UK Honors Cave Rescue Divers, Twiggy, Monty Python’s Palin

British divers who rescued young soccer players trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand are among those being recognized in Britain’s New Year’s Honors List, along with 1960s model Twiggy and Monty Python star Michael Palin.

Twiggy, a model who shot to stardom during the Beatles era, will become a Dame — the female equivalent of a knight — while Palin, whose second career has seen him become an acclaimed travel documentary maker, receives a knighthood.

Jim Carter, who played the acerbic Mr. Carson in “Downton Abbey,” was also recognized, as was filmmaker Christopher Nolan, director of “Inception” and “Dunkirk,” and best-selling author Philip Pullman, creator of the Dark Materials trilogy.

The list released Friday also named 43 people who responded quickly to the extremist attacks in Manchester and London in 2017.

The honors process starts with nominations from the public, which are winnowed down by committees and sent to the prime minister before the various honors are bestowed by Queen Elizabeth II or senior royals next year.

The 92-year-old monarch has increasingly called on her children and grandchildren to hand out the coveted awards.


Divers Joshua Bratchley, Lance Corporal Connor Roe and Vernon Unsworth will be made Members of the Order of the British Empire for their roles in the risky Thai cave rescue last summer.

Four other British cave divers will receive civilian gallantry awards for their roles in the thrilling rescue of 12 boys and their coach, who were trapped in the cave for more than two weeks.

Richard Stanton and John Volanthen, the first to reach the stranded children and their coach, have been awarded the George Medal, while Christopher Jewell and Jason Mallinson received the Queen’s Gallantry Medal.


Twiggy, whose modeling career lasted for decades, burst on the London Mod scene as one of the original “It” girls. She earned worldwide fame by 17 and went on to a career in theater and films.

“It’s wonderful, but it makes me giggle,” said Twiggy, 69, whose real name is Lesley Lawson. “The hardest thing has been keeping it a secret.”

Michael Palin

Palin’s knighthood recognizes his contribution to travel, culture and geography. He said the news had not sunk in yet but noted “I have been a knight before, in Python films. I have been several knights, including Sir Galahad.”

“I don’t think it will (sink in) until I see the envelopes addressing me as Sir Michael Palin,” said the 75-year-old. 


У ДПСУ спростували повідомлення, що «заборону на в’їзд чоловікам із Росії зняли»

Речник Державної прикордонної служби України Олег Слободян в ефірі проекту Радіо Свобода Донбас.Реалії спростував повідомлення деяких засобів інформації, ніби «заборона на в’їзд чоловікам із Росії знята».

На запитання, чи й нині, після скасування дії воєнного стану, громадяни Росії, чоловіки у віці від 16 до 60 років, крім певних гуманітарних питань, як виняток, – як і раніше, все одно не можуть потрапити на територію України, Слободян відповів: «Переважно так».

«Але ви самі вірно зробили ремарку, що, якщо чоловік їде з метою, наприклад, возз’єднання з сім’єю, для участі в освітніх чи спортивних заходах, і не порушував законодавства України щодо відвідування тимчасово окупованих територій, то, звісно, ми будемо ухвалювати позитивне рішення», – додав речник.

Він нагадав, що воєнний стан скасовано, бо загроза реального вторгнення Росії на територію України втратила гостроту, – але вона повністю не зникла. «Тому посилений контроль за в’їздом іноземців на територію України, і в першу чергу громадян Росії, буде зберігатися, і Державна прикордонна служба буде продовжувати детально вивчати обставини поїздки кожного громадянина Росії в Україну», – наголосив Слободян.

Речник звернув увагу, що «жінки також можуть брати участь, наприклад, у дестабілізаційних заходах на території України чи виконувати інші доручення спецслужб» Росії. «Тому і жінки також є в полі нашої уваги, ми спілкуємося з ними і вивчаємо детально всі обставини поїздки на територію України», – сказав представник ДПСУ.

За його словами, і при запровадженні воєнного стану, і при його скасуванні законодавство України не змінюється і не змінювалося, і особливу увагу приділяють громадянам загалом 70 країн міграційного ризику – щодо них здійснюють процедуру паспортного контролю другої лінії, тобто детальне вивчення обставин, пов’язаних із візитом.


Раніше 28 грудня інтернет-видання «Гордон» оприлюднило інтерв’ю з Олегом Слободяном, у якому, зокрема, навело від його імені слова: «Заборона на в’їзд чоловікам із Росії знята. Але Держприкордонслужба продовжує проводити контроль, уточнюючи мету їхнього візиту до України». Ці слова передрукували й інші засоби інформації.

Сам Олег Слободян після цього звернувся у фейсбуці до журналістів: «Задля внесення ясності в питання контролю за в’їздом іноземців після зняття воєнного стану повідомляю, що Державна прикордонна служба продовжує здійснювати посилені заходи контролю за в’їздом іноземців на територію України. Звісно, що в епіцентрі нашої уваги – громадяни Росії – повносилі чоловіки, які можуть брати участь в дестабілізаційних антиукраїнських заходах. Однак прикордонному контролю другої лінії також піддаються і жінки, оскільки і вони можуть працювати за завданнями спецслужб Росії».

Воєнний стан був запроваджений на частині території України на термін із 26 листопада до 26 грудня. Голова Державної прикордонної служби України Петро Цигикал під час наради про заходи для запровадження воєнного стану під головуванням президента Петра Порошенка 30 листопада повідомляв: «У пунктах пропуску здійснюються посилені заходи контролю. На сьогодні обмежено в’їзд іноземців, перш за все громадян Росії. Не пропускаються громадяни Росії віком від 16 до 60 років, особи чоловічої статі».

Порошенко після тієї наради повідомляв у фейсбуці: «Україна ввела обмеження щодо в’їзду громадян Росії чоловічої статі віком від 16 до 60 років, щоб Росія не формувала в Україні загони «приватних» армій, які насправді є представниками Збройних сил Росії. Щоб не дати росіянам здійснити в Україні ті операції, які вони планували ще у 2014 році».

Ці обмеження мали винятки – такі самі, про які нині згадав Олег Слободян. Як інформував 28 листопада в інтерв’ю проектові Радіо Свобода, Радіо Донбас.Реалії начальник відділу з питань взаємодії із засобами масової інформації ДПСУ Андрій Демченко, іноземцям, зокрема громадянам Росії, треба буде довести мету свого візиту до України, при цьому також здійснюється перевірка, чи ці іноземці не відвідували незаконним чином тимчасово окуповані території України.

Але прямої «заборони на в’їзд чоловіків, громадян Росії, до України» не запроваджували.

Revered Israeli Writer Amos Oz Dies at 79

Renowned Israeli writer Amos Oz, a passionate peace advocate whose stirring memoir A Tale of Love and Darkness became a worldwide bestseller, died Friday at age 79, his daughter said.

Fania Oz-Salzberger said on Twitter that her father had died and offered thanks to “those who loved him.”

“My beloved father, Amos Oz, a wonderful family man, an author, a man of peace and moderation, died today peacefully after a short battle with cancer,” she wrote.

Tributes poured in for Oz, including from Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon, who called his death “a loss for us all and for the world.”

While Oz’s writing is widely acclaimed, he is perhaps equally known as one of the earliest and most forceful critics of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands captured in the Six-Day War of 1967.

In recent years, Oz spoke out against the policies of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, shunning official Israeli functions abroad in protest at what he called the “growing extremism” of his country’s government.

Netanyahu on Friday celebrated Oz as “among the greatest writers from the state of Israel.”

“Despite our diverging views on numerous issues, I have deeply appreciated his contribution to the Hebrew language and the revival of Hebrew literature,” the premier said in a statement released by his office.

Oz was described as a “literary great” by Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin.

“A tale of love and light and henceforth, great darkness,” he wrote on Twitter.

50th-Anniversary Woodstock Event Set for 2019

Fifty years after the Woodstock music festival became one of the watersheds of hippie counterculture, an anniversary event will take place in August 2019 on the same field north of New York City.

The Bethel Woods Center for the Arts announced a three-day festival of “music, culture and community” that will celebrate “the golden anniversary at the historic site of the 1969 Woodstock festival.”

The Bethel Woods Center, a nonprofit that now owns the 37-acre (15-hectare) field that was the site of the 1969 Woodstock festival, said in a Facebook posting Thursday that the Aug. 16-18 festival will be a “pan-generational event.”

It will feature live performances from prominent and emerging artists across multiple genres and decades, as well as talks from leading futurists and tech experts. The festival is a joint venture with concert promoters Live Nation.

Details of performers, tickets and other participants will be announced at a later date, the Bethel Woods Center said.

The August 1969 Woodstock festival, billed as “three days of peace and music,” is regarded as one of the pivotal moments in music history and 1960s counterculture.

Over three sometimes-rainy days, more than 30 acts — including Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Who, The Band, and the Grateful Dead — performed around the clock to a 400,000-strong audience, most of whom watched for free and camped onsite in the mud. The festival was documented in the 1970 film Woodstock, which won an Oscar.

Although it was known as Woodstock, the festival actually took place in Bethel, some 70 miles (110 km) south of the village of Woodstock in upstate New York. Bethel is 90 miles (144 km) north of New York City.

“Fifty years ago, people gathered peacefully on our site inspired to change the world through music,” Darlene Fedun, chief executive of the Bethel Woods Center, said in a statement announcing the 50th-anniversary event.

“We remain committed to preserving this rich history and spirit, and to educating and inspiring new generations to contribute positively to the world through music, culture, and community,” Fedun added.

The Bethel Woods festival is not affiliated with Michael Lang, a promoter of the 1969 festival, who has also spoken of plans to organize a 50th-anniversary event but has yet to make any announcement. Woodstock anniversary festivals were also held in 1994, 1998 and 1999.

Many of the 1969 Woodstock artists are now dead. Surviving musicians who are still performing into their 70s include Joan Baez, Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend of The Who, and David Crosby, Neil Young, Graham Nash and Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.

Rights Activists Fear China’s Human Rights Record Will Deteriorate

In China, 2018 has been a year that rights defenders worldwide say was extremely repressive, particularly when it comes to religious persecution.

China’s communist party leadership has strongly defended its actions amid growing calls that its actions may constitute crimes against humanity.

Those actions include the internment of hundreds of thousands – perhaps more than a million – Muslims in Xinjiang, the demolition and shuttering of Christian churches nationwide and the systemic crackdown on dissidents.

“2018 has been a year of human rights disasters in China, where all walks of people have paid a dear price over rights abuses. In the past year, China has systemically enforced the most audacious ever persecution policies,” said Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the exile Germany-headquartered World Uighur Congress.

After months of denying their existence, China admitted that the camps do exist and launched a global propaganda campaign defending its interment of ethnic Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in the western region of Xinjiang.

Beijing has yet to confirm how many have been detained and calls the “vocational centers” a necessary part of their fight against terrorism and religious extremism. The reality, rights advocates argue, is that Muslim minorities are being detained and made to work overtime and without pay in factories for so-called job training.

China is also reportedly planning Xinjiang-style “re-education” camps in Ningxia  home to the Hui minority Muslims. Such moves highlight the communist party’s drastic efforts to wipe out ethnic Muslims and extend control over religious groups, Raxit said.

Bob Fu, the founder of China Aid, agrees. His group, based in the U.S. state of Texas, is committed to promoting religious freedom in China.

“This is a 21st century concentration camp, like Nazi Germany in 1930s and 1940s, so, the international community should unequivocally condemn and urge the Chinese regime to immediately stop this crime,” he said.

Call for sanctions

Rights advocates have called on governments worldwide to impose sanctions on Chinese officials involved in human rights abuses.

U.S. senators including Marco Rubio have denounced Xinjiang’s internment camps and other alleged abuses as possible crimes against humanity.  In November, Rubio and a group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced legislation to address the situation and urged American policymakers to be clear-eyed about the global implications of China’s domestic repression.

The bipartisan bills urge President Donald Trump’s administration to use measures including economic sanctions to defend Uighurs and other Muslim minorities. If that happens, China has said it will retaliate in proportion.

Intensified persecution

It is not just Muslims who have found themselves caught in the communist party’s crosshairs. China Aid’s Fu said China has also escalated its crackdown on Christian communities.

Authorities have torn down houses of worship and in some places, there is a push to ensure that anyone under the age of 18 cannot attend church or be under the influence of religion. China is officially atheist, but says it allows religious freedom.

In early December, Chinese police arrested Pastor Wang Yi, along with more than 100 members of his Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, Sichuan.

The arrests may have been triggered by his manifesto, titled “Meditation on the Religious War,” in which he condemns the communist party and urges Christians to perform acts of civil disobedience.

“It’s just really the tip of the iceberg of overall religious persecution in China since the president, Xi Jinping, took power,” Fu told CNN recently about the case.

Political dissidents

If convicted, Wang could face a jail term of up to 15 years and he has vowed not to plead guilty or confess unless physically tortured, said Jonathan Liu, a priest with the San Francisco-based Chinese Christian Fellowship of Righteousness.

Liu said the pastor’s detention serves the dual purpose of suppressing Christians and silencing political dissidents in China as Wang is a follower of Calvinism  a branch of Protestantism that emphasizes social justice.

“Deeply affected by Calvinism, he cares for those who are socially disadvantaged or rights defenders. So, his church has formed many fellowships to provide care for those people,” Liu said, “In the eyes of the Chinese government, his church has become a hub for [political] dissidents.”

No prospects for improvement

During the United Nations’ periodic review of its rights record, China defended itself, arguing that criticism was “politically motivated” with UN members deliberately disregarding China’s “remarkable achievements.”

For critics, the outlook for 2019 isn’t promising.

“I can see no prospect that there would be any improvement in the coming year. And in fact, the last year, the most horrible thing is to see that the government is openly and fragrantly acting against the law, in total contempt of the [judicial] system they’ve set up,” Albert Ho, chairman of China Human Rights Concern Group in Hong Kong.

The fact that rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang is still being held incommunicado proves that China has little respect for its own laws, Ho said.

Among more than 300 rights lawyers and activists ensnared in China’s 2015 crackdown, lawyer Wang is the last awaiting trial.

After almost three and a half years of arbitrary detention, Wang was finally put on trial in a closed-door hearing in Tianjin on December 26. He reportedly fired his state-appointed lawyer “in the first minute” of his trial,signs of his refusal to cooperate with the authorities.

His wife, Li Wenze, and supporters, as well as western diplomats and journalists, were all barred from attending the hearing, which the court said involved “state secrets,” but rights activists denounced as a blatant violation of China’s own judicial principles.

The court said on its website that a verdict will be announced on a later date. Rights activists argued that Wang would be a blatant case of political persecution shall he be convicted with a maximum 15-year sentence.

Li and three other wives of lawyer victims who have been carrying out a long and loud campaign to secure Wang’s release as well as others, recently shaved their hair to protest his detention for more than three years.

“They (the authorities) keep on shamelessly breaking the law. So today we are using this act of shaving our heads in protest, to show they are persistently and shamelessly breaking the law,” Li said.

На Дніпропетровщині розслідують провадження щодо реконструкції гуртожитків для переселенців

У Дніпропетровській області розслідують кримінальне провадження щодо проекту реконструкції гуртожитків для переселенців коштом Європейського Союзу. Інформацію про це Радіо Свобода підтвердили в прокуратурі області у відповіді на інформаційний запит у п’ятницю.

За даними прокуратури, «кримінальне провадження від 13.04.2017 за ознаками кримінального правопорушення, передбаченого частиною З статті 191 Кримінального Кодексу України (привласнення, розтрата майна або заволодіння ним шляхом зловживання службовим становищем), перебуває в провадженні Дніпровського відділення поліції Головного управління Національної поліції в області, процесуальне керівництво здійснюється Дніпропетровською місцевою прокуратурою №3».

Водночас у прокуратурі не коментують хід розслідування, посилаючись на те що, запитувана інформація «не є публічною», а також на таємницю слідства.

Читайте також: Як переселенці можуть отримати власне житло (рос.)

«Відповідно до статті 222 Кримінального процесуального кодексу України, відомості досудового розслідування можна розголошувати лише з дозволу слідчого або прокурора і в тому обсязі, в якому вони визнають можливим», – йдеться у відповіді.

2015 року на Дніпропетровщині втілювали проект реконструкції коштом Євросоюзу 15 будівель під житло для переселенців із Донбасу.

На перетворення будівель старих, занедбаних гуртожитків та закладів охорони здоров’я під житло для переїжджих зі сходу України Європейський Союз виділив 1,5 мільйона євро. Це мало вирішити питання з житлом для понад 2 тисяч тимчасово переміщених осіб.

Пізніше частина переселенців у Дніпрі скаржились, що їхнє заселення до гуртожитків в обласному центрі гальмувалось «через юридичну колізію». Восени 2018 року переселенці, які мешкають у гуртожитку в Синельниковому, жалілися на високі тарифи й холод у приміщенні.

Правозахисники повідомили, які порушення прав людини у Криму були здійснені за рік

Кримська правозахисна група повідомила, які порушення прав людини в окупованому Росією українському Криму вчинила протягом 2018 року російська і підконтрольна Москві влада на півострові.

За даними, які зафіксували правозахисники, зокрема, були здійснені порушення права на свободу і права на справедливий суд:

37 людей було позбавлено волі за політично мотивованими кримінальними справами, з них 13 цивільних осіб і 24 військовополонених;
проти 44 людей відкриті нові політично мотивовані кримінальні справи;
9 людей було позбавлено волі у рамках адміністративних справ.

Серед порушень свободи зібрань були:

продовження переслідування за участь у мирних зібраннях і подальше обмеження свободи зібрань;
мінімум 1 адмінарешт на 5 діб за участь у мирному зібранні;
штрафи на загальну суму не менш ніж 25 000 рублів (нині це близько 9 850 гривень) за участь у мирних зібраннях;
Москва запровадила на окупованому півострові нове законодавче обмеження: адміністративна відповідальність за несвоєчасну подачу повідомлення про проведення мирного зібрання, незазначення мети проведення або неповідомлення про відмову від проведення зібрання;
контрольована Москвою міська влада Севастополя видала нову постанову № 830-ПП про скорочення кількості дозволених місць для проведення мирних зібрань.

Також, зазначають правозахисники, влада Росії чинить воєнний злочин – призов мешканців окупованого Криму до армії Росії:

мінімум 5800 осіб було призвано за весняну й осінню кампанії 2018 року;
винесено 34 вироки за ухилення від служби в армії Росії.

Кримська правозахисна група зафіксувала й порушення свободи совісті і релігії:

мінімум 17 штрафів винесені за «незаконну місіонерську діяльність» на загальну суму 285 000 рублів (нині понад 112 000 гривень);
відкрито перші кримінальні справи проти «Свідків Єгови».

Правозахисники звернули увагу й на те, що у Криму триває мілітаризація суспільного життя і системи освіти.

Порушення прав людини у Криму встановленою там Росією владою викликає широке занепокоєння в Україні і у світі. Днями Міністерство закордонних справ України виступило з черговою вимогою до Росії дотримуватися міжнародного права, «припинити свавілля» і не порушувати права людини у Криму.

У міністерстві також привітали схвалення Генеральною асамблеєю ООН резолюції щодо ситуації з прав людини в Криму.

Резолюція, схвалена Генасамблеєю ООН 23 грудня, серед іншого, закликає забезпечити права людини і базові свободи українських політв’язнів, які перебувають у Криму і в Росії, у тому числі право на медичну допомогу, доступ лікарів та фахівців міжнародних організацій, зокрема, Червоного Хреста і Європейського комітету з питань запобігання катуванням, для перевірки стану здоров’я затриманих.

Це вже третя ініційована Україною резолюція ООН про стан прав людини в Криму, схвалена Генасамблеєю за останні два роки. Перші дві були схвалені 2016 і 2017 року.

Зокрема, у резолюції 2017 року від Росії вимагали виконати тимчасові заходи рекомендацій Міжнародного суду ООН про скасування заборони Меджлісу кримськотатарського народу в Криму і забезпечити навчання українською і кримськотатарською мовами на півострові.

У резолюції 2016 року Росія була названа «країною-окупантом», а Крим і Севастополь – «тимчасово окупованою територією».

German Government in Talks on Foreign Financing of Mosques

The German government says it is in talks with various countries to improve the transparency of foreign financing of mosques and prevent the funding of extremist facilities.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Christofer Burger said Friday that Germany has been cooperating with Kuwait at the latter’s initiative since last year, and that Kuwait’s government is working to “examine particularly thoroughly” the funding of projects in Germany. He wouldn’t name other countries with which Germany is talking, citing confidential diplomatic discussions.

The daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung and public broadcasters NDR and WDR reported that the ministry had asked Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others to report planned financing of religious facilities in Germany.

Germany’s interior minister has said that he would like to see German mosques become as independent as possible from foreign financing.

Germany, France Press Russia to Free Ukrainian Sailors

The leaders of Germany and France are pressing Russia to release Ukrainian sailors captured over a month ago in time for the new year and Orthodox Christmas.

In a joint statement Friday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron also vowed to keep up pressure to implement a 2015 peace deal for eastern Ukraine.

The long-simmering conflict between Russia and Ukraine that started with Russia’s annexation of Crimea escalated November 25 when the Russian coast guard fired upon and seized three Ukrainian naval vessels and their crews.

In Friday’s statement, Merkel and Macron renewed calls for the “safe, free and unhindered passage of all ships” through the Kerch Strait that separates Crimea from mainland Russia and urged the “immediate and unconditional release of all illegally detained Ukrainian sailors.”


Екс-гравець «Динамо» і «Дніпра» очолив молодіжну збірну України

Колишній гравець «Динамо» і «Дніпра» Руслан Ротань з 10 січня 2019 року розпочне роботу з молодіжною збірною України з футболу. Таке рішення ухвалив 27 грудня виконком Федерації футболу України, інформує офіційний сайт організації.

37-річний фахівець замінить на цій посаді ще одного колишнього динамівця Олександра Головка, якому члени виконкому подякували за плідну співпрацю та побажали успіхів у подальшій тренерській кар’єрі.

«Очолити молодіжну збірну України – велика честь для мене, – сказав Руслан Ротань. – У моїй ігровій кар’єрі збірна завжди була особливою командою, і її кольори я завжди захищав із гордістю. Постараюся виправдати таку довіру».

«Я добре знаю, в якому напрямку працює перша команда країни, і постараюся дотримуватися цієї ж лінії, але в рамках свого футбольного бачення. Конкретні завдання мені ще сформулюють, але вони й так зрозумілі – потрібно посідати перше місце у відбірній групі чемпіонату Європи 2021 року й допомагати готувати гравців для національної збірної», – відзначив новий наставник «молодіжки».

Руслан Ротань з 2003 до 2018 року провів у складі національної команди України 100 матчів, забивши вісім м’ячів. В українському чемпіонаті він виграв усі нагороди (чемпіоном став одного разу, в 2007 році з «Динамо»), а в 2015 році разом із «Дніпром» виступав у фіналі Ліги Європи.

Frenchman, 71, to Cross Atlantic — in Barrel

A French septuagenarian, armed with a block of foie gras and a couple of bottles of wine, has set sail across the Atlantic in a barrel.

Jean-Jacques Savin, 71, set off from El Hierro in Spain’s Canary Islands and hopes to end his 4,500-kilometer journey to the Caribbean in about three months, relying only on ocean currents and trade winds.

“The weather is great. I’ve got a swell of one meter and I’m moving at 2 to 3 kilometers an hour. … I’ve got favorable winds forecast until Sunday,” Savin told AFP shortly after he set off. 

He described his journey as a “crossing during which man isn’t captain of his ship, but a passenger of the ocean.”

Savin spent several months building his bright orange, barrel-shaped capsule of resin-coated plywood that is strong enough to withstand the constant battering of waves and possible orca attacks.

The barrel, measuring 3 meters long and 2.10 meters across, is equipped with a kitchen area, and a mattress with straps to keep him from being tossed around by rough seas.

He is also carrying a bottle of Sauternes white wine and a block of foie gras for New Year’s Eve, and a bottle of Saint-Émilion red wine for his birthday in January, according to AFP.

Portholes on either side of the barrel and another looking into the water will provide the entertainment. It also has a solar panel that generates energy for communications and GPS positioning.

As he drifts along, Savin will drop markers in the ocean to help oceanographers study ocean currents. Savin will be studied by doctors for effects of solitude in close confinement.

He will also post daily updates including GPS coordinates, tracking the journey on a Facebook page. 

Savin’s adventure, which will cost a little more than $65,000, was funded by French barrel makers and crowdfunding.

Savin hopes to end his journey on a French island, such as Martinique or Guadeloupe. “That would be easier for the paperwork and for bringing the barrel back,” he told AFP.

Newspaper: New Istanbul Airport Will Be Fully Open March 3

Istanbul’s new airport will be fully operational on March 3, Turkey’s Milliyet newspaper reported Thursday, after the $12 billion project was twice hit by delays.

The airport, which officials say will be one of the world’s busiest, was declared open in October by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan but only a handful of flights have been operating from the new site since then.

Its full operation was first delayed to January, in a setback for the government which has hailed it as a centerpiece of the construction boom that has driven strong economic growth under Erdogan’s 15-year rule.

Citing a letter sent by airport authorities, Milliyet said the date had been pushed back again until early March.

The airport will be able to handle 90 million passengers a year, and can be expanded to accommodate as many as 200 million, Erdogan said at the opening ceremony.

Videos posted on social media since then have shown rain leaking heavily into a waterlogged passenger terminal, and a flooded car park at the new airport.

В Ізраїлі влаштували акцію в пам’ять про жертв Голодомору «Непораховані з 1932-го»

Студенти Української академії лідерства відкрили в Ізраїлі 30 ресторанних точок під гаслом «Uncounted since 1932», в яких перехожі могли скуштувати лише одну страву – суп із хвої, кори та шишок. Акції одночасно відбулись як у великих містах, так і в малих містечках — Тель-Авіві, Беер-Шеві, Єрухамі, Керен-бен-Зімбрі, Суфі, Цфаті та інших.

Цей суп – одна з небагатьох страв, що була доступна українцям під час штучного голоду 1932–1933 років, організованого радянською владою. Рецепт супу взяли зі спогадів очевидців, які пережили Голодомор. Для приготування використовували хвою, кору та шишки – те, що було доступне українцям у роки Голоду. Акція «Uncounted since 1932» привертає увагу перехожих незвичною подачею і відчуттям співпережиття, що виникає після куштування його страв, кажуть організатори і перехожі.

«Ми проводимо таку акцію вже втретє, щоб розповісти всьому світові про трагедію українського народу. Попередні такі акції в Тель-Авіві і Брюсселі справляли дуже сильне емоційне враження на перехожих. Тому цього року ми збільшили масштаб і провели одразу 30 акцій по всьому Ізраїлю – щоб охопити більше людей і розповісти про трагедію України якомога ширше. Щоб таке ніколи знову не повторилось», — розповідає Роман Тичківський, керівник Української академії лідерства.

«Я не знав, що в України й Ізраїлю є схожі моменти історії, – ділиться враженнями Аві, 25-річний мешканець Беер-Шеви. – Вражає, що про таку страшну трагедію у світі мало знають. Це жахливо, що люди були повинні харчуватись такою їжею через політичні мотиви. Ми маємо зробити все, щоб геноцид не повторився більше ніколи і ніде».

Україна з посиланням на дані науково-демографічної експертизи стверджує, що загальна кількість людських втрат від Голодомору 1932–33 років становить майже 4 мільйони, а втрати українців у частині ненароджених становлять понад 6 мільйонів. Проте точна цифра невідома дотепер – влада забороняла вести підрахунок загиблих. Тому захід і має назву «Uncounted», у перекладі – «Непораховані», у пам’ять усіх, хто не пережив Голодомор.

Акція проводиться за підтримки Кабінету міністрів України, Фонду Western NIS Enterprise Fund та інвестиційної компанії Dragon Capital. Її провели в рамках дослідницької експедиції Української академії лідерства до Ізраїлю.

Крім акції «Uncounted since 1932», студенти і партнери академії досліджують досвід Ізраїлю у підприємництві, обороні та інноваціях і просувають Україну і бренд UkraineNow в Ізраїлі.

«Uncounted since 1932» проводилась раніше у Тель-Авіві в Ізраїлі і Брюсселі в Бельгії й отримала сотні згадок у міжнародних ЗМІ з загальним охопленням понад 100 мільйонів людей. За це в листопаді 2018 року акція отримала три нагороди Effie Awards як одна з найуспішніших комунікаційних кампаній із України.

Belgian Court Orders Repatriation of 2 Islamic State Wives

A Belgian judge has issued an order for the repatriation of half a dozen children and their Belgian mothers from a Kurdish-controlled camp in northeast Syria.

The children are all under the age of 6. They and their mothers, Tatiana Wielandt and Bouchra Abouallal, both in their mid-twenties, have been held in the al-Hol camp, one of several housing about 584 jihadi brides and 1,250 children, the offspring of Islamic State fathers, most of them foreign fighters.

Like other European countries, Belgium has been reluctant to take back foreign fighters or their captured wives and children. A small number have been repatriated to their countries of origin, but hundreds are awaiting political or legal resolution of their cases as their appeals for repatriation have been ignored. There’s little sympathy for the plight of the women and their children back in their home countries, where governments fear the women and their offspring could become security risks.

The ruling Wednesday is restricted only to the two mothers and their children, but it is likely to trigger more cases both in Belgium and in the courts in other European states, say legal analysts. An estimated 160 children of Belgian origin are currently in Kurdish-controlled camps.

​The decision overturned the ruling of a lower court rejecting a repatriation plea lodged by the two women. The Flemish-speaking Court of First Instance in Brussels ordered Belgium’s government to take “all necessary and possible measures” to return them. The order gave the state 40 days to comply or face fines of $5,715 per day per child.

“They have no freedom of movement,” Anouk Devenyns, a court spokeswoman and magistrate, told AFP. Belgian officials say they are considering an appeal. As a proportion of its population, Belgium was one of the main sources of Europeans traveling to fight for Islamist militant groups in Syria and Iraq.

At least 400 Belgian adults have left to join Islamic State or al-Qaida since 2013.

Rights groups say most of the women who left Europe to join the militant groups should be seen as victims rather than criminals, arguing that many were misguided or manipulated by men or recruiters. Some were teenagers when they traveled to Syria.

Belgian national Kasandra Bodagh moved to Syria to live under Islamic State. Bodagh told a Kurdish news outlet in September that she made a mistake joining her Belgian husband in Syria. She soon wanted to leave the caliphate, she claimed, but her husband, who was a bomb maker, wouldn’t let her go. In quick succession, she married three IS fighters, all of whom died on the battlefield. 

“I have left IS now and demand my country come and take me,” she told the Rudaw news outlet. “I want to tell my country that I have made a mistake. I want my country to help me and come to take me [home]. I do not want my country to do nothing. I want my country to come and take me.”

Using an Arab acronym for IS, she added, “We escaped from Daesh so that countries would take us. Previously, the coalition would drop papers [from the air] in Daesh territories, telling people, ‘If you escape Daesh, we will help you.’ Now we have escaped Daesh for about a year, but we are still staying here. A promise has to be kept.”

U.S. troop withdrawal

U.S. President Donald Trump’s abrupt announcement of the withdrawal of American ground troops from northern Syria has focused increased attention on what will happen to an estimated 800 captured IS foreign fighters and to the hundreds of wives and children.

A critical question is whether Kurdish forces will be able to keep control of them. Kurdish officials have warned French President Emmanuel Macron’s representative to Syria, Francois Senemand, that if Turkey attacks them, as it has pledged, it would create a chaotic situation in which they might not be able to spare the guards to make sure IS detainees are secure.

The IS prisoners include two Britons accused of being members of the so-called “Beatles” murder cell, responsible for the torture and beheading of Western journalists and aid workers, including American reporters James Foley and Steven Sotloff.

‘Ticking time bombs’

French and other European officials have said for more than a year that they won’t accept the repatriation of IS foreign fighters or their wives, despite appeals by the Kurds and the Trump administration. European officials say they represent security risks and that there would be technical and legal difficulties in prosecuting them. Repatriated foreign fighters and their wives would try to use the courts for propaganda purposes, if prosecutions were mounted, they fear.

“Prosecutions are going to be difficult because the collection of evidence may well be impossible to secure on the battlefields,” said a French diplomat, who has been involved in high-level discussions on the issue with U.S. and European counterparts.

French citizens are estimated to be among the biggest contingent of overseas fighters who joined the Islamic State terror group and other jihadist factions in the Levant. More than 300 French jihadists are thought to have died fighting in Syria or Iraq, leaving an estimated 500 to 600 unaccounted for or detained mainly in Syria by the Kurds.

Earlier this year, the then-head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency warned the country is facing grave risks from “kindergarten jihadists.” In a media interview, Hans-Georg Maassen said he was alarmed at the risks posed by returning IS women and their children, whom he claimed posed a “massive danger” to the country.

He described the children of jihadist parents as “ticking time bombs.” An estimated 1,000 German recruits joined IS. Only a handful of the 290 children and toddlers who left Germany with IS parents — or who were born in Syria or Iraq — have returned to Germany.

Епідемії грипу в Україні немає, але епідпороги перевищені у 8 областях – МОЗ

В Україні немає епідемії грипу, але епідемічні пороги перевищені в Хмельницькій, Житомирській, Київській, Чернігівській, Сумській, Луганській, Донецькій, Одеській областях, заявляють у Міністерстві охорони здоров’я України.

За повідомленням, за минулий тиждень на грип і ГРВІ захворіли понад 216 тисяч людей, четверо людей із групи ризику померли.

У МОЗ наголошують на важливості вакцинації, щоб отримати захист від грипу і тяжких ускладнень. Це вже зробили понад 145 тисяч українців.

Грип – це гостре респіраторне захворювання, спричинене вірусом. Легко передається від людини до людини переважно через кашель, чхання або ж близький контакт. Будь-хто у будь-якому віці може захворіти на грип.

Читайте також: У МОЗ розповіли про 5 правил, щоб не захворіти на грип

Серед симптомів грипу – висока температура, яка тримається мінімум п’ять днів; лихоманка; головний біль; ломота у м’язах і суглобах; загальна слабкість; втрата апетиту, можливо, нудота; кашель, що може тривати більше двох тижнів; нежить.


Tourism Group Gives Funds to Reopen Liberty Bell for 3 Days

Tourists in Philadelphia for the holidays will be able to see the Liberty Bell this weekend despite a partial federal government shutdown that closed many national parks throughout the country.

Most of the buildings in the Independence National Historic Park including Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell Center have been shuttered since Saturday morning because of the partial shutdown.

That was bad news for tourists and the city of Philadelphia, which sees the second highest attendance at the Liberty Bell during the weekend before New Year’s Day annually.

Officials at VISIT PHILADELPHIA, a tourism and marketing group, say they’re giving the park $32,000 to open Friday, Saturday and Sunday to let in the estimated 25,000 people who had planned to see the Liberty Bell this weekend.


RUSADA’s Chief Appeals to Putin Over Doping Data

The head of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency has asked for President Vladimir Putin’s help in getting Russian officials to hand over key doping data to World Anti-Doping Agency inspectors.

WADA reinstated the suspended RUSADA in September on the condition Russian authorities hand over lab data, which could help confirm a number of violations uncovered during an investigation that revealed a state-sponsored doping program designed to win medals at the 2014 Olympics and other major events.

WADA officials said earlier this month they were leaving Moscow empty-handed after Russian authorities prevented them from accessing data.

In a letter released Thursday, RUSADA chief Yuri Ganus appealed to Putin to reverse the decision and allow the data to be given to WADA inspectors. Ganus warned that refusal to do so would hurt Russia’s efforts to clean up its sports from doping.

WADA has previously said that Russia unexpectedly demanded its equipment be “certified under Russian law.” The deadline to turn over the data is Dec. 31.

Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball Gets Some New Sparkle

Preparations for New Year’s Eve in Times Square are taking shape, and some of those shapes are 192 new crystal triangles on the famous ball.

The new Waterford crystal triangles will join about 2,500 others Thursday on the big, sparkling sphere. Some new crystals are swapped in every year.

This year’s additions feature rosette cuts designed to make them appear to flow harmoniously into each other. That’s in keeping with this year’s “gift of harmony” theme.

The ball measures 3.5 meters (12 feet) in diameter and weighs almost 5,450 kg (nearly 12,000 pounds). It’s positioned atop One Times Square.


«Укрзалізниця» призначила 38 додаткових поїздів на зимові свята

На зимові свята в Україні призначили 38 додаткових поїздів. Як повідомила «Укрзалізниця», йдеться загалом про 302 рейси, один з останніх додаткових призначений на 29 грудня і курсуватиме з Києва до Чернівців через Івано-Франківськ.

Попри додаткові поїзди, «Укрзалізниця» просить пасажирів уважно планувати свої поїздки, розглядати альтернативні дати виїзду, а не лише останні – напередодні вихідних, а також варіанти маршрутів із пересадкою.

Затримка з продажем квитків на новорічно-різдвяний період на початку грудня спровокувала навантаження на сервіс для бронювання квитків «Укрзалізниці» у шість разів і призвела до перебоїв у роботі сайту.




Українські митці записали привітання для українських військових

Відомі українські митці записали різдвяні й новорічні привітання для оборонців України, поширивши його через соціальні мережі. До привітань долучилися кінорежисер Любомир Левицький, музичний колектив «Пікардійська Терція», співаки Маша Собко, Павло Табаков, Оксана Муха, промоменеджер проекту «Пісня війни» Галина Гузьо та інші.

Ініціатор та режисер вітального ролику Сергій Якименко, який проживає наразі у Німеччині, вважає, що у святкові дні необхідно максимальну увагу приділити тим, хто захищає Україну та Європу на Донбасі замість відзначати зимові свята з рідними і друзями.

«Надворі – зимові свята, у ці дні важливо не забувати про наших оборонців, тож я звернувся до знайомих митців і журналістів з пропозицією записати привітання. Приємно здивований, що ніхто не відмовив, українські митці підтримали мою ініціативу», – розповів Якименко кореспонденту Радіо Свобода.

Сергій Якименко – автор документальної стрічки «Ціна демократії – The Price of Democracy», присвяченій подіям в Україні під час Революції гідності.

Громада УПЦ (МП) на Тернопільщині заявила про перехід до Православної церкви України

Аналогічне рішення протягом останнього тижня ухвалили шість парафій Вінницької єпархії

Russia Tests Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Weapon

Russia has successfully conducted its final test of a hypersonic glider capable of carrying nuclear warheads, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

Putin, who oversaw the test Wednesday, said the weapon is impossible to intercept and will ensure Russia’s security for decades to come.

He called it an “excellent New Year’s gift to the nation.”

The weapon, dubbed Avangard, detaches itself from a rocket after being launched and glides back to Earth at speeds faster than the speed of sound.

On Wednesday, the Avangard was launched from the Dombarovskiy missile base in the southern Ural Mountains. Putin said it hit its designated target at a shooting range 6,000 kilometers away.

“The Avangard is invulnerable to intercept by any existing and prospective missile defense means of the potential adversary,” Putin said after the test.

He said the weapon will become part of Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces next year.

The Pentagon is also working on hypersonic weapons, but U.S. officials have warned they lag behind Russia.

The test comes at a time of heightened tensions between Moscow and Washington over allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, conflict in Ukraine and the war in Syria.

EU’s Oettinger Sees Chance British Parliament Votes for Brexit Deal in January

European Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said on Thursday there is still a chance that Britain’s parliament will vote in favor of the Brexit agreement in January and that there was no public support for a disorderly Brexit or another referendum.


Prime Minister Theresa May has struck a withdrawal agreement with Brussels but she was forced to postpone a parliamentary vote on it earlier this month after admitting she would lose by a large margin. 

Britain is due to leave the EU on March 29. 

“It is not entirely unlikely that the British parliament will vote for the divorce agreement in January,” Oettinger told Funke Media Group in an interview. “There is certainly no majority for a disorderly Brexit or for a new referendum.”

Oettinger said that the likelihood of Britain remaining in the EU had increased slightly over the past few months.

“Nevertheless, I assume that it will come to an exit at the end of March,” said Oettinger, the EU’s budget commissioner.

Russia: Israeli Strike on Syria Threatened Civilian Flights

The Russian military on Wednesday criticized an alleged Israeli airstrike near the Syrian capital, saying it has endangered civilian flights.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said that six Israeli F-16 jets launched a “provocative” raid at the moment when two civilian airliners were preparing to land in Damascus and Beirut, creating a “direct threat” to the aircraft.

Lebanon’s acting Transport Minister Youssef Fenianos later on Wednesday confirmed Konashenkov’s account, saying the two airplanes in Lebanese airspace “narrowly” escaped Israeli warplanes, averting a “human catastrophe.”

Fenianos didn’t provide details, but said he reported the incident to the prime minister-designate. He said the Lebanese government will present a complaint to the U.N. Security Council.

The Syrian military didn’t fully engage its air defense assets to avoid accidentally hitting the passenger jets, Konashenkov said. He added that Syrian air traffic controllers redirected the Damascus-bound plane to the Russian air base in Hemeimeem in Syria’s coastal province of Latakia.

Konashenkov said the Syrian air defense forces shot down 14 of the 16 precision-guided bombs dropped by the Israeli jets, while the remaining two hit a Syrian military depot 7 kilometers (about 4.3 miles) west of Damascus, injuring three Syrian soldiers.

It wasn’t clear if the Syrian military used any of the advanced S-300 air defense missile systems that Russia delivered in October to beef up its air defenses. The move followed the Sept. 17 downing of a Russian reconnaissance plane by Syrian forces responding to an Israeli air raid, an incident that strained previously warm ties between Russia and Israel.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry in a statement Wednesday accused Israel of exacerbating the crisis in the country and standing in the way of the government’s war on terrorism.

In messages sent to the U.N. secretary-general and the president of the Security Council, the ministry said the Israeli airstrike wouldn’t have been launched if it wasn’t for what it called “unlimited” U.S. support for Israel.

Israel has carried out dozens of airstrikes in Syria, most of them believed to have been aimed at Iranian arms shipments to the Hezbollah militant group. Both Iran and Hezbollah have been fighting alongside the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned that he will not allow archenemy Iran to establish a permanent military presence in postwar Syria.

Speaking at a military ceremony Wednesday, Netanyahu did not directly mention the alleged airstrike. But he repeated his position that he will not allow archenemy Iran to establish a permanent military presence in Syria, and said Israel’s air force has unmatched capabilities and can reach arenas “near and far, very far.”

“We are not prepared to accept the Iranian military entrenchment in Syria, which is directed against us. We will act against it vigorously and continuously, including during the current period,” he told a graduation ceremony of new air force pilots.

He said President Donald Trump’s decision to pull U.S. forces out of Syria “will not change our policy.”

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitor, said Tuesday’s Israeli strike targeted three positions south of Damascus that are arms depots for Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group and Iranian forces.

Serena Voted AP Female Athlete of the Year for 5th Time

She showed up in Paris wearing a black catsuit, a reminder that nobody can command the Grand Slam stage quite like Serena Williams.

She reached the finals at Wimbledon and the U.S. Open, proving again how well she can play no matter how little she practices.

Williams didn’t win those or any other tournaments, which in every other situation might have made for a forgettable year.

In 2018, it was a remarkable one.

Her rapid return to tennis after a health scare following childbirth was a victory in itself, and for that, Williams was voted The Associated Press Female Athlete of the Year for the fifth time.

Williams received 93 points in balloting by U.S. editors and news directors announced Wednesday, while gymnast Simone Biles was second with 68. Notre Dame basketball player Arike Ogunbowale was third, while Olympic snowboarder Chloe Kim and swimmer Katie Ledecky, the 2017 winner, rounded out the top five.

All of those players won a title or titles in 2018, while Williams had to settle for just coming close a couple of times.

Now 37 and a new mother facing some players who weren’t even born when she turned pro in 1995, Williams isn’t the same person who ruthlessly ran her way to 23 Grand Slam singles titles — the last of which came at the 2017 Australian Open when she was pregnant.

“I’m still waiting to get to be the Serena that I was, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be that, physically, emotionally, mentally. But I’m on my way,” Williams said on the eve of the U.S. Open final. “I feel like I still have a ways to go. Once I get there, I’ll be able to play even hopefully better.”

The Male Athlete of the Year will be announced Thursday.

The women’s award has been won more only by Babe Didrikson Zaharias, whose six wins included one for track and five for golf.

Williams’ previous times winning the AP honor, in 2002, 2009, 2013 and 2015, were because of her dominance.

This one was about her perseverance.

Williams developed blood clots after giving birth to daughter Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr. on Sept. 1, 2017, and four surgeries would follow. She returned to the WTA Tour in March and played in just a pair of events before the French Open, where she competed in a skin-tight, full-length black catsuit .

She said the outfit — worn partly for health reasons because of the clots — made her feel like a superhero, but her game was rarely in superstar shape. She had to withdraw in Paris because of a right pectoral injury and didn’t play again until Wimbledon, where she lost to Angelique Kerber in the final.

Williams came up short again in New York, where her loss to Naomi Osaka in the final will be remembered best for her outburst toward chair umpire Carlos Ramos, who had penalized Williams for receiving coaching and later penalized her an entire game for calling him a “thief” while arguing.

That loss leaves her one major title shy of Margaret Court’s record as she starts play next year in a WTA Tour that will look different in part because of new rules coming about after issues involving Williams. Players returning to the tour may use a “special ranking” for up to three years from the birth of a child, and the exemption can be used for seedings at big events. Also, the tour says players can wear leggings or compression shorts at its tournaments without a skirt over them.

Williams insists she is still driven to play and win as much if not more than before she was a mother. That drive is the focus of a Nike ad showing her in action.

“Getting this far, crazy,” it says. “Stopping now, crazier.”

Williams won’t.

“I’m still on the way up,” she said. “There’s still much more that I plan on doing.”

The rest of the top five:

Simone Biles, gymnastics . The American won four golds and six medals overall in the world championships in Qatar, giving her 20 in her career to tie Russia’s Svetlana Khorkina for the most by a female gymnast.

Arike Ogunbowale, women’s basketball . She hit one jumper to knock off previously unbeaten Connecticut in the Final Four, then a 3-pointer in the championship game to lift Notre Dame over Mississippi State.

Chloe Kim, snowboarding . At 17, the Californian won the halfpipe Olympic gold medal in South Korea, where her parents were from before they immigrated to the United States.

Katie Ledecky, swimming . The 21-year-old U.S. Olympian tuned up for the 2020 Games in Tokyo by winning five medals in the city at the Pan Pacific Championships.

Indian Casinos Across US Wary of Betting on Sports Books

Two dozen large-screen TVs showing football and other sports line the walls. There’s beer on tap, bar top seating and leather chairs. Chicken wings are on the menu. And at this American Indian casino in the heart of college-football mad Mississippi, you can legally bet on the games.

The sports book owned by the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians is the first to open on tribal lands outside of Nevada following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling earlier this year, a no-brainer business decision given the sports fans among its gambling clientele.

“We are basically two hours from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and then, we are just an hour from Mississippi State. We have Ole Miss just to the north of that, and we have Southern Miss — they’re not SEC, but they are a player. We are not that far from Louisiana,” said Neal Atkinson, the tribe’s director of gaming.

The book at Pearl River Resort is packed every college football Saturday, but remains an outlier months after the high court opened the door for expanded sports gambling across the United States by striking down a federal ban.

Tribes enthusiastically welcomed the decision in May but since then, the regulatory challenges and low-margin nature of the business have sunk in. Few Indian casinos have an enviable location like the Choctaw and many need state approval to add sports betting to their offerings.

Indian casinos started small three decades ago, but they have grown to be an annual $32.4 billion segment of the U.S. gambling industry. The roughly 475 casinos operated by nearly 240 tribes create jobs for tribal members and profits that help pay a variety of services, including health care and housing.

Some casinos only have games like bingo or pull tabs that don’t need state approval. But the majority of them also have state-authorized slot machines, blackjack and other table games, according to the National Indian Gaming Commission.

Many tribes share a portion of casino profits with state governments in exchange for exclusive rights to conduct gambling operations within their states.

To offer sports betting, the majority of tribes would have to renegotiate compacts that vary widely in cycles and the issues covered, though some tribes believe their existing agreements already give them the right to offer the new wagers.

“There’s a broad spectrum in Indian Country covering two extremes: Tribal nations that would not benefit at all, and on the other end, tribal nations that would significantly benefit,” commission chairman Jonodev Osceola Chaudhuri said. “Those are largely business decisions that each tribe will have to make given its own economic landscape and its unique market realities.”

Some federal lawmakers have also proposed regulating sports gambling more widely, adding yet another layer to a complex debate already involving commercial casinos and lotteries, plus sports leagues themselves.

So far, only the Santa Ana Pueblo near Albuquerque, New Mexico, has followed the Choctaw’s effort into sports gambling. Neither tribe was required to obtain additional state approvals.

Contrary to popular belief, sports betting is a low-profit business that requires highly skilled employees. In Nevada, sportsbooks last year contributed only 2.4 percent of the gambling revenue of casinos statewide — dwarfed by the proceeds from table games and slots. The limited payoff has tribal casinos balancing the allure of a Las Vegas-style amenity with the risks of opening compacts for negotiations.

“Tribal leadership is extremely protective of what they have because it’s meant so much to us, and there’s always a risk of upsetting the apple cart,” Washington State Gambling Commission member Chris Stearns said. “Is this going to help us? Is this going to hurt us? That’s really at the heart of why you see Indian tribes gently venturing into sports betting. … In a lot of states, tribes write a check out to the state in exchange for exclusivity. So, any time there’s a new gambling product, and you ask the state to authorize it, there is a risk the state will say ‘Sure, but it is going to cost you.’”

The only sports book in New Mexico, inside the Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel, began taking wagers in October. It offers bets on professional and college sports, but not for games involving two public in-state universities.

In Washington state, all casinos are tribally operated. Changing the state’s laws to allow betting on sports would require a 60 percent supermajority vote in the legislature or a ballot initiative. Only then could sports betting be added to a tribal-state compact.

In California, where tribes have exclusivity on casino-style gambling, voters would have to approve a change to the state constitution.

Casinos are operated on and off reservations in South Dakota. Before the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe can try to to edge out its nearest competition across the state line in Iowa, South Dakota’s constitution will have to be amended through a public vote.

The legislature could choose to put the question before voters or supporters could gather enough signatures to add the measure to the 2020 ballot. If the measure passes, it would open the opportunity for tribes to negotiate their compacts with the state.

Tribal councilman Kenny Weston said a sports book could attract new patrons who may also choose to play games already offered and spend nights at the hotel for big sporting events, like MMA fights.

“Normally, with the brick-and-mortar casino like we have, we attract a lot of older crowds and retired people,” Weston said. “I think with sports betting we can bring a different age demographic and different people … and have the opportunity to do the same that they do in Vegas.”