Мін’юст скасував право організації УПЦ (МП) на користування Почаївською лаврою  

Перший заступник міністра юстиції Олена Сукманова заявила, що комісія Мін’юсту скасувала рішення про державну реєстрацію права користування на комплекс споруд Свято-Успенської Почаївської Лаври за релігійною організацією Почаївська Свято-Успенська Лавра. 

Цю організацію очолює митрополит УПЦ (МП) Володимир (Мороз), теперішній настоятель Почаївської Лаври. 

Згідно повідомлення міністерства, таким чином комісія з питань розгляду скарг у сфері державної реєстрації задовольнила скаргу Кременецько-Почаївського державного історико-архітектурного заповідника. 

«Комісія Мін’юсту на своєму засіданні задовольнила скаргу Кременецько-Почаївського державного історико-архітектурного заповідника, який просив скасувати рішення про державну реєстрацію права користування на комплекс споруд Свято-Успенської Почаївської Лаври за релігійною організацією Почаївська Свято-Успенська Лавра. Відповідний наказ Мін’юсту було підписано сьогодні», – сказала Сукманова. 

Читайте також: Почаївські депутати заявляють про спробу підкупу монахами Почаївської лаври

Члени комісії, як стверджує чиновниця, дійшли висновку, що реєстратор здійснив державну реєстрацію права користування на комплекс споруд Свято-Успенської Почаївської Лаври (Успенського собору, Троїцького собору, монастирських келій, архієрейського будинку, дзвіниці, надбрамного корпусу) з порушеннями вимог чинного законодавства.  

«Саме тому це рішення про державну реєстрацію було скасоване, а державному реєстратору, який його здійснив, блоковано доступ до державного реєстру речових прав на нерухоме майно», – зазначила перший заступник міністра.

16 листопада Міністерство культури України заявило, що оскаржує дії державного реєстратора, який здійснив реєстрацію права користування нерухомим майном Почаївської лаври.

27 вересня цього року реєстратор комунального підприємства «Струсівське» (Струсівської сільської ради Тернопільської області) Андрій Яремко в Державному реєстрі речових прав на нерухоме майно записав на УПЦ (МП) до 1 січня 2052 року шість споруд заповідника – Успенський і Троїцький собор, монастирські келії, архієрейські будинки, дзвіницю, надбрамний корпус, – які є пам’ятками архітектури національного значення. А згідно з Єдиним реєстром об’єктів державної власності, комплекс споруд лаври є державною власністю в управлінні Міністерства культури.

Після цього слідчим Головного управління Національної поліції у Тернопільській області проводиться досудове розслідування у кримінальному провадженні за фактом неправомірних дій державного реєстратора, який здійснив державну реєстрацію права користування нерухомим майном комплексу Почаївської лаври (це – собори, монастирські келії, дзвіниця та архієрейський будинок загальною площею понад 7 тисяч квадратних метрів) за УПЦ (Московського патріархату).

Ухвали Тернопільського міського районного суду від 13 листопада у цій справі можна прочитати тут і тут.

* * *

Почаїв – місто з населенням близько 8 тисяч людей у Кременецькому районі Тернопільської області. Воно відоме насамперед через комплекс будівель Почаївської лаври, об’єкт паломництва прочан із багатьох регіонів України. 

France Asks: Should ex-Colonizers Give Back African Art?

From Senegal to Ethiopia, artists, governments and museums are eagerly awaiting a report commissioned by French President Emmanuel Macron on how former colonizers can return African art to Africa.

The study by French art historian Bénédicte Savoy and Senegalese economist Felwine Sarr, being presented to Macron on Friday in Paris, is expected to recommend that French museums give back works that were taken without consent, if African countries request them. That could increase pressure on museums elsewhere in Europe to follow suit.

The experts estimate that up to 90 percent of African art is outside the continent, including statues, thrones and manuscripts. Tens of thousands of works are held by just one museum, the Quai Branly Museum in Paris, opened in 2006 to showcase non-European art — much of it from former French colonies. The museum wouldn’t comment ahead of the report’s release.

The head of Ethiopia’s Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Yonas Desta, said the report shows ”’a new era of thought” in Europe’s relations with Africa. “I’m longing to see the final French report,” he told The Associated Press.

Senegal’s culture minister, Abdou Latif Coulibaly, said: “It’s entirely logical that Africans should get back their artworks. … These works were taken in conditions that were perhaps legitimate at the time, but illegitimate today.”

The report is just a first step. Challenges ahead include enforcing the report’s recommendations, especially if museums resist, and determining how objects were obtained and whom to give them to.

The report is part of broader promises by Macron to turn the page on France’s troubled relationship with Africa. In a groundbreaking meeting with students in Burkina Faso last year, Macron stressed the “undeniable crimes of European colonization” and said he wants pieces of African cultural heritage to return to Africa “temporarily or definitively.”

“I cannot accept that a large part of African heritage is in France,” he said at the time.

The French report could have broader repercussions. In Cameroon, professor Verkijika Fanso, historian at the University of Yaounde One, said: “France is feeling the heat of what others will face. Let their decision to bring back what is ours motivate others.”

Germany has worked to return art seized by the Nazis, and in May the organization that coordinates that effort, the German Lost Art Foundation, said it was starting a program to research the provenance of cultural objects collected during the country’s colonial past.

Britain is also under pressure to return art taken from its former colonies. In recent months, Ethiopian officials have increased efforts to secure the return of looted artifacts and manuscripts from museums, personal collections and government institutions across Britain, including valuable items taken in the 1860s after battles in northern Ethiopia, Yonas said.

In Nigeria, a group of bronze casters over the years has strongly supported calls for the return of artifacts taken from the Palace of the Oba of Benin in 1897 when the British raided it. The group still uses their forefathers’ centuries-old skills to produce bronze works in Igun Street, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Eric Osamudiamen Ogbemudia, secretary of the Igun Bronze Casters Union in Benin City, said: “It was never the intention of our fathers to give these works to the British. It is important that we get them back so as to see what our ancestors left behind.”

Ogbemudia warned the new French report should not remain just a “recommendation merely to make Africans to calm down.

“Let us see the action.”



У Німеччині українка з «посвідченням особи без батьківщини» вперше отримала паспорт – консульство

Українка, яка з 16 років живе в Німеччині, у 93 роки вперше в житті отримала паспорт, повідомляє консульство України у Франкфурті-на-Майні.

За повідомленням, Марію Цебак під час Другої світової війни вивезли на примусові роботи до Німеччини. Жінка після війни хотіла повернутися в Україну, але залишилась у Німеччині через страх бути вивезеною у Сибір радянською владою.

Отримувати німецьке громадянство вона категорично відмовлялася, мала лише «посвідчення особи без батьківщини», повідомляє консульство.

«Саме так, не посвідчення особи без громадянства, а посвідчення особи без батьківщини. Якось у розмові виникла ідея надати можливість пані Марії отримати те, що війна, німецька й радянська окупації відібрали у неї – громадянство. І от, після кількох місяців здійснення необхідних формальностей, пані Марія Цебак отримала свій перший і такий довгоочікуваний паспорт громадянина України», – наголосили у диппредставництві.

‘Green Book,’ Features Unlikely Black-White Friendship During Jim Crow Era

‘Green Book,’ by filmmaker Peter Farrelly, tells the story of an unlikely friendship between two men, a world-renowned African-American classical pianist and an Italian-American bouncer. Their friendship develops during a concert tour in the American South during the 1960s as they navigate by the Green Book, a guidebook advising African-American motorists where to safely sleep, eat or travel during the Jim Crow era. VOA’s Penelope Poulou reports on the dramatization of this real life story.

‘Ralph’ Sequel Packs a Punch With Strong Female Characters

“Ralph Breaks the Internet” may star an arcade bad guy with powerful hammer-like fists, but the animated sequel is also packing a punch with strong female characters.

Sarah Silverman, who returns as the voice of Vanellope von Schweetz, credits Disney for including more impactful female roles in the new film, which comes out Wednesday. Her character is one of the leading ladies, along with new cast members Gal Gadot’s Shank and Taraji P. Henson, who plays Yesss.

“I love it,” said Silverman, an outspoken comedian known for advocating for women’s rights. “You see how far Disney has allowed itself to grow and change, and be more inclusive and more progressive? You can’t keep on existing if you don’t change and grow with the times. With me, Taraji and Gal’s character, it’s nice to see.”

In the past, Disney has been criticized for having a lack of self-sufficient female characters who focused more on their physical appearance and being reliant on a man. That pattern began to change over the years in films such as “Tangled,” ″Brave” and “Frozen.”

With the “Ralph” sequel, the studio is taking “girl power” a step further as directors Phil Johnston and Rich Moore wanted to incorporate more “strong and complicated” female characters.

“This studio is the birthplace of a lot of these stereotypes,” said John C. Reilly, the voice of the massive, overall-wearing Ralph. “It’s really an amazing and commendable thing that Disney has recognized. … As a man, it’s not really my lane to talk about these issues. But I do think if things are going to change, men and women have to both talk about this stuff and embrace gender equality, and think of women’s rights as humans. I was a strong advocate for balance in our story.”

The sequel is a follow up to the 2012 Oscar-nominated “Wreck-it Ralph.” This time, Ralph and Vanellope’s friendship is tested after leaving Litwak’s video arcade to travel through a Wi-Fi connection that ultimately delivers them into the fast-paced internet dimension. They venture into an unfamiliar world exploring major brands from Twitter to Amazon, online shopping, the dark web and visits inside Walt Disney Studio’s website.

Johnston said the film’s imaginary of the internet mimics the look of a New York City or Tokyo. It’s where Ralph and Vanellope meet Gadot’s Shank, a gritty street-racing star, and Henson’s Yesss, who is the head algorithm of the trend-making website BuzzzTube.

“It’s like they’re small-town kids who are now in the big city,” said Moore, who directed the first “Ralph” film and the Academy Award-winning “Zootopia.” ″This is a movie about change. I’m glad that we took the more challenging road.”

“Ralph Breaks the Internet” offers an animated glimpse inside their parent company’s website showing several characters from Marvel to “Star Wars.” The film also highlights the Disney princesses in a scene where all stereotypes and cliches associated with the animated icons are dealt with head-on.

Initially, the princess scene faced backlash from fans in August after a publicity photo surfaced online showing Princess Tiana with lighter skin and a thinner nose compared to the version in the black character’s stand-alone Disney movie, “The Princess and the Frog.” The studio ultimately reanimated the character after meeting with actress Anika Noni Rose, who voiced Tiana in the 2009 film, and members of Color of Change, a civil rights advocacy organization.

“Our goal is to make this film as perfect as possible as we can,” Johnston said. “I hope everyone knows we love this character as much as anyone.”

Henson called Tiana’s reanimation a “brilliant move” by Disney.

“If you know about it, you do better,” said the actor, who is black. “But Disney has a history of pleasing the people and appealing to the people. They’re a standup company. They did the right thing. I’m glad I’m in the film. I’m glad I’m in business with people who are on the right side of history, with no ego. Listening to the people who pay their money to see the film is a smart business move, but it also shows you care.”

Amazon Staff in Europe Protest to Coincide With Black Friday

Some of Amazon’s workers in Europe are protesting against what they call unfair work conditions, in a move meant to disrupt operations on Black Friday.

Amazon Spain said around 90 percent of workers at a logistics depot in near Madrid joined a walkout Friday. Only two people were at the loading bay, spokesman Douglas Harper said.

However, he said Amazon had diverted cargo deliveries to its other 22 depots in the country.

On a picket line, 38-year-old employee Eduardo Hernandez said the walkout intended to hurt the company financially.

“It is one of the days that Amazon has most sales, and these are days when we can hurt more and make ourselves be heard because the company has not listened to us and does not want to reach any agreement,” said Hernandez, who has worked for five years at Amazon.

Unions in Britain said they would stage protests at five sites to complain about safety conditions. Amazon said the safety record at its warehouses is above the industry average. Protests were also reported or due in France and Germany.

While Black Friday discounts have traditionally been a U.S. retail event, companies have increasingly been offering discounts in other countries, too.

Spain Calls for Guarantees on Gibraltar Before Endorsing Brexit

European Union negotiators met Friday to finalize the draft withdrawal treaty between Britain and the bloc, before Sunday’s summit to endorse the Brexit deal, but at the 11th hour Spain demanded guarantees over the future of Gibraltar.

Spain has required changes to the agreement and an accompanying declaration on a new EU-Britain relationship to clarify that the future of Gibraltar, ceded to Britain in 1713 but still claimed by Spain, be decided in direct talks between Madrid and London.


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez tweeted that Britain and Spain “remain far away” on the issue and “if there are no changes, we will veto Brexit.”

Chief British Minister of Gibraltar Fabian Picardo criticized Spain’s demand on a written guarantee, saying “Gibraltar has demonstrated that we actually want a direct engagement with Spain on issues.”

Picardo told the BBC that “Spain is the physical and geographical gateway to Europe for Gibraltar,” adding that “there is absolutely no need for us to be vetoed into being brought to the table.”

Spain does not have veto power on the Brexit agreement, which does not have to be approved unanimously, but it would prevent any free-trade deal between Britain and the European Union, which would require the approval of all 27 EU member states.

The Brexit package is also facing strong opposition in the British parliament, which must vote in favor for it to take effect. Otherwise, Britain would leave the bloc on March 29, 2019, without an agreement to mitigate economic disruption.

IAEA Urges North Korea to Allow Nuclear Inspectors Back In

The head of the U.N.’s atomic watchdog has called on North Korea to allow inspectors back in to monitor its nuclear program.

Speaking at a board meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency Thursday, Director General Yukiya Amano noted that Pyongyang had in September talked about denuclearization measures including the “permanent dismantlement of the nuclear facilities in Yongbyon,” a reactor where it produces plutonium.

Amano said there has been activity observed at Yongbyon, but “without access the agency cannot confirm the nature and purpose of these activities.”

At a news conference later Thursday, he said he couldn’t elaborate on when exactly the activity was observed.

Inspectors expelled

IAEA inspectors were expelled from North Korea in 2009, but Amano said the agency continues to prepare for their possible re-admittance.

“The agency continues to enhance its readiness to play an essential role in verifying (North Korea’s) nuclear program if a political agreement is reached among countries concerned,” he said. “I again call upon (North Korea) to comply fully with its obligations under relevant resolutions of the U.N. Security Council and of the IAEA board, to cooperate promptly with the agency and to resolve all outstanding issues.”

Iran continues to comply

On the other hand, Amano told board members that Iran continues to abide by the deal reached in 2015 with major world powers aimed at preventing Tehran from building atomic weapons in exchange for economic incentives.

He reiterated the agency’s findings in a report distributed to member states earlier this month that “Iran is implementing its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.”

The issue has grown more complicated since the U.S. withdrew unilaterally in May from the deal and then re-imposed sanctions. Iran’s economy has been struggling since and its currency has plummeted in value.

The other signatories to the deal — Germany, Britain, France, Russia and China — are continuing to try to make it work.

Amano stressed that “it is essential that Iran continues to fully implement” its commitments.

In its full report, the IAEA said its inspectors continue to have access to all sites in Iran that it needs to visit and that inspectors confirmed Iran has kept within limits of heavy water and low-enriched uranium stockpiles.

“The agency continues to verify the nondiversion of nuclear material declared by Iran under its safeguards agreement,” Amano said. “Evaluations regarding the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran continue.”

МОН: Google допоможе впроваджувати цифрові технології в освітній процес в Україні

Google допомагатиме Міністерству освіти і науки України впроваджувати цифрові технології в освіту, повідомляє прес-служба МОН 22 листопада.

Крім того, компанія готова спільно з міністерством провести велику міжнародну конференцію, присвячену проблемам діджиталізації в освіті, а також розгляне можливість експертної допомоги під час впровадження сертифікації вчителів. Відповідні переговори між міністром освіти і науки України Лілією Гриневич і директором з публічної політики та зв’язків з органами державної влади в регіоні Європи, Близького Сходу та Африки Google Дороном Авні відбулися 22 листопада в Києві.

«З кожним роком наші спільні проекти стають дедалі більшими, і ми віримо, що це надзвичайно перспективно – вкладати у вчителів та підлітків. Ми маємо кілька ідей для розвитку нашої співпраці. Зокрема, ми пропонуємо провести в Україні велику міжнародну конференцію, яка розглядатиме питання безпечного інтернету», – цитує прес-служба МОН Дорона Авні.

Лілія Гриневич зазначила, що МОН готове підтримати проведення цієї конференції, та запропонувала розширити її тематику питаннями діджиталізації освіти. Вона також запропонувала компанії співпрацю над вимогами до обладнання шкіл.

«Зараз ми готові вкладати ресурси для впровадження сучасних технологій у навчальний процес. Але нам потрібна всебічна і якісна експертиза для того, щоб рекомендувати максимально сучасні й ефективні рішення. Ми прагнемо, щоб бюджетні кошти були використані з максимальною для дітей користю, однак самостійно ми не можемо провести експертизу такого рівня», – пояснила Гриневич.

Представник Google запевнив, що компанія може брати участь у цих процесах і готова до співпраці з МОН у таких напрямах.

Сторони також домовилися докладніше розглянути можливості для співпраці під час проведення сертифікації вчителів та підвищення їхньої кваліфікації.

Раніше в МОН повідомляли, що всі охочі можуть пройти безкоштовний онлайн-курс «З мережевого етикету й безпеки», що допоможе навчитись безпечно та комфортно працювати в інтернеті. Курс розроблений компанією Google у співпраці з Міністерством освіти і науки України.

Мін’юст: 4 мільярди гривень аліментів стягнено на користь дітей із початку року

Від початку 2018 року в Україні з боржників за аліментами стягнули чотири мільярди гривень, повідомив міністр юстиції Павло Петренко.

За його словами, ця сума вдвічі більша, ніж за аналогічний період минулого року – тоді на користь дітей було стягнуто близько двох мільярдів гривень.

6 лютого набрав чинності закон про посилення відповідальності за несплату аліментів. Особи, які мають заборгованість за аліментів за півроку можуть бути обмежені у виїзді за кордон, праві кермування авто, користуванні зброєю. Закон передбачає і «суспільно корисні роботи».

У липні парламент України проголосував за законопроект про чергове посилення відповідальності за несплату аліментів.

Читайте також: Нові санкції та «дошка ганьби» для злісних неплатників аліментів

Внесені до законодавства зміни встановлюють розміри штрафів: 20% від суми заборгованості, якщо вона перевищила суму необхідних платежів за один рік, 30% – за два роки, 50% – за три роки і більше.

Окремо прописана відповідальність за ухиляння від сплати аліментів на утримання дитини з інвалідністю, рідкісними, тяжкими або онкологічними захворюваннями, або такої, що потребує паліативної допомоги, протягом більш ніж трьох місяців. За це батька чи матір можуть засудити до суспільно корисних робіт – від 120 до 240 годин.

Мертве місто Прип’ять на годину «оживили» арт-інсталяцією

Інтерактивну цифрову скульптуру посередині покинутого міста Прип’ять у Чорнобильській зоні відчуження презентували ввечері 22 листопада її співавтори – українські та французькі митці.

Інсталяція, яка отримала назву ARTEFACT за мотивами творів братів Стругацьких, поєднує скульптурні елементи, систему екранів і проекторів, що транслюють зображення на будівлі покинутого міста, та елементи штучного інтелекту, повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода.

Вона має не лише розповісти світові про Чорнобильську трагедію мовою сучасного мистецтва, а й привернути увагу до некритично сприйняття інформації та поширення фейків.

Із Прип’яті інсталяція вирушить до інших міст, та за межі України, і разом з нею автори проекту повезуть з собою курс лекцій з інформаційної безпеки й медіаграмотності.

Автори впродовж року збирали базу даних різноманітних звуків, які лунали або лунають в Чорнобильській зоні відчуження. Вони внесли їх до баз, які використовує світова музична індустрія й дозволили безкоштовно використовувати.

Читайте також: Радіоактивні секрети Чорнобиля

На основі цих звуків митці-учасники проекту, серед яких номінант на «Греммі» Крістоф Етьє, написали кліп і саундтрек для інсталяції. В ньому зокрема можна впізнати кадри доаварійної Прип’яті та моментів евакуації, а також голос жінки, яка через міські гучномовці оголосила про радіаційну небезпеку.

Проект ARTEFACT є першою масштабною спробою мистецького переосмислення простору Чорнобиля, визнають в Держагентстві з управління зоною відчуження.

Дві третини фінансування проекту взяв на себе державний Український культурний фонд, оскільки саме цей проект переміг у конкурсі фонду.

Turkey-EU Meeting Reveals Tensions

Acrimony dominated a high-level Turkish-European Union meeting as both sides exchanged barbs in Ankara at a meeting that was anticipated to be a sign of improving bilateral ties.

The “High-Level Political Dialogue Meeting” was reconvened for the first time in 18 months.

EU foreign affairs commissioner, Federica Mogherini, accompanied by Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn, sat down for talks Thursday with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

But simmering tensions between Ankara and Brussels came to the fore.  “A strong Turkey means a democratic Turkey,” Mogherini said at the joint news conference with Hahn and Cavusoglu.

“We expressed our strong concerns about the detention of several prominent academics and civil society representatives, including those recently detained,” Mogherini added.

Last Friday 13 prominent academics and civil society figures were detained in connection with the 2016 nationwide anti-government protests known as the Gezi movement.

Mogherini caused further Turkish angst, calling for this month’s European Court ruling to release from jail Selahattin Demirtas to be respected.  Demirtas is a former leader of the politically pro-Kurdish HDP and has been jailed for more than 18 months on terrorism charges.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan dismissed the European court ruling saying Turkey is “not bound” by the decision, even though it is a member of the court.

Cavusoglu hit back against EU commissioners who condemned Turkey’s lack of progress to join the union.

“There’s no use in making statements that exclude Turkey from the EU accession process or denying its candidacy,” he said.

Ankara’s EU membership bid has been frozen for more than a decade by members who oppose it, saying it is not European or because of concern over the deterioration of human rights, and other reasons.

Analyst Atilla Yesilada of Global Source Partners, suggests Thursday’s strong language by EU commissioners underlines Brussels’ approach to Turkey.

“I think unlike the United States, where there is a loud and inconclusive debate on what to do with Turkey, carrot or stick,” he said, “The Europeans have long decided to keep Erdogan at arm’s length, be nice to him, but don’t give him anything and I don’t think that is going to change.”

Areas of common ground were discussed, focusing on opposition to Washington’s new Iranian sanctions, the Syrian civil war, and the refugee situation in Turkey.

Turkey hosts more than three million Syrian refugees, and since a 2016 EU agreement, Ankara has been instrumental in ending an exodus of migrants into Europe.

Analysts say Erdogan reminds Brussels about Turkey’s importance in preventing Syrian regime forces from overrunning the last rebel stronghold in Idlib.

“A diplomatic victory that we should credit to Mr. Erdogan, he has successfully built a coalition to defend Idlib against Assad attack,” said Yesilada.

Ankara’s increasing regional importance has created the basis of a new relationship with Brussels.  “This is actually defined as a transactional relationship, which enables keeping dialogue and cooperation going on issues of strategic importance to both,” wrote columnist Barcin Yinanc Thursday in the Hurriyet Daily News.

Cavusolgu also vented frustration with Brussels over the refugee deal.  “We made an agreement for migration. In that agreement we agreed to open five chapters (EU membership chapters), then a decision comes out against opening new chapters.  This is hypocrisy, there’s no explanation for this,” he said, referring to the 2016 migration agreement.

Ankara maintains part of the refugee deal included in a Brussel’s commitment to expedite Turkey’s membership application with the unblocking of some of 35 membership chapters needed to be completed.

Ankara routinely threatens to end the migration deal in disputes with Brussels, but analysts suggest Turkey is not the threat to Europe it once was.

“I don’t think Turkey can unleash the refugees.  Those days are over, thanks to Hungary, Slovenia, closing their borders to refugees, they will not reach the core of Europe,” said Yesilada.

But he says Brussels has an interest in Turkey’s stability given the economic and financial challenges facing the country.  

Continued dialogue between Brussels and Ankara is seen by some as necessary in mitigating the current human rights crackdown in Turkey.

“There are a handful of (Turkish) officials who believe there is still room, even if very small, to register some improvement (in human rights),” wrote columnist Yinanc.  “Even changing one little sentence in a draft law can at least limit the damage on rights violations and even that is an important improvement in the current suffocating circumstances, they probably think,” she continued.

Analyst Yesilada claims last week’s arrest of academics and civil rights figures reveals the European Union still has a positive effect.

“You have to remember 12 of the 13 arrested have been released within 24 hours.  Had it not been for the EU pressure, all those academics would have been kept in prison for a very long while.”

Balloons, Blankets at Frigid Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Bystanders are refusing to let cold temperatures put a damper on watching Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, breaking out the blankets and sleeping bags to watch the giant balloons go by.

Tony Stout camped out with his extended family since 2 a.m. to make sure they got a good view of his son, who would be in the parade with The Ohio State University marching band. They traveled from Columbus, Ohio, for the parade.

“Ohhh, I’m freezing and numb, but excited,” he said.

Forecasters say it could be the coldest Thanksgiving in well over a century on Thursday, with the National Weather Service projecting temperatures in the low 20s (-4 to -7 Celsius) and sustained winds of up to 20 mph (32 kph) with gusts to 30 mph (48 kph), just inside the safe zone for the balloons to fly.

City officials said the 16 giant character balloons such as SpongeBob and Charlie Brown could fly safely, although their height would be adjusted if necessary.

Diana Ross, John Legend, Martina McBride and the Muppets from “Sesame Street” are slated to perform in the frigid cold.

Thursday has the potential to be New York City’s coldest Thanksgiving since 1901, when the temperature only got as high as 26 degrees (-3.3 Celsius). The coldest on record was in 1871, when the warmest it got was 22 degrees (-5.5 Celsius).

The Macy’s parade didn’t start until 1924.

New York City has issued an extreme cold weather alert and is urging anyone going outside to wear hats, scarves, gloves and layered clothing and to keep their fingertips, earlobes, and noses covered to prevent frostbite.

Police Commissioner James O’Neill said thousands of officers will be stationed along the parade route. They include counterterrorism teams with long guns, plainclothes officers mixed in with the crowd and a new squad of K-9 teams that can sniff out explosives from a few hundred feet away.

The parade runs 46 blocks from the west side of Central Park to Macy’s flagship store in midtown Manhattan.

The parade features about 8,000 marchers, including high school bands from across the country, and two-dozen floats culminating with the arrival of Santa Claus. The performances will be shown on the NBC telecast, which starts at 9 a.m. EST.

Ross, 74, will perform a song from her new Christmas album and will be joined on her float by her some of her family members, including daughter Tracee Ellis Ross, a star of ABC’s “Black-ish,” and actor son Evan Ross.

Others in the lineup include Bad Bunny, Kane Brown and Ella Mai, Pentatonix, Rita Ora, Sugarland, Anika Noni Rose, Barenaked Ladies, Leona Lewis, Fifth Harmony’s Ally Brooke, Bazzi, Ashley Tisdale and Carly Pearce.

Britain’s May Announces Agreement With Europe on Brexit

Britain says it reached agreement during overnight talks with the European Commission on the draft text of a political declaration laying out the terms for Britain’s “smooth and orderly” exit from the European Union.

Prime Minister Theresa May announced the agreement, which must be approved by EU leaders Sunday, in front of her No. 10 Downing Street residence early Thursday.

She said the deal “delivers” on the will of the British people as expressed in a divisive Brexit referendum in June 2016. “It brings back control of our borders, our money and our laws, and it does so by protecting our jobs, protecting our security and protecting the integrity of the United Kingdom.”


Addressing Parliament later in the day, May said the British people “want Brexit to be settled. They want a good deal that sets us on a course for a brighter future. The deal that will enable us to do this is now within our grasp. In these crucial 72 hours ahead, I will do everything possible to deliver it for the British people.”

The overnight talks followed a meeting Tuesday between May and Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission. May said the two instructed their negotiating teams to work through the night if necessary to reach an agreement.

The deal must still be approved by the leaders of the individual EU states at a special EU Council meeting on Sunday. May also faces a challenge in getting the Brexit agreement through her own parliament, where many members feel it does not go far enough to break ties with the continent.

A last-minute complication arose this week when the Spanish government threatened to veto any agreement unless it received assurances on future negotiations over Gibraltar, a British outpost that Spain sees as rightfully part of its territory.

In her statement to reporters, May said she had spoken Wednesday evening to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and is “confident that on Sunday we will be able to agree a deal that delivers for the whole United Kingdom family, including Gibraltar.”

Several other EU governments objected to earlier outlines of the deal because they believe it gives Britain a competitive advantage by not tying it closely enough to EU regulations, workers’ rights, and environmental standards, potentially lowering the production costs of British goods.

The results of May’s Brussels trip didn’t appear to sway a skeptical parliament, where she received as many hostile questions from her own lawmakers as she did from opposition MPs.  There are no signs the deal will win the approval of the House of Commons, where opposition parties oppose it, as well up to 100 Conservative Brexit hardliners and and a Northern Ireland party May relies on to govern.

British critics of the deal believe it binds Britain too closely to Europe-wide regulations while leaving it with no say in formulating those directives. They also have objected to proposed language that would bar Britain from negotiating trade pacts with other countries.

A major concern throughout the negotiations has been how to maintain a free flow of goods between Northern Ireland, which is part of Britain, and the Republic of Ireland which is an EU member. The opening of that border helped to end decades of conflict between partisans of the two populations.

VOA’s Jamie Dettmer contributed to this report.

Gunmen Abduct Italian Volunteer on Kenya Coast

Gunmen kidnapped an Italian volunteer and wounded several people, including children in a town along the Kenyan coast, about 100 kilometers north of Mombasa on Tuesday. This is the first abduction of a non-local in six years after a series of abductions carried out by al-Shabab militants in 2011 and 2012.

Eyewitnesses say the men, armed with rifles, seized 23-year-old Silvia Costanza Romano, an Italian volunteer, from a room in the town of Chakama along the Kenya coast.

Then, witnesses say, the attackers shot and wounded a local woman and four children.

Churchill Otieno Onyango, who works with a local non-profit group, says he happened to be in Chakama Tuesday evening and witnessed the abduction.

“The guys who approached the area were three Somalis, two were having guns, one was not having a gun,” he said. “The one who grabbed the lady came and slapped the lady and disappeared with the lady. Me and the son of the owner of the house were told to lie down. They managed to shoot one boy inside there, other three outside.”


So far no group has claimed responsibility.

Kenya police said they had not identified the attackers.

Kilifi County deputy governor Gideon Saburi — who arrived at the scene Wednesday afternoon — said the government had launched a manhunt for the assailants.

“There is already a team on the ground, so there is team that is following up on the leads that we have. We have also been told that our neighboring counties have been informed up to the borders, so we have an alert that is on,” he said.

The abducted volunteer was working for Africa Milele, which helped orphans and vulnerable children in the area. The non-profit group posted a message on its website saying, “There are no words to comment on what is happening.”

The Italian Foreign Ministry said Wednesday it was aware of the abduction and was looking into the situation.


In 2011, there were several abductions along the Kenyan coast. A British man was shot dead and his wife kidnapped. A couple of weeks later, a French woman was also abducted from Lamu, an island on the Kenyan coast.


The spate of abductions led the country to declare a state of emergency and eventually send troops to fight al-Shabab militants in Somalia.

Despite the presence of Kenya forces in Somalia, the country, particularly towns along the border with Somalia, has continued to experience attacks by the al-Qaida-linked terror group.





Diana Ross to Headline Frigid Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

Diana Ross might be singing “Stop! In The Name of Gloves” by the time she’s done performing at New York City’s super chilly Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, which forecasters say could be the coldest ever.


John Legend, Martina McBride and the Muppets from “Sesame Street” are also slated to perform in the frigid cold. Windy conditions are also expected and officials will be monitoring wind to see if giant character balloons such as SpongeBob and Charlie Brown can fly safely.

Police say they’re ready to order the 16 helium-filled balloons to a lower altitude or removed entirely if sustained winds exceed 23 mph (37 kph) and gusts exceed 34 mph (54.7 kph). There have been mishaps and injuries in the past when gusts blew them off course.


The National Weather Service is projecting temperatures in the low 20s (-3.9 to -6.7 Celsius) and sustained winds of up to 20 mph (32.2 kph) with gusts to 30 mph (48.3 kph), just inside the safe zone for the balloons to fly.

Thursday has the potential to be New York City’s coldest Thanksgiving since 1901, when the temperature only got as high as 26 degrees (-3.33 Celsius). The coldest on record was in 1871, when the warmest it got was 22 degrees (-5.5 Celsius).


The Macy’s parade didn’t start until 1924.


New York City has issued an extreme cold weather alert and is urging anyone going outside to wear hats, scarves, gloves and layered clothing and to keep their fingertips, earlobes, and noses covered to prevent frostbite.

Police Commissioner James O’Neill said thousands of officers will be stationed along the parade route. They include counterterrorism teams with long guns, plainclothes officers mixed in with the crowd and a new squad of K-9 teams that can sniff out explosives from a few hundred feet away.


The parade runs 46 blocks from the west side of Central Park to Macy’s flagship store in midtown Manhattan.


The parade features about 8,000 marchers, including high school bands from across the country, and two-dozen floats culminating with the arrival of Santa Claus. The performances will be shown on the NBC telecast, which starts at 9 a.m. EST.


Ross, 74, will perform a song from her new Christmas album and will be joined on her float by her some of her family members, including daughter Tracee Ellis Ross, a star of ABC’s “Black-ish,” and actor son Evan Ross.


Others in the lineup include Bad Bunny, Kane Brown and Ella Mai, Pentatonix, Rita Ora, Sugarland, Anika Noni Rose, Barenaked Ladies, Leona Lewis, Fifth Harmony’s Ally Brooke, Bazzi, Ashley Tisdale and Carly Pearce.



A Holiday Miracle? Stores Try to Cut Down on Long Lines

Retailers will once again offer big deals and early hours to lure shoppers into their stores for the start of the holiday season. But they’ll also try to get shoppers out of their stores faster than ever by minimizing the thing they hate most: long lines.

Walmart, Target and other large retailers are sending workers throughout their stores to check out customers with mobile devices. And at Macy’s, shoppers can scan and pay for items on their own smartphones.

Retailers hope the changes will make in-store shopping less of a hassle. Long lines can irritate shoppers, who may leave the store empty handed and spend their money elsewhere, or go online.

“I’m all about quick and convenient,” says Carolyn Sarpy, who paid for a toy basketball hoop on a mobile device issued to a worker at a Walmart store in Houston. Sarpy says she “will turn around and walk out” of a store if she sees long lines.

Walmart says workers will stand in the busiest sections of stores, ready to swipe customer credit cards when they are ready to pay. To make them easier to find, workers wear yellow sashes that say, “Check out with me.”

The world’s largest retailer first tested the service in the spring at more than 350 stores in its lawn and garden centers. It fared well, Walmart says, and expanded the program for the holiday season.

Retailers are trying to catch up to technology giants. Apple, for example, has let those buying iPhones, laptops and other gadgets in its stores to pay on mobile devices issued to workers. And Amazon has been rolling out cashier-less convenience stores in San Francisco, Chicago and Seattle.

Barbara Kahn, a marketing professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, says shoppers know the technology is out there for faster shopping. “That makes them even more impatient,” she says.

The true test of their success will be whether retailers can handle the big crowds who are expected to turn out for Black Friday weekend. The day after Thanksgiving is expected to be the busiest shopping day this year, according to retail analytics company ShopperTrak. The Saturday after Thanksgiving also ranks in the top 10.

“The biggest pain point on Black Friday is standing in line,” says Jason Goldberg, senior vice president of commerce and content practice at consulting group SapientRazorfish.

J.C. Penney, which has been offering mobile checkout for years, says it sent an additional 6,000 mobile devices to stores this year so workers can check shoppers out quicker, like when lines get long on Black Friday. Other stores are testing it for the first time: Kohl’s says iPad-wielding workers will roam 160 of its more than 1,100 stores.

Macy’s, which announced its program in May, says customers need to use its mobile app to scan price tags and pay. After that, they have to go to a mobile checkout express line and show the app to a worker, who then removes security tags from clothing.

Target’s mobile checkout program, which is being rolled out to all its 1,800 stores, is similar to Walmart’s. Target says that at its electronics area, where there are usually two cash registers, four workers will be sent with handheld devices to help ring up customers buying TVs, video games and other devices.

“This is about servicing the guest however they want and as quickly as they want,” says John Mulligan, Target’s chief operating officer.


Poland Moves to Reinstate Retired Judges to Supreme Court

Poland’s parliament passed legislation Wednesday to reinstate Supreme Court judges who were recently forced to retire, a step that could significantly ease a standoff with the European Union.

For the EU, which is facing a string of crises, including Brexit and Italy’s debt, it was a rare victory in its struggle to preserve democracy in a region where illiberal populism has been on the rise, a trend led by Hungary.

Wednesday’s development comes a month after the EU’s court ordered Poland to immediately suspend the lowering of the retirement age for Supreme Court judges, which had forced about two dozen of them off the bench.

The forced retirement of the judges was widely seen as an attempt by the ruling populist party, Law and Justice, to stack the court with loyalists, and it was condemned internationally as a blow to democratic standards.

Poland has been in a standoff with the EU for three years over attempts by Law and Justice, under the leadership of powerful party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski, to impose control over the court system.

Many legal experts said that the forced retirement of the Supreme Court judges, including the chief justice, violated Poland’s constitution. That, along with the broader overhaul of the justice system, has raised serious concerns over rule of law in the young democracy, with the EU saying the changes erode the independence of the judicial branch of government.

Wednesday’s legislative initiative — which noted that it was introduced to comply with the EU court ruling — marks one of the first significant steps by Poland to meet EU demands.

“We know very well that in politics effectiveness matters and that sometimes you have to take one step back to take two steps forward,” said Stanislaw Piotrowicz, a ruling party lawmaker and one of the key architects of the judicial overhaul, in an interview with the wPolityce.pl portal.

Zselyke Csaky, an expert on Central Europe with Freedom House, called it a “significant” step and a sign by the ruling party of “common sense,” though she also said on Twitter that “the full damage to rule of law and legal certainty will be much harder to remedy.”

The Polish government, in power since 2015, has been forced to climb down before. Earlier this year it softened a Holocaust speech law that made it a crime to attribute co-responsibility in the Holocaust to the Polish nation and which sparked a major diplomatic dispute with Israel. It also dropped draft legislation in 2016 that would have tightened the already restrictive abortion law after massive street protests by women wearing black.

But it is an almost unheard-of concession to the EU, which the government often says has no right to meddle in its internal affairs.

Under the amendment passed Wednesday to the new law on the Supreme Court, the judges who were forced to retire early will have the choice of returning to their duties. The law had lowered the retirement age from 70 to 65, and any judge who wished to remain had to request the consent of the president.

The party introduced the amended legislation to the parliament Wednesday and it was passed quickly by the lower house. It goes next to the Senate and also needs the president’s signature, but since both are aligned with the party, these steps are all but certain to happen.

The party’s reversal comes after local elections last month that showed Law and Justice winning the most seats in regional assemblies but losing badly in mayoral races in the cities and even mid-size towns. The results suggested the party’s conflicts with the EU — which is extremely popular among voters — have cost it votes among urban, middle-class voters.

It also comes as the party, which has a strong anti-corruption profile, finds itself mired in corruption allegations. Last week the head of the state financial authorities resigned over allegations he had solicited a bribe of millions of dollars from a billionaire who heads two troubled banks.

London Counterterrorism Unit Involved After 2 Devices Found

British counterterrorism police are investigating after two devices were found in an unoccupied apartment in northwest London.

Police said Wednesday the “initial assessment” is that the items were improvised explosive devices.

Police said the devices were made safe and neighboring apartments that had been evacuated as a precaution have been re-opened to occupants.

Officials say the surrounding area was searched and has been declared safe. The area had been cordoned off for roughly eight hours.

Police were called to the Craven Park neighborhood Wednesday morning when the two suspicious devices were found in an apartment that was being refurbished.

Officials say they are keeping an open mind about the incident and have asked the public for any information.

The country’s official terrorism threat level is set at “severe.”

German Car Bosses Reportedly Invited to White House to Discuss Tariffs 

The Trump administration has invited the heads of Volkswagen, BMW and Daimler to the White House to discuss U.S. tariffs on carmakers, the Handelsblatt newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Citing industry and diplomatic sources, the paper said the meeting could possibly take place as soon as next week, depending on circumstances. Handelsblatt said it was not known whether U.S. President Donald Trump would attend the meeting.

A spokesman for Volkswagen declined to confirm or deny whether the carmaker had received an invitation. Sources close to VW said it had not received an invitation.


Daimler and BMW did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump has threatened for months to impose tariffs on all European Union-assembled vehicles, a move that could up-end the industry’s business model for selling cars in the United States.

But he has refrained from imposing car tariffs while the United States and European Union launch negotiations to cut other trade barriers.

Repatriated 6th-Century Mosaic to Help Reconstitute Apse

A rare, 1,500 year-old mosaic depicting St. Mark has joined other repatriated pieces that were looted from the ethnically split Cyprus’ breakaway north, a Cypriot Orthodox Church official said Wednesday.

Together the pieces will create a Swiss government-funded reproduction of an apse that adorned a 6th-century church in the island’s north.

The mosaics were stolen by Turkish art dealer Aydin Dikman from the Church of the Virgin of Kanakaria about four decades ago and sold abroad.

Cyprus’ Byzantine Museum Director Ioannis Eliades said the apse will go on display at the museum until it can return to the Kanakaria church.

“This is a major project that we had envisioned for many years to restore these pieces and now we have the last piece,” Eliades told The Associated Press.

“Especially such a mosaic which dates to the same period as the Ravenna mosaics is of particular importance, of great architectural value and … also has a very high religious value.”

The Kanakaria mosaics are among a few early Christian works that survived the iconoclastic period in the 8th and 9th centuries when most of such works were destroyed.

The St. Mark mosaic returned to Cyprus after Dutch investigator Arthur Brand tracked it down in Monaco and handed it over to authorities at the Cypriot Embassy in the Netherlands last week.

The Cyprus Antiquities Department said that initial information about the mosaic’s whereabouts was provided to Cypriot authorities two years ago by the Greek-American organization AHEPA.

The department said pieces of the mosaics including those of Saints Luke, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Thomas and Andrew as well as the upper part of the Virgin Mary and Christ were gradually repatriated since 1983, but more pieces are still missing.

«Укравтодор»: протести водіїв на «єврономерах» припинилися, рух на дорогах відновлений

Акції протестів власників автомобілів на «єврономерах» завершилися по всій Україні, рух на дорогах державного значення здійснюється без обмежень, повідомляє прес-служба Державного агентства автомобільних доріг України.

Раніше і лідер організації «Авто Євро Сила» Олег Ярошевич заявив, що водії авто на «єврономерах» заявили про тимчасове припинення акцій протесту.

20 листопада в Україні власники автомобілів на «єврономерах» розпочали безстрокову акцію непокори з вимогою зробити так, щоб розмитнення автомобіля обходилося не більше за третину від його вартості. Акції проходили по всій країні з частковим перекриттям доріг.

Зранку 21 листопада «Укравтодор» повідомляв, що «акції протесту з частковим блокуванням руху автотранспорту» тривали у Волинській, Львівській, Одеській, Тернопільській, Хмельницькій та Черкаській областях.

Більше цікавих новин, які не потрапили на сайт, – у Telegram-каналі Радіо Свобода. Долучайтеся!​

У Запоріжжі учасники місцевого Майдану вшанували пам’ять Небесної сотні

21 листопада учасники запорізького Майдану зібралися в центрі міста на майдані Героїв Революції, де взимку 2013–2014 років проходила більшість акцій місцевого Майдану, і вшанували хвилиною мовчання Небесну сотню і загиблих під час війни на Донбасі.

Дехто з учасників заходу приніс із собою квіти і запалив свічки, які поклали до пам’ятного знаку Героям Революції гідності, повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода.

«Ці події знакові для Запоріжжя. Запросили людей, хто не зміг зустрітися, просто прийти згадати тому, що буде ще боротьби дуже багато, очікує нас дуже важкий рік. Прийшли просто поспілкуватися, подивитися хто що пам’ятає, хто хоче прийти. Пройшов вже такий не маленький час від цих подій. Зроблені у людей висновки, набули досвід за ці роки, досвід політичної боротьби, вуличної, досвід взагалі побудови, бачення, може, змінилося майбутнього. Є про що порозмовляти», – розповів учасник запорізького Майдану, ветеран війни на Донбасі Тимур Книш, що розмістив запрошення до місцевих активістів зібратися ввечері на майдані Героїв Революції. 

21 листопада в Україні відзначають День гідності та свободи – на честь початку цього дня двох революцій: Помаранчевої революції (2004 року) і Революції гідності (2013 року).

Це свято відзначалося як День свободи з 2005-го по 2011 рік. За правління Віктора Януковича його відзначення фактично скасували, об’єднавши із Днем Соборності 22 січня.

У 2014 році президент Петро Порошенко відновив його офіційний статус, відтоді Україна одночасно святкує річниці початку Помаранчевої революції і Євромайдану.

Більше цікавих новин, які не потрапили на сайт, – у Telegram-каналі Радіо Свобода. Долучайтеся!

У Львові відкрили меморіальну дошку майданівцю з Донецька Дмитру Чернявському

На приміщенні економічного факультету університету імені Івана Франка у Львові відкрили меморіальну дошку Герою України Дмитрові Чернявському, який загинув внаслідок ножового поранення після проукраїнського мітингу 13 березня 2014 року у Донецьку. 

Дмитро Чернявський родом із Донецької області, був добровольцем самооборони Донецька. 13 березня 2014 року проросійські бойовики, частина з яких була завезена із Росії, атакували учасників мітингу за єдність України. 22-річний Дмитро Чернявський зазнав поранення, від якого помер у машині швидкої допомоги. Похований український активіст у Донецьку. 

Дмитро Чернявський після закінчення навчання в Донецькому університеті вступив на магістратуру економічного факультету Львівського університету, тому у Львові і народилася ідея встановити на честь героя Майдану пам’ятну дошку. Її відкрили у п’яту річницю Революції гідності. 

«Хочу вірити, що, проходячи біля цієї дошки, хтось зупиниться і подумає про те, що не варто жити заради того, щоб заробити більше грошей, смачніше поїсти, краще відпочити, а треба думати про щось більш високе, про те, за що не шкода віддати своє життя», – каже мама загиблого Дмитра – Людмила Чернявська. Батьки активіста після його вбивства переїхали з Донецька до Львова. 

20 лютого 2015 року Дмитро Чернявський отримав звання Героя України і удостоєний ордена «Золота Зірка» (посмертно) за громадянську мужність, патріотизм, героїчне відстоювання конституційних засад демократії, прав і свобод людини, самовіддане служіння українському народові, виявлені під час Революції гідності.

Українська журналістка отримала Міжнародну премію за свободу преси

20 листопада у Нью-Йорку українська журналістка Анастасія Станко, яка працює на «Громадському телебаченні»  отримала Міжнародну премію за свободу преси 2018.

Станко стала першою українською журналісткою, яка отримала цю престижну відзнаку.

У своїй промові Станко зазначила, що українські журналісти опинилися між двох вогнів: Росія з її пропагандою проти України та український уряд, який каже: «Не кажіть усю правду, коли в нас війна. Усю правду скажете, коли закінчиться».

«Стоячи тут перед моїми колегами з усього світу, я знаю, що цей тиск відчуваємо не лише ми, українці. Цього тиску зазнає будь-хто, хто вибирає журналістику своєю професією. Але я також знаю, що тут немає потреби вибору: чесна журналістика – це найкраща форма патріотизму», – сказала Станко.

 «Мені здається, що премія — це ознака того, що в нас все насправді не дуже добре, з одного боку, адже в країнах, у яких усе добре, журналісти не отримують таких премій (тому що їм немає проти чого боротися і стояти за свободу слова, бо свобода й так є). А з іншого боку, це підтримка всіх журналістів, які намагаються робити чесну журналістику в Україні», — сказала Станко.

Вона вказала, що нагороду вважає не лише своєю.

Читайте також: Журналістка Радіо Свобода перемогла на конкурсі «Лови фейк» із матеріалом про українського військового

«Це премія не лише для мене, а для всього «Громадського». Це оцінка всієї нашої роботи, просто так склалося, що там стоїть моє ім’я, прізвище. А насправді не лише для «Громадського», для всіх журналістів, які працюють в незалежних медіа, які зіштовхуються з російською пропагандою, з фейками, з критикою з боку влади», – зазначила Станко.

Нагороду IPFA вручають журналістам з усього світу, які демонструють не тільки відданість професії, але й відвагу у своїй роботі та захисті права на свободу слова попри напади та погрози. Крім Анастасії Станко цього року нагороду отримали Амаль Халіфа Ідріс Хаббані (Судан), Нґуен Нґок Нху Цін (В’єтнам) та Руз Мелі Реєз (Венесуела).

Більше цікавих новин, які не потрапили на сайт, – у Telegram-каналі Радіо Свобода. Долучайтеся!

Відбувся успішний пуск європейської ракети-носія «Вега» з українським двигуном

21 листопада з космодрому Куру у Французькій Гвіані відбувся успішний запуск ракети-носія Vega, двигун якої виготовлений космічними підприємствами Дніпра. Про успішний запуск ракети-носія повідомили в державному конструкторському бюро «Південне» в Дніпрі, де проектували двигун.

За даними бюро, пуск відбувся о 3.42 за київським часом. Ракета-носій успішно вивела на орбіту космічний апарат Mohammed VI-B, збудований на замовлення уряду Марокко компанією Airbus Defense and Space. Його використовуватимуть для спостереження за змінами земної поверхні, моніторингу в сільському господарстві, прогнозів погоди тощо.

Ракета-носій легкого класу Vega розроблялася спільно Європейським космічним агентством та Італійським космічним агентством. Блок маршового двигуна четвертого ступеню розробили фахівці КБ «Південне» та виготовили на заводі «Південмаш» у Дніпрі.

Уперше ракету-носій Vega було запущено 13 лютого 2012 року. Всього відбулось 13 стартів, усі успішні. Всього за 6 років роботи Vega вивела на орбіту близько трьох десятків супутників для 20 замовників по всьому світу.

Більше цікавих новин, які не потрапили на сайт, – у Telegram-каналі Радіо Свобода. Долучайтеся!