Thousands Turn Out for Spain’s Annual ‘Tomatina’ Fight

Thousands of revelers hurled at least 145 tons of tomatoes at each other Wednesday during the annual “Tomatina” festival in the eastern Spanish town of Bunol.

With a firecracker blast marking the start of “La Tomatina” shortly before noon local time, at least six trucks loaded with tomatoes drove through Bunol’s main street, providing red ammunition for the revelers to fight each other for the next hour.

The event takes its origins from a spontaneous food fight that broke out amongst villagers in 1945. It was banned for a time during the 1950s at the height of General Francisco Franco’s dictatorship, but has gained popularity again since it was reinstated, drawing a huge international crowd.

The Tomatina attracts thousands of participants and onlookers from Spain and around the world to Bunol, one of the country’s prime tomato-producing areas. The Reuters news agency reports that at one time, the festival involved up to 45,000 participants. Now, it has become a ticketed event with only 22,000 available slots, 5,000 of which go to local residents.


У Запоріжжі ветерани війни на Донбасі та волонтери вшанували пам’ять загиблих під Іловайськом

У запорізькому Парку металургів 29 серпня зібралися волонтери, ветерани війни на Донбасі та члени родин загиблих бійців, щоб вшанувати пам’ять військових, які загинули в серпні 2014 року під Іловайськом. Учасники акції принесли з собою квіти, які поклали до пам’ятних знаків із портретамизапорізьких бійців, які загинули за час збройного конфлікту на Донбасі.

«На таких датах Україна має вчитися. Ми набуваємо досвід. У цей день війна отримала зовсім інший ракурс, новий етап, з прихованої перейшла в активну фазу. Ми повинні навчатися на цьому, вистоювати, робити висновки як військові. Наш підрозділ один із перших туди заходив, першим штурмував 10-го числа. Весь шлях повністю наш підрозділ пройшов. Запам’яталося тим, що саме тоді ми побачили справжню війну, таку, яка вона є – коли є артилерія, коли є авіація, коли танки йдуть, міській бій справжній. Запам’яталося тим, чим вона нам загрожує. Ми побачили, які наслідки для України можуть бути: як горить земля, як горять наші українські хати від гармат російських, як убивають, ранять-калічать наше мирне населення. Цим це запам’яталося, а ще стійкістю людей, що не були готові до такого, які з автоматами, зі звичайною стрілецькою зброєю трималися два тижні проти такої навали», – розповів ветеран батальйону «Донбас», співорганізатор акції вшанування загиблих під Іловайськом Тимур Книш.

Наприкінці серпня 2014 року бійці сил АТО потрапили в оточення під Іловайськом на Донеччині. За даними української влади, військові регулярних частин Збройних сил Росії, що вторглися до України для підтримки проросійських бойовиків, обстріляли коридор, яким, за домовленістю, мали виходити українські силовики. Росія заперечує заяви про свою участь у збройному конфлікті на Донбасі.

За даними Генеральної прокуратури України, під час бойових дій під Іловайськом загинуло 366 військовослужбовців та добровольців, 429 були поранені.

У Генеральному штабі Збройних сил заявили, що станом на кінець серпня 2018 року зниклими безвісти внаслідок боїв залишаються 84 військовослужбовці, 11 перебувають у заручниках у підтримуваних Росією бойовиків.

28 серпня 2018 року керівник Управління цивільно-військового співробітництва Збройних сил України Олексій Ноздрачов повідомив, що під час бойових дій біля Іловайська в період із 24 до 29 серпня загинули понад 200 російських військових, ще близько 300 були поранені. Росія не коментувала ці дані.

Cardi B Sorry for ‘Real Housewives’ of Civil Rights Parody

Cardi B has apologized to the daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. for portraying the civil rights leader’s wife, Coretta Scott King, in a comedy skit.

News outlets report the Bronx rapper was featured in “The Real Housewives of Civil Rights,” a two-minute parody that surfaced Tuesday on TMZ. Tuesday was the 55th anniversary of the March on Washington and King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

The sketch from comedian Rip Michaels’ new series Off the Rip portrays pettiness between Coretta Scott King and Malcolm X’s wife, Betty Shabazz, and ends with a joke about Dr. King sleeping with “The Iggy Azalea of the Civil Rights Movement.”

But Bernice King later thanked Cardi B on Twitter for reaching out and apologizing, and said she looked forward to talking with her.

Гриневич назвала винних у затримці з друком шкільних підручників

Українські видавництва, які позиваються з Міносвіти щодо змісту або вартості шкільних підручників, блокують надходження до шкіл підручників інших видавництв – так пояснила ситуацію з затримкою надходження підручників для шкіл міністр освіти і науки Лілія Гриневич. 

За її словами, якщо видавництво позивається щодо свого підручника з інформатики для 5 класу то МОН (за рішенням суду) не може надати школам підручників з цього предмета для цього класу від жодного іншого видавництва.

Але, попри затримку, Гриневич просить батьків не витрачати гроші на підручники.

«Всі підручники будуть у школах. Держава вклала у це гроші. Закликаю батьків не купляти підручники власним коштом. У перших класах підручники з’являться у жовтні», – сказала вона.

Читайте також: «Навіщо вчителям молодших класів професійний стандарт?​»

Водночас підручники для 5 класів мають надійти до початку вересня, для 10 класів – у листопаді. Старшокласники можуть користуватися електронними версіями підручників, адже всі вони є на сайті міністерства, каже посадовець. 

«18,5 мільйонів примірників підручників ми друкуємо цього року. Електронні версії всіх підручників є на сайті МОН. У цій електронній бібліотеці може будь-хто скачати підручники. Ми вимагаємо від всіх видавців надалі надавати електронну версію підручників»,- сказала вона.

Для вирішення цих проблем у майбутньому Лілія Гриневич ініціює проведення окремих тендерів на макети підручників і окремих – на їхній друк.

На обладнання початкової школи, за даними уряду, виділили майже мільярд гривень. 40% цих грошей спрямовується на закупівлю дидактичних матеріалів, ще 40% – на закупівлю сучасних меблів, а 20% йде на купівлю комп’ютерного обладнання.

Також, відповідно до Меморандуму між МОН і The LEGO Foundation, усі перші класи в Україні, що навчатимуться з 1 вересня 2018 року, безкоштовно отримують набори LEGO, які допоможуть впроваджувати ігрові й діяльнісні методи навчання в освітній процес. Кожен учень отримає набір «Шість цеглинок», а кожен клас – набір «LEGO Play Box», заявили у МОН.

Ugandan Pop Star Bobi Wine Has Kidney Problem After Jail

Bobi Wine, the Ugandan pop star who opposes the long-time president, has “a kidney problem” that needs urgent medical attention abroad, his lawyer said Wednesday, two days after the singer was freed from detention on crutches.

A medical report confirms “the suspicion of a kidney problem” now afflicting the singer, whose real name is Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, Medard Sseggona told The Associated Press on Wednesday.


Ssentamu, who is being treated at a private facility in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, also reported that in detention “they squeezed his manhood,” he said. “He was suffering pain in the hips.”


“All efforts are underway” to get the papers necessary for him to travel abroad for specialized care, he said.


Ssentamu, through his lawyers and colleagues, has alleged severe torture at the hands of security personnel during his detention. But he himself has not made any public statement since he was arrested on Aug. 14 in the northwestern town of Arua for his alleged role in an incident in which the presidential motorcade was pelted with stones.


Ssentamu was freed on bail Monday after being charged with treason alongside 32 other suspects arrested following the alleged stone attack on the presidential convoy. Ssentamu’s driver was shot and killed in the aftermath of the incident, allegedly by the security forces. The government says the killing is being investigated.


A trial date has not yet been fixed for the treason charges. Ssentamu and his co-accused will still be required to appear before a magistrate’s court on Thursday. The magistrate will consider the evidence and decide if the case should go to the High Court for trial.


Since winning a seat in parliament last year Ssentamu has drawn big crowds while campaigning for several opposition candidates who have won election. He is challenging the long rule of President Yoweri Museveni by appealing to young people frustrated by the lack of jobs and opportunities. His supporters, citing his popularity with the youth, are urging him to run for president in 2021.


Like Museveni, Ssentamu was in Arua to campaign in a local election to choose a legislator. The eventual winner of that vote, Kassiano Wadri, has also been charged with treason and is yet to be sworn in. Two other lawmakers have been similarly charged.


Another lawmaker arrested alongside Ssentamu, Francis Zaake, is hospitalized with injuries his colleagues describe as serious. The nature of those injuries has not been revealed.


The allegations of torture have angered Ssentamu’s followers, who see him as the victim of government intolerance. The speaker of Uganda’s parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, has written to Museveni urging the arrest of alleged perpetrators within the security forces.


In the letter she said that Zaake “remains gravely ill” and Ssentamu “has visible signs of torture and beatings.” Unless the accused officers are arrested and presented in court, she warned, “it will be very difficult to conduct government business” in parliament.


Ssentamu’s arrest sparked protests in Kampala and elsewhere demanding his release, with scores of people detained as security forces cracked down on demonstrators.


Dozens of top international musicians, including Angelique Kidjo, Chris Martin, Chrissie Hynde and Brian Eno, signed a letter demanding Ssentamu’s release, and a social media campaign to (hash)FreeBobiWine was launched.


Museveni, a U.S. ally on regional security who took power by force in 1986, has been elected five times. Although he has campaigned on a record of establishing peace and stability, some worry that those gains are being eroded the longer he stays in power.


The 74-year-old Museveni is now able to seek re-election in 2021 because parliament passed legislation last year removing a clause in the constitution that had prevented anyone over 75 from holding the presidency. Ssentamu publicly opposed that decision.


Museveni recently accused “unprincipled politicians” of luring youth into rioting.



Women Photojournalists in a Male-Dominant Society are Breaking the Norm

In the violence-wracked, Indian-administered state of Kashmir, photojournalists have been capturing the daily lives of people and telling their stories to the outside world for many years. 18 journalists and media personnel have been killed covering the three-decade old armed conflict in the disputed Himalayan region. Like much of South Asia, the industry is predominantly staffed by men but that’s changing. VOA’s Yusuf Jameel reports with narration by Bezhan Hamdard.

Oprah, John Legend Voice ‘Madagascar’ Director’s VR Passion Project

It’s been around for decades, but, unlike regular 3D, virtual reality (VR) has yet to make a big impact in the movie industry, something a maker of Hollywood animations believes can change – if the films are good enough.

Eric Darnell, who co-wrote and directed the “Madagascar” movies, showed his own VR film at the Venice Film Festival this week, “Crow: The Legend,” in which the viewer is immersed in the story of a mythical bird that has to fly to the sun to bring back warmth to the Earth.

With a voice cast that includes Oprah Winfrey, John Legend and “Crazy Rich Asians” star Constance Wu, “Crow” is hardly an amateur affair, but Darnell’s Baobab Studios will be giving the movie away rather than selling it, as a way to generate interest in the medium.

“I don’t expect it’s going to be today or six months even,” he said of when VR might go mainstream.

“The technology has to get better, headsets have to get cheaper, the content has to get better and that’s at least as important as anything else,” Darnell told Reuters. “It’s a chicken and an egg thing. You can make all the great headsets you can but if there’s not great content … what’s the point?”

Darnell said he was attracted to VR after becoming “a little bit stale” making regular animation.

“When I put a VR headset on, it just blew me away and it reminded me of the first time I saw computer animation back in the early 80s … (That) launched a whole career for me and so when I put that headset on it reminded me of what I felt like

back then.”

In “Crow”, based on a native American legend, the viewer wears a VR helmet and hand-controllers to join the bird on its adventure, using the hands to send waves of virtual energy to help it on its way.

“I think the way we are really going to get there is by putting the viewer inside the story,” Darnell said. “Not just playing a story for them, putting them inside the story so that other characters recognize that the viewer is there and that it means something to them, that you are in their world.”

The Venice Film Festival runs from Aug. 29 to Sept 8.

Turkish Lira Weakens, Moody’s Delivers More Downgrades

The Turkish lira weakened on Tuesday as investors weighed up Turkey’s efforts to manage its rift with the United States after Finance Minister Berat Albayrak said U.S. trade sanctions against Ankara could destabilize the Middle East.

The currency has lost about 38 percent of its value against the dollar this year due to a sell-off accelerated by a row with Washington over an American evangelical Christian pastor detained in Turkey on terrorism charges.

More broadly, investors are worried about the direction of monetary policy under President Tayyip Erdogan. The president, a self-described “enemy of interest rates” has repeatedly put public pressure on the central bank and picked Albayrak, his son-in-law, as finance minister.

The attendant sell-off in the lira has raised concerns about the impact on the broader economy — given Turkey’s reliance on dollar-denominated energy imports — and a possible surge in bad loans in the banking sector.

At 1527 GMT, the lira stood at 6.2561 against the dollar, weakening from a close of 6.1200 on Monday, when it weakened to near 6.3 before rebounding in its first day of trade after a week-long holiday.

The main stock index rose 2.83 percent by Tuesday’s close to 93,866.94 points.

“At this point in time Turkey has become pretty much un-tradable,” said Tim Ash of BlueBay Asset Management in emailed comments. “The market wants to see specific delivery on policy whether that is monetary, fiscal or action to clear up problems in the banking sector.”

Germany denied a report that it might provide financial aid to Turkey to help it weather the currency crisis.

Also on Tuesday ratings agency Moody’s downgraded 20 Turkish financial institutions, saying there were signs of substantial increase in risk of a downside scenario. It said Turkey’s operating environment had deteriorated beyond previous expectations.

‘Turkey must reform itself’

Facing economic pressure from the United States, Turkey has signalled a wish to improve strained ties with the European Union, which it still aspires to join despite disagreements.

After meeting his French counterpart in Paris on Monday, Albayrak also took aim at the United States, saying U.S. sanctions could ultimately aggravate the region’s terrorism and refugee crises.

Both Erdogan and Albayrak are also set to visit Germany at the end of September.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Germany was in early stage talks to provide emergency financial aid to Turkey, fearing its economic troubles could spread to Europe and further destabilise the Middle East. But a German official denied this.

“You can’t do much from the outside but to stress that Turkey must reform itself,” a second official told Reuters.

U.S. President Donald Trump this month authorized a doubling of duties on aluminium and steel imported from Turkey, triggering retaliatory measures from Ankara.

Investors are also worried by a U.S. Treasury investigation into state-owned Turkish lender Halkbank, which could face a potentially hefty fine over allegations of busting sanctions on Iran. The bank has said all its transactions were legal.

Turkey and the United States are also at odds over their diverging interests in Syria and U.S. objections to Ankara’s plan to buy Russian defence systems.

Separately, Ankara announced a new campaign on Tuesday to support the real estate sector, offering a 10 percent discount on some home sales. Under the campaign, any price increases due to rising exchange rates will be discounted from the cost of the residence, the environment and urbanization minister said.

«Динамо» вилетіло з Ліги чемпіонів

Київське «Динамо» на власному полі не змогло переграти амстердамський «Аякс» в останньому матчі кваліфікації Ліги чемпіонів УЄФА. Підопічні Олександра Хацкевича мали ліквідувати гандикап у два м’ячі, але більшу частину гри відбивали атаки сильнішого суперника.

Підсумком зустрічі стала нічия без забитих м’ячів.

Минулого тижня в Амстердамі «Аякс» переміг «Динамо» – 3:1.

Динамівці тепер продовжать виступи в Лізі Європи, клуб із Нідерландів гратиме в груповому турнірі Ліги чемпіонів.

Hot Weather May Aid 2018 UN Climate Talks in Poland

Sizzling weather this summer will put pressure on almost 200 governments to reach a deal in Poland in December on the details of a global plan to limit climate change, the incoming president of the U.N. talks said.

Environment ministers will meet in Katowice, the heart of Poland’s coal-producing region, Silesia, to agree on rules for the 2015 Paris climate accord. That accord set a sweeping goal of ending the fossil fuel era this century, but the text was vague on details.

“Paris is empty without Katowice,” Michal Kurtyka, a former deputy energy minister of Poland who will preside at the December 3-14 talks, told Reuters.

Poland, which generates most of its electricity from coal, is hosting the annual U.N. climate talks for the third time.

“The Paris Agreement includes certain principles. However, the way they will be implemented will be described in the Katowice package. So the more detailed and concrete it is, the better,” Kurtyka said.

Hot weather this summer that set off wildfires from California to Greece has made officials more determined to reach a detailed deal in Katowice, he said.

“For sure this is something that affected millions of people all over the world. … Societies in particular countries will act on politicians. I think that this will increase political determination for the solutions to be as concrete and as

detailed as possible,” Kurtyka said.

Bangkok session

Many issues remain to be discussed at an extra session in Bangkok next month, he said, where “a vision of the whole should be built.”

Some of the sticking points include the way the countries report on their emission reductions, adapting to climate change and financing tools, he said.

Environmentalists have complained about foot-dragging by the countries involved. French Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot resigned Tuesday in frustration over sluggish progress on climate goals.

Writing the “rule book” — formally known as “implementation guidelines” — is the biggest test of the international commitment to the Paris Agreement since President Donald Trump said in June last year that he would pull the United States out.

“If some countries, such as for example the U.S., conclude that they are not ready to follow the Paris Agreement direction, then I’d assume that all other countries will seek to keep their presence so that they are part of the agreement,” Kurtyka said.

“I will strive for all parties to become signatories, whereas the question I will ask at the end will be: ‘Do I hear a voice of objection?’ I hope not.”

The choice of Poland for the climate talks is itself a point of contention, because of its dependence on coal. In February, the European Union’s top court said the country had failed to uphold air-quality standards, one of several environmental conflicts between Poles and the EU.

“The opinions that Poland is not a reliable climate talks host, due to the significant share of coal in power production, are formulated from the EU perspective. The world is more diverse than that,” Kurtyka said.

Kurtyka was appointed the climate talks president in April. He replaced the former Environment Minister Jan Szyszo, who had been initially named to preside at the conference in Katowice.

Szyszko had approved the increased logging in the ancient Bialowieza Forest in 2016, another of Poland’s conflicts with the European Union.

«Іловайськ 2014 пам’ятаємо»: у Кривому Розі запалять тисячі свічок на згадку про загиблих

У Кривому Розі з 23:00 28 серпня активісти розпочнуть запалювати свічки, щоб опівночі з неба було видно слова «Іловайськ 2014 пам’ятаємо». На екрані на кільці 95-го кварталу, де відбувається акція, з 20:00 демонструють фотографії загиблих за Україну криворіжців, повідомляє місцевий сайт

О 8:00 29 серпня на площі Героїв України у Кривому Розі відбудеться покладання квітів до пам’ятника Героям, загиблим в зоні АТО.

Об 11:00 у металургійному районі, на Алеї Слави пройде мітинг-реквієм та закладка каменя на місці майбутнього монумента «На честь загиблих під час бойових дій на Сході України».

Читайте також: «Час не лікує»: в Києві матері вшанували своїх загиблих синів

День 29 серпня оголошений у Кривому Розі Днем жалоби за земляками, загиблими на Донбасі.

Defenders Rally Around Pope

Supporters of Pope Francis have rushed to his defense after a former top Vatican official launched an unprecedented attack on him, a move they say

dangerously escalates a campaign to weaken his papacy by conservatives who condemn him as too liberal.

Francis’ supporters say the accusations in Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s 11-page public statement aim to pave the way for a conservative pope to succeed him who would reverse his openings to divorced and homosexual Catholics.

In the statement published at the weekend, Vigano, the former Vatican ambassador to Washington, called on Francis to resign on the ground that  the pope knew for years about the sexual misconduct of an American cardinal and did nothing about it.

Vigano said he told the pope himself five years ago, little more than three months after Francis’ election. He included no supporting documents in the statement and has not been reachable for comment since it was published.

On his flight home from Ireland on Sunday, Francis told reporters he would “not say one word” about the accusations. “Read the document carefully and judge it for yourselves,” he said.

Supporters say the statement contains holes and contradictions and point to the fact that Vigano wrote it with a journalist who has been critical of Francis as evidence that it forms part of an ideological anti-Francis strategy, which the

journalist denies.

Both sides were digging in for what they have cast as a potentially defining battle over Francis’ push for a more inclusive church.

Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark said the statement was full of “factual errors, innuendo and fearful ideology.”

Vigano’s supporters in Italy and abroad praised the former diplomat as following his conscience.

“Vigano is a loyal churchman. … if he is making these allegations now, and calling for Francis’ resignation, it is for the gravest reasons,” George Weigel, senior fellow in Catholic studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., said in an email.

Conservatives have previously based their attacks on the pope on doctrinal grounds. Now, his supporters say, they have raised the stakes by accusing the pope and other Vatican and church officials of personally failing to act on a case of sexual misconduct.

Vigano’s statement, signed August 22, was released four days later by conservative media outlets during the pope’s trip to Ireland, where sexual abuse was a main theme.

“It really seems like an obvious move by conservatives to delegitimize Francis,” said David Gibson, director of the Center on Religion and Culture at Fordham University in New York. “This whole thing was carefully coordinated with conservative Catholic media and carefully timed.”

Gibson said he believed conservatives were laying the groundwork for one of them to be elected as the next pope by damaging Francis’ legacy before he dies or resigns. “It’s the start of the campaign for the next conclave,” he said.

‘No conspiracy’

The statement was co-written and edited by Italian journalist Marco Tosatti, who publishes a daily blog called Stilum Curie that is critical of Francis.

Tosatti said there was “no conservative conspiracy” behind the statement and that it was released as soon as it had been translated into other languages.

“The fact that it was released while the pope was in Dublin was a mere coincidence,” he said.

Vigano wrote that Francis and his predecessor Benedict, among others, knew for years about sexual misconduct with adult seminarians by former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the emeritus archbishop of Washington, who quit last month in disgrace.

In June, American church officials said allegations that McCarrick sexually abused a 16-year-old boy almost 50 years ago were credible and substantiated. That charge, which McCarrick denies, is what led to his resignation. He has not commented on his alleged sexual misconduct with seminarians.

Vigano alleged that Benedict, after being told about the allegations involving McCarrick and the seminarians, ordered McCarrick to retreat to a life of prayer and penitence and refrain from public ministry. Vigano said he could not remember what year the alleged sanction, which was never made public, was imposed. The Vatican usually announces such sanctions.

Vigano said he told Francis everything about McCarrick’s case on June 23, 2013.

Cardinal Donald Wuerl, McCarrick’s successor as archbishop of Washington, said in a statement on Monday that Vigano had not produced “any objective, verifiable proof” of his assertion.

McCarrick, who has not been seen in public since his resignation, could not be reached for comment.

Benedict’s secretary, Archbishop Georg Ganswein, told Reuters the former pope had no comment on the statement.

Bloggers and journalists have found pictures of McCarrick at church functions, including at least one in the Vatican, in the years after Vigano said Benedict had ordered the former cardinal out of the public eye.

Small, vocal group

Vigano is part of a small, vocal group of conservative prelates, most of them retired or sidelined by Francis, who have balked at his calls for the church to be more welcoming to homosexuals and divorced Catholics.

Their de facto leader is American Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke. In 2016, Burke and three other cardinals wrote a public letter known as The Dubia, accusing Francis of sowing confusion on moral issues.

In April this year, Vigano attended a conservative conference, titled The Limits of Papal Authority, where Burke was the main speaker. Tosatti was also there.

Some conference participants openly referred to Francis as the precursor of the coming of the anti-Christ and the end of the world. The conference agreed to a declaration saying “a grave danger to the faith and the unity of the church” had emerged under Francis.

Chris Stapleton Tops List of Nominees for CMA Awards

Chris Stapleton topped the list of finalists Tuesday with five nominations for the 52nd annual Country Music Association Awards.

Stapleton is vying for entertainer of the year, male vocalist of the year, single of the year for “Broken Halos,” album of the year for “From A Room: Volume 2″ and song of the year for “Broken Halos.” It was his third nomination for entertainer of the year and fourth consecutive for male vocalist.

Producer and musician Dann Huff received four nominations, including musician of the year, single of the year for “Drinkin’ Problem,” album of the year for “Graffiti U,” and album of the year for “Life Changes.” Huff has won musician of the year three other times.

Jason Aldean, Dierks Bentley, Dan + Shay, Florida Georgia Line, Chris Janson, Miranda Lambert, Midland, Thomas Rhett and Keith Urban each received three nominations. This is Urban’s 14th nomination for male vocalist of the year.

The year’s biggest country song, “Meant To Be,” by pop-country crossover artist Bebe Rexha and Florida Georgia Line was nominated for single of the year. Other nominees in that category were Stapleton’s “Broken Halos,” ″Drinkin’ Problem” by Midland, Aldean’s “Drowns the Whiskey” featuring Miranda Lambert, and D + Shay’s “Tequila.”

Lauren Alaina, Luke Combs, Chris Janson, Midland and Brett Young were nominated for new artist.

The nominations were announced from entertainer Luke Bryan’s restaurant and bar in Nashville on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“Anytime you’re nominated for entertainer of the year, it’s so rewarding,” Bryan said. “You get to share it with your fans.”

Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood will host the show on Nov. 14.

«Час не лікує»: в Києві матері вшанували своїх загиблих синів

Напередодні четвертої річниці Іловайської трагедії (29 серпня) в Києві біля «Стіни пам’яті» (яка розташована на мурах Михайлівського Золотоверхого монастиря) вшанували загиблих в «Іловайському котлі» українських вояків.

На акцію до Києва приїхали понад 300 людей – це матері та дружини загиблих бійців, ветерани бойових дій, які брали участь в Іловайській операції. Священники з різних конфесій відслужили молебень, після чого родичі та побратими загиблих поклали до Стіни пам’яті квіти і запалили свічки.

Як повідомив у розмові з Радіо Свобода командир батальйону капеланів із позивним «Шторм», на шану і пам’ять заслуговує кожен, хто віддав життя за Україну, незалежно від того, чи це був військовослужбовець, чи боєць добровольчого батальйону.

«Ми не маємо можливості повернути загиблих оборонців України до життя. Але нам під силу висловити шану матерям, які виховали справжніх героїв, готових віддати своє життя задля мирного неба над вільною Україною», – наголосив священник.

Акція за участю матерів і дружин загиблих бійців під назвою «Час не лікує» цього року відбулася втретє, її ініціювали в громадській організації «Об’єднання дружин і матерів бійців – учасників АТО», цього року акцію підтримала Християнська служба порятунку.

Координатор акції «Час не лікує» Наталя Московець повідомила Радіо Свобода, що нинішня акція – це третя частина естафети пам’яті та пошани. З початку серпня понад мільйон користувачів Facebook висловили слова вдячності і підтримки у флешмобі #сказатидякуюмамі, було виготовлене і поширене соціальне відео про важливість підтримки суспільством родин загиблих.

29 серпня біля Стіни пам’яті відбудуться ініційовані волонтерами і ветеранами бойових дій акції на вшанування загиблих під Іловайськом бійців: серед іншого, на мурах Михайлівського Золотоверхого монастиря буде відкрито чотири нові секції «Стіни пам’яті» з портретами та короткими даними про загиблих військових, гвардійців, добровольців, прикордонників, волонтерів (станом на початок 2018 року). 

Також ініціатори акцій 29 серпня пропонують на державному рівні встановити дату 29 серпня Днем вшанування пам’яті загиблих оборонців України.

Леся Цуренко вийшла до другого кола US Open

Друга ракетка України Леся Цуренко без ускладнень подолала перше коло відкритого чемпіонату США. Українка у двох сетах здолала опір своєї сусідки по четвертому десятку світового рейтингу, представниці Нідерландів Алісон ван Уйтванк – 6:3, 6:2. Поєдинок тривав 1 годину 15 хвилин.

У другому колі Цуренко зустрінеться з переможницею протистояння, в якому австралійка Саманта Стосур грає з другою ракеткою світу Каролін Возняцкі з Данії.

27 серпня вихід до другого кола оформили перша ракетка України і сьома у світі Еліна Світоліна та 21-річна Ангеліна Калініна, яка на шляху до основної сітки US Open подолала сито кваліфікації.

Виубли з боротьби вже після першого раунду Катерина Бондаренко, Даяна Ястремська та Катерина Козлова.

Світоліна відмовила в інтерв’ю російському «Євроспорту»

Перша ракетка України Еліна Світоліна відмовилася дати інтерв’ю телеканалу Eurosport Russia, повідомив 28 серпня продюсер і коментатор цього телеканалу Максим Янчевський у мережі Twitter.

«Еліна Світоліна відмовилася говорити з Eurosport Russia на корті після перемоги в першому колі відкритого чемпіонату США. Вона сказала «вибачте, я не можу» (російською) на виході з корту. У січні 2018 року все було добре», – написав Янчевський і проілюстрував свій твіт інтерв’ю, взятим на відкритому чемпіонаті Австралії сім місяців тому.

Раніше Еліна Світоліна відмовилася брати участь у турнірі Moscow River Cup, який російська столиця приймала з 22 по 29 липня. Директор змагання Олександр Островський розповів, що на першому етапі зі Світоліною була підписана угода, але через «відомі причини політичного характеру» командою Еліни та нею самою було ухвалене рішення до Росії не летіти.

Міністр молоді і спорту України Ігор Жданов привітав це рішення української тенісистки.

Eurosport – це мережа телеканалів спортивної тематики, яка мовить у багатьох країнах світу. Штаб-квартира Eurosport розташована в Парижі, і до 2014 року це був французький телеканал. Чотири роки тому Eurosport став частиною Discovery Communications, базованого у США провайдера платного телевізійного контенту.

Fans of Aretha Franklin Pay Respects Before Detroit Funeral

Mourning fans lined up for a last glimpse of the Queen of Soul on Tuesday as singer Aretha Franklin’s hits played from loudspeakers outside the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit, where her body will lay in repose ahead of her funeral.

Franklin died last week at the age of 76 from pancreatic cancer in Detroit, where she began her career as a child singing gospel in the New Bethel Baptist Church choir. Her soaring voice, seared with emotion, would become the inspirational standard for other singers to match.

“Aretha made a lot of women look at themselves differently and changed how a lot of men looked at women,” Alma Riley, 67, said after waiting in line outside the visitation for nearly three hours. “That is particularly important today when we see such a lack of respect.”

Franklin’s body was displayed in an open casket, dressed in red shoes and a red dress, according to fans who emerged.

The preacher’s daughter first topped the charts in 1967 with “Respect,” her no-nonsense reworking of a modest hit for Otis Redding into an enduring anthem for feminism and the civil rights movement.

Chaka Khan, Jennifer Hudson, Ronald Isley and Stevie Wonder, among others, are due to sing at her funeral on Friday at Detroit’s Greater Grace Temple. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, who had Franklin sing at his 1993 inauguration celebrations, will be among the speakers. She also sang at former President Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2009.

Franklin was born in Memphis, Tennessee, but moved to Detroit as a small child as the city became a refuge for black Americans in the mid-20th century escaping racist Jim Crow segregation laws in southern states.

The city, which would become synonymous with the secular outgrowth of gospel music known as soul, is treating Franklin’s death as the passing of royalty, with a week of mourning, including a free tribute concert at a park on Thursday evening.

While Friday’s funeral is closed to the public, the streets outside are to be lined with dozens of pink Cadillacs, the Detroit-built luxury cars. Franklin sang of cruising through the city in a pink Cadillac in her 1985 hit “Freeway of Love,” which earned her one of her 18 Grammy Awards.

UK’s May Pledges to Boost Britain’s Investments in Africa

British Prime Minister Theresa May pledged Tuesday to make Britain the biggest investor in Africa from the developed world, as she began a three-nation tour of the continent.


With Britain due to leave the European Union in March 2019, May is seeking to bolster Britain’s ties with other regions around the world, notably Africa. As part of that strategy, May is visiting three of Africa’s largest economies — South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya — along with her trade minister and a delegation of 29 business leaders.


“I am committed to Africa and committed to using every lever of the British government to support the partnerships and ideas that will bring benefits for generations to come,” May said in a rainy Cape Town at the start of her tour that is being promoted under the slogan “U.K.-Africa: Partners For Opportunity.”


May has high ambition, envisioning Britain becoming the biggest investor in Africa from the world’s major industrial economies — the Group of Seven that also includes the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. Only China would be ahead of Britain.


“By 2022, I want the U.K. to be the G-7’s number one investor in Africa, with Britain’s private sector companies taking the lead in investing the billions that will see Africa’s economies grow by trillions,” said May.


In response to questions, May said she will discuss South Africa’s controversial land reform plans with President Cyril Ramaphosa later Tuesday.


“The U.K. has for some time supported land reform in South Africa that will be a legal, transparent and democratic process,” said May.


She said that from previous comments from Ramaphosa, she is convinced it will not be a “smash and grab” process but one responsibly designed to encourage economic growth. May’s support for Ramaphosa’s plans for land redistribution is dramatically different from U.S. President Donald Trump, who last week was critical of the policies in a tweet.


Before speaking, May visited the I.D. Mkhize High School in Gugulethu township where she met with students.


May’s trip is the first working visit by a British leader to South Africa since 2011.



Blow for France’s Macron as Star Minister Quits

President Emmanuel Macron suffered a major political blow Tuesday as his popular environment minister resigned live on radio — without informing the French leader beforehand.

Nicolas Hulot, one of the most respected members of the Cabinet among the French public, took even his interviewers by surprise on the France Inter radio station when announcing his move.

“I am taking the decision to leave the government,” Hulot said, adding that he felt “all alone” on environmental issues within the government.

The 63-year-old TV celebrity, who made his name as an environmental campaigner, was lured into government last year by Macron, but has repeatedly clashed with his cabinet colleagues over policy.

“We’re taking little steps, and France is doing a lot more than other countries, but are little steps enough?… the answer is no,” he added.

Hulot, whose future in the government has been a subject of speculation for months, said he had not informed Macron or Prime Minister Edouard Philippe of his plans to resign.

“It’s an honest and responsible decision,” he added.

His departure adds to mounting problems for 40-year-old centrist Macron, who swept to power in May last year promising to solve decades of low growth and high unemployment in France and reform the European Union.

Due to slowing economic growth, his government is having difficulties drawing up the 2019 budget which saw Prime Minister Philippe announce at the weekend that he was dropping targets for reducing the deficit.

At the diplomatic level, Macron is struggling to convince his European partners of the need for a more integrated EU as nationalist governments make gains across the continent.

Over the summer, the former banker also suffered the first major political scandal of his 15-month term when a senior security aide was filmed manhandling protesters while wearing a police helmet.

Anger in government

Hulot’s announcement is likely to be received bitterly by Macron, who was starting a trip to Denmark to sell his EU agenda on Tuesday.

“The most basic of courtesies would have been to warn the president of the republic and the prime minister,” government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux told the BFM news channel.

Hulot was formerly the star presenter of the hit Ushuaia environmental TV programme in France and had repeatedly turned down offers to enter government by previous French presidents.

He was widely reported to be close to quitting in February after media reports that the granddaughter of former French president Francois Mitterrand had accused him of rape in the 1990s.

Hulot furiously denied the claims and said they had been extremely hurtful for him and his family.

He had also faced criticism from fellow green campaigners, who accused him of failing to influence the Macron government sufficiently after he lost battles with his colleagues in the agriculture and economy ministries.

Hulot was left disappointed when the government backtracked on a target to reduce the share of nuclear power in the country’s energy mix to 50 percent by 2025, while EU negotiations on pesticides were another source of frustration.

On Monday, the cost of a hunting licence was cut in half to 200 euros — another bitter pill for the vegetarian.

“Do you do an environmental revolution in one year? The response is no,” government spokesman Griveaux added. “I prefer little steps to not moving.”

Macron’s record on the environment is mixed.

He has made the battle against global warming one of his foreign policy priorities, organizing a major conference in Paris last year in an effort to compensate for Trump’s scepticism about climate change.

He also led efforts at the EU level to reduce the use of the controversial weedkiller chemical glyphosate and he scrapped a proposed airport in western France, partly on environmental grounds.

Macron’s political opponents immediately seized on the resignation.

“I don’t necessarily share the same opinions as Nicolas Hulot, but I can understand that he feels betrayed today, like a lot of French people, by the strong promises that were made and the sense that in the end they have not been kept,” said Laurent Wauquiez, the head of the rightwing Republicans party.




Basketball Great Manu Ginobili Retires from NBA

Argentinean basketball star Manu Ginobili is retiring after a stellar 23-year career, 16 of them with the National Basketball Association’s San Antonio Spurs, where he won four championship rings.

The 41-year-old Ginobili announced his retirement Monday in a brief message on Twitter: “IMMENSE GRATITUDE to everyone (family, friends, teammates, coaches, staff, fans) involved in my life in the last 23 years. It’s been a fabulous journey. Way beyond my wildest dreams.”

Ginobili joined the Spurs in 2002 after eight years playing in his native Argentina and in Italy, and led the franchise to NBA titles in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2014 alongside teammates Tim Duncan and Tony Parker, known affectionately as the “Big Three.” Ginobili also led Argentina to a gold medal in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Duncan retired in 2016, while Parker joined the Charlotte Hornets in the off-season as a free agent. 

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver led the outpouring of tributes to Ginobili Monday, calling him a “pioneer who helped globalize the NBA” and “one of basketball’s greatest ambassadors.”

Balkan, Caucasus Nations Mourn Loss of Close Friend McCain

The death of Senator John McCain after a year-long battle with brain cancer has drawn an outpouring of condolences from every corner of the globe, some of the most poignant and diverse of which came from southeastern Europe, where the Arizona Republican’s unique brand of personal diplomacy forged bonds with democratic leaders and irritated illiberal regimes.

Known for packing Congressional recesses with extensive global travels, McCain, a war hero, statesman, and international human rights advocate, used his office to shed light on conflicts underreported by major Western news outlets.

“If I learned one thing from John it’s that you cannot protect America sitting in Washington,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who accompanied McCain on nearly 50 trips to Iraqi and Afghan war zones, told Josh Rogin of The Washington Post. “You can’t learn how this world works watching cable news.”

His August 2008 Wall Street Journal op-ed, “We Are All Georgians”—published upon the ceasefire that followed Russia’s invasion of Georgia’s breakaway enclave of Abkhazia—was a dire warning against Western diplomatic complacency. 

“For anyone who thought that stark international aggression was a thing of the past, the last week must have come as a startling wake-up call,” he said of the first major cross-border military invasion on European soil in nearly half a century. “The world has learned at great cost the price of allowing aggression against free nations to go unchecked.”

Penned in the latter stages of his last failed presidential bid, the editorial proved prescient in Ukraine upon Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea.

“Sad news for all Ukrainian people—a great friend of Ukraine, Senator John McCain, has died,” tweeted Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, whose nation routinely hosted the U.S. legislator.

“We will never forget his invaluable contribution to the development of democracy and freedom in Ukraine and the support of our state.”

Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman lauded McCain as “a real friend and the embodiment of a principled politician,” and Oleksandr Turchynov, Ukraine’s Secretary of National Security and Defense, credited McCain with Kyiv’s ongoing U.S. aid.


“It was thanks to his efforts that Ukraine finally began to receive military aid from the U.S. He was strong and honest person, he always professed his beliefs. We will always remember,” he tweeted.

Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili called the Arizona senator “a national hero of Georgia whom our people will never forget.”

Margvelashvili’s top diplomat, Davit Zalkaliani, called McCain “a defender of small countries worldwide, fighting for freedom, peace, security and democracy,” echoing sentiments conveyed by Georgia’s ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili, who issued a video condolence calling McCain’s passage “an unbelievable loss for Georgia, and a very huge lost for the world.”

“If 1/3 of the leaders of the west had such a strong willpower [and] bravery, no Russian aggression would have followed in Ukraine and Syria,” tweeted Grigol Vashadze, a presidential candidate for Tbilisi’s opposition United National Movement.

In Moscow, often the target of McCain’s ire, social media commemorations by state officials ranged from stoically frank to outright pugnacious.

“He was neither a friend nor ally of Russia, on the contrary, he was our ardent opponent,” said Russian parliamentarian Leonid Slutsky, a subject of U.S. sanctions, according to The Washington Post. “McCain was an outstanding American hawk.”

Russian legislator Alexei Pushkov used McCain’s own words to ridicule the late senator’s calls to oust Syrian autocrat Bashar al Assad.

“‘Gaddafi is on the way out, next in line with Bashar Assad,’ John McCain said 7 years ago, in August 2011,” wrote Pushkov. “Assad’s overthrow and death did not wait for McCain. Politics and fate decided otherwise. McCain’s plans to restructure the world under the total hegemony of the United States will not come true.”

McCain’s support for expanding NATO by adding members from eastern Europe – some former Warsaw Pact nations while under Soviet control – won him friends there as well. 

“The Senator’s bravery and wisdom were inspiring for Montenegro and a big voice of support in the period when we were making democratic progress towards NATO membership,” said Prime Minister Duško Markovic in an official statement. “Senator John McCain was first of all a sincere friend of Montenegro and we will be forever grateful to him.”

Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, who is currently pushing for the passage of a referendum that would open the doors to NATO membership, posted comments on Facebook, lamenting that the world has “lost one of the most dedicated politicians who truly believed in democracy.”

Bosnian Prime Minister Denis Zvizdic offered condolences to McCain’s family on Twitter, while Sarajevo’s Mayor Abdulah Skaka vowed to organize a formal commemoration of the later senator. 

“The Bosnian people especially remember his noble engagement to stop the Bosnian war,” Skaka said. “When he called things by their real names, when he asked for just solutions. We highly appreciate his contribution to the overall help that the U.S. provided for Bosnian people.” 

“People of #Kosovo & myself join the family, friends of @SenJohnMcCain, as well as entire American nation, in mourning his passing,” tweeted Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi. “One of his last foreign trips was in 2017 in #Kosovo, when I bestowed him our highest order of merit. He was one of the last true heroes of our era.” 

Albanian President Ilir Meta and Prime Minister Edi Rama said Albanians were also mourning the loss of a good friend.

“Sen. McCain was a staunch supporter of Kosovo’s freedom and independence,” he wrote on Facebook. “He was one of the main supporters of Albania joining NATO. … Albanians will be forever grateful to him.”

This story originated in VOA’s Eurasia Division. 


‘Extreme’ Vespa Enthusiasts Rev Up at Indonesian Festival

Every year, Indonesians from teens and grandads, to mechanics and students, gather in eastern Java to celebrate their love of the iconic Italian Vespa scooter.

For some, it’s an “extreme” kind of love, where the vehicles are customized to resemble metallic monster bikes straight out of a Hollywood dystopia.

Hundreds of enthusiasts travel to the festival in Kediri to show off their creations — ranging from restored vintage Vespas to Mad Max-style tanks fitted with fake machine guns, a dozen extra tires, or eerie stuffed toys as hood ornaments.

To enter into competitions at the festival, every customized vehicle must have a Vespa engine and most contestants try to retain the brand’s iconic fairing — the curved front of the scooter.

But other embellishments are up to the owners and their budgets. While many can only afford scrap metal or reused material found at a junkyard, others splash out.

Peded, a 43-year-old grandfather who has been modifying Vespas since the 1990s, says he likes his scooter to “tell a story.”

“I love decorating Vespas to the extreme, but I don’t like using trash,” said Peded, whose Vespa sports massive buffalo horns from the Toraja tribal land on Sulawesi island.

The three-day festival, now in its third year, is one of several held across the country. Highlights include a contest to pick the best-looking entry and dirt-track races for the speedier bikes.

The enthusiasts attract glances and smiles from locals because of the designs of their elaborate Vespas.

As the vehicles are often unlicensed, many travel at night to avoid traffic police. Mechanical problems arise, with some of the more ramshackle machines often breaking down.

Mostly, the gatherings are about catching up with fellow Vespa-lovers and having fun.

“We are independent, but we gather like a community,” said Julia Ningsih, 19.

“Extreme Vespa guys, we stick together. If we have trouble on the road, they will wait and help us out until we can ride again,” she added.

Kingsley: I Wanted to Nail Eichmann to Gates of Auschwitz

Ben Kingsley said he didn’t portray Adolf Eichmann out of love or admiration. Rather, he wanted to “nail him to the gates of Auschwitz.”


The Oscar-winning Kingsley, who has tackled historical figures before, including Mahatma Gandhi, Otto Frank and Simon Wiesenthal, said playing Eichmann in “Operation Finale” produced an entirely different feeling in him.


“With Gandhi, I loved him. With Simon, I loved him. With Otto, I loved him. With Itzhak (Stern), I loved him. But him — I’ll nail you to the gates of Auschwitz. I’ll put you up there so everyone can see what you did, what you stood for and who you are,” Kingsley told The Associated Press in a recent interview.


The story takes place 15 years after the end of World War II. A team of Mossad agents travel to Argentina with the extremely dangerous mission of smuggling Eichmann out of the country to bring him to justice in Israel.


Eichmann, wanted for war crimes, was living in the South American country after escaping Germany at the end of the war. He was the main architect of the Final Solution, the Nazi plan to exterminate Jews that led to more than six million deaths.


“I put him into the camera for you to judge him, for you to see. I’ve let go of him and I dedicated my performance to Elie Wiesel and the millions who lost their lives under his command,” Kingsley said.


“Rather than saying to the man that I portrayed, ‘I am doing this for you,’ because I certainly wasn’t, I used to say to Elie Wiesel, ‘I’m doing this for you,’ because I know that Elie and other survivors said quite rightly that if we forget the six million, we are murdering them all over again.”


In the film, the rhetoric spoken by Eichmann bares an eerie similarity to the vicious debates currently surrounding the immigration issue in the United States and across the globe. Kingsley sees the film as a cautionary tale and hopes that audiences “will have thoughts after the seeing the film that they did not have before.”

After protests by neo-Nazis and white supremacists last year in Charlottesville, Virginia, Kingsley thinks it’s important to not forget the lives lost in the Holocaust, so it doesn’t happen again.


“Memory is vitally important, truth and memory. I’m quoting now Elie Wiesel, whom I met on several occasions. I loved his company. It was definitely being in the company of what I would say would be comparable to an Old Testament prophet. I felt that also when I was in the presence of Simon Wiesenthal for all those months when I portrayed him. And Simon, quite clearly said that it could happen again. And so did Elie in his heroic pessimistic moments.”


“Star Wars” star Oscar Isaac took a break from shooting the latest installment in the franchise to attend the recent New York premiere of “Operation Finale.”


“I flew in from a galaxy far, far away where we’re shooting in London,” he said.


Isaac plays Nazi-hunting Mossad agent Peter Malkin. He also drew parallels between the rhetoric of Eichmann and the vicious debates of today on immigration.


“You start to hear a lot of similar language, and it’s so, so powerful what a demagogue can do. How he can whip up just normal people, not monsters, not psychopaths — just regular people to hate,” Isaac said.


Isaac is also an executive producer on the film.


Nick Kroll, who plays a Mossad administrator, agreed the film is a cautionary tale.


“We have to be aware of the fact that holocausts are still going on and that we must do our part to protect people from genocide,” he said.


The film hits theaters Aug. 29 and also stars Melanie Laurent, Lior Raz and Joe Alwyn.

Carnival-crazy Trinidad Seeks New Economic Muse in Culture

The word for the night was “heat.” With that prompt, spoken word artists delivered poems about love, sex, gangs, street food, public transport and even a trip to the barbershop.

Sipping beer and rum, the fashionable 100-strong crowd in this open-air performance space just off Ariapita Avenue, the bustling heart of Trinidad’s capital, snapped, clapped and cheered on the verbal dexterity.

The monthly slam poetry event is one of several cultural offerings that have emerged in recent years to liven up the slack period between the annual Carnival celebrations that flood Port of Spain’s streets with costumed revelers.

Trinidad and Tobago’s cultural ecosystem still revolves around Carnival, hooked to Ash Wednesday in February or March.

But arts advocates, creative entrepreneurs and government officials are seeking ways to stimulate a year-round scene that could build an economic alternative for a country otherwise dependent on oil and natural gas.

“I see the creative sector as being key in diversifying our national economy,” said Calvin Bijou, chairman of state-owned cultural promotion enterprise CreativeTT.

Besides rich oil and gas reserves, the twin-island Caribbean country has a wealth of cultural talent.

It is the birthplace of steel pan, widely believed to be the only non-electric, acoustic instrument invented in the 20th century, and the origin of calypso.

Those musical traditions blend with folk crafts like wire-bending and costume design in Trinidad’s world-famous Carnival. Since 2014, it has brought an annual average of 36,000 visitors to the island, who spend some TTD 324 million ($48 million).

But spreading culturally driven economic activity throughout the year is a tough task, and has sparked debate over whether a small island state should focus on audiences at home or abroad.

Backyard Theatre

The spoken word event, “True Talk No Lie,” began in 2013 to capitalize on the Carnival off-season.

It runs from March through November, when the cultural calendar heats up again, with parties showcasing the latest soca hits ahead of the next Carnival.

Poets hit the stage at The Big Black Box, a re-purposed backyard in the former residence of a respected playwright.

Multimedia production outfit 3canal renovated the space in 2014 as a simple “black box” theater with a mango tree soaring through the roof.

In the off-season, the venue hosts weekly live shows and rehearsals for annual productions.

It has also become an incubator for taking Trinidadian arts abroad. Two of 3canal’s rising stars toured Pride and carnival events in Britain and the Netherlands this summer, and ensemble members will perform at the National Theatre of Scotland in November.

In the run-up to Carnival, there are nightly rehearsals for 3canal’s annual show, culminating in Friday night “backyard jams” where spectators can get a taste of the work in progress.

Inside the restored gingerbread house, 3canal maintains a recording studio, office and merchandise store. Having its own infrastructure has allowed the ensemble to escape the constraints of Trinidad’s seasonal cultural scene.

“The convenience of having your own base out of which to explore, express and experiment can’t be beat,” 3canal’s artistic director Wendell Manwarren told the Thomson Reuters Foundation as dancers rehearsed in the courtyard.

“With our new album, we could luxuriate and take our time – as opposed to that Carnival pressure cooker.”

The Big Black Box has joined a cluster of historic residences converted for cultural use within a few blocks of each other in the Woodbrook neighborhood.

A decade ago, a trio of creatives established an artist residency program called Alice Yard. In 2011, Medulla Art Gallery opened to showcase contemporary Caribbean art, while older establishments like the Little Carib Theatre, built in 1947, round out the scene.

Carnival remains the center of gravity for some activities like the #1000mokos project in Alice Yard, which teaches a new generation of stilt walkers – moko jumbies in Carnival parlance.

Visual art is less in thrall to the Carnival rhythm, finding a larger audience through the quiet season. In May, a show opening and talk by an up-and-coming painter packed out the subterranean Medulla gallery.

Global or Local?

But as Trinidad’s cultural scene grows, it faces a key question: should it prioritize local audiences or export abroad?

For Rubadiri Victor, president of the Artists’ Coalition of Trinidad and Tobago and a former advisor to the arts minister, the answer lies overseas.

When in government from 2013-2014, he fought unsuccessfully to expand the mission of Pan Trinbago, the world body for steel pan set up by Trinidad, to “make pan and rhythm sections the festival music of Planet Earth.”

He wanted the country’s best steel pan bands playing the world’s top festivals, including the dozens of Caribbean-style carnivals in cities globally, which he estimates generate some TTD 15 billion ($2.23 billion) in revenues per year.

He pointed to examples of Trinidadian cultural success abroad – from several Olympic opening ceremonies choreographed by Carnival artist Peter Minshall in the 1990s and early 2000s, to the popular steel pan band that accompanied fans to Germany for Trinidad’s first-ever World Cup appearance in 2006.

But exporting Trinidadian culture requires public funding and support, Victor noted. “If you don’t have those enablers, it’s just difficult,” he said.

3canal’s Manwarren is more interested in local audiences.

“We tend to focus too much on outside validation,” he said. “We need to break through to ourselves.”

The government, meanwhile, is trying to straddle both lines.

It runs youth programs to teach steel pan, maintains a national artist registry, and coordinates mentorship by master artists – including Manwarren, who teaches live show production.

It hopes to offer funding for artists to showcase their skills abroad, but lacks a national cultural policy that would streamline such opportunities, though public consultations are underway to develop one.

“The cultural has to be seen as a political tool and priority, alongside energy, trade and manufacturing,” said Ministry of Arts official Marlon De Bique.

($1 = 6.7070 Trinidad & Tobago dollars)

Чеський фотограф у Празі презентував виставку своїх робіт із лінії фронту на Донбасі

У посольстві України в Празі 27 серпня відбулася коментована екскурсія з Павелом Насаділом, чеським фотографом, який презентував свої фотографії з лінії фронту на Донбасі.

До серії фотографій під назвою «Точка нуль» (тобто зона, яка найбільш наближена до бойових дій) увійшло 20 світлин, які відображають повсякденне життя на передовій та місцевих жителів – портрети військових, черги на кордонах з окупованою територією, військовий госпіталь і штаб.

Як зазначив автор світлин – у «сірій зоні» неподалік Торецька та в розташуванні українських підрозділів поблизу лінії розмежування, де були зроблені фотографії, його найбільше вразила відкритість і щирість, з якою ставляться добровольці один до одного.

«Це не професійні військові, багато хто з них продав свій бізнес і поїхав на фронт. Їхня солідарність і відкрите серце, відносини між ними, які я мав можливість спостерігати – мене це дуже сильно вразило. Але це, звісно, результат тієї ситуації, в якій вони опинилися. Вони просто змушені допомагати одне одному – в іншому випадку це небезпечно для життя», – сказав Радіо Свобода автор, який провів на передовій п’ять днів.

Ідея створення виставки виникла спонтанно, коли, повернувшись з України, Павел Насаділ показав фотографії українському послу в Чехії. Спершу світлини були надруковані у вигляді фоторепортажу на сторінках чеського журналу «Респект».

«У нашого посла вже давно була ідея використання приміщення, в якому проходить виставка, і ми вирішили що було б добре влаштувати її до Дня Незалежності. Буквально за один тиждень ми все підготували. Я вважаю, що це дуже хороше оживлення і оновлення цієї теми», – поділилася Тетяна Окопна, культурна аташе посольства, яка допомагала з організацією виставки.

За словами автора, відвідати бойовий схід України його змусило бажання зрозуміти, «що там відбувається».

«Я не дуже сильно орієнтувався в тих подіях – хотів трохи зрозуміти, як усе насправді. Один чеський фотограф мені сказав – на сході України нічого фотографувати. Але я так не вважаю, все залежить від того, яким чином людина цю тему сприйме і скільки часу там проведе. Я відчуваю що мав із військовими, які там живуть, побути довше – розглянути тему життя на військових позиціях більш комплексно», – додав чеський фотограф. 

Виставка Павла Насаділа «Точка нуль» буде відкрита для безкоштовного ознайомлення в Празі до 31 серпня.

EU Disagrees with Russia that Syrian Refugees Can Go Back

The European Union does not believe Syria is safe for refugees to go back, officials in Brussels said of a Russian push to have people return to the war-torn country and the international community to spend money on rebuilding it.

The bloc’s foreign ministers will discuss the matter in Austria later this week.

EU officials expect the bloc to stick to its line that it would not offer reconstruction money for as long as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad — propped back to power by Russian and Iranian militaries — does not let the opposition share power.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said before talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this month that everything needed to be done for Syria refugees to return. “But the conditions are just not there. Russia would want us to pay for it but Syria under Assad is not safe,” said one EU official.

The EU has backed Syrian opposition groups in the multi-faceted war that has raged for more than seven years, largely because global and regional powers disagree on how to end it.