз.

Pope Decries Fomenting Fear of Migrants for Political Gain

Pope Francis is decrying those whipping up fear of migrants for political gain, and is urging people to view global migration as a peace-building opportunity and not as a threat. 

The message was issued Friday by the Vatican, in preparation for the Catholic church’s annual World Peace Day, which it marks on Jan. 1.

Without citing any nation, Francis said many countries have seen “the spread of rhetoric decrying the risks posed to national security or the high cost of welcoming new arrivals” of migrants. 

He added that those who “for what may be political reasons, foment fear of migrants instead of building peace are sowing violence, racial discrimination and xenophobia.”

Anti-migrant politics have been gaining influence in many places in Europe, including in the Vatican’s backyard in Italy.

Texas Company Reports Selling Lethal Weapons to Ukraine

A U.S. company says it has been selling lethal weapons to Ukraine since last year, ahead of an expected decision by the Trump administration on whether to provide such weapons to Ukraine.

“We started delivering our product to Ukraine last year and we are continuing deliveries up until now,” said Richard Vandiver, Chief Operating Officer at the Texas company AirTronic, USA, in an interview with VOA’s Ukrainian service.

Vandiver said the sales have been limited to short-range defensive weapons, principally Precision Shoulder Fired Rocket launchers (PSRLs), which are a redesigned and updated version of the widely deployed Soviet RPG-7 anti-tank weapon. Ukraine is engaged in a struggle against Russian-trained and funded separatists in its eastern region and fears an armored assault.

“The ability to stop armored vehicles is essential for Ukraine to protect itself,” said General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during the testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on September 26.

Vandiver told VOA the PSRL should be considered a defensive weapon because of its limited range.

“Obviously, PSRL is a lethal system, but it’s a defensive lethal system,” Vandiver said. “The RPG-7 has the effective range of under a thousand meters.

“As long as the weapon system stays [in government-controlled territory], it’s not an offensive weapon, but if armor starts to cross the river than I would assume that the Ukrainian defense forces would employ our systems to stop the armor.”

The U.S. Congress has approved $350 million in security aid for Ukraine in its most recent National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), including $47 million for defensive lethal weapons. The act awaits final approval in the House of Representatives before going to President Donald Trump for his signature.

Trump is reported to be considering a recommendation received from his National Security Council this week to provide lethal weaponry to Ukraine. The weapon considered most likely to be included is the shoulder-fired Javelin anti-tank missile, which features a sophisticated self-guidance system and a range more than four times greater than the PSRL.

‘De facto embargo’

Any sales of lethal weaponry to Ukraine marks a reversal of a non-binding policy implemented under the administration of former president Barack Obama.

“In the formal sense, there is no embargo on Ukraine, but you could say that there is a de facto embargo,” said Michael Carpenter, senior director of the Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania. “Formally speaking, [Obama] did not make a decision on sending weapons to Ukraine, so de facto that became an embargo.”

Any such U.S. military sales must be licensed by the State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, which says it is restricted under federal regulations from commenting on commercial sales export licensing activity.

However, the department issues a list of defense articles and services that have been authorized as direct commercial sales each year. The most recent list shows that more than $26.9 million in military sales to Ukraine were authorized in 2016, with more than $17.6 million of that having been shipped.

More than $5 million of the authorized sales comprised lethal weaponry, mainly comprising firearms and ammunition. The report does not show how much of that was actually shipped.

AirTronic, US coordination

Vandiver declined to discuss exact details of the AirTronic supply contract with Ukraine, but he emphasized that the activities are conducted in “very close coordination with the U.S. Embassy, with the U.S. State Department, with the U.S. Pentagon and with the Ukrainian government.”

“It took quite a bit for us to secure authorizations that we needed, because of the sensitivity of the issue under Minsk II,” Vandiver said, adding that the lethal system is not banned by the agreement. The Minsk II agreement — brokered by Germany and France in negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko in February of 2015 — was aimed at limiting the fighting in the East of Ukraine, but has had only limited success. 

“We are very familiar with the accords that were reached in Europe under the treaties … and we abide by those,” he said. He added that AirTronic obtained an export license for the sale, “following the same application process as any defense contractor would follow.”

The Ukrainian government hopes to expand its purchases of lethal weapons from the U.S. substantially, and attaches great hope to the possibility that the White House will approve financial assistance for those purchases.

The $47 million in possible lethal aid for Ukraine included in the NDAA would allow Kyiv to obtain more powerful defensive weapons, Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Valery Chaly told VOA.

“We hope that the bill [NDAA], which has been already approved by Congress, will be signed by President Trump. This would allow to unlock about $50 million in lethal defense assistance for Ukraine. The decision is with the U.S. president and then we will be talking about more powerful weapons,” Chaly said.

During his visit to Ukraine in August this year, U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis rejected any suggestion that the provision of such weapons may be considered provocative by Russia. “Defensive weapons are not provocative unless you are an aggressor, and clearly Ukraine is not an aggressor since it is their own territory where the fighting is happening,” Mattis said.

Still, some analysts doubt that the Trump administration is willing to abandon the self-imposed restriction on lethal arms sales to Ukraine.

“I remain a pessimist on this,” said Carpenter, director of the Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania. However, he said, “I’ve long supported providing defensive arms to Ukraine. I think this is the right thing to do. It’s the moral thing to do and also the strategic thing to do for the United States, because it would deter further Russia aggression.”

Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Nov. 25

We’re feasting on the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending Nov. 25, 2017.

It’s Thanksgiving week, and right on schedule, the chart sends us a tasty new title.

Number 5: Imagine Dragons “Thunder”

Let’s begin in fifth place, where Imagine Dragons continues to hold with “Thunder.”

This Las Vegas band made out well at the American Music Awards on November 20, when they performed with Khalid. They did a great mash-up of “Thunder” and “Young Dumb and Broke.” Imagine Dragons also took home a third trophy, this time for Favorite Pop/Rock Group.

Number 4: Sam Smith “Too Good at Goodbyes”

It’s a banner week for Sam Smith on the charts — he racks up his third Top Five hit in the Hot 100, as “Too Good At Goodbyes” shoots from 10th to fourth place.

Sam is also this week’s album champ, as “The Thrill Of It All” sells 237,000 album-equivalent units here in the States. Sam’s debut album, “In The Lonely Hour,” only hit the runner-up slot in the U.S.

Number 3: Cardi B “Bodak Yellow (Money Moves)”

Cardi B treads water in third place with her ex-champ “Bodak Yellow (Money Moves).”

Fans are clamoring for an album, but the New York rapper says she’s in no hurry. Posting November 19 on Twitter, she explained that she’s feeling pressured to produce a great album … and she’s taking her time to make good songs.

Number 2: Camila Cabello Featuring Young Thug ‘Havana”

Camila Cabello and Young Thug continue to occupy the runner-up slot with “Havana.”

MTV U.K. reports that Camila has ditched the title of her upcoming debut solo album. It will no longer be titled “The Hurting, The Healing, The Loving” — but Camila’s not yet ready to reveal the new name. She says her new, happier state of mind spurred her to make the change. The new set should drop early next year.

Number 1: Post Malone Featuring 21 Savage “Rockstar”

Post Malone and 21 Savage hold the Hot 100 title for a fifth solid week with “Rockstar.” 

In a recent podcast interview, Post revealed that his second album “Beerbongs & Bentleys” will arrive December 1. The guest list will reportedly include Nicki Minaj, John Mayer, Ty Dolla $ign and Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee.

We hope you’ll be our guest next week when we’ll crown a new lineup.

Trump Complains That Players Are ‘Boss’ In NFL

President Donald Trump is continuing to rail against football players who kneel during the National Anthem to protest racism and police brutality.

Trump asks his followers in a Black Friday tweet: “Can you believe that the disrespect for our Country, our Flag, our Anthem continues without penalty to the players.”

He’s accusing NFL commissioner Roger Goodell of having “lost control” of what he called a “hemorrhaging league” where “Players are the boss!”

Trump’s tweet was in response to one from his social media chief, Dan Scavino.

Scavino had shared a Breitbart News story about New York Giants player Olivier Vernon taking a knee during the anthem on Thanksgiving ahead of a game against the Redskins.

The website is run by Trump’s former chief strategist.

South African Court Doubles Pistorius Sentence

Oscar Pistorius’ prison sentence was increased to 13 years and five months by South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal on Friday, a decision that more than doubled the Olympic runner’s jail term for the murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. 

In an announcement that took a matter of minutes, Supreme Court Justice Willie Seriti said the Supreme Court upheld an appeal by prosecutors against Pistorius’ original six-year sentence for shooting Steenkamp multiple times in his home in 2013. 

Prosecutors had called that six-year sentence “shockingly” lenient.

Pistorius should have been sentenced to the prescribed minimum of 15 years for murder in South Africa, Seriti said, as he delivered the verdict that was reached by a panel of five judges at the Supreme Court in the central city of Bloemfontein. 

The new sentence of 13 years and five months took into account time Pistorius has served in prison and at home under house arrest, Seriti said.

Pistorius, who turned 31 Wednesday, has served over a year of his initial six-year sentence. 

Pistorius killed Steenkamp in the pre-dawn hours of Valentine’s Day 2013 after shooting four times through a closed toilet cubicle door in his home. Claiming he mistook his girlfriend for an intruder, he was initially convicted of manslaughter. That conviction was overturned and replaced with a murder conviction by the Supreme Court in 2015. 

Friday’s decision likely brings an end to a near five-year legal saga surrounding the double-amputee athlete, a multiple Paralympic champion and record-breaker who was once one of the most celebrated sportsmen in the world. 

Pistorius’ lawyers have just one avenue open to them if they want to challenge the new sentence handed down by the Supreme Court, and that is to appeal to the Constitutional Court, the highest court in South Africa. 

Pistorius failed with an appeal to the Constitutional Court last year to challenge his murder conviction.

«Динамо» та «Зоря» програли в Лізі Європи

Обидва українські учасники Ліги Європи програли свої поєдинки п’ятого туру. Динамівці Києва, які вже гарантували собі вихід до 1/16 фіналу, в Албанії програли клубу «Скендербеу» – 2:3. Попри поразку, кияни з 10 очками далі очолюють групу В.

На друге місце в цьому квартеті вийшли футболісти сербського «Партизана», які переграли швейцарську команду «Янґ Бойз» – 2:1. Белградський клуб набрав вісім очок і став недосяжним для суперників. На початку грудня «Динамо» і «Партизан» у Києві позмагаються за перше місце в групі.

Луганська «Зоря» програла на виїзді шведському «Остерсунду» – 0:2. В іншому матчі групи J іспанський «Атлетик» переграв німецьку «Герту» – 3:2. Тепер «Остерсунд» має 10 очок, «Атлетик» – вісім, «Зоря» – шість, «Герта» – чотири. В останньому турі у Львові лише перемога над «Атлетиком» лише перемога принесе луганчанам путівку до 1/16 фіналу Ліги Європи.

Pope Prays for ‘Seeds of Peace’ for South Sudan, DRC

Pope Francis on Thursday evening led a special prayer service in St. Peter’s Basilica for peace in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Earlier this year, he said he was studying the possibility of going to South Sudan, which has been beset by famine and civil war. But he told the faithful during the service that that wasn’t possible.

Francis said that “with prayer we want to sow seeds of peace” in South Sudan and Congo. He called for courageous peace efforts through dialogue and negotiations.

Peace talks are aimed at finding a resolution to South Sudan’s civil war, which has lasted nearly four years.

In DRC, tensions over the continued tenure of President Joseph Kabila, whose official mandate ended in December 2016, have fueled deadly demonstrations. An election official recently said the presidential vote wouldn’t be held until late 2018.

Pioneering Jazz Singer Hendricks Dies at 96

Jon Hendricks, the pioneering jazz singer and lyricist who, with the trio Lambert, Hendricks & Ross, popularized the “vocalese” singing style in which words were added to instrumental songs, has died. He was 96.

His daughter, Aria Hendricks, confirmed his death to The New York Times. She said he died Wednesday at a New York City hospital.

Hendricks found fame in the 1950s and ’60s teaming with Dave Lambert and Annie Ross. Their interracial trio became one of the most celebrated jazz vocal groups ever, and among the latter-day stars they influenced were Joni Mitchell and Manhattan Transfer.

The trio’s first album, Sing a Song of Basie, won acclaim for its use of vocalese, in which the voices mimic the instrumental parts. Hendricks wrote the lyrics to existing Basie songs, and the three recorded their own voices in layers instead of using backup singers.

Others experimented with vocalese before Hendricks, but he is widely regarded as the father of the spirited singing style for popularizing it. In the 1980s, he collaborated with Manhattan Transfer on an album called Vocalese that won three Grammys, one for Hendricks himself.

He first teamed up with Lambert, a bebop singer he admired, in the mid-1950s; the duo had hits with Four Brothers and Cloudburst. The two became a trio with the addition of Ross in 1957. The English-born Ross was already known for her own vocalese lyrics to Wardell Gray’s music in the classic Twisted.

In a 1997 Associated Press interview, Hendricks recalled that Lambert said, “Let’s do something artistic so that the Earth will at least know we were here. Why don’t you lyricize 10 Count Basie things and we’ll see if we can record an album?”

After trying out by recording a large group of singers, Hendricks recalled, they decided to instead create the harmonies by multitracking as a trio with Ross.

Solo work

After the group broke up in 1962, he pursued a solo career in London, worked as a jazz critic in San Francisco and released several solo albums. Ross also had success in a solo career; Lambert died in 1966.

Hendricks won a Grammy in 1986 for best male jazz vocal performance of 1985 for his work with Bobby McFerrin on Another Night in Tunisia, a cut on Manhattan Transfer’s Vocalese. Hendricks wrote all the lyrics for the album, to music by Ray Charles, Quincy Jones and others. It was nominated for a near-record 12 Grammys and won three.

In 1997, he was one of three featured singers to perform Wynton Marsalis’ Blood on the Fields on a CD and on tour in the United States and Europe. That same year, the three-hour work, which tells the history of blacks in America, won the Pulitzer Prize for music.

But the fame of the trio that began recording nearly a half-century ago has not faded. Hendricks and Ross teamed up again in the late 1990s in a series of concerts. And The All-Music Guide to Jazz says Lambert, Hendricks and Ross “has yet to be topped as a jazz vocal group.”

Mitchell, who rarely sings songs other than her own, recorded Twisted on her 1974 album Court and Spark and Centerpiece on her 1975 album The Hissing of Summer Lawns. In a 1979 Down Beat magazine interview, she recalled hearing Lambert, Hendricks and Ross: The Hottest New Sound in Jazz as a teenager.

“In a way I’ve always considered that album to be my Beatles, because I learned every song off it. … I don’t think there’s another album that I know every song on, including my own!” she said.

Hendricks got his start in amateur shows and at age 14 sang in Toledo nightclubs for two years with another future jazz great from his hometown, pianist Art Tatum, who gave him music lessons after school.

“I learned what I know from him,” Hendricks told The Associated Press in a 2004 interview.

Yet, he was on his way to becoming a lawyer in 1950, singing in small clubs at night, when his wife asked if Hendricks could sing with bebop pioneer and saxophonist Charlie “Bird” Parker at a concert in town.

Parker was impressed, telling Hendricks, “You ain’t no lawyer. You’re a jazz singer. You got to come to New York.” Hendricks did, two years later.

Son of a preacher

Hendricks was born September 16, 1921, in Newark, Ohio, and grew up in Toledo, one of 15 children of a preacher who hoped Hendricks would follow him into the ministry.

“I always felt like a traitor,” Hendricks said.


As a boy, he took the “h” out of his first name after he went to the movies and saw an actor named Jon. He thought it would make him stand out.

Following years of performing worldwide and living in New York, Hendricks returned to his hometown in 2000 to teach jazz history and vocal jazz at the University of Toledo.

A performer even as a teacher, he was known for his unending enthusiasm. On the first day of class he sang students the story of jazz, backed up by bass, drums and piano. Students gave him ovations by the dozen.

He also directed his own vocalese group in Toledo composed of students and local singers. They performed in France and Italy and with the Toledo Symphony.

Hendricks won awards worldwide. The World War II veteran was given France’s highest honor, the French Legion of Honor, in 2004, at a performance in Normandy to commemorate the 60th anniversary of D-Day.

He called that day one of his greatest thrills.

Мовлення українського радіо на окупований Крим складно заглушити – Хоркін

Мовлення українського радіо, що відбувається на середніх хвилях, через технічні особливості складно заглушити у зв’язку з використанням потужних передавачів. Про це Радіо Крим.Реалії повідомив генеральний продюсер «Українського радіо» Дмитро Хоркін. 

«Це АМ діапазон, він дуже популярний в країнах з великою територією, в тому числі в США. Ми працюємо на передавачі потужністю в тисячу чотириста тридцять один кілогерц. Передавачі, які працюють на середніх хвилях, дуже потужні, на відміну від FM-мовлення, тому середні частоти складно глушити. Цей передавач працює на частоті 549 кілогерц, один передавач споживає 500 кіловат, це дуже велика потужність», – зазначив Хоркін.

Він додав, що на утримання передавачів, що використовуються для здійснення мовлення на територію окупованого Криму, необхідно близько 14 мільйонів гривень на рік.  

З 4 вересня в ФМ-діапазоні на частоті 105,9 МГц розпочалося цілодобове мовлення Радіо Крим.Реалії, яке також спільно з Національною суспільною радіокомпанією України продовжує мовлення на окупований Крим на середніх хвилях АМ на частоті 549 кГц.

Latest Hollywood Films Highlight America’s Racial Tensions

Racial inequality in post war America and civil rights activism are prevalent themes in Hollywood films this season. Using gritty cinematography and A-list actors, directors such as Kathryn Bigelow, George Clooney and Dan Gilroy shed light on the history of racial injustice in America and open up the conversation about racial tensions in the present. VOA’s Penelope Poulou has more.

На фестивалі у Москві планують показ фільму про війну на Донбасі, дата невідома – продюсер

На фестивалі «Артдокфест-2017» у Москві запланований для показу документальний фільм «War for Peace» («Війна заради миру»), знятий про війну на Донбасі режисером Євгеном Тітаренком. Про це Радіо Свобода повідомила продюсер фільму, волонтерка із Дніпра Наталія Хазан.

«Ми подали цей фільм на кілька фестивалів – у Європу, США, на «Артдокфест», який відбувається в Росії. Першим проходитиме «Артдокфест», тобто прем’єра нашого фільму має відбутися у Москві…Окрім оргкомітету фестивалю, цей фільм ще ніхто не бачив, його ніде не транслювали, його немає в інтернеті. Умови фестивалю такі, що цей фільм не мав бути показаний раніше. Як з двохвилинного трейлеру можна було зробити висновки про «екстремізм?», – сказала Радіо Свобода Наталія Хазан.

Відео користувача WAR FOR PEACE у YouTube​

За словами продюсера, дата і час показу фільму поки не відомі, однак творців фільму вже запросили бути присутніми на прем’єрі. Вона також зазначила, що фестиваль «Артдокфест-2017» є досить незалежною платформою в Росії, яка не фінансується державою.

У четвер організатори фестивалю на своєму сайті оприлюднили офіційну позицію зазначивши, що «показ фільму Євгена Тітаренка «Війна заради миру» із позаконкурсної програми «Після Союзу.Doc» переноситься з кінотеатру «Каро 11 Октябрь» на інший майданчик». Адресу і час показу обіцяють оприлюднити додатково.

Організатори також нагадали, що «Артдокфест» був і залишається «зоною свободи».

«У нас в програмі фільми і про православного священика, який благословляє громадян Росії на війну з українською армією, і фільм «Ладан-навігатор», повний співчуття до проросійської сторони конфлікту…Але, вибачте, у нас і фільм «Війна заради миру», знятий молодим українським режисером на території його держави під час справжньої війни з тими, хто домагається розчленування його країну. На жаль (чи на щастя для наших опонентів), один показ такого фільму в залі на 150 осіб, не здатен змінити ставлення до питання і його розуміння 145 мільйонів, які бачать світ крізь екрани своїх телевізорів. Але свобода повинна десь виживати і десь зароджуватися», – йдеться у повідомленні.

Незабаром після того як «Артдокфест» виклав на своєму сайті анонс, в Росії почалася широка кампанія проти фільму «War for Peace» про війну на Донбасі, зокрема у російському сегменті соцмереж. Віце-спікер Держдуми Росії Олексій Толстой надіслав запити до Генпрокуратури і Міністерства культури Росії з проханням перевірити, чи не порушує фільм статті Кримінального кодексу про «публічні заклики до екстремізму і тероризму» та «розпалювання ненависті».

Документальний фільм «War for Peace» знімався упродовж 12 місяців в зоні АТО парамедиком Євгеном Тітаренком, який у складі батальйону «Госпітальєри» пройшов найгарячіші точки Донбасу. Зйомки тривали упродовж 2014-2015 років.

Ukrainian Separatist Chief Accuses Another of Plotting Coup

A separatist leader in Ukraine’s east on Thursday accused a former official of trying to unseat him as a showdown between the two entered its third day.

Breaking almost a week of silence, Igor Plotnitsky, leader of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic, claimed that former Interior Minister Igor Kornet “tried to seize power by force.”

“It seems that a small man harbored big ambitions,” Plotnitsky said on the separatist television station, adding that he intended to “resolve the conflict with the help of the law.”

More than 10,000 people have been killed and a million displaced in a long-simmering conflict between separatists in Luhansk and in parts of the neighboring Donetsk region since 2014. Parts of the two regions have been under separatist control since spring 2014, and the area has been plagued with infighting among various armed groups and warlords.

Suspicious deaths

Several high-profile commanders have been killed in the region in suspicious circumstances in what was widely viewed as power struggle. While the unruly commanders were dying in car bombings, the leadership of the rebel-controlled parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions came to be dominated by bureaucrats with ties to ousted pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych.

The showdown between Plotnitsky and Kornet began on Tuesday with dozens of armed people loyal to Kornet surrounding the main administrative buildings in the regional capital, Luhansk. A convoy of armed vehicles entered the city in the middle of the night in a show of support for Kornet.

In a video released on Thursday, the ousted interior minister lashed out at Plotnitsky, suggesting that “the republic’s leadership” was under the influence of Ukrainian spies. Kornet also acknowledged that he was receiving military support from the neighboring separatist Donetsk People’s Republic.

The rebels originally sought to join Russia but the Kremlin stopped short of annexing the area or publicizing its military support for the rebels. It is widely assumed that Moscow provides the rebels with weapons and funding.

Hungary: Parliament Bans Camerawoman Who Kicked Migrants

Hungary’s parliament has banned a camerawoman from working on the premises after she insulted a lawmaker during an interview.

Parliament press chief Zoltan Szilagyi said Thursday in a statement that Petra Laszlo’s ban would be enforced for the rest of the current legislative period, which ends in mid-December.

In January, Laszlo was sentenced to three years’ probation for disorderly conduct after she was filmed kicking and trying to trip migrants on the border with Serbia in 2015.

Laszlo, who works for a pro-government website, could be seen on video arguing Monday with Gyorgy Szilagyi from the far-right Jobbik party.

Szilagyi said he did not want to talk to reporters from because he considered them government “propagandists.”

During the 2015 incident, Laszlo was working for N1TV, which is close to Jobbik.

Ще один штат у США визнав Голодомор в Україні геноцидом – посольство

Ще один американський штат приєднався до визнання Голодомору в Україні 1932-1933 років геноцидом проти українського народу, повідомили у Посольстві України в США.

«Губернатор штату Вісконсин Скотт Вокер підписав відповідну прокламацію. Дякуємо Сполученим Штатам за підтримку та відновлення історичної справедливості у пам’ять про мільйони жертв, які померли від свавілля радянської влади», – йдеться в повідомленні посольства на сторінці у Facebook.

За даними дипломатів, станом на сьогодні Голодомор визнали геноцидом також у штатах Вашингтон, Орегон, Іллінойс, Пенсильванія, Нью-Джерсі та Нью-Йорк.

Минулого тижня у Державному департаменті США засудили спроби заперечення історичного факту Голодомору в Україні. У Вашингтоні заявили, що підтримують Україну як у вшануванні жертв минулого, так і залишаються на її боці в контексті нинішньої безпеки і свободи від «зовнішньої агресії і окупації».

У листопаді 2006 року Верховна Рада України визнала Голодомор 1932–1933 років геноцидом українського народу. Наразі Голодомор визнали геноцидом 24 країни світу, а ще у низці країн – органи влади їхніх окремих територіальних одиниць.

Україна з посиланням на дані науково-демографічної експертизи стверджує, що загальна кількість людських втрат від Голодомору 1932–33 років становить майже 4 мільйони осіб, а втрати українців у частині ненароджених становлять понад 6 мільйонів.

Smooth Sailing So Far on $7.5M Makeover of Pilgrim Ship

If you’re a fan of the Mayflower II, here’s something that will float your boat.

A year after craftsmen embarked on an ambitious effort to restore the rotting replica of the ship that carried the Pilgrims to the New World in 1620, the work “is going really great,” project manager Whit Perry says.


Britain built the vessel and sailed it to the U.S. as a gift of friendship in 1957. Usually it’s moored in Plymouth Harbor, where more than 25 million people have boarded it over the past six decades. But over the years, the elements, aquatic organisms and insects took their toll.


It’s now in dry dock at the Henry B. duPont Preservation Shipyard at Connecticut’s Mystic Seaport, getting a $7.5 million makeover in time for 2020 festivities marking the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrim landing.


The Associated Press caught up with Perry, director of maritime preservation and operations at Plimoth Plantation , for a progress report.


AP: You’re 12 months into a 2-year project involving major structural repairs to America’s most beloved boat. Any unpleasant surprises?


Perry: Not really. I couldn’t be more pleased with the progress we’re making right now. We’ve had some major milestones since we began on Nov. 3, 2016. We have more than 100 new frames and floor timbers inside in the hold. Now we’re actually going to start the planking process on the outside of the ship, which is very exciting.


AP: So nothing’s bugging you? This time last year, on top of water damage and dry rot, you had beetles chewing through the bottom of the boat.


Perry: Ah, yes, the wharf borer beetle. No, that’s been a minor issue. We did find evidence of (Teredo worms). This is a mollusk that can grow up to three feet long and eats through wood. On the bottom of the keel, there’s something called a “worm shoe” — a 4-inch-thick piece of wood that runs the whole length of the ship. It lets the worms have a field day but not get into the main structure of the boat. That’s where we found evidence of worms. The ship itself is OK.


AP: The shipyard’s live webcam is pretty cool, but it’s hard to tell how many people are involved and what they’re doing. Can you tell us what we can’t see?


Perry: There are 20 people working on the Mayflower II at any one time. They’re working regular shifts, but we’re paying a little overtime so they don’t feel like they have to put down their tools if they’re in the middle of something. There are small teams working all over the ship. As we take things apart, we’re fixing anything with a question mark now, while we have the chance.


AP: Sea water actually preserves a wooden ship like this one. What happens when it’s on dry land for so long? Is that bad for a boat?


Perry: It can be. We’re very proactive in spraying the boat with salt water and an antifungal agent. As we put the ship back together, we try to keep the humidity up with misters so it doesn’t dry out too much. We also have to leave a little play on the new planking beneath the waterline so it doesn’t buckle when the ship returns to the water and the wood starts to swell. It’s not an exact science.


AP: In 2020, the eyes of the world will be on Plymouth. Sounds like you’re confident the ship will be ready?


Perry: It’s all going really great. We’re on budget and we’re on schedule. The ship will leave Mystic Seaport by late spring or early summer of 2019. And I’ve got to say, sailing the Mayflower II back to Plymouth is going to be quite a spectacle. Seeing the ship back under sail is going to be a beautiful sight.

Coffee-Based Fuel to Power London Buses

A startup is making fuel from waste coffee grounds to power some of London’s buses. VOA’s Steve Baragona reports.

«Динамо» та «Зоря» зіграють на виїзді в Лізі Європи

Українські представники у футбольній Лізі Європи 23 листопада проведуть у гостях матчі п’ятого туру. Динамівці Києва, які з 10 очками очолюють групу В, можуть гарантувати собі перше місце, якщо в Албанії здолають аутсайдера квартету, команду «Скендербеу».

Луганська «Зоря», яка з шістьма очками йде другою в групі J, у Швеції змагатиметься з лідером групи «Естерсундом», у якого зараз сім очок. Перемога дозволить підопічним Юрія Вернидуба гарантувати собі вихід до весняної стадії другого за престижністю єврокубка.

Матч «Естерсунд» – «Зоря» розпочнеться о 20:00 за Києвом, динамівці почують стартовий свисток в Албанії о 22:05.

France Seeks UN Meeting on Apparent Slave Auctions in Libya

France is seeking an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council to discuss the alleged sale of African migrants as slaves.

President Emmanuel Macron called the video footage aired last week by U.S. news network CNN “scandalous” and “unacceptable.”

“It is a crime against humanity,” Macron said after meeting with African Union chief Alpha Conde. “I hope we can go much further in the fight against traffickers who commit such crimes, and cooperate with all the countries in the network to dismantle these networks.”

CNN aired footage of an apparent auction where black men were presented to buyers as potential farmhands and sold off for as little as $400. The video sparked international outrage, with protests erupting across Europe and Africa.

The UNSC meeting will likely be next week, a French diplomat said.

On Monday, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was horrified and that the auctions should be investigated as possible crimes against humanity.

Criticism of EU

Human rights groups have criticized the European Union for pressuring Libya into stopping the flow of migrants to Europe.

Conde also put the blame on the European Union, accusing it of encouraging the Libyans to keep migrants in the North African country despite there being no single, universally recognized government.

“What happened in Libya is shocking, scandalous, but we must establish the responsibilities,” Conde said. “In Libya, there is no government, so the European Union can not choose a developing country and ask that country to detain refugees … when it doesn’t have the means to do so.”

Human rights groups have said the increased vigilance by Libyan maritime forces has forced the migrant smugglers to look for ways to unload their human cargo that can’t be transported to Europe.