Senate Democrats Seek Translator’s Notes From Trump-Putin Summit

Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee are asking Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to provide the panel with the translator’s notes and other materials from President Donald Trump’s Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The senators have requested any cable traffic, memos, notes and policy directives related to the July summit, when Trump and Putin met privately for more than two hours with only translators present. The White House has not provided information on what was said, and even Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, has said he does not know what happened in the room.

In a letter sent to the State Department Friday morning, the Foreign Relations Committee’s top Democrat, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire said the situation requires “urgent congressional oversight.”

“Russian officials have taken advantage of the lack of communication by the White House to circulate their own, possibly false, readouts of what occurred in this private meeting,” the senators wrote.

Trump drew widespread criticism from Republican and Democratic leaders for his performance in Helsinki on July 16. At a joint press conference with Putin, Trump spoke favorably of the Russian leader and denied U.S. intelligence findings that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Trump’s statements fueled calls from Democrats for testimony from the American translator who was in the private meeting. Republicans shot down the idea and in the House blocked a Democratic request to issue a subpoena.

The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, said seeking the translator’s testimony “does not seem to be to me the appropriate place for us to go.”

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert on July 18 said they had not been able to find a precedent for an interpreter being called to testify.

Відбувається серйозний відтік кадрів із ЗСУ – Чмут

Зараз в українському війську відбувається серйозний відтік кадрів, розповів Радіо Свобода керівник «Українського мілітарного центру» Тарас Чмут.

«І, в першу чергу, не так через фінансові проблеми, як через ставлення керівництва, через організацію служби, через неможливість нормального відпочинку, через неможливість якоїсь соціальної адаптації. І народ зараз іде з армії дуже масово», – зазначив він в ефірі телемарафону «Твоя незалежність».

З іншого боку, Чмут позитивно оцінює багато аспектів реформування війська, серед іншого – нову систему забезпечення військових харчуванням, а також вбачає поступ у забезпеченні дисципліни.

«Аватарів» стало дійсно менше, визнає експерт.

«Зараз є багато можливостей командирам і звільняти, і використовувати дисциплінатрін методи впливу. Тому («аватарів» – ред.) немає. «Аватари» з’явились через мобілізацію, коли прийшли різні люди, об’єктивно різні люди з нашого суспільства. Вони у нас у суспільстві є, і вони там всі зібрались, і отак вийшло. Це нормально», – каже він.

Збройний конфлікт на Донбасі триває від 2014 року після російської анексії Криму. Україна і Захід звинувачують Росію у збройній підтримці сепаратистів. Кремль відкидає ці звинувачення і заявляє, що на Донбасі можуть перебувати хіба що російські «добровольці». За даними ООН, за час конфлікту загинули понад 10 300 людей.

Радіо Свобода проводить марафон «Твоя незалежність» у співпраці з телеканалом Espreso. Він триває – 7 годин, з 12:00 до 19:00. Всі обговорення зосереджувались на можливостях та завданнях, з якими Україна зіткнулася як з суверенна держава за роки незалежності.



Бекешкіна: «темна конячка» на вибори може прийти через телебачення

Ніколи перед виборами в України не було таких низьких відсотків електоральних вподобань у лідерів, розповіла Радіо Свобода директорка Фонду «Демократичні ініціативи» імені Ілька Кучеріва Ірина Бекешкіна

«Завжди виділялося двоє, може, було таке, що троє – із досить пристойними відсотками, і серед них, в основному, йшла боротьба. А зараз, коли лідер має серед всього населення 10-11%, ми ж розуміємо…а інші мають ще менше. Розчарування дуже велике. Розчарування в тому, що називається «політичний клас» і державних інституціях», – зауважила вона в ефірі телемарафону «Твоя незалежність».

За словами експертки, перед виборами може з’явитися «темна конячка» – і з’явиться вона на телеекранах. Бекешкіна пояснює це тим, що до виборчих дільниць, в основному, доходить та вікова група, що найбільше послуговується цим різновидом ЗМІ.

«85% (населення України – ред.) беруть інформацію основну з телеканалів. Це серед наймолодших приблизно однаковий відсоток телеканалів та інтернету», – пояснює соціолог.

Радіо Свобода проводить марафон «Твоя незалежність» у співпраці з телеканалом Espreso. Він триває – 7 годин, з 12:00 до 19:00. Всі обговорення зосереджувались на можливостях та завданнях, з якими Україна зіткнулася як з суверенна держава за роки незалежності.


У Києві проходить військовий парад

24 серпня 4,5 тисяч військових, моряків та бійців силових відомств, а також 250 одиниць військової техніки рухаються Хрещатиком у центрі Києва.

Так розпочався військовий парад “Марш нової армії” до Дня Незалежності та 100-річчя відновлення української державності, передає кореспондент Радіо Свобода. 

Приймає парад президент України Петро Порошенко. Окрім українських бійців, до параду долучилися військові низки країн: зокрема – Австрії, Азербайджану, країн Балтії, Німеччини, Польщі, Молдови, Румунії, Словаччини, Чехії та інших держав. 

Окрім бойових прапорів українських підрозділів на параді вперше несуть прапори УНР.Парад розпочався виконанням гімну України у супроводі залпів артилерії та молитвою військових капеланів. 

На параді мають представити не лише діючі озброєння, а й нові розробки, серед яких САУ “Богдана” натовського калібру та новітні українські крилаті ракети.

11 квітня Президент України Петро Порошенко доручив на День Незалежності провести військовий парад у центрі Києва, видавши відповідний указ.

Читйте також: Парад-2018: українцям є чим пишатися (огляд інтернет-видань)

Напередодні в Україні відбулися урочистості з нагоди Дні державного прапора. Підняття державного прапора з участю президента України 23 серпня 2018 року вперше відбулося не в столиці Києві, а в Дніпрі. Прапор підняли на найвищий флагшток серед українських міст – 72 метри.

Трансляцію параду дивіться в ефірі Радіо Свобода:

Трансляція військового параду до Дня Незалежності в Києві

Сьогодні, 24 серпня, в Києві пройде військовий парад до Дня Незалежності України. Трансляцію параду дивіться в ефірі Радіо Свобода:

В урочистостях візьмуть участь 4500 військовослужбовців та 250 одиниць військової техніки.

Вперше на параді крокуватимуть представники 24 підрозділів Збройних сил, а також Держприкордонслужби, СБУ, Нацгвардії, ДСНС. 

Також під час військового параду до Дня Незалежності України в Києві 24 серпня в складі повітряної колони над Хрещатиком пролетять чотири Мі-14 під керуванням офіцерів, які передислокувалися на материкову частину України після анексії півострова. 

Раніше посол України в США Валерій Чалий повідомляв, що на параді до Дня Незалежності України буде присутній повноважний представник Трампа.

11 квітня Президент України Петро Порошенко доручив на День Незалежності провести військовий парад у центрі Києва, видавши відповідний указ.

Читйте також: Парад-2018: українцям є чим пишатися (огляд інтернет-видань)

Напередодні в Україні відбулися урочистості з нагоди Дні державного прапора. Підняття державного прапора з участю президента України 23 серпня 2018 року вперше відбулося не в столиці Києві, а в Дніпрі. Прапор підняли на найвищий флагшток серед українських міст – 72 метри.

В Києві пройде військовий парад до Дня Незалежності

Сьогодні, 24 серпня, в День Незалежності України в Києві пройде військовий парад. 

В урочистостях візьмуть участь 4500 військовослужбовців та 250 одиниць військової техніки. В тому числі кияни зможуть побачити зразки озброєння, яке наразі перебуває на етапі державних випробувань. 

Вперше на параді крокуватимуть представники 24 підрозділів Збройних сил, а також Держприкордонслужби, СБУ, Нацгвардії, ДСНС.

Міністр оборони Степан Полторак повідомив, що парад буде присвячений не тільки 27 річниці незалежності, а й 100-річчю відновлення української державності. 

Дивіться трансляцію параду в ефірі Радіо Свобода: 

Відповідаючи на питання про доцільність військового параду Степан Полторак висловив думку, що урочиста хода необхідна і для самих військових, і для суспільства. 

«На фронті більшість людей не бачить, що відбувається. Ми знаємо, що наш військовий захищають нашу країну. Але те, в якому стані він знаходиться, народ України може побачити в тому числі і на військовому параді. Це дуже важливо для кожного військового, тому що це свого роду звіт перед суспільством, в якому стані ми знаходимось», – заявив міністр. 

Пройдіть тест Радіо Свобода до Дня Незалежності: Який ви президент України?

11 квітня Президент України Петро Порошенко доручив на День Незалежності провести військовий парад у центрі Києва, видавши відповідний указ.

Напередодні в Україні відбулися урочистості з нагоди Дні державного прапора. Підняття державного прапора з участю президента України 23 серпня 2018 року вперше відбулося не в столиці Києві, а в Дніпрі.

За словами глави держави Петра Порошенка, таке рішення було ухвалене, тому що саме на межі Дніпропетровської області стався «корінний злам» у гібридному протистоянні на Донбасі та були зруйновані перспективи створення так званої «Новоросії». Прапор підняли на найвищий флагшток серед українських міст – 72 метри.

How ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Broke Stereotypes, Box Office

Jon Chu’s romantic comedy “Crazy Rich Asians” showcases lavish sets and beautiful people. Set against the exotic and ultramodern backdrop of Singapore, the film rewards its audience with an uplifting modern day fairy tale. But what makes this Hollywood film stand out is its all Asian cast. VOA’s Penelope Poulou looks at the movie’s box office success and the significance it has on the Asian community.

John Lennon’s Killer Denied Parole for 10th Time

John Lennon’s killer has been denied parole for a 10th time and will remain behind bars for at least two more years.

Mark David Chapman appeared before New York’s parole board on Wednesday. In a denial decision obtained Thursday by The Associated Press, the board said it had determined Chapman’s release “would be incompatible with the welfare and safety of society and would so deprecate the serious nature of the crime as to undermine respect for the law.”

Chapman, 63, shot and killed the former Beatle outside Lennon’s Manhattan apartment on Dec. 8, 1980. He is serving 20-years-to-life in the Wende Correctional Facility in western New York.

“You admittedly carefully planned and executed the murder of a world-famous person for no reason other than to gain notoriety,” the parole panel wrote in its denial decision. “While no one person’s life is any more valuable than another’s life, the fact that you chose someone who was not only a world renown person and beloved by millions, regardless of the pain and suffering you would cause to his family, friends and so many others, you demonstrated a callous disregard for the sanctity of human life and the pain and suffering of others.”

It said releasing Chapman would not only “tend to mitigate the seriousness of your crime,” but also would endanger public safety because someone might try to harm him out of anger or revenge or to gain similar notoriety.

As Chapman faced the parole panel Wednesday, politicians and fans called for his release to be denied during a rally at Strawberry Fields, Lennon’s memorial in Central Park across from his former home.

Jonas Herbsman, the attorney for Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono, declined to comment when contacted by The Associated Press.

A transcript of the parole hearing wasn’t immediately released. At previous hearings, Chapman has said he still gets letters about the pain he caused and was sorry for choosing the wrong path to fame.

Chapman will be up for parole again in August 2020.

Stevie Wonder Heads Star Lineup for Aretha Franklin Funeral

Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson and country singer Faith Hill will sing at the funeral of Aretha Franklin in Detroit next week, her publicist said Thursday.

They will be joined by R&B singers Chaka Khan, Ron Isley, Fantasia and Yolanda Adams at the funeral for the late Queen of Soul, publicist Gwendolyn Quinn said in a statement.

Franklin, 76, died last week of pancreatic cancer in her Detroit home. Her Aug. 31 funeral will be held at Detroit’s 4,000-seat Greater Grace Temple, which was the venue for the 2005 funeral of civil rights activist Rosa Parks.

The funeral will be limited to family, friends, dignitaries and special guests.

Thousands of members of the public are expected to pay their respects to Franklin during three days of viewing of her casket at Detroit’s Museum of African-American History, and at the New Bethel Baptist Church where a teenaged Franklin sang in the gospel choir.

The 18-time Grammy-winning singer of hits like “Chain of Fools” and “Respect” was born in Memphis, Tennessee, but grew up in Detroit and retained strong links to the city.

Her father, the Rev. C.L. Franklin, was a minister at the New Bethel Baptist Church for more than 30 years and Franklin honed her singing skills in the church choir.

Franklin’s second son, Edward Franklin, will also sing at the funeral, along with the Aretha Franklin Orchestra and the Aretha Franklin Choir, Quinn said.

Detroit news media on Thursday reported plans by Greater Grace Temple church leaders to bring in dozens of pink Cadillacs to line the streets for next Friday’s service. Franklin sang about cruising joyously in a pink Cadillac in her 1985 hit “Freeway of Love.”

After ‘Encouraging’ US Talks, Macedonian FM Turns to Referendum

Following a three-day swing through the United States, Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov says he will return home to lock in domestic support for the upcoming name referendum on which the small Balkan nation’s EU-NATO integration depends.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo followed up talks with Dimitrov by expressing strong support for the deal, signed this summer, in which Macedonia agreed to change its name to the Republic of North Macedonia.

Greece and Macedonia have been feuding over who gets to use the name since Macedonia’s independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. Many Greeks say allowing the neighboring country to use the name insults Greek history and implies a claim on the Greek territory also known as Macedonia, a key province in Alexander the Great’s ancient empire.

As a result, Greece has blocked Macedonian efforts to join the EU and NATO. Despite recognition by 137 countries, Macedonia is officially known at the United Nations as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).

“It’s a great day for Macedonian diplomacy,” Dimitrov said of his meeting with Pompeo, which he described as “very encouraging.”

“We are now focused on our homework — we need to win a referendum to get our people to stand behind the name agreement that we have reached with our friends in Greece that unlocks the doors for the future,” he said. “And here the support and friendship of our American partners is extremely important. So, I go back to Macedonia greatly encouraged.”

September 30 referendum

Full implementation of the deal hinges on the name referendum that Macedonia’s parliament set for September 30 in a measure approved with 68 votes in the 120-seat parliament. Opposition members boycotted the vote.

“The Secretary [of State] noted the referendum presented an opportunity for citizens to voice their opinions on an issue of vital importance to the future of Macedonia,” the State Department wrote.

Staunch U.S. support for passage of the referendum, which would secure the country’s Euro-Atlantic future, draws from a longstanding U.S. interest in a politically stabilized Balkans, one of Europe’s most impoverished and politically turbulent regions, one where U.S. lawmakers have called for substantially strengthened commitments to counter Russian efforts to influence elections and discourage NATO membership.

Dimitrov’s meeting with Pompeo, his second with the top U.S. diplomat since November, underscored that point, he said.

“The main reason for [U.S. support for the referendum] lies in the fact that it will wrap up the long process of preparations for the country to join NATO, and that will bring stability in the region,” Dimitrov told VOA’s Macedonian Service.

His primary objective now, he said, is to make sure all Macedonians have the facts to make an informed decision at the polls next month.

“I am planning to devote maximum time to do just that,” he said. “I will talk to people, go to markets and elsewhere, to explain the agreement with Greece, and to assure them that I understand their concerns. In these circumstances, there is no other alternative,” he said.

The referendum question that parliament approved in July does not explicitly mention changing the country’s name. It says only: “Are you for EU and NATO membership by accepting the agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece?”

Macedonia’s nationalist opposition party, VMRO-DPMNE, criticized the wording of the referendum question as manipulative.

Members of the opposition have not yet said whether they will call upon supporters to participate in the referendum, which would significantly increase the likelihood of achieving the 50 percent threshold required for ratification.

Some smaller political parties and nationalist groups who say the name change would compromise national identity have been campaigning to boycott the referendum.

This story originated in VOA’s Macedonian Service

Four Troops Killed, 7 Wounded in Fighting in Eastern Ukraine

An outbreak of fighting in Ukraine’s rebel-held east has killed four troops and left another seven wounded, officials said Thursday.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said the losses were the biggest in months and followed fighting that lasted five hours.

The ministry said the fighting erupted when the rebels began to shell government troops with mortars, trying to break through the front line in the east of the Luhansk region.

The rebels in Luhansk, however, accused government troops of attacking them first. They said they fired back when the Ukrainian troops launched an offensive in a bid to seize some ground near the village of Zhelobok.

The separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine has killed more than 10,000 since it began in April 2014. A 2015 peace agreement has helped reduce hostilities, but clashes have continued. The warring parties blamed each other for the failure to observe the truce.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Thursday apologized to the country for his 2014 promise to quickly end the conflict in the east.

“People perceived it as an opportunity to end the war quickly,” Poroshenko said. “I am sorry to have created inflated expectations. I sincerely apologize for giving you hope that has not come true.”

British Airways, Air France to Halt Flights to Iran as of Next Month

British Airways and Air France said on Thursday they would halt flights to Iran from September for business reasons, months after U.S. President Donald Trump announced he would re-impose sanctions on Tehran.

British Airways said it was suspending its London to Tehran service “as the operation is currently not commercially viable.”

BA, which is owned by Spanish-registered IAG, said its last outbound flight from London to Tehran will be on September 22 and the last inbound flight from Tehran will be on September 23.

Air France will stop flights from Paris to Tehran from September 18 because of “the line’s weak performance,” an airline spokesman said.

“As the number of business customers flying to Iran has fallen, the connection is not profitable any more,” the spokesman said.

German airline Lufthansa said it had no plans to stop flying to Tehran.

“We are closely monitoring the developments … For the time being, Lufthansa will continue to fly to Tehran as scheduled and no changes are envisaged,” it said in an emailed statement.

The European Union has tried to keep an international deal on the Iranian nuclear program alive despite Trump’s decision in May to withdraw the United States from the agreement.

Some new U.S. sanctions on Iran took effect this month. The EU, which is working to maintain trade with Tehran, agreed 18 million euros ($20.6 million) in aid for Iran on Thursday, including for the private sector, to help offset the impact of U.S. sanctions.

Despite this, a number of European companies have announced they are pulling out of projects or scrapping investment plans in Iran.

Air France is the French arm of Franco-Dutch airlines group Air France KLM. KLM, the group’s Dutch arm, had previously announced it was halting flights to Tehran.

The airlines’ decision was welcomed by Israeli Prime Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday.

“Today we learned that three major carriers, BA, KLM, and Air France, have discontinued their activities in Iran. That is good, more should follow, more will follow, because Iran should not be rewarded for its aggression in the region, for its attempts to spread terrorism far and wide …,” he told a news conference during a visit to Lithuania.

The BA route was reinstated in the wake of the 2015 accord between western powers and Iran under which most international sanctions on Iran were lifted in return for curbs on the country’s nuclear program.

Air France had re-opened the Paris-Tehran route in 2016. Iran’s ambassador to Britain expressed regret at BA’s decision.

“Considering the high demand … the decision by the airline is regrettable,” Hamid Baeidinejad wrote on his official Twitter account.

($1 = 0.8744 euros)

George Clooney Tops Forbes’ Highest-Paid Actors List

George Clooney can raise a glass, even if he’s not starring in any hit movies.


The 57-year-old tops the 2018 Forbes’ list of highest-paid actors with $239 million in pretax earnings. Forbes credits up to $1 billion that a British conglomerate said it would pay for Casamigos Tequila, which Clooney co-founded in 2013 with two entrepreneurs. The actor’s wealth also includes additional earnings from endorsements and older movies.


The rankings include on-screen and outside earnings.


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson ranked second with $124 million pretax. Forbes says a huge social media following helped Johnson nearly double his 2017 earnings because he’s able to negotiate an extra seven figures over his standard contract for promotion.


Robert Downey Jr. was third with $81 million, followed by Chris Hemsworth with $64.5 million and Jackie Chan’s $45.5 million.


Giraffe, Rhino Deaths Raise Alarm at Former Buenos Aires Zoo

Shaki was 18 when she died, too young given the life expectancy of a giraffe. Ruth the rhinoceros was recovering from an infection until she fell, was stuck for hours in thick mud and then died.

The recent deaths have fueled charges by conservationists that an attempt by the Buenos Aires’ government to turn a 140-year-old zoo into a less intensive “eco-park” and relocate most of its 1,500 animals to sanctuaries has been a poorly planned disaster.

A coalition of more than a dozen environmental and veterinary groups has issued a letter denouncing a “state of abandonment” at the site, where about 200 animals have died since 2016. And more recently, a former zoo director filed a complaint demanding an investigation into the deaths of Shaki and Ruth, arguing that a lack of resources and the stress from nearby construction work contributed to their demise.

“A year ago, I said that this institution was not Noah’s Ark, but the Titanic on its course to be shipwrecked,” said Claudio Bertonatti, ex-director of the Buenos Aires zoo and consultant for the Fundacion Azara non-governmental organization. “Today, we’ve crashed into an iceberg.”

​Opened in 1875

The zoo was inaugurated in 1875 on what was then a quiet patch on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. It was later a favorite haunt of Argentine novelist Jorge Luis Borges, who was fascinated by the tigers and wrote about them in his books. But as the megalopolis grew, the zoo became surrounded by an urban sprawl of busy avenues with honking buses and screeching cars near the animal enclosures, where on a recent day a solitary lion spent his time chasing his tail in circles.

The antiquated enclosures were widely considered inhumane by modern standards, as were the noisy environment and pollution, and pressure from animal rights groups grew to close the zoo.

“The situation of captivity is degrading for the animals, and it’s not the way to take care of them,” said Buenos Aires Mayor Horacio Rodriguez Larreta when he announced the zoo’s closure in 2016.

But the task remained to find new homes for the animals, hundreds of which still remain behind bars at the site in noisy limbo two years later.

Improvements made

Developers of Eco Park, as the site is now called, say there have been improvements to the enclosures and the 45-acre (18-hectare) site has been closed to the public, reducing the stress on the animals. Some 432 of them have been transferred so far, including two grizzly bears sent to The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado, three alligators to Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary in Georgia and a Fiji crested iguana to the San Diego Zoo.

City officials acknowledge that the process of closing the zoo has proved more difficult than they originally thought. Legislation had to be enacted to set standards and authorize the transfers. Experts feared that many animals were so zoo-trained that they would die if moved, even to wild animal preserves. Other animals were not transferred because of difficult logistics — they were too large or too tall to travel.

Shaki and family

That was the case of the giraffes: Shaki, her partner Buddy and their calf, Ciro. Nothing, however, indicated that Shaki was at risk of death. Giraffes in the wild live to about 25 years.

“The truth is that she was an adult female, but she had many years ahead of her,” said Guillermo Wiemayer, a veterinarian who has worked at the former zoo for more than a decade.

Shaki began showing signs of what appeared to be abdominal pain around 9 a.m. on July 24. Six hours later, the giraffe was dead. The necropsy found an ulcer in the wall of the animal’s stomach that ultimately led to peritonitis.

Ruth’s death

It occurred just 10 days after Ruth died following an infection in her vulva that later spread. Wiemayer said the rhinoceros had been breathing heavily and had diarrhea. She also suffered what he said were some “scratches” after she was attacked by a male rhinoceros. But overall, Ruth’s condition had improved.

Then, the enclosure flooded, she slipped and got stuck in the mud. For more than six hours, her keepers made a desperate attempt to rescue her using four-wheel-drive vehicles and other machinery. By the time they got Ruth out, she was too weak.

Wiemayer denied that the deaths of the animals were related to changes in their food or stress from construction near their enclosures, saying that the work had ended months before.

“While they’re under our care, we try to give them the best quality of life possible,” he said near Ciro, while the young orphaned giraffe extended its long dark-grey tongue during feeding time.

“But we know that unfortunately, we live with life and death.”

Complaint filed

The complaint filed by Bertonatti to a special unit of prosecutors that deals with environmental matters includes video showing rats and cockroaches in the enclosures of some of the park’s animals.

The park’s developers acknowledged that the footage was shot inside the park, but said it was years before city officials took it over in 2016. Rodents, they said, are inevitable since food is often out on the open, but they have hired a company and also gotten advice from a university to help them deal with infestations.

“Until the deaths of the giraffe and the rhino, there had never been criticisms in regards to the well-being of our animals,” said Gonzalo Pascual, deputy secretary of the environment and public spaces, who is in charge of the Eco Park project, which will have interactive learning modules, green spaces and the animals that can’t be transferred.

“We have more than 130 people focused on the well-being of the animals,” he said. “Nowhere in the world do you have the amount of professionals per animal that we have here at the Eco Park.”

Malawi’s Film Industry Winning Awards Despite No Cinemas

The southeast African country of Malawi has no film schools and no cinemas. But self-taught Malawi directors have still won international prizes for their films, seven of which are nominated for the African Movie Academy Awards this September in Rwanda. As Lameck Masina reports from Blantyre, Malawi’s filmmakers are working hard to build their own “Mollywood” film industry.

Ліга Європи: «Зоря» зіграє з «Лейпцигом» у Запоріжжі

Луганська «Зоря» 23 серпня прийме в Запоріжжі німецький клуб «Лейпциг». Це буде перший поєдинок раунду плей-оф Ліги Європи. Початок гри – о 21:30 за Києвом.

Переможець двоматчевого протистояння зіграє в груповому раунді, невдаха припинить участь у єврокубках у цьому сезоні. Матч-відповідь відбудеться в Німеччині 30 серпня.

У попередньому раунді кваліфікації підопчні Юрія Вернидуба за рахунок більшої кількості м’ячів на виїзді здолали сильну португальську «Брагу» – після домашньої нічиєї 1:1 український клуб зміг у другому матчі забити двічі, 2:2.

Ohio State Suspends Coach for 3 Games for Mishandled Abuse Case

Ohio State Wednesday night suspended head football coach Urban Meyer three games for mishandling domestic violence accusations, punishing one of the sport’s most prominent leaders for keeping an assistant on staff for several years after the coach’s wife accused him of abuse.

The move followed a two-week investigation into how Meyer reacted to accusations that former Buckeyes assistant Zach Smith abused his ex-wife, Courtney Smith. Zach Smith was fired last month after she asked a judge for a protective order.

Courtney Smith alleged her husband shoved her against a wall and put his hands around her neck in 2015. The university put Meyer on paid leave and began its investigation after Courtney Smith spoke out publicly, sharing text messages and photos she traded in 2015 with Meyer’s wife, Shelley Meyer. Shelley Meyer is a registered nurse and instructor at Ohio State.

“I followed my heart and not my head,” Meyer said, quickly reading a written statement to reporters during a news conference after his punishment was announced. “I should have demanded more from him and recognized red flags.”

Trustees discussed the decision to punish Meyer in a marathon meeting of more than 12 hours Wednesday while Meyer awaited the decision. Athletic director Gene Smith, who is not related to Zach or Courtney Smith, was also suspended from Aug. 31 through Sept. 16. Both the athletic director and Meyer apologized and said they accepted the punishments.

“I should have done more and I am sorry for that,” Meyer said.

Meyer will miss Ohio State’s first three games against Oregon State, Rutgers and No. 16 TCU.

The investigation prompted Meyer to insist he followed proper protocols after learning of the 2015 accusations. But he also acknowledged lying to reporters a week earlier when he said he hadn’t heard of the incident until shortly before he fired Zach Smith. 

Bouquinistes of Paris Turn to UNESCO to Save Ancient Trade

David Nosek is buried in a novel, glancing only occasionally at the scrum of tourists strolling by. A few of them pause to examine the old editions, engravings and brightly colored paintings arranged on his green, metal stand. A riverboat cuts lazily across the Seine River below.

Sporting a graying ponytail and tan vest, Nosek looks like a throwback to the bouquinistes of old — the booksellers of Paris who have plied their wares along the banks of the Seine for more than four centuries.

“I like to read, I like old things, and there’s an independence to the business,” he said. “We certainly don’t get into it to get rich.”

Nosek’s business is increasingly facing 21st century threats. Kindles and online dealers are eating into his profits. At other riverside stands, Eiffel Towers and other souvenirs are edging out dusty editions of Honore de Balzac and Victor Hugo — which is why a group of bouquinistes is now on a mission to save the trade’s very identity by getting it added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

“We thought it would be good to have a label which maintains the quality of our products, without sticking to the 400 years of our past,” said Sophie Leleu, one of the bouquinistes involved in the effort. “If we’re on the UNESCO list, we become like the Egyptian pyramids, or the Venetian gondoliers — nobody can remove us.”

But the bid is controversial — even among some bouquinistes. Some fear they will no longer be able to sell the souvenirs that help them survive.

Bigger challenges

In some ways, the bouquinistes’ sliding fortunes mirror broader challenges facing the traditional book industry in capitals like New York and London — although business for some independent sellers is rebounding. In France, where legislation has curbed the onslaught of chain book stores and online retailers, a number of small dealers are also thriving — but not all. Last year, the French publishing industry saw its figures plunge, compared to the previous year.

“There’s an urgency to defend the bouquinistes’ trade,” said Florence Berthout, mayor of Paris’ 5th Arrondissement, and a leading champion of the UNESCO drive. “Every year, every month, counts.”

Berthout’s district is located in the heart of the Latin Quarter, home to the Sorbonne, one of the world’s first universities. The town hall faces the Pantheon, where some of France’s greatest authors and academics are buried. The neighborhood is also home to the majority of Parisian book stores and publishing houses — and most of the city’s bouquinistes.

“There’s nothing more democratic than books,” said Berthout, the daughter of farmers from central France who discovered Shakespeare and Emile Zola, thanks to inexpensive paperbacks her parents bought. “They’re cheap, they’re easy to carry, and unlike computers, they don’t break down.”

UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Status would raise the profile of bouquinistes, Berthout says, adding, “We hope there’ll be an uptick in their sales — which will allow them to stick to the heart of their trade, not the cheap souvenirs.”

Making ‘Parisians laugh’

Few believe the bouquinistes will disappear from the city’s landscape altogether. There are more than 200 today, compared to under two dozen in the 17th century. Unlike traditional bookstores, the riverside sellers don’t pay overhead. They ply their wares rain or shine, summer or winter.

“We’ve never sold new books, but we’ve never sold really old books,” said Leleu, who comes from a family of booksellers. “We’ve always sold cartoons, to make Parisians laugh. Stamps, coins, paper … this and that.”

A few bookstands away, Philadelphia native Meghan Patton wrapped up the purchase of a colorful print.

“You get the feel of Paris,” she said of the bouquiniste stalls. “They’re part of what makes the city so special.

Other tourists are underwhelmed.

Colorado author Mike McPhee, who has visited Paris for years, said he was shocked at how touristy the stands had become. Even when it came to traditional wares, “I wouldn’t trust the authenticity,” he said. “I would buy from a reputable dealer.”

Competition and politics

The bouquinistes first need to make France’s intangible heritage list before any upgrades to UNESCO status. Even this step is challenging.

“If they manage to get their application finished this year, it would be really fast,” said Isabelle Chave, who oversees the French Culture Ministry’s intangible heritage division. “Most candidates take three or four years, if not longer.”

And of the 400 so-called elements that have made the French list, only 15 have been accepted by UNESCO — including French cuisine and a type of Corsican polyphonic music. France’s culture ministry can only support one candidacy every two years for the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage bid; bouquinistes may end up competing against zinc rooftops and Parisian cafes, among other rivals.

Ahead of 2020 municipal elections in Paris, the bouquinistes’ campaign is also taking on a partisan edge. Some bouquinistes, including Nosek, say the city’s leftist mayor, Anne Hidalgo, has not done enough to spearhead their drive — a sentiment shared by the 5th arrondissement mayor Berthout, a member of the center-right.

“The day she sees their dossier is likely to win, she’ll be only too happy to support it,” Berthout said of Mayor Hidalgo. “But it’s today that we need to fight.”

In an email, Paris City Hall noted it had voted to back the bouquinistes’ bid for UNESCO status, and petitioned Culture Minister Francoise Nyssen to do the same.

“The city of Paris has supported the profession for a long time,” the city’s communications office wrote. “It does not charge them any fee for occupying public space.”

Divided over souvenirs

For his part, Nosek is going a step beyond the UNESCO drive. Last year, he launched an online petition against selling kitch that he claims is distorting the trade. So far, it’s gathered more than 21,000 signatures.

“You hardly find any books anymore, only trinkets made in China,” he said. “It’s sad when the trade and the clients aren’t respected.”

Still, not all bouquinistes agree — or back the UNESCO bid. Tacky Eiffel Towers rule at Francis Robert’s stand across the river. So do keychains, plates and backpacks with Paris logos. Squeezed in between are the old comic books Robert has been selling for 40 years.

“There are days when I can’t sell a single comic book, even with an old and loyal clientele,” Robert said. “Today, it’s souvenirs that help us live — and allow us to continue selling books.”

Intangible cultural heritage status may look good on paper, he added, “But if we’re not careful, we’ll become so intangible, we’ll disappear altogether.”

Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Activists Hail Manafort’s Conviction as ‘Victory of Sorts’

Anti-corruption activists in Ukraine welcomed the conviction of Paul Manafort on charges of tax evasion and bank fraud, saying they hope his trial will give fresh impetus to Ukrainian probes into politicians and oligarchs in Kyiv who paid millions of dollars to U.S. President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager.

Ukrainian prosecutors should ask for the evidence used by U.S. prosecutors in the trial in the state of Virginia for their stalled probes into political corruption in Ukraine, they say.

Most of the 18 fraud charges Manafort faced — he was found guilty on eight of them — stemmed from his work as a political consultant for ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych and his Party of Regions. Manafort masterminded the political comeback in Kyiv of Yanukovych in 2010, six years after Ukraine’s pro-democracy Orange Revolution blocked him from taking office after a disputed election.

“Manafort’s case is [an] important message for Ukrainian society to continue to fight for fair politics,” tweeted Serhiy Leshchenko, a lawmaker and former journalist, who helped expose secret cash payments channeled to Manafort from the Party of Regions between 2007 and 2012. According to U.S. prosecutors, Manafort received from his Ukrainian paymasters more than $60 million — money Leshchenko and anti-corruption campaigners say was stolen from public funds. The payments were recorded in handwriting in a so-called “black ledger” maintained by the Party of Regions.

Like other anti-corruption activists, though, Leshchenko’s satisfaction with Tuesday’s verdict is mixed with frustration — he laments that no high-ranking official from the Yanukovych era has yet been prosecuted in Ukraine for graft. Manafort’s conviction is a victory of sorts for Ukraine, they argue, but will be more complete when officials and oligarchs linked to Yanukovych face jail time.

“We still have no result of prosecution of high rank corrupted individuals,” Leshchenko tweeted.

Some hope is being drawn from an announcement made Tuesday by Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, who told reporters in Kyiv that he is opening a criminal investigation into former Yanukovych officials and ministers incriminated in the Manafort trial. Lutsenko said that in February he sent an official request to U.S. special counsel Robert Mueller offering his readiness to provide any assistance needed in the prosecution of Manafort. He said his office had cooperated with the FBI before Mueller’s appointment and that important information had been exchanged.

Lutsenko told reporters that Manafort broke no tax evasion laws in Ukraine and is not under investigation but that former state officials who paid him may be guilty of various offenses. He cited the hundreds of documents presented by U.S. prosecutors in the Manafort trial, as well as the testimony of Manafort’s former deputy, Rick Gates, as the reason for the opening of the new investigation.

“There has been testimony that Manafort received funds for his consulting services for disgraced ex-president Yanukovych and the Party of Regions from specific politicians of Ukraine,” Lutsenko said, according to local news reports.  

The prosecutor general didn’t name the politicians, but in court testimony Manafort’s former business partner, Rick Gates, named politicians Serhiy Lyovochkin, Serhiy Tihipko, Andriy Klyuyev, Borys Kolesnikov and oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. He said they had funneled money into accounts in Cyprus, which was then laundered through offshore companies, and used the money to buy real estate and luxury cars and to support Manafort’s extravagant lifestyle.

But activists fear that for all the talk of new probes, words won’t translate into action and that political obstacles will be thrown up to block investigations, something they say has happened frequently with probes into high-level corruption.  

Part of the problem lies with inter-agency rivalry.  

After the ouster of Yanukovych in the 2013/2014 Maidan uprising, three anti-corruption agencies were established with the encouragement of Western powers — the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, which monitors the process of asset declaration by civil servants, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), which investigates high-level corruption, and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO), which oversees NABU investigations and mounts state prosecutions in court. All three have been at each others’ throats and NABU officials say they have been purposely impeded, for political reasons, in their probes.

The NABU’s head, Artem Sytnyk, has claimed there have been illegal dismissals of criminal cases against officials, and has accused the SAPO of corruption. Lutsenko has also clashed with the NABU and last year sought to persuade Ukraine’s parliament to dismiss the heads of the anti-corruption agencies. Western powers, including U.S. officials, lobbied against the move.

Some analysts worry the Ukrainian government of President Petro Poroshenko is unlikely to want to prosecute Manafort’s political allies for fear of angering the Trump administration, whose support it needs to counter Russia.

Lutsenko insisted Tuesday no political obstacles will be thrown in the way of the Manafort-related probes, saying no one had tried to give him an order to stop. He said if it is confirmed that anyone paid money illegally to Manafort, “then he will be held liable in accordance with current Ukrainian legislation.”


After Summer’s Growth Revisions, Macron Has Budget Work Cut Out

French President Emmanuel Macron will make the tough political choices needed to meet his deficit commitments, his government spokesman said, as he looked to put a bodyguard scandal behind him at his first Cabinet meeting after the summer break.

Macron and his ministers in all likelihood need to find savings in next year’s budget, to be presented to parliament next month, if they are to prevent the deficit from ballooning once again.

The president faced his first crisis in the summer when video surfaced of bodyguard Alexandre Benalla beating a protester. Macron’s own aloof response fanned public discontent.

Now the 40-year-old leader returns to work facing difficult political choices as he embarks on a new wave of reforms to reform the pensions system, overhaul public healthcare and shake-up the highly unionized public sector — tasks complicated by forecasts that economic growth is slower than expected.

“A budget is not only figures, but a strategy, and strong political choices,” Griveaux said, without giving details on the budget negotiations. “There will be [spending] increases and then we will require efforts from other sectors.”

The French economy eked out less growth than expected in the second quarter as strikes and higher taxes hit consumer spending, official data showed in July.

Macron has linked fiscal discipline to restoring France’s credibility in Europe, and while the budget deficit — forecast at 2.3 percent of GDP this year and next — should not surpass the EU-mandated 3 percent limit, it is still expected to be one of the highest in the euro zone.

“The budget equation is becoming more complicated,” Denis Ferrand, economist at COE-Rexecode told Reuters.

The Bank of France has revised 2018 growth down to 1.8 percent from 1.9 percent. Budget rapporteur Joel Giraud in July said that a revision down to 1.7 percent could see the public deficit slip by 0.2 percentage points.

Beyond raising eyebrows in Brussels and Berlin, it would also complicate Macron’s efforts to make transfers towards social policies that might help him dispel the impression among leftist critics that he is a “president of the rich.”

“It would be more difficult to find resources for social spending,” Ferrand said.

Elysee officials acknowledge growth was lower than expected in the first half, and say the housing and subsidized jobs portfolios will see sharp cuts to help finance Macron’s priorities in education, security and the environment.

Some 1 billion euros ($1.14 billion) is expected to be saved by changing rules for widely-enjoyed housing benefits, junior minister Julien Denormandie told BFM TV earlier on Wednesday.

Last year, a cut of five euros ($6) per month to the same allowance contributed to a sharp slump in the president’s popularity, which opinion polls show plumbing lows.

Білоруський художник створив ароматичну свічку у формі Лукашенка

Брестський художник Ілля Дударев створив 18-сантиметрову ароматичну свічку у формі бюсту президента Білорусі Александра Лукашенка.

Як повідомляє білоруське видання, художник уже зробив кілька бюстів Лукашенка з гіпсу і вирішив спробувати новий матеріал.

«Хотів їх (бюсти – ред.) потім подарувати нашим чиновникам як стимулятор працездатності. Там у нього суворий погляд. На бюст глянеш – і одразу хочеться працювати», – каже Дударев.

Втім, за словами художника, бюстів чиновникам ще не дарував, та й на пропозиції продати свої твори не погоджується, адже не планує на них заробляти.

Читайте також: «У Білорусі ухвалили закон, що посилює урядовий контроль над ЗМІ й інтернетом​»

Раніше речниця Лукашенка заперечила інформацію про те, що в президента Білорусі був інсульт.

Олександр Лукашенко очолює Білорусь з 1994 року. Він перебуває на посаді найтриваліше серед всіх європейських голів держав, крім монархів.

#MeQueer Takes Twitter by Storm as LGBT Community Cries #MeToo

It started with an angry tweet. But by Wednesday, the #MeQueer hashtag had morphed into a global online storm with thousands of LGBT people taking to Twitter to detail their experiences of verbal abuse, sexual attacks and physical violence.

Comments ranged from criticism of media representation to descriptions of assault.

“Nearly crying because you saw yourself represented in a tv show for the first time,” wrote @LizKilljoy.

“Being beaten so hard that your nose bleeds like hell for just coming out as trans to your dad,” tweeted @homolordt.

Taking inspiration from the #MeToo movement’s spotlight on sexism and sexual violence, Hartmut Schrewe, a Brandenburg-based writer, first used the #MeQueer hashtag on August 13.

“My husband is my husband and not my buddy. #Homophobia#MeQueer,” he tweeted.

Schrewe told Reuters by email on Wednesday that he had been moved to act by a telephone conversation between his husband and a colleague in which Schrewe was described as his partner’s “buddy.”

“I had had enough,” he said. “I wrote about this on Twitter and then the hashtag went viral.”

Schrewe said he was overwhelmed by the response, with posts pouring in from around the world.

“It is wonderful that so many queer people have shared their experiences,” he said. “We need to be more visible and loud. I hope this can reach Uganda, where being queer can kill you, or countries like Russia, Indonesia, Iran or Turkey, where being queer is so dangerous.

“I never expected #MeQueer to get so big.”

Reports of abuse

Last month, the British government published a survey of some 110,000 LGBT people in which two in five said they had experienced verbal or physical violence in the past 12 months.

According to British LGBT rights group Stonewall, 53 percent of trans people aged between 18 and 24 suffered some form of abuse over the same period.

Elsewhere in Europe, statistics are difficult to find as many countries, such as Ireland, do not have specific hate crime legislation.

Violence against LGBT people is still “really widespread,” said Nick Antjoule, head of hate crime services at Galop, a British LGBT anti-violence and abuse charity.

The rise of social media had acted as a catalyst, he added.

“Online hate speech is a huge problem alongside the rise of the far right,” Antjoule said.

A spokeswoman for Brussels-based LGBT rights group ILGA-Europe said that over the summer there had been reports of attacks on gay communities in Northern Ireland, Greece, Armenia and Lithuania.

“This underlines why the introduction and full implementation of LGBTI-inclusive hate crime laws across the European region is so vital,” she said.

Queen Latifah Hosts Black Girls Rock Awards

Mary J. Blige, Naomi Campbell and Judith Jamison are among the recipients of the 2018 Black Girls Rock awards.


Queen Latifah will host the show, which will be taped Sunday at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark.


Blige will receive the star power award. Campbell will be presented the black girl magic award, while Jamison will receive the living legend award for her work in dance and choreography. Other honorees include Emmy-winning writer Lena Waithe and Tarana Burke of the #MeToo movement.


The program will honor Aretha Franklin in a tribute and include performances by Yolanda Adams, Tamia, H.E.R., Victory Boyd and Jacqueline Green of the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater.


BET Networks will air the special celebrating the accomplishments of black women on September 9.

Порошенко нагородив загиблого в Харкові поліцейського орденом «За мужність»

Загиблого під час стрілянини в Харкові патрульного поліцейського Дмитра Кірієнка нагородили орденом «За мужність» ІІІ ступеня – відповідний наказ видав президент України Петро Порошенко.

В наказі уточнюється, що орден був вручений «за особисту мужність, виявлену у боротьбі зі злочинністю, самовіддане виконання службового обов’язку». Окрім Кірієнка, орден отримав інспектор управління патрульної поліції в Харківській області Олександр Ростовський.

Також 22 серпня колеги вшанували пам’ять загиблого.

У ніч на 20 серпня 29-річний Дмитро Кірієнко з іншими патрульними прибув на місце стрілянини в центрі Харкова, де чоловік на ім’я Олександр Поярков відкрив вогонь і поранив охоронця будівлі міської ради. Кірієнко дістав поранення, від якого помер у лікарні. Поярков загинув від зустрічного вогню поліції.

Читайте також: «Напад на Харківську міськраду: жертви, обставини, версії»

Кірієнко – уродженець Донбасу, служив у новій патрульній поліції Харкова з першого дня її створення. Останнім часом був тимчасовим виконувачем обов’язків заступника командира роти. У нього в підпорядкуванні було близько 30 осіб.

В загиблого поліцейського лишилися дружина і донька, якій менше двох років.

Idris Elba Says He’s Not the Next 007

Idris Elba stirred fans’ hopes, then left them shaken.

The British actor helped fuel speculation that he will be the next James Bond last week when tweeted a selfie and wrote “my name’s Elba, Idris Elba,” echoing the famous 007 catchphrase.

Many Elba fans have campaigned for the star of “The Wire” and “Luther” to be the first black Bond.

But now Elba has denied he’ll be replacing Daniel Craig as 007. Asked by a reporter from ITV’s “Good Morning Britain” if she was looking at the next Bond, Elba promptly replied: “No.”

Craig has starred in four Bond films and is set to return in the still-untitled “Bond 25.”

On Tuesday, Craig and the producers announced that director Danny Boyle had left the film due to “creative differences.”

Бригади для допомоги жертвам домашнього насильства виїздитимуть у територіальні громади – Мінсоцполітики

Мешканцям та мешканкам територіальних громад, постраждалим від домашнього насильства, надаватимуть фахову допомогу спеціалізовані мобільні служби, повідомляє Міністерство соціальної політики.

Такі заходи передбачає урядова постанова про про мобільні бригади соціально-психологічної допомоги особам, які постраждали від домашнього  насильства й насильства за ознакою статі, додали у відомстві. Кабінет міністрів ухвалив цю постанову сьогодні.

Планується, що мобільні бригади зможуть виїжджати в територіальні громади й надавати жертвам фахові консультації й психологічну підтримку як особисто, так і телефоном.

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У міністерстві сподіваються, що функціонування таких бригад допоможе членам територіальних громад отримувати екстрену допомогу, а відповідальним за протидію домашньому насильству – швидко реагувати на його прояви.

Перші мобільні бригади для допомоги жертвам домашнього насильства при Мінсоцполітики створили в рамках проекту реагування на випадки гендерно обумовленого насильства, якого зазнавали жінки та дівчата-підлітки в зоні збройного конфлікту на сході України.

Читайте також: «Чому «справжні чоловіки» б’ють жінок»

Цей проект міністерство розпочало в 2015 році спільно з благодійним фондом «Українська фундація громадського здоров’я» за фінансової підтримки Фонду народонаселення ООН в Україні. Загалом у рамках ініціативи вже функціонує 46 мобільних бригад соціально-психологічної допомоги.

За даними Міністерства внутрішніх справ, щороку від рук кривдників гине близько 600 українок, у 2017 році до поліції надійшло понад 110 тисяч заяв від жертв домашнього насильства.