Розгляд апеляції на закриття справи проти Кернеса відклали – адвокат

Апеляційний суд Полтавської області відклав розгляд апеляції на закриття провадження проти мера Харкова Геннадія Кернеса, повідомив його адвокат Олександр Гунченко в коментарі «Укрінформу».

«Апеляційний суд Полтавської області за власною ініціативою відклав засідання у справі Кернеса, посилаючись на те, що не отримав з Верховного суду оригінали визначення від 24 вересня 2018 року. Суд не призначив термін нового розгляду», – сказав Кернес.

Він зазначив, що ніхто з учасників процесу не отримав виклик на засідання суду 25 вересня.

Київський райсуд Полтави 10 серпня закрив справу проти Кернеса і його охоронців, яких звинувачували у викраденні, побитті й загрозі вбивством двом учасникам Євромайдану, мотивувавши це тим, що прокурори систематично не з’являлися на дебати в справі.

Кернес у суді заявив, що сподівався на виправдальний вирок.

Cosby Gets Up to 10 Years in Prison for Sex Assault

His Hollywood career and good-guy image in ruins, an 81-year-old Bill Cosby was sentenced Tuesday to three to 10 years behind bars for drugging and sexually assaulting a woman, becoming the first celebrity of the #MeToo era to be sent to prison.


The punishment all but completed the dizzying, late-in-life fall from grace for the comedian, former TV star and breaker of racial barriers.


“It is time for justice. Mr. Cosby, this has all circled back to you. The time has come,” Montgomery County Judge Steven O’Neill said. He quoted from victim Andrea Constand’s own statement to the court, in which she said Cosby took her “beautiful, young spirit and crushed it.”


Cosby declined the opportunity to speak before the sentence came down, and afterward he sat smiling, laughing and chatting with defense team. His wife of 54 years, Camille, was not in court. Constand smiled broadly upon hearing the punishment and was hugged by others in the courtroom.


Cosby’s lawyers asked that he be allowed to remain free on bail while he appeals his conviction, but the judge appeared incredulous over the request and turned it down, saying that even considering Cosby’s age and blindness, “he could quite possibly be a danger to the community.”


Cosby was also fined $25,000.


Former model Janice Dickinson, who was among the 60 or so women who have come forward to accuse Cosby of drugging and violating them over the past five decades, looked at Cosby and said: “Here’s the last laugh pal.”


The punishment came at the end of a two-day hearing at which the judge declared Cosby a  “sexually violent predator” — a modern-day scarlet letter that subjects him to monthly counseling for the rest of his life and requires that neighbors and schools be notified of his whereabouts.


The comic once known as America’s Dad for his role on the top-rated “Cosby Show” in the 1980s was convicted in April of violating Constand, Temple University women’s basketball administrator, at his suburban Philadelphia estate in 2004. It was the first celebrity trial of the #MeToo era.


Cosby faced a sentence of anywhere from probation to 10 years in prison. His lawyers asked for house arrest, saying Cosby — who is legally blind — is too old and vulnerable to do time in prison. Prosecutors asked for five to 10 years behind bars, saying he could still pose a threat to women.


Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele rejected the notion that Cosby’s age and infirmity entitle him to mercy. “He was good at hiding this for a long time. Good at suppressing this for a long time. So it’s taken a long time to get there,” Steele said.


The sentencing came as another extraordinary #MeToo drama unfolded on Capitol Hill, where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh stands accused of sexual misconduct more than three decades ago.


The Cosby case “really raised awareness of the pervasiveness of … sexual misconduct against subordinates and against women of relatively less power,” said Daniel Filler, dean of Drexel University’s law school. “For jurors, I think it’s inherently changed the credibility of the accusers.”


The judge ruled on Cosby’s “sexually violent predator” status after a psychologist for the state testified that the entertainer appears to have a mental disorder that gives him an uncontrollable urge to have sex with women without their consent. When the ruling came down, a woman in the courtroom shot her fist into the air and whispered, “Yessss!”


In a statement submitted to the court and released Tuesday, Constand, 45, said that she has had to cope with years of anxiety and self-doubt. She said she now lives alone with her two dogs and has trouble trusting people.


“When the sexual assault happened, I was a young woman brimming with confidence and looking forward to a future bright with possibilities,” she wrote in her five-page statement. “Now, almost 15 years later, I’m a middle-aged woman who’s been stuck in a holding pattern for most of her adult life, unable to heal fully or to move forward.”


She also wrote of Cosby: “We may never know the full extent of his double life as a sexual predator, but his decades-long reign of terror as a serial rapist is over.”


The AP does not typically identify people who say they are victims of sexual assault unless they come forward publicly, which Constand and other accusers have done.


Constand went to police a year after waking up in a fog at Cosby’s gated estate, her clothes askew, only to have the district attorney pass on the case.


Another district attorney reopened the file a decade later and charged the TV star after stand-up comic Hannibal Buress’ riff about Cosby being a rapist prompted more accusers to come forward and after a federal judge, acting on a request from The Associated Press, unsealed some of Cosby’s startling, decade-old testimony in Constand’s related civil suit.


In his testimony, Cosby described sexual encounters with a string of actresses, models and other young women and talked about obtaining quaaludes to give to those he wanted to sleep with.


Cosby’s first trial in 2017 ended with a hung jury. He was convicted at a retrial that opened months after the #MeToo movement had taken down such figures as Hollywood studio boss Harvey Weinstein, NBC’s Matt Lauer, actor Kevin Spacey and Sen. Al Franken.


Constand said Cosby gave her what she thought were herbal pills to ease stress, then penetrated her with his fingers as she lay immobilized on a couch. Cosby claimed the encounter was consensual, and his lawyers branded her a “con artist” who framed the comedian to get a big payday — a $3.4 million settlement she received over a decade ago.


Five other accusers took the stand at the trial as part of an effort by prosecutors to portray him as a predator.


Cosby, whose estimated fortune once topped $400 million, broke barriers in the 1960s as the first black actor to star in a network show, “I Spy.” He went on to superstardom as wise and understanding Dr. Cliff Huxtable on “The Cosby Show,” a sitcom that showed America a new kind of black TV family: a warm and loving household led by two professionals, one a lawyer, the other a doctor.


He also found success with his Saturday morning cartoon “Fat Albert,” appeared in commercials for Jello-O pudding and became a public moralist, lecturing the black community about young people stealing things and wearing baggy pants. He won a Presidential Medal of Freedom and countless Emmys, Golden Globes and Grammy awards.


As the allegations mounted, his career all but collapsed, “Cosby Show” reruns were taken off the air, and one college after another stripped him of his honorary degrees.

За підозрою у замаху на активіста Михайлика затримали трьох – адвокат

Поліція затримала трьох людей за підозрою у замаху в Одесі на громадського діяча з партії «Сила людей» Олега Михайлика, підтвердив Радіо Свобода адвокат одного із затриманих, громадянина Грузії Герасіна Торніке Володимир Поярков.

За словами правника, його підзахисного разом із ще двома чоловіками  викликали до одного з одеських райвідділів поліції, розпитували, чи купували вони сім-карти для телефонів у конкретному магазині.

Двоє досі перебувають в ізоляторі тимчасового тримання, а Торніке, який має інвалідність першої групи власлідок автомобільної аварії, госпіталізували.

На місце виїхав консул Грузії.

Поліція Одеси наразі ситуацію не коментувала.

Напад на Олега Михайлика стався ввечері 22 вересня.

23 вересня в поліції Одещини повідомили, що відомості за фактом нападу внесені до Єдиного реєстру досудових розслідувань за ознаками замаху на вбивство (ст. 15, ч. 1 ст. 115 Кримінального кодексу України).

Читайте також: Аброськін обіцяє розкриття замаху в Одесі

Радник голови головного управління Нацполіції в Одеській області Руслан Форостяк повідомляв того ж дня, що поранений прийшов до тями, стан його «у принципі вже стабільний». За словами радника, куля залишається у грудній частині тіла пораненого, і, за інформацією лікарів, операцію будуть робити пізніше, після стабілізації стану. «Він втратив багато крові через внутрішню кровотечу», – додав Форостяк. Зараз Михайлик перебуває в лікарні, йому надана охорона.

Michael Kors Ups the Glamour, Buys Versace for $2 Billion

Michael Kors is buying the Italian fashion house Gianni Versace in a deal worth more than $2 billion (1.83 billion euros), continuing its hard charge into the world of high-end fashion.


The deal announced Tuesday follows the New York handbag maker’s $1.35 billion acquisition last year of the shoemaker Jimmy Choo.


Michael Kors Holdings Ltd., like others in the fashion industry, is trying to fire up sales by tacking on big name brands like the globally revered Versace


Tapestry, once known as Coach, owns Stuart Weitzman and last year it acquired Kate Spade.


By all accounts, Kors has successfully melded Jimmy Choo into its portfolio, putting up big sales in the most recent quarter.

Під російське посольство у Києві принесли «клубок нерозплутаних справ» зниклих у Криму (фото)

Під стінами посольства Росії у Києві громадські активісти вже 27-й раз закликали провести ефективне розслідування справ щодо насильницьких зникнень і убивств в анексованому Криму.

Для наочності вони створили інсталяцію «Клубок нерозплутаних справ», у рамках якої поєднали мотузкою теки із іменами зниклих осіб і передали її людині в масці російського президента Володимира Путіна.

Окрім того, вони вивісили плакат «Де Ервін?», таким чином вимагаючи розслідувати викрадення кримського татарина, члена Меджлісу кримськотатарського народу Ервіна Ібрагімова, якого викрали у травні 2016-го у Бахчисараї. Камера відеоспостереження зафіксувала, як двоє людей у формі російських дорожніх інспекторів зупинили машину Ібрагімова і затягли його у свій мікроавтобус.

Управління верховного комісара ООН з прав людини встановило 42 випадки насильницьких зникнень в анексованому Росією Криму за період від 3 березня 2014 року до 30 червня 2018 року, зазначається у доповіді про дотримання прав людини на півострові, презентованій 13 вересня у Києві.

За даними авторів дослідження, найбільшу кількість насильницьких зникнень зафіксували у 2014-му (28 осіб), два випадки сталися у 2015-му, три – у 2016-му, сім – у 2017-му і двоє цього року: 27 осіб були звільнені після того, як їх незаконно тримали під вартою від кількох годин до двох тижнів; 12 залишаються зниклими безвісти; двоє перебувають під вартою, одну особу знайдено мертвою.

Читайте також –​ Зниклі в Криму: що з’ясували автори альтернативного розслідування

Дані про кількість зниклих людей різняться у різних джерелах. Зокрема, за даними «Кримської правозахисної групи», станом на січень цього року на півострові були зафіксовані дев’ять випадків, які можна кваліфікувати як насильницькі зникнення.

Організація «Крим-SOS», у свою чергу, говорить про щонайменше 15 зниклих таким чином людей. Наприкінці серпня 2017 року в ефірі Радіо Свобода Таміла Ташева говорила, що Росія порушила справи тільки щодо зникнень чотирьох людей на окупованому нею півострові, а щодо шести осіб розслідування припинили. Поступу у розслідуванні інших справ, за словами активістки, за цей рік не було.

У лютому 2017 року Національна поліція України у відповідь на запит Радіо Свобода зазначила, що українські правоохоронці почали 15 кримінальних проваджень за ознаками незаконного позбавлення волі або навмисного убивства щодо 14 людей, зниклих безвісти у Криму після анексії півострова Росією.

Archaeologists Discover ‘Massive’ Ancient Building in Egypt

Egypt says archaeologists have discovered a “massive” ancient building in the town of Mit Rahina, 20 kilometers, or 12 miles, south of Cairo.

The Antiquities Ministry says Tuesday archaeologists also uncovered an attached building that includes a large Roman bath and a chamber likely for religious rituals.

Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, says the building is likely part of the residential block of the area, which was the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis.

Memphis, founded around 3,100 B.C., was home to Menes, the king who united Upper and Lower Egypt.

Egypt hopes such discoveries will spur tourism, partially driven by antiquities sightseeing, which was hit hard by political turmoil following the 2011 uprising.


For Bill Cosby and Chief Accuser, a Day of Reckoning Arrives

Bill Cosby faces a good chance of being sent to prison Tuesday, when a judge is expected to sentence the TV star who was convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman in 2004.


Cosby, 81, will have the opportunity to speak in court before he is sentenced.


The once-beloved actor and comedian, dubbed “America’s Dad” for his role as Dr. Cliff Huxtable on the top-ranked, 1980s-era “Cosby Show,” faces anything from probation to 10 years in prison for drugging and molesting Andrea Constand, a Temple University basketball administrator, at his estate near Philadelphia. She went to police a year later, only to have a prosecutor turn down the case.

In the years since Constand first went to police in 2005, more than 60 women have accused Cosby of sexual misconduct, though none of those claims have led to criminal charges.


Cosby is the first celebrity of the (hash)MeToo era to go on trial, and the first to be convicted.


It’s a reckoning that accusers and prosecutors say has been decades in the making.


“The victims cannot be un-raped. Unfortunately, all we can do is hold the perpetrator accountable,” said Gianna Constand, the trial victim’s mother, who testified Monday that her daughter’s buoyant personality was forever changed after the attack.


The hearing is set to conclude Tuesday after testimony from a defense psychologist who believes Cosby is no longer a danger, given his age, and should not be branded a “sexually violent predator.”


Defense lawyer Joseph Green Jr. urged the judge ignore the protests and activism surrounding the case, and send Cosby home on house arrest.


“The suggestion that Mr. Cosby is dangerous is not supported by anything other than the frenzy,” Green said, as demonstrators gathered outside the suburban Philadelphia courthouse.


Being labeled a sexually violent predator would make him subject to mandatory lifetime counseling and community notification of his whereabouts.


On Monday, Kristen Dudley, a psychologist for the state of Pennsylvania, testified that Cosby fits the criteria for a sexually violent predator, showing signs of a mental disorder that involves an uncontrollable urge to have nonconsensual sex with young women.


Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele said Cosby would no doubt commit similar crimes if given the chance, warning that the former TV star seemingly gets a sexual thrill out of slipping women drugs and assaulting them.


“To say that he’s too old to do that — to say that he should get a pass, because it’s taken this long to catch up to what he’s done?” Steele said, his voice rising. “What they’re asking for is a `get out of jail free’ card.”


Cosby, he said, has shown repeatedly that he feels no remorse over his actions. And he said the sentence should send a message to others.


“Despite bullying tactics, despite PR teams and other folks trying to change the optics, as one lawyer for the defense put it, the bottom line is that nobody’s above the law. Nobody,” the district attorney said.


He urged a five- to 10-year prison sentence .


After testifying for several hours at two trials, the first of which ended in a hung jury, Constand spoke in court Monday for just two minutes.


“The jury heard me. Mr. Cosby heard me. Now all I am asking for is justice as the court sees fit,” said Andrea Constand, who submitted a much longer victim-impact statement that wasn’t read in court.


The AP does not typically identify people who say they are victims of sexual assault unless they come forward publicly, which Constand and other accusers have done.


Cosby’s side didn’t call any character witnesses, and his wife of 54 years, Camille, was not in court.


Cosby became the first black actor to star in a prime-time TV show, “I Spy,” in 1965. He remained a Hollywood A-lister for much of the next half-century.


Monday’s proceedings took place as another extraordinary (hash)MeToo drama continued to unfold on Capitol Hill, where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh faces allegations of sexual misconduct from more than three decades ago.




Лікарі дозволили пораненому в Одесі активісту Михайлику вставати з ліжка – колега

Поранений громадський діяч з Одеси Олег Михайлик все ще перебуває у лікарні, але йому краще, повідомив у Facebook його соратник із партії «Сила людей» Ігор Бичков.

За його словами, лікарі дозволили Михайлику вставати з ліжка.

У лікарні поки що цю інформацію не підтвердили і не спростували.

Напад на Олега Михайлика стався ввечері 22 вересня.

23 вересня в поліції Одещини повідомили, що відомості за фактом нападу внесені до Єдиного реєстру досудових розслідувань за ознаками замаху на вбивство (ст. 15, ч. 1 ст. 115 Кримінального кодексу України).

Читайте також: Аброськін обіцяє розкриття замаху в Одесі

Радник голови головного управління Нацполіції в Одеській області Руслан Форостяк повідомляв того ж дня, що поранений прийшов до тями, стан його «у принципі вже стабільний». За словами радника, куля залишається у грудній частині тіла пораненого, і, за інформацією лікарів, операцію будуть робити пізніше, після стабілізації стану. «Він втратив багато крові через внутрішню кровотечу», – додав Форостяк. Зараз Михайлик перебуває в лікарні, йому надана охорона.

Із 30 вересня поновлюється прямий поїзд Київ-Лисичанськ 

Прямий поїзд Київ-Лисичанськ, який був скасований 10 грудня 2017 року, повернуть на маршрут з 30 вересня 2018 року. Він курсуватиме через день: у парні дні – з Києва до Лисичанська, а у непарні – у зворотньому напрямку. Про це повідомляє Луганська обласна адміністрація. 

«З 30 вересня 2018 року знову курсуватимуть поїзди № 19 «Київ-Лисичанськ», по парних днях, та № 20 «Лисичанськ-Київ» – по непарних. З Києва потяг рушатиме о 21 годині 48 хвилин, з Лисичанська – о 20 годині 28 хвилин, час у дорозі – 11 годин 48 хвилин, – йдеться у повідомленні. – Час відправлення та прибуття зручний і для службовців, які направляються до столиці у відрядження, й для наших громадян з непідконтрольних територій, що подорожують Україною та мають встигнути перетнути КПВВ «Станиця Луганська» і дістатися Лисичанська».

Квитки на потяг Лисичанськ-Київ та у зворотньому напрямку вже є у продажу на сайті «Укрзалізниці» з 30 вересня. Поїзд сформований лише з купейних та люкс-вагонів.

Як писав проект Радіо Свобода Радіо Донбас.Реалії, жителі Луганської області постійно нарікали на незручне транспортне сполучення з Києвом: після скасування прямого маршруту «Укрзалізниця» запровадила поїзд Лисичанськ-Ужгород, крім нього, існував поїзд Лисичанськ-Хмельницький, який також проходив через Київ, але графіки руху були незручними.

Читайте більше: Або дорого, або незручно: як дістатися до Луганщини з інших регіонів?

Крім того, на потяги у луганському напрямку складно придбати квитки: область практично не має альтернативного сполучення з центром країни. Після скарг графік руху поїздів у січні 2018 року відкорегували, але несуттєво.

European Union Sets Up Payment System with Iran to Maintain Trade

The five remaining parties to the Iran nuclear deal have agreed to establish a special payment system to allow companies to continue doing business with the regime, bypassing new sanctions imposed by the United States.

Envoys from Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and Iran issued a statement late Monday from the United Nations announcing the creation of a “Special Purpose Vehicle” that will be established in the European Union. The parties said the new mechanism was created to facilitate payments related to Iranian exports, including oil. 

Federica Mogherini, EU’s foreign policy chief, told reporters after the deal was announced that the SPV gives EU member states “a legal entity to facilitate legitimate financial transactions with Iran…and allow European companies to continue to trade with Iran in accordance to European Union law and could be open to other partners in the world.”

Mogherini said the financial agreement is also aimed at preserving the agreement reached in 2015 with Iran to scale back its nuclear program in exchange for relief from strict economic sanctions. The deal was reached under then-President Barack Obama, but Obama’s successor, Donald Trump, pulled out of the accord in May of this year, saying it didn’t address Tehran’s ballistic missile program or its influence in the Middle East.

Woods’ Victory Gives US Ryder Cup Team a Nice Buzz

Tiger Woods’ victory at the Tour Championship on Sunday has given the entire American Ryder Cup team a “nice buzz”, captain Jim Furyk said on Monday.

Furyk and his European counterpart Thomas Bjorn heaped praise on each other’s teams at a news conference at Le Golf National, where Woods was the center of attention even though he was not present.

The 14-times major champion ended a five-year drought with an emotional victory at East Lake in Atlanta on Sunday.

“It’s obviously a nice buzz for our team,” Furyk said.

“Not that this event needs much more energy brought to it. It’s probably the biggest, grandest event in all golf but it’ll add that much more excitement I believe.

“You could see the emotion in (Woods) fighting back tears. It was important to him to win.”

Furyk said that Woods, who will be playing in his eighth Ryder Cup, had grown into his role as an elder statesman of the American team.

“What’s important to him right now is to be a part of that team, part of that group.

“He won yesterday as an individual and I know how much that means to him but he’s flipped that page pretty quickly and is really excited to join his team mates and move forward in that process.”

Bjorn also spoke warmly of Woods, and what he brings to the sport.

“Him winning golf tournaments again is brilliant because, in the end, whatever it is these 24 guys are going to do this week, the game of golf needs that boost of somebody like him that transcends the game to the masses,” Bjorn said. “So for everyone in golf it’s brilliant.”

As for each other’s teams, both captains were effusive ahead of the Friday start.

“Thomas mentioned this is probably the strongest American team we’ve ever had and maybe it’s the strongest team Europe has ever fielded top to bottom,” Furyk said.

Furyk’s players are well aware that the Americans have not won a Ryder Cup on European soil since 1993.

“We’re reminded of it quite often. Is it extra motivation? I’m not sure you need extra motivation in a Ryder Cup,” he said.

“There are some veteran players who have never won on foreign soil. That’s something that’s missing in their careers, so they’re anxious to get started. They are well aware of how difficult it is to win in Europe.”

The American team arrived in Paris early afternoon after an overnight flight from Atlanta, where all but Jordan Spieth played in the Tour Championship won by Tiger Woods on Sunday.

“We were on the ground by 12.45 and a nice police escort to the hotel, so guys are there, settled, trying to get ready for the week,” Furyk said.

Six of the European team also played in Atlanta, but captain Bjorn is not worried about fatigue.

“One thing I learnt about Ryder Cup is no matter how tired you are, you’re going to carry yourself, the last bit of adrenaline you have in your body,” the Dane said.

“Achieving big things obviously takes a bit out of you but they will carry themselves through this week because they’re top athletes and this is what they’ve been looking forward to probably the most all season.”

Greece Uses High-tech Drones to Fight Tax Evasion in Holiday Hot Spots

Greece are using drones to buzz over boats running day trips on the Aegean at the start of a new effort aimed at cracking down on rampant tax evasion at holiday hotspots.

With the black economy by some accounts representing about a quarter of national output in a country which depends hugely on tourism, Greek authorities are turning to high-tech to stamp out undeclared earnings.

Finance ministry tax inspectors and the coast guard launched the drones project on Santorini, an island highly popular with tourists, to check on whether operators offering short day trips were issuing legal receipts to all their passengers.

Based on data from the drones, authorities were able to establish how many passengers were on board, then cross-referenced it with declared receipts and on-site inspections.

“We used the drones for the first time on an experimental basis to monitor how many tourists were on board,” said an official at the Independent Authority for Public Revenue. “The results were excellent”, he added.

Nine tourist vessels checked were alleged to have not issued a number of receipts, totalling about 25,000 euros ($29,460).

Their owners now face fines.

Tourism is a much-needed motor of growth and tax revenue for the economy, accounting for about a fifth of Greek gross domestic product.

Soros Foundation Turns to Strasbourg Court to Repeal Hungary’s NGO Law

U.S. billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) said on Monday it would challenge at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg Hungarian laws that make it a crime to help asylum-seekers.

But Budapest, which accuses Soros and the liberal groups and causes he backs of trying to destroy Europe’s Christian culture by promoting mass migration, said it would not repeal the laws, whatever the outcome of the court appeal.

Under legislation named “Stop Soros,” anybody who helps migrants not entitled to protection to apply for asylum, or helps illegal migrants gain status to stay in Hungary, can be jailed. Orban has also introduced a 25 percent special tax on aid groups it says support migration.

OSF said the “Stop Soros” legislation, approved by the Hungarian parliament in June, “breaches the guarantees of freedom of expression and association enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights and must be repealed.”

“The Hungarian government has fabricated a narrative of lies to blind people to the truth: that these laws were designed to intimidate independent civil society groups, in another step towards silencing all dissent,” OSF president Patrick Gaspard said in a statement.

The provisions of the legislation are so broadly written that “they will have a far-reaching and chilling effect on the work of civil society far beyond the field of migration,” said the OSF statement.

“Will of the Hungarian people”

Budapest responded with defiance to the OSF move.

“The government stands by the Stop Soros package of laws. … as the legislation serves the will of the Hungarian people, and the security of Hungary and Europe,” a government spokesman told Reuters.

“The Soros organization attacks the Stop Soros package with all possible means as the legislation stands in the way of illegal immigration. The aim of George Soros and organizations supported by him is to flood Europe with migrants.”

Hungarian-born Soros denies trying to promote mass migration into Europe from the Middle East and elsewhere. In May the OSF announced it would shut its office in Budapest after more than 30 years and move to Berlin.

Orban, who has been in power since 2010 and won a third consecutive term in April with a big majority, has increased his control over Hungary’s media and courts and put allies in control of once independent institutions.

The legislation on asylum seekers has drawn condemnation from the U.N. refugee agency and the European Union. This month the European Parliament voted to sanction Hungary for flouting EU rules on democracy and civil rights.

Score! Scrabble Dictionary Adds ‘OK,’ ‘ew’ to Official Play

Scrabble players, time to rethink your game because 300 new words are coming your way, including some long-awaited gems: OK and ew, to name a few.

Merriam-Webster released the sixth edition of “The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary” on Monday, four years after the last freshening up. The company, at the behest of Scrabble owner Hasbro Inc., left out one possibility under consideration for a hot minute — RBI — after consulting competitive players who thought it potentially too contentious. There was a remote case to be made since RBI has morphed into an actual word, pronounced rib-ee.

But that’s OK because, “OK.”

“OK is something Scrabble players have been waiting for, for a long time,” said lexicographer Peter Sokolowski, editor at large at Merriam-Webster. “Basically two- and three-letter words are the lifeblood of the game.”

There’s more good news in qapik, adding to an arsenal of 20 playable words beginning with q that don’t need a u. Not that Scrabblers care all that much about definitions, qapik is a monetary unit in Azerbaijan.

“Every time there’s a word with q and no u, it’s a big deal,” Sokolowski said. “Most of these are obscure.”

There are some sweet scorers now eligible for play, including bizjet, and some magical vowel dumps, such as arancini, those Italian balls of cooked rice. Bizjet, meaning — yes — a small plane used for business, would be worth a whopping 120 points on an opening play, but only if it’s made into a plural with an s. That’s due to the 50-point bonus for using all seven tiles and the double word bonus space usually played at the start.

The Springfield, Massachusetts-based dictionary company sought counsel from the North American Scrabble Players Association when updating the book, Sokolowski said, “to make sure that they agree these words are desirable.”

Sokolowski has a favorite among the new words but not, primarily, because of Scrabble scores. “It’s macaron,” he said, referring to the delicate French sandwich cookie featuring different flavors and fillings.

“I just like what it means,” he said.

Merriam-Webster put out the first official Scrabble dictionary in 1976. Before that, the game’s rules called for any desk dictionary to be consulted. Since an official dictionary was created, it has been updated every four to eight years, Sokolowski said.

There are other new entries Sokolowski likes, from a wordsmith’s view.

“I think ew is interesting because it expresses something new about what we’re seeing in language, which is to say that we are now incorporating more of what you might call transcribed speech. Sounds like ew or mm-hmm, or other things like coulda or kinda. Traditionally, they were not in the dictionary but because so much of our communication is texting and social media that is written language, we are finding more transcribed speech and getting a new group of spellings for the dictionary,” he said.

Like ew, there’s another interjection now in play, yowza, along with a word some might have thought was already allowed: zen.

There’s often chatter around Scrabble boards over which foreign words have been accepted into English to the degree they’re playable. Say hello to schneid, another of the new kids, this one with German roots. It’s a sports term for a losing streak. Other foreigners added because they predominantly no longer require linguistic white gloves, such as italics or quotation marks: bibimbap, cotija and sriracha.

Scrabble was first trademarked as such in 1948, after it was thought up under a different name in 1933 by Alfred Mosher Butts, an out-of-work architect in Poughkeepsie, New York. Interest in the game picked up in the early 1950s, according to legend, when the president of Macy’s happened upon it while on vacation.

Now, the official dictionary holds more than 100,000 words. Other newcomers Sokolowski shared are aquafaba, beatdown, zomboid, twerk, sheeple, wayback, bokeh, botnet, emoji, facepalm, frowny, hivemind, puggle and nubber.


Filmmaker Ken Burns Turns Attention to Mayo Clinic

After spearheading an epic, 18-hour documentary on the Vietnam War, acclaimed filmmaker Ken Burns has turned to more personal subject matter — one that knows him very intimately, too.

Burns tackles the famed Mayo Clinic in his next film, exploring the history of the innovative Rochester, Minnesota-based hospital that has been dubbed “The Miracle in a Cornfield.” It has treated luminaries such as the Dalai Lama — and Burns.

The first time Burns went, he was immediately impressed by the level and detail of his medical care, like the patient was at the center, not the doctor. “I began to get curious about why this was so different from any other health care experience I’d had,” he said.

The result is the two-hour documentary The Mayo Clinic: Faith, Hope, Science, which starts with the hospital’s birth during a tornado in 1883 and ends with the modern-day Mayo, state-of-the-art facilities over several campuses that treat up to 14,000 patients in 24 hours.

“The Mayo is just a quintessentially American story, just as baseball is a quintessentially American subject, as are the national parks, the Civil War,” Burns said. “And this was a story firing on all cylinders, at least as far as I felt. And it was a story that I don’t think had been fully understood.”

The documentary — directed by Burns, Erik Ewers and Christopher Loren Ewers — features the voices of Tom Hanks, Sam Waterston and Blythe Danner, as well as familiar touches: Peter Coyote narrates, there’s rousing music by Aaron Copeland and Scott Joplin, and evocative slow-scans of old photographs known as “the Ken Burns effect.”

The film is part of a documentary film empire Burns has on tap. Upcoming are works on the history of country music, Ernest Hemingway, Muhammad Ali, Benjamin Franklin and the American Revolution, as well as deep dives into crime and punishment in America and civil rights during President Lyndon Johnson.

“I’m plotted out to 2030 — God and funding willing,” he said with a laugh. “As much as I’d like to believe that I pick projects, in fact I think they pick me. And they pick me because they’re just quintessential American stories, whatever they might be.”

Burns has built a reputation for capturing sweeping historic moments with intimate details of peoples’ lives, tackling topics ranging from the Brooklyn Bridge to baseball, from Mark Twain to jazz. His films make the past come alive: Burns was once escorted out of an Alabama church by state troopers from people still upset by the Civil War’s outcome.

Mayo’s ‘secret sauce’

The Mayo film begins with the unusual collaboration by Dr. W.W. Mayo — “a doctor who worshipped Darwin,” Burns said — and a group of Franciscan nuns who began working with Mayo to help tornado victims in 1883.

The hospital adopted a salary-based model of teamwork — not based on ordering tests or a revolving door of patients — that is said to encourage innovation, time with patients and collaboration. In the film, Tom Brokaw and John McCain endorse its methods.

So does co-director Ewers, who started the project not as a Mayo patient but ended up one. He had been suffering from intestinal problems for 20 years and had been given seven different diagnoses without finding relief. While he was filming the Mayo documentary, its doctors reached out.

“They diagnosed it in two days,” Ewers said.

Burns calls Mayo’s formula a “secret sauce” — one that also manages to have poor patients get free care — and hopes it can offer answers to America’s health care problems.

“We were making a film about the history the Mayo Clinic, but realized that in their story and in their example might be a way for us all to re-enter a conversation about the essential question: What do we owe each other in terms of taking care of each other?” he said.

Hard-won perspective

Burns’ inimitable visual style is sometimes mocked, but the filmmaker isn’t in a rush to embrace flashy special effects, something he calls “all sizzle and no steak.” He admits to dragging his heels on embracing digital cameras and computer editing because he simply liked splicing film stock. But that doesn’t mean he’s inflexible — he used drones in the Mayo film.

“There’s a lot of sleek hares out there who are racing past the turtle that we are,” he said. “We make long films. And if you’re going to watch a long film, we have to make sure that we honor the attention you’re giving to us with an equal care in the crafting of it.”

The work is painstaking. For the documentary on country music, he estimates his team has poured over 100,000 photographs and scanned 60,000 of them — only to use less than 3,000. “I use the analogy of maple syrup: It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup,” Burns said.

By delving into America’s past so much, Burns has learned a lot about human nature, but he dislikes the cliche that history repeats itself. He prefers to quote Mark Twain, who said “History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes.”

His work has given him hard-won perspective. When people during the financial crisis in 2007 began evoking the Great Depression, Burns knew his history. He replied that if animals in the zoos were being shot for food, then it was an apt analogy.

“That’s what history can do. It’s a kind of an armor, or at least a thermal layer, that protects you from the chill of the present moment,” he said.

Celine Dion to End Las Vegas Concert Residency Next Year

Celine Dion has announced she will end her Las Vegas residency next year.

The singer announced on social media Monday that she will leave Caesars Palace in June 2019.

Dion says the decision brings mixed emotions as the Colosseum venue has been a big part of her life for the past 20 years.

This will mark the end of her second long-running residency at Caesars Palace.

Dion has performed nearly 1,100 shows there since 2003. The first time was from 2003 until 2007. Her current residency began in 2011.

Tickets for next year’s shows go on sale Tuesday.

Her final concert will be June 8, 2019.

Russian Opposition Leader Navalny Released From Jail, Promptly Re-Arrested

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was released from jail Monday and then was promptly detained again. 

Navalny had just ended a 30-day jail sentence for staging an unsanctioned demonstration when he was re-arrested. 

He has served a number of weeks-long jail terms in recent years for organizing protests.

His arrest Monday comes amid a recent wave of demonstrations in Russia against government-backed pension reforms that include a hike in retirement age to 60 for women and 65 for men. Hundreds of people were detained nationwide during the pension reform protests. 

Navalny has faced a string of charges for his opposition activism. In March, he was barred from participating in the country’s presidential election because of a conviction on financial crimes, charges he contends were fabricated. 

В США помер український поет Богдан Рубчак

Вранці 23 вересня в Нью-Джерсі помер український поет Богдан Рубчак, повідомляє письменник Василь Махно.

«Щойно розмовляв з його дружиною Мар’яною Рубчак, яка сповістила цю печальну вістку. Відійшов один із творців Нью-Йоркської групи, поет особливого мелосу в українській поезії, глибокий знавець літератури, ерудит, богемник, просто мій старший приятель, з яким протягом майже десятиліття дружив», – написав Махно.

За його словами, протягом останніх років Рубчак із дружиною мешкав у місті Бунтон, штат Нью-Джерсі.

Богдан Рубчак народився 1935 року в місті Калуш в Івано-Франківській області, в 1943 році виїхав із сім’єю до Німеччини, а в1948 році родина осіла в Сполучених Штатах.

Там Рубчак отримав освіту, викладав зокрема україністику і славістику в Іллінойському університеті. Видав сім збірок своєї поезії.

Рубчаку було 83 роки.

Poll: Optimism About the Future Greater in Youths from Lower-Income Countries

Out of 15 countries polled, young people in China, India, Nigeria, Kenya, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Mexico were found to be more optimistic about the future than youths in the other countries, according to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

Young people in these countries are more likely to believe they can affect the way their countries are governed and that their generation will have a more positive impact on the world than their parents’ generation, according to the Goalkeepers Global Youth Poll, conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs.

The poll surveyed more than 40,000 people age 12 and older and asked for “their outlook on their personal lives, challenges for their communities, and the direction of their countries,” according to the foundation report. Youths expressed more optimism than older people about their futures at home and globally.

In the poll, Australia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, the United States and Saudi Arabia were deemed higher-income countries. Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria and Russia were considered middle- or lower-income. 

Happiness ratings show general contentedness among the 15 countries, but youths in lower- and middle-income countries reported the highest levels of optimism. 

Relationships with friends and family were the most important influence on a person’s life, and was highest in Sweden, the poll found.

Mexicans, Kenyans and Americans also ranked their relationships very high, like most countries, and more important than the impact of social media. And while social media scored high among Mexican youths, it remained lower than the positive impact of friends and family.

Health or well-being, and finances followed family and friends in importance. If they could have any job, most youths said they wanted to be doctors, while most adults said they wanted to be entrepreneurs.

Optimism about the ability to find good jobs was highest in China and lowest in Nigeria. Most countries hovered in the midrange. 

Worldwide, most people, young and old, agreed “life is better for men and boys than for women and girls,” and will continue that way, and there was very little difference between male and female responses, the poll found.

“This is particularly true in India, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, the U.S. and Brazil,” the results said. Most responses said they thought conditions would improve for women.

Religion was most important to youths in Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, Sweden and Kenya, and least important to youths in China, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Mexico and Russia.

In China, both youths and adults reported overwhelming optimism in the future of their country: 90 percent of youths and 78 percent of adults feel good about the future of their country. India, Nigeria, Mexico, Kenya and Indonesia reported similar levels of optimism about their countries.

In the U.S., 35 percent of youths and 18 percent of adults reported feeling optimistic about their country. Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain and France also reported feeling less optimistic.

In response to the sentence, “My generation is better off than my parents were,” both Chinese youth (90 percent) and adults (80 percent) were most positive. Nigerian, Indian, Indonesian and Saudi Arabia youths followed in line for youths. Indian, Indonesian, German, Saudi Arabian and Swedish adults in succession said their generation was better off than their parents.

Government or political leaders, and climate change or pollution had the most negative impact on life for both youths and adults.

Both younger and older respondents cited ending poverty and improving education as paramount over other issues, including ending conflicts.

Cancer was the No. 1 health concern universally. HIV/AIDS came in second globally, with greatest concern in Kenya, Nigeria and Mexico.

The “sadness of aging” bummed out everyone, youths and adults, with responses ranking in the negatives, meaning no one was happy about aging. 

Ранкове зведення ООС: троє військових отримали поранення

Троє військових Збройних сил України отримали поранення внаслідок обстрілів, повідомляє штаб Операції об’єднаних сил.

З боку незаконних збройних угруповань упродовж доби 23 вересня зафіксували 35 обстрілів, 13 із них – із застосуванням озброєння, забороненого Мінськими домовленостями.

«З мінометів калібру 82 мм ворог обстрілював позиції Об’єднаних сил поблизу населених пунктів Луганське, Новолуганське, Шуми, Південне та Майорськ. Опорні пункти наших військ біля Луганського та Новолуганського противник також накривав вогнем з мінометів 120-го калібру. По позиціях біля цих двох населених пунктів на Світлодарському напрямку окупанти застосували важке озброєння найбільше – 10 разів. Крім того, позиції Об’єднаних сил поблизу Гнутового були обстріляні з озброєння БМП», – йдеться в повідомленні ЗСУ.

Читайте також: «СЦКК: контроль ЗСУ над хутором Вільний на Луганщині забезпечить додержання «режиму тиші​»

З початку доби 24 вересня зафіксовано три обстріли: поблизу Кримського, Широкиного та Південного.

В незаконному збройному угрупованні «ДНР» 23 вересня повідомили про «17 випадків порушення вогню» українськими військовими в Донецькій області, в тому числі у селі Саханка, внаслідок чого нібито дістали поранень двоє мирних мешканців.

В аналогічному угрупованні «ЛНР», яке контролює частину Луганської області, заявляють про п’ять випадків порушення режиму тиші з боку ЗСУ.

Тристороння контактна група щодо врегулювання ситуації на Донбасі оголосила про чергове «безстрокове і стале» припинення вогню, починаючи з півночі 29 серпня, цього разу у зв’язку з початком навчального року. Воно було порушене майже відразу після заявленого початку і відтоді, як і всі попередні перемир’я, порушується постійно.

Це була вже принаймні п’ята спроба домовитися про перемир’я лише за 2018 рік. Припинення вогню й раніше проголошувалися як безстрокові, але сторони відразу звинувачували одна одну в порушеннях. При цьому сторони щоразу заперечують свою вину і посилаються на провокації противників.

Унаслідок російської гібридної агресії на сході України з квітня 2014 року в регіоні, за даними ООН, загинули понад 10 тисяч людей іще станом на кінець 2017 року – відтоді нових даних не оголошували.

Nigeria: Pirates Kidnap 12 Crew Members of Swiss Ship

Twelve crew members of a Swiss commercial ship have been taken hostage by pirates who attacked the vessel as it sailed off the coast of Nigeria.

Massoel Shipping said in a statement Sunday that the ship MV Glarus, with 19 crew on board, was attacked as it was carrying wheat from the Nigerian commercial capital Lagos to Port Harcourt.

Reuters news agency reported late Sunday the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) had identified the nationalities of the kidnapped crew. It said seven crew members were from the Philippines and others were from Slovenia, Ukraine, Romania, Croatia and Bosnia.

Nigerian officials said the 12 were still unaccounted for.

Massoel Shipping said the vessel was attacked around 45 nautical miles southwest of Bonny Island early Saturday.

“It is understood the pirate gang boarded the Glarus by means of long ladders and cut the razor wire on deck to gain access to the vessel and eventually the bridge,” the company said. “Having destroyed much of the vessel’s communications equipment, the criminal gang departed, taking 12 of the 19 crew complement as hostage.”

Piracy has been rising in the southern Niger Delta region in the past few years, along with the number sailors kidnapped for ransom.

According to a study published by the EOS Risk Group in July, the number of kidnappings in the region rose from 52 in 2016 to 75 last year. In the first half of this year, pirated kidnapped 35 sailors, it said.

Sentencing Hearing for Comedian Bill Cosby Opens Monday

Comedian Bill Cosby will likely learn his fate this week as the sentencing phase in his sexual assault trial begins Monday near Philadelphia.

Cosby was convicted in April on three counts of aggravated indecent assault against former Temple University administrator Andrea Constand.

Under sentencing guidelines, Cosby could get as much as 30 years in prison, which would be a life sentence for the 81-year-old entertainer.

His attorneys are expected to appeal to the judge to sentence Cosby to house arrest because of his fragile health. Cosby is legally blind.

The judge could also sentence Cosby to a short stay in prison.

Two women who say Cosby sexually assaulted them in the 1980s say he deserves to spend time in prison.

One of the alleged victims, Chelan Lasha, told reporters Sunday she wants Cosby to get the maximum time in prison, saying she still has nightmares about the assault.

After a mistrial during the first case against him in 2017, a jury convicted Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting Constand at his Philadelphia home in 2004. Constand came to Cosby’s house seeking career advice because he was a Temple alumnus.

Cosby denied the charge and said any sexual contact he had with Constand was consensual.

About 60 women have alleged Cosby sexually assaulted them dating back to the 1960s, when Cosby became famous. Constand’s case is the only one to come to trial.

Cosby is best known for his 1980s television series The Cosby Show, which solidified his now destroyed image as a wise and genial family man.

Tiger Woods Seals First Win in Five Years With Tour Championship

Tiger Woods scored his first victory in more than five years on Sunday, completing a two-shot win at the Tour Championship to crown a fairy tale comeback after a near two-year absence.

The 42-year-old, 14-time major winner carded a one-over-par 71 at Atlanta’s East Lake Golf Course to claim the 80th title of his glittering career.

Woods, who finished with an 11-under-par aggregate 269, raised his arms in delight after the victory, with several thousand fans ringing the green roaring appreciation.

Woods admitted he had nearly been overcome with emotion as he walked up the 18th fairway.

“I was having a hard time not crying coming up the last hole,” Woods said.

“I kept saying ‘Hey, I could still play this out of bounds.’ But once I got the ball on the green I gave (caddie) Joey (LaCava) a high five because I knew it was done.”

It was an emotional finale to a year which saw Woods return to the highest level after he had once feared he may never play golf again.

“It was just a grind out there,” Woods said of his final round. “I loved every bit of it. The fight, the grind, the tough conditions.

“Beginning of the year (winning) was a tall order. But as the year progressed I found my swing and put the pieces together and I knew I could do it.”

The victory erased any last lingering doubts about Woods’ ability to compete at the highest level, something he had served notice of with top 10 finishes at the British Open and US PGA Championships.

Woods, who returned in January after missing almost the entire previous two years with a debilitating back injury, held a three-shot advantage heading into the final round.

A birdie on his opening hole extended Woods’ lead to four shots to give the former world number one a dream start.

With the remainder of the 30-man field struggling to make any inroads, Woods then played solid if unspectacular golf to keep a stranglehold on the lead.

A bogey on the 10th was a mere blip, with Woods re-establishing a five-shot cushion at 13 under after rolling in a 13-foot birdie putt on the par-four 13th.

Billy Horschel closed the gap to four shots after after a four-under-par final round 66, but Woods looked to be in control.

Woods, however, gave his army of fans roaring him on a scare though when back-to-back bogeys on the 15th and 16th holes cut his lead to two with two to play.

But he steadied the ship with a par on the 17th and then closed out the win with a par on 18.

The victory was Woods’s first since his win at the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational in August 2013.

Meanwhile England’s Olympic champion Justin Rose ensured he walks off with the FedEx Cup playoff title after finishing on six under for a share of fourth.

Українська Прага: в столиці Чехії показали видатні місця української еміграції

«Інтеграційний центр Праги» провів у неділю, 23 вересня, вже третю безкоштовну екскурсію для усіх охочих місцями української культури та еміграції у столиці Чехії.

Незважаючи на дощ, прогулятись «українськими» місцями столиці Чехії зібралося майже 40 людей, переважно чехи. Група відвідала кілька культурних місць, які безпосередньо стосуються України. Зокрема, карпатську церкву святого архангела Михаїла, яка була перевезена до Праги у 1929 році з села Медведівці, що біля Мукачева на Закарпатті. Там гостям чеський вокальний гурт «Міланош» заспівав українських автентичних пісень.

Другою зупинкою став пам’ятник Тарасові Шевченку, де слухачам розповіли про видатного українського поета та художника. Зачитали вірші Шевченка чеською мовою.

Читайте також: Українська Прага (довідник у фотографіях)

Також чехи та українці мали змогу побачити та дізнатись про будинок, де на початку 20-го століття працював «Український громадський комітет» – координаційний орган української еміграції, який займався розподілом допомоги, наданої українцям чехословацьким урядом.

«Нас тішить, що ходять чехи і ми маємо можливість їм розказати щось, що вони не знають. Людей прийшло досить багато, це для нас теж несподіванка така. Якщо люди ходять, ми будемо робити це далі!» – розповів Радіо Свобода історик та співорганізатор акції Радко Мокрик.

Закінчилася екскурсія читанням віршів Олени Теліги та Євгена Маланюка. У заході взяли участь архітектор Ян Цісарж та богемістка Тетяна Окопна.

Macedonia’s President Says He Won’t Vote in Referendum

Macedonia’s president says he won’t vote in a Sept. 30 referendum on whether to change the Balkan country’s name to “North Macedonia.”

Macedonians will vote next weekend on a proposal to change the country’s name, ending a long-running dispute with neighboring Greece, which sees the use of the term “Macedonia ” as a claim on its own province of the same name.

President Gjorge Ivanov was speaking to members of the Macedonian diaspora in Detroit on Saturday. He reiterated his position that the deal with Greece is “harmful and defeating” for Macedonia, according to a statement released by his office Sunday.

Polls indicate Macedonians will likely back the deal, but it remains unclear whether turnout will meet the required 50-percent threshold for the vote to be valid.


Russia Blames Israel for Downing of Plane by Syrian forces

The Russian Defense Ministry on Sunday again blamed Israel for the downing of a Russian plane by Syrian government forces and said Israel appeared “ungrateful” for Moscow’s efforts to rein in Iran-backed fighters in Syria.

Syrian government forces mistook the Russian Il-20 reconnaissance plane for an Israeli jet and shot it down Monday, killing all 15 people aboard. While the Russian military initially blamed the plane’s loss on Israel, President Vladimir Putin later attributed it to “a chain of tragic, fatal circumstances.”

The Russian Defense Ministry on Sunday presented its latest findings on the Il-20’s downing, laying the blame squarely on Israel.

“We believe that the Israeli Air Force and those who were making decisions about these actions are fully to blame for the tragedy that happened to the Russian Il-20 plane,” Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

For several years, Israel and Russia have maintained a special hotline to prevent their air forces from clashing in the skies over Syria. Russia has provided key air support to President Bashar Assad’s forces since 2015, while Israel has carried out dozens of strikes against Iran-linked forces. Israeli military officials have previously praised the hotline’s effectiveness.

But Konashenkov on Sunday accused Israel of using the hotline to mislead Russia about its plans. He said the Russians were unable to get the Il-20 to a safe place because an Israeli duty officer had misled them, telling them of an Israeli operation in northern Syria while the jets were actually in Latakia, in the country’s west.

Konashenkov said an Israeli fighter jet flying over Syria’s Mediterranean coast shortly before the downing deliberately used the Russian plane as a shield, reflecting “either lack of professionalism or criminal negligence.”

He also complained that the Israelis over the years have waited until the last minute to notify Russia of their operations, endangering Russian aircraft. He described Israel’s actions as “a highly ungrateful response to everything that Russia has done for the State of Israel recently.”

He referred to efforts by Russia to rein in Iran-backed forces in Syria, including a deal struck in July to keep such fighters 85 kilometers (53 miles) from the Israel-occupied Golan Heights.